Turning the new experiences and outcomes into action - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Turning the new experiences and outcomes into action


Title: Turning the new experiences and outcomes into action Subject: The new experiences and outcomes Author: LTS Last modified by: kbeamish Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Turning the new experiences and outcomes into action

The new experiences and outcomes
The new experiences and outcomes outline of
Why is CfE even more important now?
Experiences and outcomeswhen, how, what?
Where do they fit within the curriculum as a
How can we turn all this into reality?
Insert photograph of child here to emphasise
that we are always relating our worth on the
curriculum to the needs of the children we serve
Why is CfE even more important now?
To enable each child and young person
to flourish
Economy and society an uncertain future
Developments in our education system and
findings about its performance
See The case for change on the Curriculum for
Excellence website
Why is CfE even more important now? Improving
Scottish Education 2009
  • Scotlands future economic prosperity requires
    an education system within which the population
    as a whole will develop the kind of knowledge,
    skills and attributes which will equip them
    personally, socially and economically to thrive
    in the 21st century.
  • It also demands standards of attainment and
    achievement which match these needs and
    strengthen Scotlands position internationally.
  • HM Senior Chief Inspector, Improving Scottish
    Education 2009
  • substantial strengths in Scottish education,
    including professionalism of workforce and
    capacity for improvement
  • issues to be addressed in order for our high
    aspirations to be achieved for education and for
    learners see Chapter 5, for example.

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How were the experiences and outcomes developed?
  • unparalleled engagement with teachers and
  • building upon the existing very good practice
    across all sectors
  • taking account of research and international
  • recognising the professionalism of teachers
    needed so that they can exercise professional
    freedom and responsibility as they plan with the
    broader guidance.

See Process of change on the Curriculum for
Excellence website
Engagement and trialling was used to shape the
experiences and outcomes
1475 questionnaires 937 from groups
500 trialling centres 241 reports
Total 2012 submissions e.g. Royal Society of
20 Focus groups
University of Glasgow analysis and reports
Plans drawn up to address issues raised
Further engagement and consultation, comparisons,
refinement thematic overview
What did people say? What happened in response?
  • Editing/revision (varied amounts)
  • Explanation (selective as appendices to Es and
  • Exemplification (selective to be developed over
  • Illustration of expectations where necessary
  • Movies of E/Os in action
  • Pupil work
  • Case studies
  • Links to resources
  • i.e. providing scaffolding, not detail
  • They emphasised the need for time and
    professional dialogue to deepen and share
  • They were positive about how the Es and Os would
    give scope for
  • flexibility and creativity
  • developing the four capacities
  • teaching in motivating ways
  • making connections in learning
  • They had concerns about
  • vagueness
  • fit with assessment
  • Curriculum area-specific points

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Experiences and outcomes what do we need to know?
  • They describe all of the curriculum from age 3 to
    15 and in particular a broad general education
  • They replace but build on previous guidance (3 to
    5 and 5-14)
  • Taken together, they embody the four capacities
  • Experience and outcome

See Getting started on the Curriculum for
Excellence website
Experiences and outcomes example
Principles and practice sections (a must read
for everyone)
See Process of change on the Curriculum for
Excellence website
Experiences and outcomes example
See Process of change on the Curriculum for
Excellence website
Where do the experiences and outcomes fit within
the curriculum as a whole?
  • Building the Curriculum 3
  • A framework for learning and teaching

The purpose of the curriculum
The curriculum all that we plan for children
and young peoples learning
Learning and teaching Engaging, active,
Values Wisdom, justice, Compassion, integrity
Building the curriculum
Building up The curriculum
Experiences and outcomes Expectations for
learning and development from early to fourth
Entitlements For all children and young people
Arrangements for Assessment Qualifications Self-e
valuation and accountability, Professional
development Support purposes of learning
Personal support Including preparing for
and support through changes and choices
Principles of curriculum design
  • A coherent curriculum from 3 to 18
  • A broad general education from age 3 to the end
    of S3
  • A senior phase opportunities for qualifications
    and other planned opportunities to develop the
    four capacities
  • Opportunities to develop skills for learning,
    skills for life and skills for work
  • Opportunities to achieve to the highest levels
    through personal support and challenge
  • Opportunities and support to move into positive
    and sustained destinations beyond school

A broad general education 3 to 15
  • Every child and young person in Scotland is
    entitled to experience a broad general education.
  • This broad general education takes place from the
    early years to the end of S3.
  • It is represented by learning across all of the
    experiences and outcomes to the third curriculum
    level together with those selected for study at
    the fourth, as far as is consistent with each
    child or young persons needs.
  • Not expected that qualifications will feature at
    this stage
  • Providing a strong platform for later learning
    and qualifications

True or false?
  • CfE interdisciplinary or thematic learning
  • Broad general education common course
  • Es and Os to third level a menu to choose from
  • Number of qualifications in S4 5
  • Active learning energetic learning
  • Please help to counter these misconceptions!

Bringing Curriculum for Excellence to life
throughout Scotland
Local implementation plans - with tasks, roles
and timescales
Testing the framework - thinking from schools
The process of change 8 themes emerging
  • Securing a strong ethos and values is often the
    starting point
  • Giving high priority to achieving a consistently
    high quality of learning and teaching across the
  • Importance of staff learning together, for
    example seeing each other teach, reflecting
    together on the experiences and outcomes within
    their own area of interest and across them all
  • Using literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing
    as starting points
  • Importance of knowing about the progress of every
    child across a wider range than before roles of
    all staff in this endeavour
  • Coherence and progression need more joint
    thinking and partnership than before. This
    requires strategic support at senior levels
  • Need to work across a range of developments in a
    well-sequenced, planned way
  • Leadership essential, in all its facets using
    all resources to the full, coaching, planning,
    setting high expectations

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How will we turn this into reality?
Not research, development, dissemination as in
previous developments But creating
together through learning and thinking together
Photocredit EwanMcintosh
  • Some possible questions
  • For schools and their partners
  • How will we ensure that all young people achieve
    the third curriculum level across all curriculum
  • How will we provide specialisation, choice, depth
    and challenge within the fourth level for all
    young people?
  • For any particular development or action how
    does it contribute to the broad general
    education? What will be its impact on learning?
    What is the educational gain?
  • For teachers
  • How rich is the experience and how deep the
    learning within this level?
  • How can I contribute to these childrens broad
    general education (including literacy, numeracy,
    health and wellbeing)?
  • For any development or activity how does it
    contribute to the broad general education? How
    will I know?

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