Where are we ?? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Where are we ??


Where are we ?? Paper 1 Morality in the modern world (40) (Ethical theories - 10 Crime and Punishment - 30) Belief and Science (40) Paper 2 Buddhism (40) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: prison | rape


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Where are we ??

Where are we ??
  • Paper 1
  • Morality in the modern world (40)
  • (Ethical theories - 10
  • Crime and Punishment - 30)
  • Belief and Science (40)
  • Paper 2
  • Buddhism (40)

Crime and Punishment
  • What do you think are the causes of crime?
  • Why do we punish?
  • What are your thoughts on Capital punishment?

Nature or Nurture
  • Since the beginnings of the study of genetics
    many have argued that criminal behaviour could be
    explained by the presence of certain genes.

Do we have any evidence?
Tony Mobley
February 1991, Toney Mobley walked into a Pizza
store in Gainesville USA, emptied the till and
put two bullets through the back of the Managers
He had been out of control since the age of 11.
He had been to a series of schools and
psychologists and none of them could do anything
with him.
By the time he murdered the bank manager of the
Pizza store, he had already done six other
robberies and had a history of theft and
stealing cars.
  • In court, Tonys cousin stood up him his defence.
    She said Tony never stood a chance,
  • His grandfather was violent and abuse.
  • A great uncle went to jail for murder.
  • His cousins were also violent. One beat up his
    wife with a gun and one let his friends rape his
    two daughters.

  • His great grandmother was also violent and beat
    up her daughter in law!

  • Therefore it was argued, Tonys violence was
    inherited from his relatives and his action could
    be blamed on genes. There was nothing he could do

He was a Natural Born Killer !
Can Tonys violence be blamed on his Genes? Do
you believe that he inherited his violence from
his family? Do you think there are people who are
natural born killers?
Stephen Anthony Mobley Executed March 1, 2005
0800 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Georgia
Any other evidence?
Perhaps it is our experiences as we grow up?
Feral Children
Feral children, also known as wild children or
wolf children, are children who've grown up with
minimal human contact, or even none at all. They
may have been raised by animals (often wolves) or
somehow survived on their own. In some cases,
children are confined and denied normal social
interaction with other people.
Isabel Quaresma, the Chicken Girl of Portugal
Confined to a hen coop Isabel Quaresma was born
in 1970 in Tabua, Portugal, to a mentally
deficient mother, Isabel was the only one of
three children not fathered by a family member.
When she was found in January 1980 at the age of
nine, she had spent the last eight years shut in
a hen-coop.
Isabel Quaresma rescued but returned Neighbours
had been aware of the situation, but no one had
deemed it necessary to interfere in what was seen
as a family matter. It appears Isabel Quaresma
was eventually taken at the insistence of a
neighbour to various hospitals, where she
underwent some tests, but was subsequently
returned to live with her mother and the man with
whom she co-habited.
  • How was she affected by these conditions?
  • Isabel Quaresma's growth was seriously stunted,
  • She was not toilet-trained,
  • She couldn't talk.
  • She held her arms in the position of hens' wings,
    and the palms of her hands were calloused.
  • She had been fed on scraps the same food as the
    hens received.
  • One eye was affected by a cataract and there was
    some speculation whether that had been caused by
    a hen scratch.

  • Isabel makes very little progress
  • Eventually she was taken to an institution for
    handicapped children.
  • 18 years later
  • Isabel had not grown much and made little
    progress generally.
  • She could understand simple orders, but if asked
    to fetch two items, would only understand one
    request and return with one item.
  • Her mental age was estimated at about two.
  • Physically, she had learnt to walk, but still
    suffered a delicate stomach. Not surprisingly,
    she still couldn't talk.

  • What do these examples imply about
  • People and their behaviour?
  • Crime, Punishment and Society?

The Human Genome Project
  • In Feb 2001 Scientists discovered that there were
    not enough genes to programme us.
  • We are more likely to be formed by our
  • This scientific discovery supports those who
    believe that criminals can change because they
    were not born like that.
  • It throws us back on ourselves to create a crime
    free society.

So, what about crime in our society?
  • Street crime ,muggings, violence, gangs, juvenile
    crime, murder and theft have always existed, and
    some crimes are actually less common than they
    used to be. For example murder has been declining
    since the middle ages.
  • In the 20th century, the murder rate was 20 per
    100,000 of the population, now it is 1 per 100,000

Crime figures need very careful analysis
Many believe the media is to blame
sensationalising crime and causing fear.
  • Do crimes such as rape, child abuse, and domestic
    violence, appear to be rising simply because
    people are more willing to report them?
  • Do crime figures fluctuate because the police
    change the way they record them?
  • Do crime figures rise in wealthier societies just
    because there is more to steal?

  • Most criminals are young men from lower
    socio-economic groups
  • Many have been brought up in run-down inner city
    areas, where dreadful housing , under-resourced
    schools and hospitals , organised crime,
    unemployment, homelessness, poverty, drug abuse
    and violence are the order of the day.

  • More crime is committed in very unequal societies
    where some groups are discriminated against or
    feel that they have little to lose by embarking
    on a life of crime.
  • It is true that some crime rates are rising but
    the increases affect the poor much more than the
  • For instance in some parts of London an Asian
    person is 50 times more likely to be attacked
    than a white person.
  • Most crime involves poor people robbing other
    poor people.

Bang up Culture
  • Britain imprisons more of its people than any
    other in Western Europe.
  • In 2001 the chief inspector of British prisons
    condemned the degradation and immorality of the
    way British prisons were run, saying that he was
    no longer prepared to keep apologizing for the
    hell holes of modern prisons.

Crime and Punishment
  • www.rmps.pbwiki.com

Punishment Why?
  • In any society there needs to be rules/laws
  • No point in laws if they cant be enforced
  • What happens when people break laws?
  • System of punishment.

  • Severity of punishment reflects the seriousness
    of the law that is broken
  • Punishments can vary
  • Fine
  • Prison
  • Probation
  • Community service order

The Purpose of Punishment
  • Retribution or revenge- for a past wrong, the
    lex talionis.
  • (The simplest expression of lex talionis is the
    biblical injunction of "eye for eye, tooth for
    tooth" in Exodus 2123. )

Forward Looking
  • Deterring others from breaking laws
  • Protecting society from law breaker
  • Reparation- making up (clean slate)
  • Reformation to bring about a change in
  • http//news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/452614.stm

Capital Punishment
  • Methods


Methods Used Worldwide
There are 7 main methods of execution in current
use worldwide 
  • Hanging if properly conducted, this is a humane
    method. The neck is broken and death comes
  • However, if the free-fall distance is inadequate,
    the prisoner ends up slowly being strangled to
    death. If it is too great, the rope will tear
    his/her head off.

(No Transcript)
  • Electric chair Nobody knows for sure how
    quickly a person dies from the electric shock, or
    what pain they experience.

The internal organs are burned. It can often
take a few charges of electricity before the
person is killed.
  • Firing squad The prisoner is bound and shot
    through the heart by multiple marksmen. Death
    appears to be quick, assuming the killers don't
    miss. In the U.S., only Utah used this method. It
    was abandoned in favour of lethal injection on
    2004-MAR-15, except for four convicted killers on
    death row who had previously chosen death by
    firing squad.

  • Poison gas Cyanide is dropped into acid
    producing Hydrogen Cyanide, a deadly gas. This
    takes many minutes of agony before a person dies.

  • Lethal injection Lethal drugs are injected into
    the prisoner while he lays strapped down to a
    table. If properly conducted, the prisoner fades
    quickly into unconsciousness. If the dosage of
    drugs is too low, the person may linger for many
    minutes, experiencing paralysis. Executions in
    the U.S. are gradually shifting to this method.

  • Guillotine Be-heading A famous French
    invention. It severs the neck. Death comes very
    quickly (but very messy). (Be-heading in many
    Muslim countries).

  • Stoning The prisoner is often buried up to her
    or his neck and pelted with rocks until they
    eventually die. The rocks are chosen so that they
    are large enough to cause significant injury to
    the victim, but are not so large that a single
    rock will kill the prisoner. Used in some Muslim/
    African countries as a penalty for murder,
    adultery and other crimes.

http//www.youtube.com/watch?vMIaORknS1Dk http//
From Times Gone by
  • Burning at the stake in public was used in
    Britain to punish heresy and in some cases
    witchcraft, committed by either sex, but latterly
    for women convicted of High Treason or Petty

The garrotte (or garotte) was the standard
civilian method of execution in Spain.
  • Hung, Drawn and Quartered - This was the ultimate
    punishment available in English law for men who
    had been convicted of High Treason. Women were
    burned at the stake instead, apparently for the
    sake of decency.

The full sentence passed upon those convicted of
High Treason up to 1870 was as follows That
you be drawn on a hurdle to the place of
execution where you shall be hanged by the neck
and being alive cut down, your privy members
shall be cut off and your bowels taken out and
burned before you, your head severed from your
body and your body divided into four quarters to
be disposed of at the Kings pleasure. So not
for the faint-hearted then!!
Status of the death penalty worldwide as of
Status of the death penalty worldwide as of
Colour scheme Blue Abolished for all
crimes Green Abolished for crimes not committed
in exceptional circumstances (such as crimes
committed in time of war) Orange Abolished in
practice Red Legal form of punishment for
heinous offences. It is important to realise that
the definition of heinous offences varies greatly
around the world. In some states of the U.S., the
death penalty is restricted to multiple
murderers. Engaging in Pre-marital sex or
changing one's religion can be a capital offence
in other countries.  
For Thursday 27th Aug
  • What is the purpose of punishment? 4 KU
  • Capital punishment is still legal in the United
    States of America
  • Describe in detail two methods of execution in
    the USA. 4KU

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