Symmetries and conservation laws: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Symmetries and conservation laws:


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Symmetries and conservation laws:

  • Symmetries and conservation laws
  • What do we mean by a symmetry and a conservation
  • What is the relationship between a symmetry and a
    conserved quantity?
  • Continuous symmetries and constants of motion
  • Time and space translation symmetry
  • Rotational symmetry
  • Symmetry with respect to moving observer
  • Gauge symmetries and conserved additive quantum
  • Electric charge
  • Baryon (quark) number and quark flavor
  • Lepton number and lepton flavor
  • Discrete symmetries of charge conjugation, parity
    and time reversal

  • What do we mean by a symmetry?
  • A symmetry is a change of something that leaves
    the physical description of the system unchanged.
  • Physical objects have certain symmetries people
    are approximately bilaterally symmetrical, a
    sphere is symmetrical with respect to rotation
    about any axis through its center. I will not
    talk about this kind of symmetry.
  • The laws of nature (the mathematical way in which
    we describe objects and their interactions) are
    unchanged with respect to changes in some things.
  • We need to be careful that everything appropriate
    is changed. For example, if I move horizontally,
    the laws of nature arent different, but if I
    alone move, my motion may change. The laws are
    the same, but their application is different if I
    move outside the building.

  • Translations in time and space and rotations
  • Physical laws are unchanged if time or any of the
    space coordinates is shifted by a constant
  • This is plausible forces generally depend on
    differences in coordinates, unaffected by the
    origin of the coordinate system. Velocity and
    acceleration have to do with time derivatives of
    positions, also unaffected by changing the origin
    of the coordinate system (3 symmetries for 3
    orthogonal directions of translation).
  • Physical laws are also unaffected by changing the
    origin of the time coordinate things work the
    same if we come back tomorrow and do the same
    experiment ( 1 symmetry).
  • Physical laws also unaffected by rotating the
    coordinate system (3 symmetries for 3 axes of

  • Associated with each continuous symmetry
    operation is a conserved quantity
  • This fact can be derived from the laws of
    dynamics in a way that is straightforward but
    beyond the scope of this talk (ref. Landau and
    Lifshitz Mechanics).
  • This is the first link between symmetries and
    conserved quantities. It is true even in
    classical mechanics, and also true in quantum
    mechanics and field theories.
  • No evidence for violation of energy, momentum, or
    angular momentum conservation is seen.

Symmetry Space translation Time translation Rotation
Conserved quantity Linear momentum Energy Angular momentum
  • A second type of symmetry has to do with a
    reference frame moving with respect to one in
    which the laws of physics are valid. A reference
    frame in which Newtons laws work is called an
    inertial reference frame.
  • Physical laws are unchanged when viewed in any
    reference frame moving at constant velocity with
    respect to one in which the laws are valid.
  • It is not true that all measured quantities are
    unchanged for example, energy and momentum will
    have different values when calculated in
    different frames.
  • The fact that the laws of motion are unchanged
    plus the principle that the speed of light is a
    quantity that has the same value in any reference
    frame is the essence of the theory of special

  • Special relativity has certain consequences
  • Two events that are simultaneous in one reference
    frame are not simultaneous in a reference frame
    moving with respect to it.
  • There are some quantities (called Lorentz
    scalars) that have values independent of the
    reference frame in which their value is
    calculated. One example is the rest mass,
    defined by
  • m02c4 E2 p2c2

  • Is a reference frame that is rotating at constant
    angular velocity with respect to an inertial
    frame also an inertial frame?
  • Newtons laws do not work in such a frame, in the
    sense that particles will not continue to move in
    a straight line in the absence of an applied
  • Machs principle says that the preferred
    rotational frame is one that is not moving with
    respect to the large mass of the universe. This
    is a conjecture that is difficult to test.

  • A different kind of conserved quantity is the
    electric charge. So far as we know, the total
    electric charge is conserved. Physical processes
    can move charge from one particle to another, but
    only in ways that keep the total charge, gotten
    by summing all the charges, constant.
  • The conservation of electric charge also follows
    from a symmetry of nature, this a bit more
    abstract. The laws of electricity and magnetism
    are described by what is called a field theory,
    where particles are represented by fields. Fields
    can be represented by complex functions
    (including real and imaginary parts) that have a
    value at all points in space. The field theory
    describing electricity and magnetism is extremely
  • A gauge transformation is one in which the field
    is changed by multiplying it by a complex number
    with magnitude one.
  • F FeiQwhere F is the field
    representing the particles and Q is an arbitrary
    number. If Q depends (does not depend) on the
    space coordinate, this is known as a local
    (global) gauge transformation.
  • Since the phase Q is not observable, the laws of
    physics should not depend on the value of Q.
    Invariance of the laws of physics under local
    gauge transformations requires the existence of a
    conserved charge.

  • The electric and magnetic forces act on particles
    that carry electric charge. Similarly, the strong
    force acts on particles that carry color charge
    quarks and gluons. Color charge is also
    conserved, for a reason very similar to that for
    electric charge.
  • Strong forces are described by a field theory
    (quantum chromo dynamics or QCD), and invariance
    with respect to local gauge transformations in
    QCD requires the existence of color charges that
    are conserved.
  • QCD describes very well the strong interactions.
    A property of the theory is that only
    color-neutral objects can propagate long
    distances hence it is not possible to directly
    test the conservation of color charge.
  • Weak interactions are similarly described by a
    field theory that is unified with that of
    electricity and magnetism. Again, invariance with
    respect to local gauge transformations implies
    the existence of a conserved weak charge.

  • Other conserved quantities that are similar to
    electric charge in the sense that the total value
    is (approximately) conserved and that the
    conserved quantity takes on integer values. These
    are quark (baryon) number and lepton number.
  • Protons, neutrons and other baryons each have
    three quarks, so conservation of quark number
    also implies conservation of baryon numberB
  • There is no field theory that would imply the
    existence of a conserved quantity such as lepton
    number and baryon number. For that reason, it is
    believed that baryon and lepton number are only
    approximately conserved. No evidence is yet seen
    for baryon or lepton number violation.
  • There are also approximately conserved numbers
    associated with each separate type of lepton and
    with each type of quark.

Particle Quark number Lepton number
Each quark 1 0
Each anti-quark -1 0
Each lepton 0 1
Each anti-lepton 0 -1
  • Finally, there are three discrete symmetries
    associated with reversing the direction of some
    quantity. These are
  • Charge conjugation changing particles into
  • Parity inversion reversing the direction of
    each of the three spatial coordinates.
  • Time reversal changing the direction of time.
  • These are interesting because it is not obvious
    whether the laws of nature should look the same
    for any of these changes, and the answer was
    surprising when these symmetries were first
    tested. I will use the example of a neutron and
    its decay to illustrate each of the three
    symmetries. Neutrons have spin angular momentum
    of ½ and decay in a process called b decay
  • n?p e n

Charge conjugation (C) simply means to change
each particle into its anti-particle. This
changes the sign of each of the charge-like
numbers. The neutron is neutral, nonetheless it
has charge-like quantum numbers. It is made of
three quarks, and charge conjugation change them
into three anti-quarks. Charge conjugation leaves
spin and momentum unchanged. The interesting
question is, does a world composed completely of
anti-matter have the same behavior. For example,
in neutron decay, there is a correlation between
the spin of the neutron and the direction of the
electron that is emitted when the neutron decays.
The electron spin is also directed opposite to
its direction of motion.
? ?
momentum direction
n ? p e
? ? ? ?
spin direction Charge conjugated
? ? momentum direction
? p e
? ? ? ? spin
direction This is not what an anti-neutron decay
looks like! The laws of physics responsible for
neutron decay are not invariant with respect to
charge conjugation. This feature is restricted to
the weak interaction.
The parity operation (P) changes the direction
(sign) of each of the spatial coordinates. Hence,
it changes the sign of momentum. Since spin is
like angular momentum (the cross product of a
vector direction and a vector momentum, both of
which change sign under the parity operation),
spin does not change direction under the parity
? ? momentum
n ? p e
? ? ? ? spin
direction Parity operation
? ?
momentum direction
n ? p e
? ? ? ?
spin direction The world would look
different under the parity operation, since now
the electrons spin would be in the same
direction as its momentum. The world is not
symmetric under the parity operation! Parity
violation occurs only in the weak interaction.
The lack of symmetry under the parity operation
was discovered in the fifties following the
suggestion of Lee and Yang that this symmetry was
not well tested experimentally. It is now known
that parity is violated in the weak interaction,
but not in strong and electromagnetic
interactions. The situation with charge
conjugation symmetry is similar the lack of
symmetry under charge conjugation exists only in
the weak interaction. The Standard Model
incorporates parity violation and charge
conjugation symmetry violation in the structure
of the weak interaction properties of the quarks
and leptons and in the form of the weak
interaction itself.
Now lets consider what happens when we apply
both the charge conjugation operation and the
parity operation.
? ? momentum
n ? p e
? ? ? ? spin
direction Parity operation
? ?
momentum direction
n ? p e
? ? ? ?
spin direction Parity operation plus
charge conjugation
? ?
momentum direction
n ? p e
? ? ? ?
spin direction This is in fact what an
anti-neutron decay looks like! The world appears
to be symmetric under the CP operation (at least
for neutron decay). CP is in fact weakly
broken, which I will come to later.
Time reversal means to reverse the direction of
time. Here we need to be a bit more careful.
There are a number of ways in which we can
consider time reversal. For example, if we look
at collisions on a billiard table when the cue
ball strikes the colored balls on the break, it
would clearly violate our sense of how things
work if time were reversed. It is very unlikely
that we would have a set of billiard balls moving
in just the directions and speeds necessary for
them to collect and form a perfect triangle at
rest, with the cue ball moving away. However, if
we look at any individual collision, reversing
time results in a perfectly normal looking
collision (if we ignore the small loss in kinetic
energy due to inelasticity in the collision). The
former lack of time reversal invariance has to do
with the laws of thermodynamics we here are
interested in individual processes for which the
laws of thermodynamics are not important. Time
reversal reverses momenta and also spin, since
the latter is the cross product of a momentum
(which changes sign) and a coordinate, which does
Now lets consider what happens when we apply
time reversal (T) to the case of the neutron
? ? momentum direction
? p e
? ? ? ? spin
direction Time reversal
? ?
momentum direction
n ? p e
? ? ? ?
spin direction This looks just fine, the
electron spin is opposite to its momentum and the
electron direction is opposite to the neutrons
spin. So, at least for neutron decay, the laws
of physics appear to be symmetric under time
reversal invariance.
Now lets consider what happens when we apply all
three symmetry operations to the case of neutron
? ? momentum direction
? p e
? ? ? ? spin
direction Time reversal
? ? momentum direction
n ?
p e
? ? ? ? spin
direction Parity plus time reversal
? ? momentum direction
n ? p
e ?
? ? ? spin direction T, P and
Charge conjugation ? ?
momentum direction
n ? p e
? ? ? ?
spin direction
The result that applying C, P, and T leaves the
physical laws unchanged is not surprising. Since
CP leaves things unchanged (for neutron decay)
and T also does, applying all three should also
work fine. In fact, there is a theorem that
says that under rather general conditions, any
set of physical laws that can be described by a
field theory will be unchanged under the CPT
operation. There are many consequences to this
theorem, for example that the total lifetime and
mass of a particle is identical to that of its
anti-particle. There are some considerations of
conditions under which physical laws are not
invariant under CPT, but sensitive experimental
tests of CPT invariance have not shown any
evidence for its breakdown.

Could there be evidence of violation of one or
more of these symmetries in neutrons? Consider
the case if neutrons had an electric dipole
moment (edm). The neutron has no charge, but it
does have charged quarks inside it. If the charge
is distributed such that the negative and
positive charge is separated by some distance
(within the neutron), then it would have a dipole
moment. The value of the dipole moment is the
value of the positive charge times the distance
between the positive and negative charges. The
direction of the dipole moment must be aligned
with the spin. Assume the neutron dipole moment
points in the same direction as the spin .
CP CPT ? ? ?
? ? ? dipole moment direction
n n n n
n n ? ?
? ? ? ? spin direction Charge
conjugation correctly turns a neutron into an
anti-neutron, with the spin and electric dipole
moment in opposite directions. CPT does the same.
However, both T and CP produce non-physical
particles, with the relative direction of spin
and edm incorrect. The existence of a neutron edm
explicitly violates CP and T symmetries. No such
evidence for a neutron edm is seen.
There is evidence for violations of CP symmetry
and hence of T symmetry. Until recently, that
evidence existed solely in the decays of neutral
kaons. A neutral kaon is a meson consisting of a
strange quark and a down quark. The physical
particles with definite mass and lifetime are
combinations of a kaon and an anti-kaon, much the
way that circularly polarized light is a
combination of vertically and horizontally
polarized light. Now, one combination of K0 and
K0 that makes a physical particle with definite
mass and lifetime is mostly a CP eigenstate with
eigenvalue 1 (K0S) and another combination is a
CP eigenstate with eigenvalue 1 (K0L) . It was a
surprising result found in 1964 that the K0L
decayed into a pair of pions that were in a CP
eigenstate with eigenvalue 1. This implied
violation of CP symmetry in kaon decays. The
manifestation of CP violation is restricted to
the weak interaction. Hence processes that
involve only the electromagnetic and strong
interactions appear to be CP conserving. Only
very recently has other evidence of CP violation
been found, and that is the subject of the next

Symmetry C P CP T CPT Q L Li B
Weak interaction no no weakly broken weakly broken yes yes yes no yes
Electromagnetic interaction yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Strong interaction yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
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