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Guidance for implementation of TB care in the EU
the ESTC
G. B. Migliori, G. Sotgiu WHO Collaborating
Centre for TB and Lung Disease, Fondazione S.
Maugeri, Care and Research Institute, Tradate,
Italy A. Sandgren, E. Huitric, D. Manissero ECDC
(European Centre for Disease prevention and
Control), Stockolm, Sweden
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • The content of this presentation has been
    prepared on the basis of the evidence collected
    under ECDC supported survey on management of
    TB-/MDR-TB cases in the EU.
  • The conclusions of this presentation are the sole
    responsibility of the author (representing the
    ERS Task Force) and do not represent the ECDC
    position on the matter of Standards for Diagnosis
    and Treatment.
  • ECDC has responsibility on the Public Health
    Standards only

  • The key areas behind the ESTC
  • The pre-final EU Standards
  • The supporting enablers

Key Areas (1)
  • a) Surveillance.
  • - Information on the final outcomes of the
    patients discharged should be available in the
    treating clinical centre as this represents a key
    managerial tool.

Key areas (2)
  • b) Infection control (a)
  • - Sufficient respiratory isolation rooms for all
    new patients admitted (at least till the exact
    resistance pattern is identified and/or the
    patient is rendered non-infectious) and adequate
    isolation procedures needs to be available in all
    European countries.
  • No evidence of secondary cases among health staff
    (1 case in one country in 10 yrs).
  • - New European Standards need to look for the
    evidence and recommend this procedure if it is
    really justified.

Key areas (2)
  • b) Infection control (b)
  • - Adequate administrative and personal
    protection measures (masks for patients or
    respirators for staff)
  • .
  • - Adequate health education practices for
    patients (e.g. cough etiquette) regular
    training of health staff are necessary
  • .
  • - Respirator fit testing needs to be urgently
    implemented, for all health workers wearing
    respirators, as evidence exists that inadequate
    respirator wearing renders individual respiratory
    protection useless.

(No Transcript)
Key areas (3)
  • c) Clinical management of TB and MDR-TB
  • - needs to be strengthened so that complete
    information on previous treatment(s), adequate
    contact tracing procedures, adequate
    bacteriological diagnosis, prescription of at
    least 4 active drugs, correct drug choice,
    adequate dose prescription, sufficient treatment
    duration and adequate management of AE of
    treatment are urgently implemented in the EU
  • d) Clinical management of HIV
  • - should also be strengthened, as part of the
    development of the TB/HIV collaborative
    activities in Europe. This is particularly
    relevant in the following areas HIV-testing and
    counselling of TB cases prescription of ARVs and
    management of combined TB/HIV treatment.

Clinical management
Key areas (4)
  • e) Laboratory support
  • - including optimal laboratory practices and
    quality assurance procedures, particularly for
    second-line drugs remains a key priority in
  • f) Diagnostic and treatment algorithms
  • - need to be promoted in Europe to reduce as
    much as possible the existing differences. New
    tools (NAAT, IGRAS, rapid MDR-TB tests) should be
    promoted according to clear evidence-based

Laboratory support
Diagnostic and treatment algorythms
International technical assistance
Standards for Diagnosis focus on rapid methods
Standard 1 (Replaced ISTC 1)
  • All persons presenting with signs, symptoms,
    history or risk factors compatible with
    tuberculosis should be evaluated for pulmonary
    and / or extrapulmonary tuberculosis.

  • History
  • Risk factors
  • As chronich cough not necessarily is the leading

Standard 2 (Replaced ISTC 2)
  • All patients (adults, adolescents, and children
    who are capable of producing sputum) suspected of
    having pulmonary tuberculosis should have at
    least two sputum specimens submitted for
    microscopic examination, culture and drug
    susceptibility testing (DST) in a quality-assured
    laboratory. When possible, at least one early
    morning specimen should be obtained. In
    countries, settings or populations in which
    MDR-TB is suspected in a patient, rapid testing
    for the identification of rifampicin-resistance
    and when possible isoniazid-resistance, using
    validated tools in a quality-assured laboratory,
    should be done.

  • Culture DST
  • Rapid test for R and H-resistance
  • GeneXpert and Line Probe Assays
  • Contacts and previoulsy treated cases!!!
  • Quality assured laboratory
  • Specialised MDR-TB management

Gene Xpert
Standard 3 (Replaced ISTC 3)
  • For all patients (adults, adolescents, and
    children) suspected of having extrapulmonary
    tuberculosis, appropriate specimens from the
    suspected sites of involvement should be obtained
    for microscopy, culture, DST and
    histopathological examination in a
    quality-assured laboratory. In countries,
    settings or populations, in which MDR-TB is
    suspected in a patient, rapid testing for the
    identification of rifampicin- and
    isoniazid-resistance in a quality-assured
    laboratory could be done.

  • EP TB same laboratory approach
  • Aggressive trial to get a specimen suitable for
  • Surgeons not in formaline only!

Standard 4 (Replaced ISTC 4)
  • All persons with chest radiographic findings
    suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis should have
    sputum specimens submitted for microscopic
    examination, culture and DST in a quality-
    assured laboratory. In countries, settings or
    populations, in which MDR-TB is suspected in a
    patient, rapid testing for the identification of
    rifampicin-resistance and when possible
    isoniazid-resistance in a quality-assured
    laboratory should be done.

  • When CXR is the entry point
  • bacteriological examinations should be done (see
    Standard 2)

Standard 5 (ISTC 5 valid, EU adapted integration
  • The diagnosis of culture-negative pulmonary
    tuberculosis should be based on the following
    criteria all bacteriological tests are negative
    (including direct sputum smear examinations,
    cultures and rapid molecular testing) chest
    radiographic findings compatible with
    tuberculosis and lack of response to a trial of
    broad spectrum antimicrobial agents. (Note
    Because the fluoroquinolones are active against
    M. tuberculosis complex and, thus, may cause
    transient improvement in persons with
    tuberculosis, they should be avoided.) In persons
    who are seriously ill or have known or suspected
    HIV infection or have any immune-compromising
    conditions, the diagnostic evaluation should be
    expedited and if clinical evidence strongly
    suggests tuberculosis, a course of
    anti-tuberculosis treatment should be initiated.

  • Culture negative cases
  • Negative to direct sputum smear examinations,
    cultures and rapid molecular testing
  • Using all diagnostic tools to collect the
  • New diagnostics within evidence based guidelines

Standard 6 (ISTC 6 valid until specific EU
paediatric standards are available, EU adapted
integration needed)
  • In all children, suspected of having
    intrathoracic (i.e., pulmonary, pleural, and
    mediastinal or hilar lymph node) tuberculosis,
    bacteriological confirmation should be sought
    through examination of appropriate biological
    samples (by expectoration or induced sputum,
    bronchial secretions, pleural fluid or gastric
    washings) for smear microscopy culture and DST in
    a quality-assured laboratory. In the event of
    negative bacteriological results, a diagnosis of
    tuberculosis should be based on the presence of
    abnormalities consistent with tuberculosis on
    chest radiography, a history of exposure to an
    infectious case, evidence of tuberculosis
    infection (positive tuberculin skin test-TST
    and/or interferon-gamma release assay- IGRA), and
    clinical findings suggestive of tuberculosis. For
    children suspected of having extrapulmonary
    tuberculosis, appropriate specimens from the
    suspected sites of involvement should be obtained
    for microscopy and for culture and
    histopathological examination.

  • Waiting for new paediatric ESTC, previous ISTC
  • Same laboratory diagnostic approach than for
    adults (as per Standard 2-5)
  • Try to obtain the sample!

Standards for Treatment attention to
Standard 7 (ISTC 7 maintained)
  • Any practitioner treating a patient for
    tuberculosis is assuming an important public
    health responsibility to prevent ongoing
    transmission of the infection and the development
    of drug resistance. To fulfill this
    responsibility the practitioner must not only
    prescribe an appropriate regimen, but also
    utilize local public and/or community health
    services, agencies and resources when necessary,
    to perform contact investigation, to assess the
    adherence of the patient and to address poor
    adherence when it occurs.

  • Public health jacket of the pratictioner
  • Role of civil society and community emphasized

Standard 8 (ISTC 8 valid, EU adapted integration
  • All patients (including those with HIV-infection)
    who have not been previously treated and without
    any risk factors for drug-resistance should
    receive an internationally accepted first-line
    treatment regimen using drugs of known
    bioavailability. The initial phase should consist
    of two months of isoniazid, rifampicin,
    pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. The continuation
    phase should consist of isoniazid and rifampicin
    given for four months (2HRZE/4HR). The doses of
    antituberculosis drugs used should conform to
    international recommendations. Fixed dose
    combinations of two (isoniazid and rifampicin),
    three (isoniazid, rifampicin, and pyrazinamide)
    and four (isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide,
    and ethambutol) drugs are highly recommended.

  • Retreatment cases should be managed according to
    the individual risk to be MDR-TB until MDR is

Standard 9 (ISTC 9 maintained)
  • To assess and foster adherence, a
    patient-centered approach to administration of
    drug treatment, based on the patients needs and
    mutual respect between the patient and the
    provider, should be developed for all patients.
    Supervision and support should be individualized
    and should draw on the full range of recommended
    interventions and available support services,
    including patient counseling and education. A
    central element of the patient-centered strategy
    is the use of measures to assess and promote
    adherence to the treatment regimen and to address
    poor adherence when it occurs. These measures
    should be tailored to the individual patients
    circumstances, based on a detailed anamnesis of
    the patients clinical and social history, and be
    mutually acceptable to the patient and the
    provider. Such measures may include direct
    observation of medication ingestion (directly
    observed treatment or DOT) and identification and
    training of a treatment supporter (for
    tuberculosis and, if appropriate, for
    HIV-infection) who is acceptable and accountable
    to the patient and to the health system.
    Appropriate incentives and enablers, including
    financial, social and psycho-social supports, may
    also serve to enhance treatment adherence

  • Adherence
  • Patient-centred approach
  • DOT and treatment supporter

Standard 10 (ISTC 10 valid, EU adapted
integration needed)
  • Response to therapy in patients with pulmonary
    tuberculosis should be monitored by follow-up
    smear microscopy and culture at the time of
    completion of the initial phase of treatment (two
    months for drug-susceptible TB). If the sputum
    smear and culture are positive at completion of
    the initial phase, sputum smears should be
    examined again at 3 months and, if positive, drug
    susceptibility testing should be performed. In
    patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis and in
    children unable to produce sputum, the response
    to treatment is assessed clinically.

  • Treatment monitoring
  • Monthly SS and culture

Standard 11(Replaced ISTC 11, see also ESTC 1, 2
and 3)
  • An assessment of the likelihood of drug
    resistance, based on history of prior treatment,
    exposure to a possible source case having
    drug-resistant organisms, and the community
    prevalence of drug resistance, should be obtained
    for all patients. Rapid testing, including rapid
    rifampicin resistance or rifampicin- and/or
    isoniazid-resistance testing should be done for
    all patients suspected of resistance as defined
    in standard 2 and 8. Furthermore, patient
    counseling and education should begin immediately
    for all TB patients, in order to minimize the
    potential for transmission. Infection control
    measures appropriate to the setting should be
    applied as recommended in ESTC public health
    standard 20.

  • Rapid testing once more!
  • Immediate counselling and education for infection
    control purposes
  • Rapid testing does not rule out the need for DST

Standard 12 (ISTC 12 valid, EU adapted
integration needed)
  • Patients with, or highly likely to have,
    tuberculosis caused by drug-resistant (especially
    MDR/XDR) organisms should be treated with
    specialized regimens containing second-line
    anti-tuberculosis drugs. The regimen chosen may
    be standardized or based on suspected or
    confirmed drug susceptibility patterns. At least
    four drugs to which the organisms are known, or
    presumed, to be susceptible to, including an
    injectable agent, should be used. Treatment
    should be given for at least 20 months, the
    intensive phase of treatment recommended to be 8
    months beyond culture conversion (instead of 6
    months as in previous recommendations see below
    the EU Adaptations for further detail). As the
    treatment of MDR/XDR-TB is the last chance for
    these patients to be cured and survive and,
    often, as previous defaulters belong to the
    socio-vulnerable groups, a full range of
    patient-centred measures, including counselling,
    education of patients and family members,
    observation of treatment, identification of
    patient-entrusted treatment supporter,
    psycho-social support and other incentives and
    enablers, are required to ensure adherence in
    order to avoid development of XDR-TB.

  • Specialized centres
  • 4 active drugs, 20 months total, intensive phase
    8 moths beyond culture conversion
  • Aggressive management of AE
  • Cosillium

Standard 13 (ISTC 13 valid, EU adapted
integration needed)
  • A written record of all medications given,
    bacteriologic response, and adverse reactions
    should be maintained for all patients.

Standards for addressing HIV Infection and
Co-morbid Conditions- universal access to
diagnosis treatment - remind other
conditions!!!- focus on LTBI
Standard 14 (ISTC 14 maintained)
  • HIV-testing and counseling should be recommended
    to all patients with, or suspected of having,
    tuberculosis. Testing is of special importance as
    part of the routine management of all patients in
    areas with a high prevalence of HIV-infection in
    the general population, in patients with symptoms
    and/or signs of HIV-related conditions. Because
    of the close relationship of tuberculosis and
    HIV-infection, integrated approaches to
    prevention and treatment of both infections are

  • Setting of choice cancelled
  • Integrated TB/HIV management approaches to all

Standard 15 (ISTC 15 valid, EU adapted
integration needed)
  • All patients with tuberculosis and HIV-infection
    should be evaluated to determine if
    antiretroviral therapy is indicated during the
    course of treatment for tuberculosis, according
    to the severity of their immunodeficiency.
    Appropriate arrangements for access to
    antiretroviral drugs should be made for patients
    who meet indications for treatment. However,
    initiation of treatment for tuberculosis should
    not be delayed.

  • General prophylactic treatment against other
    infections not relevant in the EU

Standard 16 (ISTC 16 valid, EU adapted
integration needed)
  • Persons with HIV-infection who, after careful
    evaluation, have a positive test for presumed
    latent infection with M.tuberculosis (LTBI)
    (tuberculin skin test (TST) and/or IGRAs) but do
    not have active tuberculosis should be treated
    with isoniazid for 6-9 months.

  • TLTI
  • Underlined
  • Not only in HIV infected, but also in all
    conditions increasing probabily of reactivation

Standard 17(ISTC 17 valid, EU adapted integration
  • All providers should conduct a thorough
    assessment of conditions that could affect
    tuberculosis treatment response or outcome. At
    the time the case management plan is developed,
    the provider should identify additional services
    that would support an optimal outcome for each
    patient and incorporate these services into an
    individualized plan of care. This plan should
    include assessment of, and referrals for
    treatment, of other illnesses with particular
    attention to those known to affect treatment
    outcome, for instance care for diabetes mellitus,
    drug and alcohol treatment programmes, tobacco
    smoking cessation programmes, and other
    psychosocial support services, or to such
    services as antenatal or well baby care.

  • Treatment outcomes
  • Importance underlined

Standards for Public Health and
Preventionoutcomes and infection control!
Standard 18 (ISTC 18 valid, EU adapted
integration needed)
  • All providers of care for patients with
    tuberculosis should ensure that persons who are
    in close contact with patients who have
    infectious tuberculosis (e.g in prisons), are
    evaluated and managed in line with international
  • The risk of TB transmission depends on the
    concentration of the mycobacteria in the air, the
    duration of the contact and the susceptibility of
    the contact to infection and disease. The
    determination of priorities for contact
    investigation is based on the likelihood that a
    contact 1) has undiagnosed tuberculosis 2) is
    at high risk of having been infected by the index
    case 3) is at high risk of developing
    tuberculosis if infected 4) is at risk of having
    severe tuberculosis if the disease develops.

  • Contacts
  • - Risk of transmission
  • - Re-modulation of priorities for contact
  • the contact 1) has undiagnosed TB 2) is at
    high risk of having been infected by the index
    case 3) is at high risk of developing TB if
    infected 4) is at risk of having severe TB if
    the disease develops

Standard 19 (ISTC 19 valid, EU adapted
integration needed)
  • Children under 5 years of age and persons of any
    age with HIV-infection who are close contacts of
    an infectious index patient and who, after
    careful evaluation, do not have active
    tuberculosis, should be treated for presumed
    latent tuberculosis infection with isoniazid.

  • Previous ISTC confirmed
  • Clinicians and PH authorities should collaborate
    in contact tracing

Standard 20 (ISTC 20 valid, EU adapted
integration needed)
  • Each healthcare facility caring for patients who
    have, or are suspected of having infectious
    tuberculosis, should develop and implement an
    appropriate tuberculosis infection control plan.

  • Infection control plan
  • Organisational activities, administrative
    control, personal protection interventions

Fit test
Respiratory Fit Testing
Standard 21 (ISTC 21 valid, EU adapted
integration needed)
  • All providers must report both new and
    re-treatment tuberculosis cases and their
    treatment outcomes to local public health
    authorities, in conformance with applicable legal
    requirements and policies.

Supporting enablers to the ESTC
  • The following supporting enablers complementing
    the ESTC are suggested to EU Countries
  • Formal adoption of ESTC, ideally translated in
    the country-specific language(s) after their
    endorsement by National Medical Associations.
    Ideally thee ESTCs should be incorporated into
    training curricula of health staff.
  • Development of consistent control and
    elimination strategies and policies according to
    the principles described in the New European
  • Adoption of specific, updated, evidence-based
    tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
    guidelines, together with mechanisms to update
    them on a regular basis and to monitor their
    implementation (audit- and or knowledge,
    attitudes and practices study (KAP study)-based).

  • Adoption of translated ESTC inclusion in
    training curricula
  • Development of consistent elimination strategies
  • Development of evidence-based guidelines and
    their up-dating

Supporting enablers to the ESTC
  • Planning and organisation of adequate laboratory
    network to ensure that a minimum, sufficient
    number, of mycobacteriology laboratories are in
    place, allowing implementation of the standards
    described in this document (adequate coverage of
    the country, adequate internal and external
    quality assurance procedures in place, sufficient
    numbers of samples per laboratory to ensure
    proficiency, availability of national
    laboratories with reference functions to support
    regional and local laboratories etc).
  • Development of policies ensuring a continuous
    availability of all 1st - and 2nd -line drugs
    (e.g. through coordinated procurement with
    partner countries for the drugs not registered in
    the country or which are necessary in small
  • Securing consistent and adequate funding for
    tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
    care, prevention and control sufficient to run
    the activities mentioned above in this document,
    including psycho-social support and coordination
    of care. This applies particularly to patients
    belonging to vulnerable populations following
    the International Patients Charter for right to
    diagnosis and treatment.

  • Laboratory network less labs, more samples!
  • Availability of drugs
  • Adequate funding

Conclusions 1
  • The ECDC-TBNET study, based on a standardised and
    validated methodology, has provided the evidence
    necessary to development the EU-adapted
  • Gaps in case managements are evident even in high
    resource settings and in referral centres
  • Progress towards further TB control (and possibly
    elimination) in low/intermediate incidence
    settings requires adherence to the highest
  • A wide consultation involving international
    agencies (e.g. ECDC, WHO) scientific societies
    (e.g. ERS, ATS), country representatives and
    other stakeholders has been carried out to draft
    preliminary EU-adapted standards

Experts who provided input to the ESTC
Prof. Lange Christoph Dr. Leimane Vaira Prof.
Loddenkemper Robert Dr. Manissero Davide Prof.
Migliori GB Prof. Nicod Laurent Mrs. Pannetier
Carine Dr. Raviglione Mario C. Dr. Sandgrem
Andreas Prof. Sotgiu Giovanni Prof. Spanevello
Antonio Dr. Thomsen Vibeke Ostergaard Dr.van der
Werf Marieke Dr.Villar Miguel Dr. Wanlin
Maryse Prof. Wedzicha Wisia Dr. Zellweger
Jean-Pierre Dr. Zumla Alimudin
  • Dr. Abubakar Ibrahim
  • Dr. Aksamit Timothy
  • Prof. Blasi Francesco
  • Dr. Caminero Luna Jose Antonio
  • Dr. Centis Rosella
  • Prof. Cirillo Daniela Maria
  • Dr. DAmbrosio Lia
  • Dr. Danilovits Manfred
  • Dr. Dara Masoud
  • Dr. DeVries Gerard
  • Dr. Dheda Keertan
  • Prof.Dinh-XuanAnh-Tuan
  • Mr. Gordon Case
  • Dr. Huitric Emma
  • Dr. Ibrahim Elmira
  • Dr. Kliiman Kai
  • Dr. Kluge Hans

Conclusions 2
Conclusions 2
MDR-TB management will very costly and painful
Conclusions 3
Conclusions 3
If will not not apply high standards!
Thank you!
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