Title: Workshop on Semantic Web:
1byAmit Sheth Director, Large-Scale Distributed
Information Systems Lab. University of Georgia,
Athens, GA USA http//lsdis.cs.uga.edu Founder/
Chairman, Taalee, Inc. http//www.taalee.com Spec
ial thanks, Digital Library project team at
Workshop on Semantic Web Models,
Architecture and Management September 21, 2000
Lisbon, Portugal
2Semantics The Next step in the Webs Evolution
- Semantics meaning or relationship of meanings,
or relating to meaning (Webster), meaning and
use of data (Information System) - Semantic Web The Web of data (and connections)
with meaning in the sense that a computer program
can learn enough about what the data means to
process it. . . . - . . . Imagine what computers can understand
when there is a vast tangle of interconnected
terms and data that can automatically be
followed. (Tim Berners-Lee, Weaving the Web,
3Semantic Web
- A Web in which machine reasoning will be
ubiquitous and devastatingly powerful. - A place where the whim of a human being and
the reasoning of a machine coexist in an
ideal, powerful mixture. - A semantic Web would permit more accurate
and efficient Web searches, which are
among the most important Web-based
activities. - A personal definition
- Semantic Web The concept that
Web-accessible content can be organized
semantically, rather than though syntactic
and structural methods.
4Case Studies
- Markups/Standards DAML Semantic Annotations and
Directory DSML Directory(of course, XML, RDF,
namespaces) - Commercialization 1 (Oingo) Taxonomy Ontology
and Semantic Techniques - Commercialization 2 (Taalee) Knowledge-base
(Taxonomy, Domain Modeling, Entities and
Relationships) and Semantic Techniques - Research (Digital Earth at UGA) Complex
5allow semantic interoperability at the level we
currently have syntactic interoperability in XML
DARPA (and W3C) perspective
- Create an Agent Mark-Up Language (DAML) built
upon XML that allows users to provide
machine-readable semantic annotations for
specific communities of interest. - Create tools that embed DAML markup on to web
pages and other information sources in a manner
that is transparent and beneficial to the users. - Use these tools to build up, instantiate,
operate, and test sets of agent-based programs
that markup and use DAML. - 5. 6. .applications
DARPA Agent Mark Up Language (DAML)Program
Manager Professor James HendlerÂ
6DAML an Example
ltONTOLOGY IDpowerpoint-ontology" VERSION"1.0"
DESCRIPTIONformal model for powerpoint
presentations"gt ltDEF-CATEGORY NAMETitle"
ISAPres-Feature" gt ltDEF-CATEGORY
NAMESubtitle" ISAPres-Feature"
gt ltDEF-RELATION NAMEtitle-of"
SHORT"was written by"gt
ltDEF-ARG POS1 TYPEpresentation"gt
ltDEF-ARG POS2 TYPEpresenter" gt
ltTitlegt DAML ltsubtitlegt an Example
lt/subtitlegt lt/titlegt ltUSE-ONTOLOGY
"http//iwp.darpa.mil/ppt..html"gt ltCATEGORY
NAMEpp.presentation FOR"http//iwp.darpa.mil/j
hendler/agents.html"gt ltRELATION-VALUE POS1
Agents POS2 /madhangt
- Objects in the web can be marked- in principle -
(manually or automatically) to include the
following information - Descriptions of data they contain (DBs)
- Descriptions of functions they provide (Code)
- Descriptions of data they can provide (Sensors)
Source http//www.darpa.mil/iso/DAML/
7Example of searching on DAML-centric semantic Web
Source http//www.zdnet.com/pcweek/stories/jumps/
8The Power of Semantics
Table of Contents
Value of Information
9Open Directory Project
- Oingo Ontology ODP based(?), the database of
millions of concepts and relationships that
powers Oingo's semantic technology - Oingo Seek - the database of millions of concepts
and relationships that powers Oingo's semantic
technology - Oingo Sense - the knowledge extraction tool that
uncovers the essential meaning of information by
sensing concepts and context - Oingo Lingua - the language of meaning used to
state intent. The basis for intelligent
interaction - Assets catalogued are Web sites or Web pages.
11Test Query - "Tiger Woods"
- Taalee WorldModelTM Domain Models (metadata of
domain-media-business attributes, types),
Ontologies, Entities, Relationships, Automated
Experts, Reference Data (Live Encyclopedia),
Mappings - Taalee Distributed Intelligent Agent
Infrastructurepush/pull/scheduled agents for
fresh extraction - Taalee Metabase of A/V assets
- Taalee Semantic EngineTM with contextual reasoning
13Taalee Semantic Services
Semantic Personalization
Semantic Cataloging
Semantic Search
Semantic Directory
Semantic Targeting
Semantic CategorIzation
Taalee Semantic Engine
Metabase Rapidly growing A/V aggregation
Automatic Extraction Agents Expert driven value
WorldModel Understanding of content, profiles,
targeting needs
14Semantic Cataloging
Taalee Metadata on Football Assets
Rich Media Reference Page
Baltimore 31, Pit 24
Quandry Ismail and Tony Banks hook up for their
third long touchdown, this time on a 76-yarder to
extend the Ravens lead to 31-24 in the third
Professional Ravens, Steelers Bal 31, Pit
24 Quandry Ismail, Tony Banks Touchdown NFL.com 2/
League Teams Score Players Event Produced
byPosted date
What else can a context do? (a commercial
Semantic Enrichment
16Semantic Search
Simply the most precise and freshest A/V search
17Creating a Web of related information
What can a context do?
18Semantic Directory
System recognizes ENTITY CATEGORY
Relevant portionof the Directory is
automatically presented.
19Semantic Directory
Users can explore Semantically related Information
20Semantic Relationships
21Looking ahead
22Evolving targets and approaches in
integrating data and information (a personal
23- Comprehensive knowledge-based, semantic
information modeling, with multiple domain
ontologies as a starting point, and - Distributed agents, to analyze Web-based
content and establish/exploit semantic
24- Terminology (and language) transparency
- Comprehensive metadata management
- Context-sensitive information processing
- Semantic correlation
25Semantic Information Brokering
Information brokering is an architecture that
guides creation and management of information
systems and semantic-level solutions to serve a
variety of information stakeholders
(participants), including providers,
facilitators, consumers, and the business
involved in creating, enhancingand using of
Kashyap Sheth 1993
26Digital Earth Prototype System at UGA
- Develop a Digital Earth Modeling System
- Answer requests for collection ofinformation
from distributed resources - Develop a supportive learning environment for
undergraduate geography students
27Taking advantage of the Web for learning
28An example scenario of learning on the Web
29An example scenario of learning on the Web
? Adding on-the-fly user constraints while
processing the information request
Retrieve satellite images in 12-meter resolution
or higher, looking for soils with permeability
rate lt 10 (silty clay loam) for a new landfill
whose distance from the city industrial park is
less than 5km. Using the images coordinates,
forecast seismic activity up to moderate
magnitude (5 - 5.9, Richter scale) in the pointed
- domain specific metadata
- correlation among multiple ontologies
- return results in multiple media (in this case,
images and a simulation)
30An example scenario of learning on the Web
Partial sample ontologies for semantic
information brokering
31An example scenario of learning on the Web
A sample result (depending on information
providers) could be
images source http//www.orbimage.com
- The students now have the information requested
for helping the City Council in the
planning of the new landfill
32A Digital Library Scenario VOLCANOES ACTIVITY
33A Digital Library Scenario VOLCANOES ACTIVITY
- ? Some of the ontologies involved in
- processing this information request are
- Ontology for GIS Datasets
- Ontology for Natural Disasters
- Ontology for Volcanoes
- Ontology for Landslides
- Ontology for Tsunamis.
34Iscape working definition
35Iscapes in the context of digital earth (ADEPT)
- Iscapes are useful to understand geographical
phenomena, typically involving relationshipsbetwe
en them - Iscapes are created by instructors usingan
iscape specification framework - Iscapes are run by students while learningabout
Digital Earth - Iscapes creation framework fits in theADEPT
agent -based architecture prototype
36Iscape specification framework
37Information Landscapes
- A modular specification framework to
represent information landscapes - Specifications of complex information requests
over multiple ontologies - Specification of relationships, including
affects - Enabling user-configurable parameters
- Enabling operations including simulations
- A graphical toolkit for easy creation of iscapes
38Information Landscapes
- Learning paradigm for students
- Uses embedded ontological terms and iscapes
- Metadata framework
- Models spatial, temporal and theme based
metadata - Uses FGDC and Dublin Core standards to
represent domain independent metadata
39Example Ontology
- Given a set X, a relation is some property
that may or may not hold between one member
of X and a member of another set - Various relationships equals,
less_than, is_a, is_part_of, like
41 Semantic Relations
- Most of these relations are hierarchical or
similarity based - These are not powerful enough for our task of
semantic interoperability between domains
like Geography - In these domains, we have a natural
affects relation between the ontologies
42 Semantic Relations
43 Design of affects
How do volcanoes affect the environment?
44 Design of affects
Area (Pyroclastic Flows) INTERSECT Area (Crop)
gt Pyroclastic Flows destroy Crop Size (Ash
Particles) lt 2 gt Ash Rain cools the
Atmosphere Pyroclastic Flows destroy Crop and
Ash Rain cools the Atmosphere gt Volcanoes
affect the Environment (?x x?ASC) and (?y
y?BSC) FN(x) operator FN(y) gt ASC
relation BSC ASC relation BSC gt A affects
45Mapping Functions
How do volcanoes affect the environment?
- Location (Volcano) Location (Environment)
- Enclosing function provides a standard
interface to the operator - Operator does imprecise or fuzzy match
- Achieves Geo-spatial interoperability
46Mapping Functions
How do volcanoes affect the environment?
- Time (Volcano) Time (Environment)
- Matches, with a tolerance depending on the
granularity of values - Tolerance different for different entities
Specified default Can be user-defined - Achieves temporal interoperability
47Realizing Semantic Information Brokeringand
Semantic Web .conclusion
- From Procedures, Objects, Components to Agents
we have a nice abstraction of computation.
Now lets apply them to address
semantic-level issues - Semantic Web is a basis of handling information
overload - Semantic Information Brokering gives a
framework for enabling complex decision
making and learning involving
heterogeneous digital media on the Global
Information Infrastructure
48Further reading http//www.semanticweb.org
http//www.daml.org http//lsdis.cs.uga.edu/adep
t DAML could take search to a new level
32538,00.html V. Kashyap and A. Sheth,
Information Brokering, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2000 Tim Berners-Lee, Weaving the
Web, Harper, 1999. Editorial writing by Ramesh
Jain in IEEE Multimedia.
amit_at_taalee.com http//www.taalee.com ami
t_at_cs.uga.edu http//lsdis.cs.uga.edu
49Backup/Detail Slides
- For additional details on Information Brokering
Architecture - Realizing Semantic Information Brokering and
Semantic Web ITC-IRST/University of Trento
Seminar Series on Perspectives on Agents
Theories and Technologies, April, 27, 2000,
Trento, Italy - http//lsdis.cs.uga.edu/adept/presenta.html
- For additional details on ISCAPE specification
and Execution - Project Overview and Detailed Presentation at
- http//lsdis.cs.uga.edu/adept/presenta.html
- Demonstrations at
- http//lsdis.cs.uga.edu/adept
50Iscape specification using XML
lt! -- A template collection for all iscapes --
gt lt?xml version 1.0 ?gt lt!DOCYPE
IscapeCollection SYSTEM IscapeCollection.dtd
gt lt! -- All Iscapes -- gt ltIscapeCollectiongt lt!--
An iscape specification for how stratovolcanoes
affect the environment -- gt ltIscapegt lt --
Identifying this iscape -- gt ltIDgtVolcano Env
lt/IDgt ltNamegt How do stratovolcanoes affect the
environment lt/Namegt ltDescriptiongt An iscape
using the affects relationship
lt/Descriptiongt lt! All ontologies which
participate -- gt ltOntologiesgt ltOntologygtVolca
nolt/Ontologygt ltOntologygtEnvironmentlt/Ontologygt
lt/Ontologiesgt lt! Operations involved --
gt ltOperationgt ltRelationgtAffectslt/Relationgt
51Iscape specification using XML
lt! Constraints on ontologies -- gt ltOntological
Constraintsgt ltConstraintgt Volcano morphology is
stratovolcano lt/Constraintgt ltConstraintgt
Volcano start year is 1950 lt/Constraintgt lt/Ontolo
gical Constraintsgt lt!Metadata to present in the
result --gt ltPresentationgt Volcano and
Environment Metadata lt/Presentationgt lt!What
can the student configure -- gt ltStudentgt ltConf
iggt Location of Environment lt/Configgt lt/Studentgt
lt/Iscapegt lt!This Iscape Ends -- gt lt! Next
Iscape starts -- gt ltIscapegt lt/Iscapegt lt/Isca
peCollectiongt lt!Iscape Collection ends here --
- lt!-- Template collection of all relations in the
system --gt - lt?xml version 1.0 gt
- lt!DOCTYPE Relations SYSTEM Relations.dtd gt
- ltRelationsgt
- lt!--Relation specification starts here --gt
- ltRelationgt
- lt!-- Information to correlate with base iscape
--gt - ltIscapeIDgt Volcano-Env lt/IscapeIDgt
- ltNamegt Affects lt/Namegt
- lt!-- Ontologies Involved --gt
- ltOntologyAgt Volcano lt/OntologyAgt
- ltOntologyBgt Environment lt/OntologyBgt
- lt!-- All operators --gt
- ltOperatorSetgt
- lt!-- Specification has value and mapping
conditions --gt - ltValueConditiongt
- ltOntologyNamegt Environment lt/OntologyNamegt
- ltAttributegt Damage lt/Attributegt
- ltValOperatorgt GREATERTHANEQUALSlt/ValOperatorgt
- ltMappingConditiongt
- ltFunctionAgtArealt/FunctionAgt
- ltElementAgtVolcanolt/FunctionAgt
- ltOperatorgtEQUALSlt/Operatorgt
- ltFunctionBgtArealt/Functiongt
- ltElementBgtEnvironmentlt/ElementBgt
- lt/MappingConditiongt
- lt/OperatorSetgt
- lt!-- End of all operators -- gt
- lt/Relationgt
- lt!-- End of this relation specification -- gt
- lt/Relationsgt
- lt!-- End of relation collection -- gt
54Ontological Constraints
- lt!-- Template to specify ontological constraints
-- gt - lt?xml version 1.0 gt
- lt!DOCTYPE OntologicalConstraints SYSTEM
OntologicalConstraints.dtd gt - lt!-- A collection of ontological constraints for
all iscapes -- gt - ltOntologicalConstraintsgt
- lt -- A constraint on this iscape--gt
- ltConstraintgt
- ltIscapeIDgtVolcano-Envlt/IscapeIDgt
- ltNamegtVolcano morphology is stratovolcanolt/Name
gt - ltLHSOntologygtVolcanolt/LHSOntologygt
- ltLHSAttributegtMorphologylt/LHSAttributegt
- ltOperatorgtLIKElt/Operatorgt
- ltTypegtStringlt/Typegt
- ltRHSValuegtStratovolcanolt/RHSValuegt
- lt/Constraintgt
- lt/OntologicalConstraintsgt
- lt! -- Collection of ontological constraints ends
here -- gt
- lt!-- Template for presentation attributes - gt
- lt?xml version 1.0 gt
- lt!DOCTYPE Presentation SYSTEM Presentation.dtd
gt - lt!-- All presentation attributes are embedded
here - gt - ltPresentationgt
- lt!-- presentation attributes for this iscape-- gt
- ltIncludeThesegt
- ltIscapeIDgtVolcano-Envlt/IscapeIDgt
- ltNamegtVolcano and Environment Metadatalt/Namegt
- ltIncludegt
- ltOntologygtVolcanolt/Ontologygt
- ltAttributegtTectonicSettinglt/Attributegt
- lt/Includegt
- ltIncludegt
- ltOntologygtVolcanolt/Ontologygt
- ltAttributegtEndYearlt/Attributegt
- lt/Includegt
- lt/IncludeThesegt
- lt/Presentationgt
- lt !-- Template for student configurable
attributes -- gt - lt! DOCTYPE Student SYSTEM Student.dtd gt
- lt!-- All parameters which can be configured by a
student -- gt - ltStudentgt
- lt!-- Configuration for a particular iscape -- gt
- ltConfiggt
- lt!-- Correlating information -- gt
- ltIscapeIDgtVolcano-Envlt/IscapeIDgt
- ltNamegtLocation of environmentlt/Namegt
- lt!-- The parameters which are configurable -- gt
- ltParametergt
- ltOntologygtEnvironmentlt/Ontologygt
- ltAttributegtLocationNamelt/Attributegt
- ltDisplayNamegt Configure Location lt/Displaygt
- ltValuegt Hawaii lt/Valuegt
- ltValuegt Kileauaea lt/Valuegt
- lt/Parametergt
- lt/Configgt
- lt!-- Configuration for this iscape ends here -- gt
- Powerful mechanism of studying geographical
domains and other complex phenomena - Input parameters can be changed to support
learning For e.g. statistical operations,
numerical analysis simulation modeling, etc.
58Clarkes Urban Growth Model (UGM)
Domain of Learning URBAN DYNAMICS
Demonstrates the utility of integrating existing
historic maps with remotely sensed data and
related geographic information to dynamically map
urban land characteristics for large metropolitan
San Francisco Bay Area prediction of urban extent
in 2100
59Student interface
60Digital Earth Prototype Project architecture
61The correlation agent
- Receives the results collections from each
of the resource agents - Correlates the results on basis of information
provided in iscape and the query plan
generated by planning agent - Performs data cleaning operations and merges
the results into uniform result set and
pass it on to user agent - Responsible for performing operations, if
specified in the iscape
62Realizing Semantic Information Brokeringand
Semantic Web in summary
Popular Alternative perspective/approach
Linguistics, IR, AI