Title: Semantic Web
1Semantic Web
- Dushyant Rajput (05005003)
- Neelmani Singh (05005019)
- Pratik Jawanpuria (05005022)
- Jayant Nagda (05D05001)
- Nirdesh Chauhan (05D05002)
- Problem Web was built for humans
- web content today is designed for humans to read,
not for computer programs to read and manipulate. - Computers have no reliable way to process the
semantics and bring structure to the meaningful
content on the web. - Solution make the Web friendlier for machines
- we need machine-understandable content (not
machine-readable, we already have that) - machine-understandable means content with
accessible formal semantics - Why semantic web?
- Extend the current existing paradigm of human
computer interaction which will allow machines to
analysis data in a much better way which they
merely display right now.
3- The Semantic Web is an evolving extension of the
World Wide Web in which the semantics of
information and services on the web is defined,
making it possible for the web to understand and
satisfy the requests of people and machines to
use the web content. - - Wikipedia
4Semantic Web Architecture
5Semantic Web Agents
6World in the reign of Semantic Web
My agent interacts with IMDB server agent to find
some sci-fi movies with rating gt 8.0
Me I want to see a movie. Give me some
Me Can Dr. Bose postpone the appointment to
tomorrow morning??
Me Fine !! Schedule my appointment and also book
the tickets for 6 pm show.
Me No, give me some current sci-fi movies !!
Agent Matrix and Krrish are some good
options.Matrix is currently running in Huma
Adlabs. Shows at 6 pm, 930 pm.
Me Ok. Book my tickets for show at 6.
Agent Taare Zameen Par and Chak De India are
good options.
Agent You have an appointment with Dr. Bose at
630. Should I book ??
My agent interacts with Mr. Boses agent.
Agent Tomorrow morning 9 am is fine with Dr.
My agent interacts with trusted agents to enquire
about some good movies
7Semantic Web Agents
- An agent is an intermediary who makes a complex
organization externally accessible.For example,
travel agent. - Semantic Web AgentPrograms that collect Web
content from diverse sources, process the
information and exchange the results with other
agents. - Semantic Web may be viewed as1. An expert
system with a distributed knowledge base.2. A
society of agents that solve complex
knowledge-based tasks. - Agents are viewed as primary consumers of
knowledge. Agents capture the notion of the use
of entities to solve complex problems on the Web.
8Characteristics of Agents
- There is no such standard definition for an
agent. However some peculiar characteristics that
a Semantic Web Agent must possess are - IntelligenceAutonomyReactivityPro-activenessS
ocial ability - These definitions are subject to different
interpretations.For example, there are many
different definitions of what it means for an
agent to be truly autonomous. - All that we require is that our agent can
interact with other agents, and do useful work
for us.
9Multi-Agent System
- MAS is a system composed of several software
agents, collectively capable of reaching goals
that are difficult to achieve by an individual
agent - MAS are necessarily distributed and concurrent in
nature.However, A distributed system prescribes
a static pattern of behavior towards a common
goal.Whereas an agent system is more dynamic
with individual agents acting autonomously
towards their own goals. - Agents in a MAS1. Work autonomously to achieve
their own goal.2. Interoperate with other agents
as a part of MAS.
10Reactive Agents
- A purely reactive agent does not perform any kind
of deduction. Hence, relatively straightforward
to implement and map environment states directly
to actions. E.g. Stock price monitoring. - They act as a sensor on the environment and are
triggered by specific events. - Engineered to respond to changes in the
environment which we represent as input events.
A(environment state) ? action - Implementation
- Equation-based approach - for events that occur
many times, such as price fluctuations.State-base
d approach - for events that are largely
one-time, such as messages.
11Practical Reasoning Agents
- The practical reasoning agents based on the BDI
model.B(beliefs) - knowledge about the current
environment state.D(desires) - state of affairs
the agent would like to bring about.I(intentions)
- desires that the agent has committed to
achieving. - Commitment strategies used to determine the
persistence of the intentions Blind,
Single-minded and Open-minded.
Reason(B, D, I) Do p ? next percept
// Changes in the behaviour triggered by external
events B ? revise(B, Ò) // Agents
beliefs are revised in light of these percepts
D ? options(B, I) // No. of possible
options arise for action I ? deliberate(B, D,
I) // Agent deliberates on competing options P
? plan(B, I, A) // performs a meansends
analysis on the intentions. execute(P)
// Once a suitable plan (P) has been formed, we
execute while true
12Semantic Web Logic Layer
13Semantic Web Logic Layer
- For the Semantic Web, semantic indicates that the
meaning of data on the Web that can be
discoverednot just by people, but also by
- But this discovery is not possible without logic.
- Computers will need to apply logical reasoning to
all kinds of statements , and those statements
will be distributed across the Web.
- Roles of Logic for the SW
- Application and evaluation of rules
- Inferring facts that havent been explicitly
stated. - Explaining why a particular conclusion has been
reached. - Detecting contradictory statements and claims.
- Specifying ontologies and vocabularies of all
kinds. - Representing knowledge.
- Playing a key role in the statement and execution
of queries to obtain information from stores of
data on the Semantic Web. - Combining information from distributed sources in
a coherent way.
- Specialized kind of rule used , the kind often
used by so-called expert systems
IF ltlogical conditions are metgt
THEN ltperform specified actionsgt
- Evaluating the truth of the logical conditions
involves logic, but there is more to it. Rules
are often chained together. - The Semantic Web will have several additional
needs - A Web-compatible language for expressing rules
- The ability to specify the kinds of rules and
their relationships and constraints. - Ways to handle incompatible rules.
16Inferring facts and Explanations
- The Semantic Web will be a very large, open
system. So inferring facts from given facts and
rules is essential (Open World model).
- The ability to explain a train of reasoning may
emerge as one of the most important capabilities
a Semantic Web reasoning system can have.
- If Pratik is allowed access to Neelmani's bank
account, it may become important why the
conclusion was reached. - If Mr. Dushyant's mothers name is Sunita then
Sunita must be a woman.
17Contradictions and Interpretations
- What will happen if a Semantic Web system
encounters a contradiction? - Isnt trivial because in pure logic, a
contradiction would allow anything to be proved. - The obvious thing to do would be to regard each
statement as a kind of claim that may or may not
be strongly supported. - To provide an alternative, the current version of
the RDF specifications define a way to understand
the meaning of a collection of RDF statements
that can deal with the possibility of
contradictory information at the cost of more
computing power.
18Combining information
- Problems can arise from trying to combine
information from multiple sources on the Semantic
Web. Here are some of the most prominent
- Different sources may use different ontologies
(different vocabularies for the same things)? - Different sources may have different semantics
for the (apparently) same things. - Different sources may contain contradictory
information. - Different sources may have different degrees of
- An ontology establishes the things that a system
can talk and reason about. This means the
vocabulary. - The terms have logical relationships to each
other that need to be specified, and this in turn
means that any ontology system must adopt some
variety of logic. - Ontology supplies the concepts and terms.
- logic provides ways to make statements that
define and use them, and to reason about
collections of statements that use the concepts
and terms. - In the Semantic Web, the role of logic will be
very different from the role of most other
components of the Semantic Web layer cake.
But WHY ??
Because it isnt information
to be exchanged.
20Semantic Web Components
21Semantic Web Components
- Extensible Markup Language(XML) provides an
elemental syntax to structure data. - XML schema provides and restricts the structure
and content of elements in XML documents. - Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a
language for expressing data models in XML
syntax. - RDF schema is a vocabulary for describing
properties and classes of RDF-based resources. - Web Ontology Language (OWL) provides additional
vocabulary for describing properties and
relations between classes.
- Resource Description Framework
- The need for RDF -
- Make all data and metadata accessible to
computers and addressable over networks. - Provide standard way to refer to any particular
bit of information. - To achieve these RDF uses a simple data model -
- Resources refers to objects.
- Statements links two resources. It encodes
information as triples subject
predicate/property - object/value.
23RDF (continued ...)?
- Example
- (Person, Name, Neelmani Singh)?
- Subject Predicate
- Resource Identification -
(Uniform Resource Identifier) references
URI fragment identifier(the part that follows
the sign after a URI, if any).
Eg- http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-sy
ntax-ns Statement
24 RDF Graph representation
25Ontology Framework
- Resource Description Framework Schema
Specification (RDFS) provides semantics for
generalized-hierarchies of properties and
classes. - Web Ontology Language (OWL)
- Uses properties of RDFS along with new ones.
- Has W3C recommendations.
26Semantic Web Services
27Web Services
- Web services are a new breed of Web application.
They are self-contained, selfdescribing, modular
applications that can be published, located, and
invoked across the Web. Web services perform
functions, which can be anything from simple
requests to complicated business processes. - Once a Web service is deployed, other
applications (and other Web services) can
discover and invoke the deployed service.
- Web
- URIs specific addresses of web-elements
- HTML way of describing documents.
- HTTP a protocol that is used to retrieve
information on web. - Semantic Web
- UDDI provides a mechanism of finding web
services. - WSDL defines a service.
- SOAP a message layout specification that defines
a uniform way of passing XML-encoded data.
29Describing a web service
- WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is an
XML-based language that provides a model for
describing public interface to a Web services. - Services as a collection of ports. Messages are
abstract. - A client program connecting to a web service can
read the WSDL to determine what functions are
available on the server.
30Discovering web services
- UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and
Integration)is a platform-independent, XML-based
registry for businesses worldwide to list
themselves on the Internet. - UDDI is an open industry initiative, sponsored by
OASIS, enabling businesses to publish service
listings and discover each other.
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a
protocol for exchanging XML-based messages over
computer networks, normally using HTTP. - SOAP uses RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
32Semantic Web Trust
33Semantic Web Trust
- The concept of Semantic Web is great, but who
would trust such as system if anyone can say
anything - If one person says that x is blue, and another
says that x is not blue, doesn't the whole
Semantic Web fall apart? - So how to know which is trustworthy and whom to
believe? - To confront these situation, we have Semantic Web
34Trust Policies in Day to Day Life
- A trust policy is a subjective procedure used for
evaluating the trustworthiness of information in
a specific situation. - Try Dominos's pizza good but not pasta.
- Trust Pratik on science fiction movies but not on
political news. - Believe in media only on sports news.
- See a movie if its IMDB's rating in above 7.
- Trust professors on their research field.
- We have to allow similar range of trust policies
on the Semantic web
35 36- Policy-based Trust Management
- Trust relies on "STRONG SECURITY" mechanisms such
as digital signatures and trusted certification
authorities. - Seen as a solution of problem of authorization
and access control in open systems. - Reputation-Based Trust Management
- include rating systems like the one used by eBay
and Web-Of-Trust mechanisms. - IMDB's movie ratings
- Social networks like Orkut, Facebook.
37- Context-Based Trust Mechanisms
- Use meta information about the circumstances in
which information has been claimed e.g. who said,
what, when and why. - Trust a toothpaste if a dental doctor prescribes
it - Include role based trust mechanisms, using the
author's role or his membership in the specific
group, for trust decisions. - Distrust all members of organization X
- Content-Based Trust Mechanisms
- Use rules and axioms together with the
information content itself and related
information about the same topic given by other
providers - Distrust the cricket news if India makes less
than 100 runs. - Distrust product prices that are more than 50
below the average price.
38Integrated View of Trust Management
- Each of the above mechanism address the problem
from a different perspective. - In many cases it will be desirable to combine
them to handle situations like - a seller is interested in protecting an item on
sale in different ways depending on the value of
the item based on reputation if the price is few
hundreds of rupees (e.g. a T-shirt) or based on
policies if it is of thousands (e.g. requiring a
digital signature for flight ticket)
39Prototype of trust architecture
- retrieved information is used within the
- applications context
- - provides functionality to browse through
- explanations why data should be trusted
- handles the actual trust decisions
- using query-specific trust policies
- stores the aggregate information
- handles the aggregation of information
- from different sources
- add provenance metadata to the
- information
- Ontologies ? Reasoning ? Agents ? Trust
- Knowledge representation is very well developed
insemantic web. - We need to
- move from tools to autonomous systems that work
on our behalf - introduce formal semantics (machine-understandable
content) - Semantic web trust and agent communication still
remains the least explored of all the layers of
semantic web. - Search engines based on ontologies have already
come uphttp//swoogle.umbc.edu/
- Explorers-guide-to-the-semantic-web (by Thomas B.
Passin) - Agency and the Semantic web (by Christopher
Walten) - Using Context- and Content-Based Trust Policies
on the Semantic Web. WWW2004 Christian Bizer,
Radoslaw Oldakowski. - An Integration of Reputation-Based and
Policy-Based Trust Management The Semantic Web
and Policy Workshop at ISWC2005
(citeseer.ist.psu.edu/576212.html) - http//www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?arti
(by Tim Berners-Lee) - Semantic Web Services (IEEE, 2001), Sheila A.
McIlraith, Tran Cao Son, and Honglei Zeng,
Stanford University. - Wikipedia (http//www.wikipedia.com)
- http//logicerror.com/semanticWeb-long
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