Title: Stereo Vision
1Stereo Vision
2Static Stereo Pipeline
- Image Acquisition
- Camera Modeling
- Feature Extraction
- Correspondence Analysis
- Intensity Based
- Feature Based
- Triangulation
- Interpolation (Approximation)
3Standard Stereo Geometry
4yL f YL
xL f XL
xR f XR
yR f YR
5Constraints Assumptions
- Epipolar Constraint
- Uniqueness Assumption
- Compatibility Assumption
- Continuity of Disparities Assumption
- Compatibility of Features Assumption
- Disparity Disparity Gradient Limit
- Ordering Constraint
6Intensity BasedCorrespondence Matching
- Block Matching
- Dynamic Programming
7Block-Matching Method
8Block-Matching Method
9Block-Matching Method
10Block-Matching Method
11Dynamic Programming
(dis)similarity measure
Cumulative dissimilarity function
d (d1, d2, , dM)
12Dynamic Programming
13Dynamic Programming
dmin ? ?y(xL) ? dmax 1 ? xL ?y(xL) ?
M MIN(xL) ? ?y(xL) ? MAX(xL) MIN(xL) max
xL M, dmin MAX(xL) min xL,
dmax MINIMUM(xL, ?y(xL)) ? ?y(xL 1) ?
MAX(xL 1) MINIMUM(xL,d) max d 1, MIN(x 1)
14Dynamic Programming
DSPy(x,d) DSPy(1,d) MSE(1,y,d) d ? ?
MIN(1) ? ? ? MAX(1) DSPy(x,d) DSP(x 1,
backTrace(x,d)) MSE(x,y,d) DSPy(x 1, dprev)
MINIMUM(x,d) ? dprev ? MAX(x 1)
15Dynamic Programming
Gimelfarb algorithm
16Dynamic Programming
Gimelfarb algorithm
17Feature BasedCorrespondence Analysis
- FBCA by Zero-Crossing Vectors
18Feature Based Correspondence Analysis
- Ambiguities are reduced
- Less sensitive to photometric variations
- More accurate (sub-pixel accuracy)
19FBCA by Zero-Crossing Vectors
- Edge detection using LoG operator
- If a point(i,j) is not zero-crossing
- e?(i,j) (0,0)
- If a point(i,j) is zero-crossing
20FBCA by Zero-Crossing Vectors
- Find correspondence candidate pairs
- zero-crossing vector angles differ less than the
threshold ?0. - Binary assignment function
- If pixel pair is correspondence candidates
- M?L (i,j,?) 1 and M?R (i-?,j,?) 1
- Otherwise
- M?L (i,j,?) 0 and M?R (i-?,j,?) 0
21FBCA by Zero-Crossing Vectors
- Global Disparity Histogram
22FBCA by Zero-Crossing Vectors
- Disparity candidate multi-interval
0 lt a lt 1
23FBCA by Zero-Crossing Vectors
- Local Disparity Histograms
- Placed image window
n? x n? image window n? ?2 ? ? ? is the
standard deviation in LoG operator
24FBCA by Zero-Crossing Vectors
- Local Disparity Histograms
25FBCA by Zero-Crossing Vectors
- Edge points with different ?
? 1.41
? 3.18
? 6.01
a 0.5
26FBCA by Zero-Crossing Vectors
- The resolution where the the difference between
the largest and second largest values in the
local disparity histograms are larger is chosen. - An assignment is chosen if and only if L(r,s) and
R(r,s) exceed a given threshold and if
and only differ slightly. - The final scalar disparity
27The End