Chemistry 141 Lab - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chemistry 141 Lab


Chemistry 141 Lab Average Deviation Trial Mass Deviation /dev/ 1 9.6 -0.4 0.4 2 9.8 -0.2 0.2 3 10.3 +0.3 0.3 4 10.0 0.0 0.0 5 10.8 +0.8 0.8 6 9.5 -0.5 0.5 Mean 10.0 0 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chemistry 141 Lab

Chemistry 141 Lab
Safety Rules
  • Do not engage in horseplay in the lab at any
    time. It will not be tolerated for any reason.
  • Do not perform any lab work without your
    instructor present. This includes working on
    experiments, using lab glassware, and/or using
    reagents and lab chemicals. You may work on lab
    reports, graphing, or study in the lab without
    the instructors presence.
  • In order to make up an experiment you must first
    obtain the approval of your instructor. You must
    then obtain the permission of the instructor in
    whose lab you wish to work. Finally, you must
    inform the stockroom technicians.

Safety Rules
  • You must wear approved eye protection at all
    times when anyone is doing lab work. You must
    wear closed toe shoes (not sandals) to protect
    your feet against broken glass and spilled
    reagents. We recommend that you wear a lab apron
    or old clothing.
  • In case of injury, fire, or other mishap, inform
    the instructor at once. If the instructor is not
    in the immediate area inform the chemistry
    technician in the stockroom.

Safety Rules
  • Do not put anything in your mouth while in the
    lab. You are not allowed to eat, drink or smoke
    in the lab.
  • Use a fume hood in order to avoid prolonged
    contact with noxious vapors or poisonous gases.
  • Immediately use water to rinse off corrosive
    chemicals from your skin or eyes. Notify an
    instructor. Wash your hands before leaving the
    lab for the day. Some chemicals can be readily
    absorbed through the skin.

Safety Rules
  • Use a lubricant such as glycerine to insert glass
    tubing or a thermometer into a rubber stopper.
    Hold the piece of glass which is being inserted
    or removed close to the end with a paper towel.
  • Clean up spills and breakage immediately.
    Neutralize acids or base spills with sodium
    bicarbonate before washing down the area with

Safety Rules
  • Familiarize yourself with the safety equipment in
    the lab, including the first aid kit, fire
    blanket, fire extinguisher, the safety shower,
    and the eye wash station.
  • When heating the contents of a test tube, point
    the open end of the tube away from everyone. A
    vapor pocket may form beneath the surface of the
    contents and cause their ejection (bumping).

Safety Rules
  • Dispose of insoluble waste in the waste basket,
    not in the sink. Broken glass is to be disposed
    in the broken glass receptacle.
  • Be sure to read the labels on all chemical
    reagent containers before using their contents.
    Using an improper reagent for an experiment can
    lead to a serious accident.

Safety Rules
  • Do not take chemical reagent containers to your
    work bench. Leave them at their initial
    location. Do not use any of your lab equipment
    to dispense chemicals for an experiment. The
    instructor will demonstrate the proper method for
    dispensing chemicals.
  • Chemicals are expensive items therefore, transfer
    out only what you will need for the experiment.
    Do not ever return used or excess chemicals to
    their original containers to prevent

Safety Rules
  • At the conclusion of your lab period thoroughly
    clean up your work area. Make sure that the gas
    to the bunsen burner is shut off. Do not remove
    any chemicals or lab equipment from the

Lab Books
  • Get a lab book with prenumbered carbonless copy
    pages. Write your name on the front of the lab
  • All data in the lab book must be written in ink.
  • Do not tear any original pages out of the book!!

Lab Books
  • Begin each lab with a title
  • Enter the date you are beginning the experiment,
    your name, and list any lab partners you may be
    working with.
  • Everyone will do the entire lab on their own, but
    you may want to work with someone else to compare
    your results
  • August 20, 2007
  • Luna Lovegood
  • Experiment 1 Standard Deviation Lab
  • Worked with Hermione Granger

Lab Books
  • Reference the procedure and note any safety
  • Procedure Followed procedure outlined in the lab
  • Lehman, J. Olmstead, T. et al (2002). 
    Experiment 2 Measuring Density using different
    types of Glassware.  In Grossmont College
    Chemistry 141 Laboratory Manual (4th Edition, pp.
    5-10). El Cajon, California.
  •  Safety Wear Safety glasses

Or if you used the Online Lab Manual Lehman, J.,
Olmstead, T.  et al (2002).  Experiment 2
Measuring Density using different types of
Glassware Electronic version.  Grossmont
College Chemistry 141 Laboratory Manual, 5-10.
Lab Books
  • Data and Observations
  • This should be a log of what you saw along with
    any tables of data that may be necessary

Trial Mass beaker water Mass beaker after pouring water out Mass Water delivered by beaker
I filled the beaker to the 50 mL line with an
eyedropper. It was very difficult to determine
when the water level reached the line on the
Lab Books
  • Be sure to write all data in your lab book in
    black or blue ink when you take the data. The
    only exception will be for data collected by the
    computer. Any data recorded on stray pieces of
    paper will be confiscated!
  • No writeovers
  • 375.788g
  • No obliterations
  • 639.824g
  • No Erasing
  • Cross out once and rewrite.
  • 4.932g
  • 5.382g

Lab Books
  • At the end of the lab period, sign and date your
    lab book after your last data entry and get an
    instructor stamp.
  • Copper sulfide precipitate was filtered and left
    in lab drawer to dry. The precipitate was a very
    fine black powder.
  • Luna Lovegood
  • 9/28/07
  • Severus Snape
  • Potions Instructor

Lab Reports
  • Typewritten reports documenting your experimental
    results. Some reports will be abbreviated as
    noted in write-up instructions.
  • Be sure to clearly label each section!
  • Title Page
  • Objective
  • Introduction
  • Procedure
  • Results and Calculations
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Questions

Title Page
  • Standard Deviation Experiment
  • Luna Lovegood
  • Chemistry 141
  • S. Snape
  • Section 5399
  • September 3, 2007
  • This will identify you, your class, and the
    experiment. Very important so I can keep track
    of what you are handing in!
  • Be sure to include the grading rubric.

Lab Notebook Lab Notebook Lab Notebook /25
Procedure Procedure /5
Signatures Signatures /5
Data Data /15
Formal Report Formal Report Formal Report /75
Title Page /5
Objective /10
Introduction /15
Procedure /5
Results and Calculations /15
Discussion /15
Conclusion /10
Total Total Total /100
  • Why are you doing this experiment?
  • Objective
  • To determine the accuracy and precision of
    laboratory glassware and to learn how a standard
    deviation is calculated. To determine the
    density of some unknown liquids.

  • This section tells a little bit about the theory
    of the experiment and how it will be done.
  • Introduction
  • When doing scientific experiments it is always
    necessary to minimize the error where possible.
    Unfortunately, however, it is impossible to
    completely avoid error. In experiments there are
    several types of error. They are random error,
    systematic error, and gross error. Random error

  • Reference the procedure used and note any
    deviations from the published procedure.
  • Procedure
  • Followed procedure from lab book
  • Lehman, J. Olmstead, T. et al (2002). 
    Experiment 2 Measuring Density using different
    types of Glassware.  In Grossmont College
    Chemistry 141 Laboratory Manual (4th Edition, pp.
    5-10). El Cajon, California.
  • In this experiment the liquids used for the
    density determinations were an water, coke, and
    diet coke.

Or if you used the Online Lab Manual Lehman, J.,
Olmstead, T.  et al (2002).  Experiment 2
Measuring Density using different types of
Glassware Electronic version.  Grossmont
College Chemistry 141 Laboratory Manual, 5-10.
Results and Calculations
  • Tabulate data and any calculated values. Show
    sample calculations. (These may be hand
  • For non numerical labs, summarize the data

Results and Calculations
Trial Mass beaker liquid (g) Mass beaker after dispensing liquid(g) Mass liquid(g) Average mass liquid deviation Standard deviation
1 xx.x xx.x xx.x xx. .xx .xx
2 xx.x xx. xx.x xx.x .xx .xx
3 xx.x xx.x xx.x xx. x.x .xx
Sample Calculation for mass liquid xxx.xxg-xx.xxg
  • This is where you get to explain your results
  • Discussion
  • The average mass of water held by the beaker was
    43.2g. This was less than expected based on the
    marking on the beaker. The mass of water held
    was probably low because I filled my beaker to
    the bottom of the line and it may have been
    designed to fill to the top of the line. I also
    noticed that---

  • Conclusion
  • The beaker held 53.4 grams of water with a
    standard deviation of 0.7 g. The graduated
    cylinder held 10.2 grams of water with a standard
    deviation of 0.1 g. The densities of regular
    Coke and diet Coke were
  • This is where you give the final result. This is
    essentially the punch line--

  • Answer any questions posed in the lab here.

Precision and Accuracy
  • Accuracy -- Refers to how close to the true value
    a given measurement is.
  • Precision -- Refers to how well a number of
    independent measurements agree with one another.

(No Transcript)
Error Analysis
  • Types of error
  • Random
  • Systematic
  • Gross

Error Analysis
  • Types of error
  • Random
  • Not mistakes but inherent in measuring process.
  • May be positive or negative.
  • Cause the data to be spread symmetrically around
    the true value
  • May be minimized by doing repeated trials of an
  • Systematic
  • Gross

Error Analysis
  • Types of error
  • Random
  • Systematic
  • Caused by consistently making the same mistake
    for all measurements.
  • Tend to give precise though incorrect results.
  • May be minimized by using different techniques to
    gather data.
  • Gross

Error Analysis
  • Types of error
  • Random
  • Systematic
  • Gross
  • Results in a value which is far different than
    either the true value or the mean
  • Caused by sample inconsistencies or experimental
    error (ie reading measuring instrument wrong on
    one trial)

  • Mean value the average
  • Median value Middle value
  • Spread or range difference between highest and
    lowest measurement
  • Deviation difference between mean and any
    specific measurement

Average Deviation
Trial Mass
1 9.6
2 9.8
3 10.3
4 10.0
5 10.8
6 9.5
Mean 10.0
Average Deviation
Trial Mass Deviation
1 9.6 -0.4
2 9.8 -0.2
3 10.3 0.3
4 10.0 0.0
5 10.8 0.8
6 9.5 -0.5
Mean 10.0 0.0
Average Deviation
Trial Mass Deviation /dev/
1 9.6 -0.4 0.4
2 9.8 -0.2 0.2
3 10.3 0.3 0.3
4 10.0 0.0 0.0
5 10.8 0.8 0.8
6 9.5 -0.5 0.5
Mean 10.0 0.0 0.4
Standard Deviation
  • s represents the standard deviation
  • d represents the individual deviation
  • n is the number of trials.

Standard Deviation
Trial Mass Deviation /dev/ (dev)2
1 9.6 -0.4 0.4 .16
2 9.8 -0.2 0.2 .04
3 10.3 0.3 0.3 .09
4 10.0 0.0 0.0 .00
5 10.8 0.8 0.8 .64
6 9.5 -0.5 0.5 .25
Mean 10.0 0.0 0.4 Sum1.57
Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation
s 0.6 g So 68 of measurements lie between 9.4
and 10.6 grams 95 of measurements lie between
8.8 and 11.2 grams gt99 of measurements lie
between 8.2 and 11.8 grams
Significant Figures
  • Significant digits -- refers to the total number
    of digits in a measurement where one of the
    digits is uncertain and the others are certain.
  • According to standard deviation calculations, the
    last digit is uncertainsig figs work pretty well
    in the absence of statistical work-up!

Rules for determining number of significant
  • All non-zero digits are significant.
  • All zeros between nonzero digits (or significant
    zeros) are significant.
  • Zeros used as placeholders are not significant.
  • all zeros to left of 1st non-zero digit are not
    significant. (For example 0.0068 -- two sig figs
    the zeros are placeholders.)
  • for numbers greater than 1, zeros to the right of
    last digit are ambiguous if no zeros after
    decimal point. Assume not significant for this
  • Zeros after last digit are significant for
    numbers lt1 or if they occur after decimal point
    for number gt1.
  • Exact numbers have an infinite number of
    significant figures.

Calculations with Significant Figures
  • In addition and subtraction, the last digit
    retained in the sum or difference is determined
    by the position of the first doubtful digit.
  • For example 37.24 1002.46
  • 10.3 6.3
  • ------------- ---------------
  • 47.54 1008.76
  • Rounds to 47.5

Calculations with Significant Figures
  • In multiplication and division, an answer has no
    more sig figs than the measurement with the least
    number of sig figs.
  • For example 3.427 x 0.00692 0.02371484 0.0237

  • You will measure the mass of water delivered by a
    beaker and by a graduated cylinder multiple times
    and determine the mass of water delivered with
    each instrument and the standard deviation. You
    will then determine the density of regular and
    diet Coke using the most appropriate tools.
  • Results will be entered on the spreadsheet at

Sample Data Table
Temperature of water_______________ Density of
water at measured temperature_________ Balance
used ______________________
Trial number Mass beaker 50 ml water (g) Mass drained beaker (g) Mass water (g) Volume water (mL) (calculated from density) Deviation Deviation2
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