Title: Computer Vision
1Computer Vision
- No. 1
- What is the Computer Vision?
- Katsushi Ikeuchi
- Pointers
- 03-5452-6242
- cvl-sec_at_iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- 4-6-1 Komaba Meguro-ku
- http//www.cvl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- Shape-from-X
- Analysis of line-drawing
- Shape-from-shading
- Binocular stereo
- Interpretation
- Interpolation
- Representation
- Special topics
- Modeling from reality
5Katsu Ikeuchi
6Demonstration Videos
7Photometric Stereo (1980)
- Brightness difference -gt 3D shape
- 3D shape -gt 3D Pose determination
- 3DPose -gt Grasping
8Bin Picking
9Assembly Plan from Observation (1990)
10Recent Result Assembly plan from observation
11(No Transcript)
12Learning Human Dance
13Motion Capture Data
14Robot Dancing
15Modeling Cultural Heritage
16Virtual City
17Virtual City
Near Yoyogi park
18Computer Vision (CV)
- To make a computer to recognize the 3D world as
we do - To generate 3D representations from 2D images
19CV and related areas
Image Understanding (AI)
Pattern Recognition (Mathematical theories)
Image Processing (Signal processing)
20CV and related areas
Image Understanding (AI)
Pattern Recognition (Mathematical theories)
Image Processing (Signal processing)
21Image Processing
- To get better images 2D-to-2D
22CV and related areas
Image Understanding (AI)
Pattern Recognition (Mathematical theories)
Image Processing (Signal processing)
23Pattern Recognition
- Decision making mathematical theories
24CV and related areas
Image Understanding (AI)
Pattern Recognition (Mathematical theories)
Image Processing (Signal processing)
25Image Understanding
26Why difficult ?
- A lot of data
- Ambiguity
- Projection of a 3D world to a 2D image
- Many factors to influence the image
- Illumination condition
- Object shape
- Camera characteristics
Foggy golden triangle in Pittsburgh
29A lot of data
- Landsat image
- 1scene 3300 x 2300 x 4 30000000 bytes
- 200 scenes/ day
- Color TV image
- 512 x 512 x 3 x 30 25000000 bytes/sec
30Why difficult ?
- A lot of data
- Ambiguity
- Projection of a 3D world to a 2D image
- Many factors to influence the image
- Illumination condition
- Object shape
- Camera characteristics
31Illusion due to the projection
32Why difficult ?
- A lot of data
- Ambiguity
- Projection of a 3D world to a 2D image
- Many factors to influence to the image
- Illumination condition
- Object shape
- Camera characteristics
- A image is a matrix of pixels
- Each pixel
- brightness
- Color
- Distance
34Inside and Outside (Gestalt)
35Common sense
- To formulate the common sense
- ? research topics
36Current issues
- A lot of data
- Computational sensor
- Vision board
- Ambiguity
- Projective geometry
- constraints
- Many factors
- Physics-based vision
37Application areas
38Application areas
39What is Computer Vision?
- Vision is an information processing task that
constructs efficient symbolic descriptions of the
world from images. (Marr) - Vision is inverse graphics.
- Vision is looks easy, but is difficult.
- Vision is difficult, but is fun. (Kanade)
- Vision is an engineering science to create
- an alternative of human visual systems on
computers (Ikeuchi)
- Journals
- Inter. J. Computer Vision
- IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence - IEICE D-2
- International conferences
- Inter. Conf. Computer Vision (ICCV)
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
- Asian Conf. Computer Vision (ACCV)
- Special interest groups
4/13 Introduction 4/20 Line drawing 4/27 No
class 5/4 Holiday 5/11 Perspective
projection 5/18 Binocular stereo 5/25 Motion
6/2 Shape from shading 6/8 No class 6/15
Interpolation 6/22 No class 6/29 Object
representation 7/6 Modeling from reality 7/13
Virtual City