Uveal melanomas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Uveal melanomas


Uveal melanomas using MLPA for acquired disorders Trudie Cottrell Liverpool DNA Lab Overview Uveal melanomas- diagnosis and treatment. Chromosomal copy number ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Uveal melanomas

  • Uveal melanomas using MLPA for acquired
  • Trudie Cottrell
  • Liverpool DNA Lab

  • Uveal melanomas- diagnosis and treatment.
  • Chromosomal copy number changes and clinical
  • Sample types, DNA preparation and testing.
  • MLPA- technical issues and data analysis.
  • Future of Uveal melanoma diagnosis.

  • Uveal melanomas- cancer of the eye arising from
    pigmented melanocytes.

Ciliary melanoma
Iris melanoma
  • Tumours progress from low grade into a high grade
  • Liver metastases are common.
  • Mortality rate 50 after 10-15yrs.

Chromosomal changes in Uveal melanomas
  • Chromosomal changes are non-random and relatively
  • Analysing tumour karyotype makes it possible to
    make predictions about the clinical outcome for
    the patient.
  • Changes in copy number of chromosomes 3 and 8 are
    clinically important.
  • Monosomy 3 is strongly correlated with metastatic
    spread (liver usually involved).
  • Gains in copy number of chromosome 8 correlate
    with monosomy 3.

Diagnosis and treatment
  • Very rare condition- General Ophthalmologist may
    see 1-2 cases per year.
  • 3 specialist ocular oncology centres in England-
    Liverpool, Sheffield and London.
  • The melanomas are treated by either enucleation
    or local resection.
  • Enucleation Removal of entire eye.
  • Incisional biopsy Small piece of tumour is cut
  • Excisional biopsy Entire tumour is removed.

  • Trans-vitreal biopsy a fine gauge vitreous
    cutter (vacuum) is passed through the eye to the
    middle of the tumour to remove small samples for

  • Prior to 2007- cytogenetic analysis was preformed
    by FISH on touch preps and on cell cultures. FISH
    probes for chromosomes 3 and 8 were used to look
    for aberrant copy number.
  • In spring 2007 the Liverpool DNA lab introduced
    MLPA diagnostic testing of Uveal Melanomas. Today
    we test using MLPA in conjunction with FISH
    analysis by the Cytogenetics department in
    certain circumstances.
  • We use the Salsa MLPA kit P027 Uveal Melanoma
    from MRC Holland.
  • The excel spreadsheet for analysis was provided
    by Andrew Wallace at St. Marys hospital,

Salsa MLPA kit P027 Uveal Melanoma
  • The probe mix contains probes for several regions
  • often show aberrant copy number in uveal
  • Chromosomal regions covered
  • Chromosome 1p
  • Loss of 1p may indicate decreased survival rates
    in conjunction with monosomy 3.
  • Chromosome 3
  • Monosomy 3 predicts metastatic spread.
  • Chromosome 6
  • Clinical significance of increases in copy number
    of chromosome 6 is not currently known. The
    frequency of 6p gains may be higher in
    non-metastasizing tumours.
  • Chromosome 8
  • This region is over expressed in high grade
    tumours, increased copy number of the long arm is
    often seen alongside monosomy 3.

Normal result MLPA histogram showing dosage
ratios of equal heights. Two copies of each
chromosome gives each probe a dosage ratio of 1.
Normal chromosome copy number for 1p, 3, 6 8.
Positive result Aberrant copy number of
chromosomes 3, 6q and 8.
  • 2 copies chromosome 1p
  • 1 copy chromosome 3
  • 2 copies chromosome 6p
  • 1 copy chromosome 6q
  • 1 copy chromosome 8p
  • 7 copies chromosome 8q

Classic positive result- monosomy 3 with trisomy
Copy number can increase through structural
rearrangements such as isochromosomes. 1 copy
of the short arm of chromosome 8 has been lost
and the formation of isochromosomes has lead to 7
copies of 8q. Suggests 1 normal chromosome 3
Advantages over FISH
  • Many samples can be set up for MLPA testing
    simultaneously, saving time.
  • FISH is very expensive.
  • The FISH probes only look at chromosomes 3 and 8
    (and occasionally 6) whereas MLPA also looks at
    chromosome 1.
  • FISH can fail to detect partial deletions. FISH
    probes detect the centromere.
  • MLPA probes can detect a gain or loss of a
    chromosome arm or part of an arm.
  • partial monosomy 3 could be missed in FISH

Technical problems with MLPA
  • Sample size and quality
  • The lab receives solid tissue or cells as a fine
    needle aspirate.
  • For large samples Cytogenetics retain some tissue
    to make touch preps.
  • In the DNA lab, tissue is digested then extracted
    on the EZ1 robot.
  • Samples digest at different rates.
  • Yield and quality vary immensely. Fine needle
    aspirates can produce very low DNA yield.
  • Evaporation during MLPA hybridization step
    (denature in plates then transfer to tubes).

Monosomy 3 sample showing a high proportion of
normal cells.
The peak height for chromosome 3 would be
expected to drop by half. Due to a mixed cell
population of normal and tumour cells, chromosome
3 probes have only dropped to approx 0.7
Example of a sample which failed internal quality
due to irregular control probe. Repeat testing of
the sample produced the same pattern. Poor
internal quality may be a genuine result and
should not be rejected outright.
Internal quality failure
  • All monosomy 3 results are confirmed by FISH
  • - ? Polyploidy
  • Any equivocal MLPA results are also set up for
    FISH analysis in cytogenetics.
  • The future
  • Structural rearrangements cannot be characterized
    by MLPA.
  • Clinical significance of chromosomes 1 6?
  • Collating MLPA data will help to create a better
    picture of the clinical significance of copy
    number changes and small deletions/ duplications.
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