Title: Exercise Physiology
1Exercise Physiology
Huang Wen Ying Ph.D.,Prof ??? ?? Institute of
Physiology Physical education school of
JXNU Email wenying_at_jxnu.edu.cn Mobile13870092231
- Section I subjects studied in Exercise Physiology
3Concept of Physiology
- Physiology belongs a branch of biology
- What is Physiology?
4- Physiology is the science of studying the
functional activities and its mechanisms in
biological body. For example why can heart
automatically beat?
5- Physiology (from the Greek physis nature logos
study) is the study of biological functionof
how the body works, from cell to tissue, tissue
to organ, organ to system, and of how the
organism as a whole accomplishes particular
tasks essential for life. - In the study of physiology, the emphasis is on
mechanismswith questions that begin with the
word how and answers that involve cause-and-
effect sequences. These sequences can be woven
into larger and larger stories that include
descriptions of the structures involved (anatomy)
and that overlap with the sciences of chemistry
and physics.
6Physiology is also an experiment science .Why?
- the theories about the functional activities are
based on the experiments - British physiologist, William Harvey set up the
modern physiology. Observed that blood flows in
heart and vascular system.
7- In 1628,ltltHeart and movement of bloodgtgt was
published. It is the first book of physiology
based on experiment.
8 Field of Physiology
- Each type of life has its own functional
characteristics. - Physiology can be divided into viral physiology,
bacterial physiology, cellular physiology, plant
physiology, human physiology, and many more
9- Human physiology is the science of studying the
rule of physiological functions in human body.
10- Exercise Physiology A branch of physiology
- that focus on exercise capacity and its
reaction - and adaptation.
- Task Review Regulation and mechanism of the
Sports impaction on the human body functions. - Elucidation the physiological principle in Sports
training, physical education . Guidance improve
the quality of human life. ?
11Investigation levels and methods physiology
- A) Investigation levels
- (1) Cell and Molecular level
- The basic living unit of the body is the cell,
and each organ is an aggregation of many
different cells held together by intercellular
supporting structures. - Cell level research to understand the
function of the organ.
12- The physiological characteristics of cells depend
on the physical and chemical features of the big
chemical molecules consisting of the cells. - molecular level research to study the functions
of cells. For instant myocyte contraction
13- Gene expression can also influence the functions
of cells. - Gene levels research
- molecular biological methods for molecular
level and cell level research
14Organ and system levels
- The goals are to explore the effects of organs
and systems for human body and how to perform
their activities, and the affecting factors.
15- For example What is the function of respiratory
system? How are the exchange of O2 and CO2? Which
factors can influence this exchange process? - Organ and System Physiology
16Integral level
- The aims are to study interactions among organs
and systems, and interaction between human body
and environment.
17- Human being has complicated emotional activity
and psychological activity, these activities can
affect many somatic activity(????)and visceral
activity(????)and cause the relative behavior.
18Experiment methods for physiological study
- (1)acute experiment(????)
- A Experiment in vitro(????)
- Advantages
- a) experiment condition is easy to be
controlled. - b) To easily analyze the results
19- B Experiment in vivo(????)
- (2)Chronic experiment(????)
- Many conditioning reflex experiments are chronic
experiments. - Advantages
- a) To observe continuously the activities in
conscious condition - b) The findings are similar to physiological
20- Shortcoming
- The conditions in the body are so complicated to
analyze the results.
21Section II Internal environment and
- lt1gtInternal environment of extracellular
fluid(????) - lt2gtbody fluid
- (1)intracellular fluid 2/3
- (2) extracellular fluid 1/3
22- extracellular fluid
- (1)plasma 1/4
- (2)interstial fluid and fluid inside the
cavities (greater peritoneal body cavity?? etc.)
23- In the extracellular fluid are ions and nutrients
needed by the cell. All cells live in essentially
the same environment,the extracellular fluid
called the internal environment, a term
introduced more than 100 years ago by French
physiologist Claude Bernard.
- used by physiologists to mean maintenance of
constant conditions in the internal environment. - All of the organs and tissues perform function to
help maintain these constant conditions.
25- For instant lungs provide oxygen Kidneys
maintain ions concentrations - U.S.A Physiologist Walter Canmon combined Homeo
with stasis to make up the term, Homeostatis.
- the various physiological arrangements which
serve to restore the normal state, once it has
been disturbed. - Including tow meaning
- (1)relatively stable
- (2)the control process maintaining the constant
conditions of internal environment
27Section III Regulation of Body Functions
28Nervous regulation (????)
- Reflex the basic active manner of nervous
regulation - Reflex arc including 5 parts Receptor--gtafferent
-gtreaction center-gtefferent-gtEffector - Conditioning reflex and unconditioning reflex
- Conditioning reflex set up after birth
- Unconditioning reflex set up before birth
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30Humoral regulation (????)
- including
- (1)hormonal regulation
- the hormones secreted by endocrine glands act on
the receptors of cells - (2)local chemical regulation paracrine(???)
31Nervous - Humoral regulation(??????)
- Many endocrine glands are not independent on
nervous system, they are regulated directly or
indirectly by nervous system, so the humoral
regulation is believed as one loop of nervous
system, i.e. nervous humoral regulation
32- For example
- Sympathetic nerve excites-gtE.P(epinephrine) and
noradrenaline secreted by medulla of adrenal
gland-gta?ß receptors excitation in cardiac
vascular system-gt heart rate? and blood vessels
contract -gt BP(blood pressure) ? -
- The regulation is not dependended on nervous
system or humoral regulation. The cells or
tissues themselves can response to stimulus. - For instant vascular smooth muscles can
contract when they are stimulated by stretch
34Section IV Control systems of the body
35- To use cybernetics concept to analyze the
functional regulation in human body - (1)Non automatic control system (???????)
belongs open loop system(????) - Feature controlled system does not affect the
activities of control system. - For instant depress reaction
36- lt2gt Feedback control system(??????) belongs a
closed loop system(????) automatic control (????) - (1)Negative feedback the more product or result
you have, the less you get. - For example the arterial pressure regulating
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38- (2)Positive feedback the more product of result
you have, the more you get. - For instance childbirth, the generation of nerve
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41 42Section V current the search focus
- (A) VO2max (B) the Recognition of oxygen debt
theory (C) Lactic acid threshold of the
individual (D) Fatigue (5) free radicals - (6) muscle contraction and protein metabolism
- (7) The research of muscle fiber types (8) The
impact of exercise on heart function - (9) Exercise and weight control (10) Movement
and the Immune Function
43Section VI of the development trend of exercise
- 1, More micro-level study
- 2, More macro-level study 3, innovative
research methods 4,The attention of applied
research 5, Field expanding
44- Think 1.What is task of Exercise physiology
research? 2.What is the basic characteristic of
Life? 3.How to control the regulation of the
body's physiological function? 4.How many
methods does Exercise physiology research have?
5.Which are the major Current research hot spots
in exercise physiology?
- 1????????????
- 2?????????????????
- 2???????
- 3? Thomas M. Nosek Essentials of Human
Physiology - 4?Fox Human Physiology,Eighth Edition