Title: New Strengths in the Curriculum
1New Strengths in the Curriculums Statistics
Mike Camden Statistics New ZealandNZ
Statistical Association Education Committee
- Auckland Maths Assoc PD Day 25 Nov 2008
The views in here are Mikes.
- To get us feeling even better about the Stats in
The NZ Curriculums Maths and Stats it
iscommonsense, do-able, visual, fun, novel,
useful, vital - To help ensure that our students will contribute
tohealth, sustainability, climate, justice
(from West Aust Mathematics Curriculum
Framework) - To give bright ideas for next week,next year!
- The handout a range of activities
- New Strengths in Curriculums StatisticsTwo big
ideas one woolly, one sharpStructures in the
Statistics strandStructures in Cheese - An investigation with Paua (Item 1)the
storyactivity 1 - More investigations multivariate
situationsstories about Items 2 to 7
activities 2 to 12 (some of) - Conclusion analysis gt graphs
4But first two historical items
1 from 1908
- William Gosset discovers
- the Student t distribution
- in the Guinness Brewery, Dublin
2 from 1863
52 Florence to George 1863
- Real Gold Treasures of Auckland City Library
Letter to Sir George Gray, 28 Jul 1863,
endingYou will do a noble work in New Zealand. - But pray think of your statistics.
- I need not say, think of your Schools.
- But people often despise statistics
- as not leading to immediate good.
- Believe meYours ever SincerelyFlorence
Nightingale - http//0-www.aucklandcity.govt.nz.www.elgar.govt.n
6And an ad break
- See NZ Stat Assoc site http//nzsa.rsnz.org/
- and its new teachers page http//nzsa.rsnz.org/te
achers.shtml - See StatsNZ site http//www.stats.govt.nz
- and its Schools Corner
- and its brand new Infoshare systemTime Series
7And a pic of the Waitakere City gender balance
8And a pic of the Kapiti gender balance
9Two big ideas one woolly, one sharp
- The woolly big idea two sides of maths
- The sharp big idea the highly technical bit
10The woolly big idea two sides of maths
Deterministic mathematics Number Algebra Measurem
ent Space WA in context investigate,
generalise, reason, conclude about patterns
in number... space .
Stochastic mathematics Chance and Data
(probability and statistics) WA
locate, interpret, analyse, conclude from
data with chance and data
- They have
- big similarities
- big differences
Writers of resources, texts, activities,
assessmentscould aim for this patch a fresh
11The 2 sides similarities and differences
- Similarities The Western Australia version
- People who are mathematically able in both
bits can contribute greatly towards many
difficult issues facing the world today health,
environmental sustainability, climate change,
social injustice. - Differences
- Theyre different in how they areused, learnt,
taught, integrated. - Theyre different in how they usemathematical
thinking and rigor.
12The sharp big idea the highly technical bit
- John Tukey
- 1915-2000
- Stats prof at Princeton
- Inventer of Fast Fourier Transform Tukeys
test for means etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
EDA (1977) Stem-and-leaf Box-and-whisker
etc etc
13The sharp big technical idea from Tukey
- If you havent done a graph,then you havent
done an analysis. - He intended this for
Statisticians at work
Please Vote
14Some determinist mathematical logic
- You havent done a graph gt You
havent done an analysis - Or in brief
- No Graph gt No Analysis
- Can be seen as
Analysis gt Graph(s)
15An eg from Tukeys EDA book Nitrogen
- Rayley (1894) wanted density of Nitrogen
- Gets N from 15 sources 7 from air 8 from
other sources
He discovered . (Hint starts
with A)
16Structures in the Statistics strand
- The Statistics strand is
- A Haphazard Heap A Subtle Set of Structures
Please Vote
The Pie
Box and whisker thingy
line graph
The t test
Something normal
Stem and leaf
17Most of MAWA votes for Structure
18The Waikato teachers vote Photo Harold Henderson
19Structures in Stat Investigations in brief
1 The Statistical Enquiry Cycle
Problem ? Plan ? Data ? Analysis ?
2 Datasets case, series
3 Variables Categorical, Numerical
4 Exploration, Analysis
5 The group were investigating
6 Graphs two roles
7 Variation Variation Variation Variation
20Structures in Stats Investigs bit contd
3 Variables Categorical, Numerical
2 Datasets case, series
21Structures in Stats Investigs bit contd
4 Exploration, Analysis
1 variable Categorical Numerical2
variables x and y Categorical /
Categorical Categorical / Numerical
Numerical / Categorical Numerical /
Numerical 3 variables hmmmmmmmm4 and more
variables ...
The Pauas item 1
The others items 2 to 7
Graphics make all this accessible.
22Structures in Stats Investigs bit contd
5 The group were investigating
A population
from a population
A sample
In Curriculum from Level 6
23Structures in Stats Investigs bit concld
6 Graphs two roles
Problem ? Plan ? Data ? Analysis ?
Graphs for Exploration, Analysis, Discovery
Graphs for Communication of findings
Underlying everything in life and work (and
7 Variation Variation Variation Variation
The Mathematics and Statistics in The NZ
Curriculum progresses through all these
24Structures in the Probability strand brief
Question or Experiment ? Outcomes ?
? Probability distribution ?
Has the coffee arrived yet?
Outcome Probability Yes 0.3 No
These things go from beingOut Ofs to Fractions
to Proportions to Percentages to Probsand
thats hard!
25Structures in Cheese
- My problemI like eating cheeseI avoid
saturated fat and salt - What do I do?
26Cheese continued
Whitestone, Oamaru, makes cheese datasets
Map from www.geographx.co.nz
27Cheese the data
28Graphs of 2 univariate distributions
What do we do now??
29Graph of a bivariate distribution
How many variables? What sorts? What do I
eat?? Other conclusions??
30An investigation with Paua (Item 1)
- The story
- The activity
- And a mini-version
311 Shellfish in Court a Paua story
- Pauas (A) are taken from a bay, legally. Pauas
(B) may have come from a marine reserve. - What might 2 the distributions look like?
- How would your students graph them?
- What would a judge think?
- What actually happened???
Legal minimum length gt 125 mm
32(No Transcript)
33Paua distributions for the judge
- Source I Westbrooke, NZ Dept of Conservation
34More investigations multivariate situations
- Stories about Items 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
- Activities on these
352 Census data from the neighbours
- Data on Westn Austs 156 Statistical Local
A question How big is the average WA
household?? A look Female vs Male numbers for
the SLAs ( Its easy for kids to do this for
their town,from www.stats.govt.nz )
36How big is the average WA household??
37Female vs Male numbers for the 156 WA
SLAs withRegression, Residuals, and Remoteness
383 Txt Olympics www.learnngmedia.co.nz An
activity from a new Media/Stats book
Motutapu College is holding a Texting Olympics to
find out who has the fastest thumb in the school!
Events include
The Sprint Call me
The Marathon Can you pick me up after school
today. I have football practice and wont be able
to catch the bus.
The Hurdles Guess what? I got 90 in my
probability test!!!
Well use this to do some Statistical Thinking
39Texting Olympic Activity 1 (of 5)
- You need to select five students for the finals
of The fastest thumb in school. - They need to be the five students who can best
represent the class in all three events. - Discuss with a classmate your ideas on how to
select these students. - Justify your decision with reference to the data
A Year 9 class at Newlands College (Wellington)
borrowed stopwatches
40The Txt data
Times are inmin.sec.hundredths
41Sprints the univariate distribution
Add variables by re-using data-ink Draw graph
as blocks write names in blocks Colour-code
girls and boys
What now??
42Hurdles vs Marathon bivariate distribution
That blue y x line is for the determinists
and synergists!
y x
Conclusionwords numbers graphs working
together (Edwin Tufte)
Ms Speed
434 Cheese Done!
- Data Graphics for Exploration, Communication
445 Dolphins
- Hectors Dolphin North Island South Island
populations - Are they different sub-species?
- Dataset contains head length head width etc
- for 59 individuals
- What do we do??
45Dataset comes from 59 skeletons in 3
museums. Selected measurements simplified
definitions RWM - rostrum width at midlength RWB
rostrum width at base RL rostrum length ZW
zygomatic width CBL - condylobasal length ML
mandible length Well use Width, Length
46Are they different sub-species?
47(No Transcript)
48(No Transcript)
49(No Transcript)
506 Possum Browse
- Australian brush-tailed possum Trichosurus
vulpecula - Introduced 1837 and 450 times
- No natural predators
- Damages foliage, fruit, birds
- A BACI project Before/After
Control/Intervention - Two lines chosen Control not treated
Intervention 1080 poison by air - Percentage foliage cover estimated
Before/After at 3823 trees.
51A Possum-browse BACI graphic
527 CO2 at Baring Head (Wgtn)
Data Graphics for Exploration, Communication
53Exploration graphs CO2 Baring Head
What do we see?? What now??
54More exploration residuals plot
What do we see now?
55A static but colourful graphic
Median incomes in NZ Territorial
Authorities 2006 Census Well demo an
interactive dynamic graphic
56Conclusion Exhilarating challenges in Maths
and Stats for
Parents, school community, wider community
Researchers and teacher educators
Resource designers
Assessment designers even!
Statistical workers
Discovery statistics (Chris Wild
Auckland) the daily experience of statistical
57Links 1 Australia
- ABS site for teacherswww.abs.gov.au/teachers
and for students www.abs.gov.au/studentsCensus
at Schoolwww.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/cashome.NSF - Fuel usehttp//www.greenhouse.gov.au/cgi-bin/tra
nsport/fuelg - Fishing in the bayhttp//blogs.mbs.edu/fishing-i
n-the-bay/ - CO2 data and more, from Austhttp//www.environme
nt.gov.au/soe/2006/publications - OZCOTS 2008
- http//silmaril.math.sci.qut.edu.au/ozcots2008/
58Links 2 NZ
- Curriculum and some resources
- http//nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/
- http//www.nzmaths.co.nz/
- http//www.nzamt.org.nz/
- http//www.censusatschool.org.nz/
- www.stats.govt.nz
- http//www.learningmedia.co.nz/
- Computer assisted statistics teaching
- http//cast.massey.ac.nz/
- CO2 data, and more, from NIWAftp//ftp.niwa.co.n
59Links 3 NZ contd
- Hectors and Mauis Dolphinshttp//www.rsnz.org/p
ublish/jrsnz/2002/036.php - Netballhttp//www.netballnz.co.nz/
- Cheesehttps//www.whitestonecheese.co.nz
- DVD/CD sets with video and data on about 8
topics 2 sets, small fee from
jharraway_at_maths.otago.ac.nz - Florence Nightingale
- http//0-www.aucklandcity.govt.nz.www.elgar.govt.n
ghtingale.html - See NZSA site http//nzsa.rsnz.org/
- And its new teachers page http//nzsa.rsnz.org/tea
60Links 4 Internat Assoc for Stat Education
- http//www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/iase/
- ICME 11, Monterrey, Mexico. July 2008
- ICOTS 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia July 2010
- Statistics Education Research Journal
(SERJ)International Statistical Literacy Project
(ISLP) - ICMI/IASE Study Statistics Education in School
61Links 5 Elsewhere
- David Mumford The Age of Stochasticitywww.dam.b
rown.edu/people/mumford - Data and Story Libraryhttp//lib.stat.cmu.edu/DA
SL/ - EDA with several free software
ysis - E Tuftehttp//www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/
- The GAISE project, USAhttp//www.amstat.org/educ
62Links 6 Elsewhere contd
- Gallery of Data Visualization The Best and
Worst of Statistical Graphics
http//www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/Gallery/ R a
language and environment for statistical
computing and graphics. http//www.r-project.or
g/ R Commander a basic-stats GUI for R
.html - Statistica, with a free e texthttp//www.statsof
63Links 7 Data Visualisation etc
Recommended for visualisations http//services.al
phaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/home http//www.gapminde
/smart.centre/ https//www.geoda.uiuc.edu/
64Links 8 UKs Office of National Stats
- Some of the interactive objects on ONS
2.html - http//www.statistics.gov.uk/PIC/index.html
- http//www.statistics.gov.uk/populationestimates/s
vg_pyramid/default.htm - You need to install the SVG software, whichis
available in the last link.
65Links 9 Links of Links from Pip
- For links from conferences
- http//aucksecmaths.wikispaces.com/MexicoFor a
few others - http//nzstatsedn.wikispaces.com/Usefulwebsites
- Information for Auckland Secondary Maths Teachers
- http//aucksecmaths.wikispaces.com/
- http//www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/resources/maths/index
66Links 10 OECD eXplorer New platform
visualising analysing stats
- OECD has launched a powerful, interactive tool
for visualising and analysing regional
statistics. OECD eXplorer combines maps and other
graphics via the Internet, to increase the users
understanding of regional differences and
structures across and within OECD countries. To
try out the regional maps and statistics using
OECD eXplorer, go to http//www.oecd.org/document
.This development is part of the overall
strategy to improve the accessibility and
usability of OECD statistics (see also the
visualisation of data contained in the OECD
Factbook using dynamic graphics
64_40680833_1_1_1_1,00.html). The development
of OECD eXplorer is the result of a fruitful
cooperation between OECD and the National Centre
for Visual Analytics (NCVA, http//ncva.itn.liu.se
/) at Linköping University, Sweden. In the
seminar on generating knowledge from statistics,
organised by Statistics Sweden and OECD in
Stockholm in May, Professor Mikael Jern from NCVA
presented a first version with some OECD
statistics. Since then, the development team at
NCVA has worked intensively on improving the tool
and adapting it to all the needs expressed by
67Links 11 Hans Rosling
- www.ted.com search Rosling
- 2006 and 2007 talks
- http//www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/92
- http//www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/140
- Software and data
- http//tools.google.com/gapminder/