Title: Conservation laws and identifiability of models for metabolism
1Conservation laws and identifiability of models
for metabolism Milena Anguelova1
Gunnar Cedersund2 Carl Johan Franzén3
Mikael Johansson3 Bernt Wennberg1
1 Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers
University of Technology and Göteborg
University 2 Fraunhofer Chalmers Research
Institute 3 Chemical and Biological
Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
2A model for glycolytic oscillations in yeast
Hynne et al., Biophys Chem. 94 (2001)
3- The identification problem
- given a time series of measured concentrations
- ( GAP, NAD, BPG and NADH)
- determine the 6 parameters
- the model a set of ODEs for the concentrations,
together with some algebraic relations - The identifiability problem
- given a complete and error free set of
measurements, is there a - unique set of parameters
- that make the model fit
- the data?
4Unidentifiability due to the assumption of a
conserved moiety - in this model NAD
NADH assumed to be constant (p)
- without the assumption of a conserved moiety,
this is an identifiable - rate expression, with it, it is unidentifiable
5- An outline of the talk
- Symmetries and unidentifiability two more
examples - A general formalism based on linear algebra
- Demonstration of a Mathematica code to help with
6Kinetic models of metabolism
An example of a rate expression (Segel)
S ? P
What happens if another reaction makes CS CP
p ?
7Original rate expression
Rate expression assuming conserved moiety
8A symmetry group for the parameters
9A linear algebra formalism
Rate expression with and without conservation
A linear relation between coefficients
10The expressions
all the following values of a give the same
reaction rates
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12The general formalism
13Number of unidentifiable pararameters
14Computing symmetry groups
so that
span the intersection of the range of
then solve
15- Symbolic calculation a Mathematica
implementation - for reasonably complicated expressions,
- reparameterisation to identifiable
expressions - full description of symmetry groups
- available at http//www.math.chalmers.se/wennber
g/Code - - three files symmBerData.nb to give model
description - symmBerStart.nb to give
computational -
parameters - symmBer.nb calculations are
done here
17symmBerData.nb - here one should enter model
data, and execute the corresponding cell
18symmBerStart.nb - normally one can just execute
this notebook
19- symmBer.nb
- this notebook should just be evaluated
- final results are presented at the end
20The matrix A
21- The results presented are
- the degree of freedom
- a list of identifiable parameters
- - a list of un identifiable parameters
- - a list of identifiable parameter combinations
22This gives a vector field that defines the
symmetry transformation
23The last part is an example of an identifiable
reparameterisation of the rate expression
24The notebook is not always useful
Lambeth, M., Kushmerick, M.J. A Computational
Model for Glycogenolysis in Skeletal Muscle, Ann.
of Biomed. Eng., (2002), 30, pp. 808-827
25The rate
15 parameters 4 concentrations polynomial of very
large degree!
26Matrix dimension 1975 x 3365
27symmBerData.nb - here one should enter model
data, and execute the corresponding cell
Teusink, B., et al. , 'Can yeast glycolysis be
understood in terms of in vitro kinetics of
the constituent enzymes? Testing biochemistry',
Eur. J. Biochem., 2000, 267(17), pp. 5313-5329
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