Unit 7 Kids on the Track - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 7 Kids on the Track


Unit 7 Kids on the Track Pre-reading No one wants to be faced with an emergency.But when an emergent situation presents itself, which it will, you will want to be ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unit 7 Kids on the Track

Unit 7Kids on the Track
  • No one wants to be faced with an emergency.But
    when an emergent situation presents itself,
    which it will, you will want to be prepared and
    take action immediately.
  • How to behave properly in these situations has
    consequently been an important lesson for us to

  • The best step we can take is to prevent them
    from happening. Always keep in mind Prevention
    is better than cure.
  • If emergency occurs, we need to be perfectly calm
    and collected, in other words we need to have
    the presence of mind

What qualities shall we display in case of
  • Calmness/keep ones composure/keep cool/ presence
    of mind
  • Courage
  • Bravery
  • Full of hope
  • Selflessness

  • Help oneself and others out of danger
  • First aid (basic medical treatment given to
    someone as soon as possible after they have been
    hurt in an accident or suddenly become ill)
  • Employ correct and efficient ways to minimize or
    avoid casualties

Emergency services
  • the public organizations that take quick action
    to deal with emergencies esp. the fire brigade,
    the police, and the ambulance
  • the telephone no. used for calling the police,
    fire or ambulance services in an emergency is 999
    in Britain and 911 in the US
  • in China, we have110 for the police, 119 for the
    fire brigade and 120 for ambulance

  • Disasters , natural or man-made, will impose
    serious threat to human lives or properties.
  • Do you know how to do when there is lightning,
    a fire, or an earthquake ?

Natural Disasters
?? magnitude?? seismic zone ?? focus ??
seismic waves
Richter scale, (1-10) indicating the intensity of
an earthquake
Safety Tips ( for an Earthquake )
  • 1) If an earthquake is occurring the most
    important thing to do is to DROP and COVER. Drop
    and cover means to fall on to the floor and get
    under something for protection. During an
    earthquake, if you are indoors, it is very
    important to stay calm and take cover under a
    heavy object.

Safety Tips ( for an Earthquake)
  • 2) If you are outdoors, stay as far away from
    buildings as possible.
  • 3) Stay away from glass or anything that could
  • 4) Be prepared for aftershocks after the initial
    earthquake has ended. Aftershocks are follow-up
    earthquakes. They are smaller than the first one,
    but still are very dangerous.


Safety Tips ( for lightning)
  • During a storm stay indoors, however if you are
    caught outside in a severe storm, never stand
    under any tall objects such as trees.
  • When outdoors, It is better to lie down in an
    open field away from any surrounding tall
  • Avoid any large bodies of water since water
    conducts electricity.

Safety Tips ( for lightning)
  • Stay away from metal objects such as bicycles and
  • Never play golf or go fishing during a storm. If
    your are outside playing any games with metal
    gear, be sure to take it off if a storm starts.

Safety Tips ( for lightning)
  • Do not use the telephone since lightning might
    strike the tall telephone poles.
  • Avoid using any electrical equipment such as hair
    driers, electric razors, or microwave ovens etc.

Safety Tips ( for a fire)
  • If your house caught a fire, you should
  • 1) Get out of the house. Familiarize yourself
    with at least two exits from each room for
    example, one window and one door. Know where the
    exits are practice using them.

  • 2) Have a meeting place outside the house When a
    meeting placed is established, it is easier to
    count heads and unnecessary to wonder who is left
  • 3) Phone the fire department from a neighbors
    house or via your mobile (if you have one with
  • 4) Never go back inside for any reason!

Fire Safety Tips
  • 5) Should you be caught in a smoke, CRAWL! Smoke
    rises, so stay near to the floor where the air is
    less toxic.

Text Organization
  • This essay is chronologically developed.
  • It has three parts, with the first part about
    what went on before the event , the second part
    about the event itself and the last one about the
    consequences of the event.

Text Organization
  • Part One (Paras 1-13) Forgetting their mothers
    words, two kids went to play on the track. Just
    at this moment, a train approached.
  • Para Two (Paras 14-31) Anthony, the conductor,
    risked his own life to rescue the two children.

Text Organization
  • Part Three (Paras. 32-35) A close bond is
    forged between Anthony and the family after the
    incident. They are now more like a family.

Main idea Writing skills
  • Main idea Anthony saved two children in a
    courageous deed.
  • Rhetoric devices comparison contrast
  • The use of specific words

Stylistic analysis
  • written in a plain and journalist style
  • begin with a description of the background why
    the disaster would happen
  • followed by a casual conversation between the
    engineer and the conductor

  • give a sharp contrast
  • author employs short and simple
    sentences/parallel structures/ clauses in
    description (eg. Line 72)

Consolidated Rail Corporation
  • also known as Conrail , was formed on April 1,
    1976 as a federally-funded takeover of the major
    railroad companies in the Northeast, all of which
    were financially failing
  • divided between Norfolk Southern Railway and
    CSX Transportation in 1999 with three terminal
    switching districts operated by successor Conrail
    Shared Assets Operations

emergent urgent
  • emergent/emerging starting to existarising
    casually or unexpectedly????????????eg.
    Western governments should be giving more aid to
    the emerging democracies of the Third World.
  • emergent economies/marketsemergence n.
  • eg. The emergence of small Japanese cars in the
    1970s challenged the US and European

  • urgent needing attention very soon, esp. before
    anything else, because sth. is important ??? ,???
  • eg. He's got to sign that paper - will you tell
    him it's urgent?
  • The most urgent thing in a fire is to make sure
    everyone is out of the building.
  • Many people are in urgent need of food and water.
  • She was speaking to him in an urgent voice.

Emergency urgency
  • emergency sth. dangerous or serious, which needs
    immediate action in order to avoid harmful
  • eg. The pilot was forced to make an emergency
    landing on Lake Geneva.
  • room/landing/service/brake/state of

  • urgency n. a pressing necessity
  • eg. It now is a matter of urgency that aid
    reaches the famine area.
  • They departed hurriedly because of some great
    urgency in their affairs.
  • the urgency of his need

Words to learn
  • trunk- 1) the covered place at the end of the car
    for storing things in (boot for BrE)
  • eg. She was arrested for her ex-boyfriends body
    was discovered in the trunk of her car.

  • 2) the main part
  • eg. the trunk of a tree, a person etc.
  • The trunk of this tree is four meters
  • The athlete has a powerful trunk.

struggle (line 259)
  • struggle (with /to do) make efforts to do sth.
  • eg. For all these years , he has been struggling
    with his marriage crisis.
  • Hospital staff struggled to provide an
    emergency service throughout the power cut. (T)

Grocery food or household goods
Driveway a short private road which leads from a
public road to a house
make ones way (line 19)
  • make ones way move, its followed frequently by
    a preposition or adverb to indicate the place one
    goes to
  • eg Because of arthritis my mother can only make
    her way around our house slowly.
  • make can be replaced by such verbs
  • as fight, elbow, push , edge etc. to describe how
    one moves .

out of the way (line 23)
  • out of the way away from, the opposite
    expression of in the way which means being an
    obstacle .
  • eg The best thing you can do if you are near
    to a tornado is to get out of its way.
  • I hold the belief that nothing can stand
    in the way of China s reunion.

  • out of the way dealt with disposed of/improper
    /extraordinary unusual
  • eg. I'm so relieved that my midterm is out of the
  • There was something decidedly out of the way
    about her explanation.
  • Such behavior was out of the way for him.

  • out-of-the-way remote from much-traveled,
    frequented, or populous regions secluded???
  • eg. an out-of-the-way inn up in the hills

Resume (Line 24)
  • resume start again after a pause
  • eg. She hopes to resume work after the baby is
  • The rebels have resumed hostilities against
    government troops.
  • Peace talks will resume tomorrow.

  • resume your seat/place/position go back to the
    seat, place, or position where you were before
  • eg. Please resume your seats, as the performance
    will continue in two minutes.
  • Cf. assume, presume, consume

medium (line 26)
  • medium average , being between the higher and
    lower point ???
  • eg. a medium-sized man, a journey of medium
  • Cf intermediate being between two other related
    things ???
  • eg. intermediate students of English, the
    athletes intermediate target

Mess around (Line 28)
  • mess around spend time doing unimportant or
    various things, without any particular purpose or
  • eg. They spend their weekends messing around on
    their boat.
  • My brother likes messing around with computers.

Party animal
  • a very sociable person who enjoys lively social
    activities, a sociable person who loves and goes
    to many parties

flash (line 46)
  • flash move very fast show sth. for a short
  • eg When we enjoy something, we usually have a
    feeling that time flashes by.
  • At the entrance, the female journalist
    simply flashed her entry card.
  • Twenty years flashed by and we are all
    grown up.

tear (Line 71 87)
  • tear 1) pull apart into pieces
  • eg. He flew into a rage and tore the paper into
  • I tore a page from my notebook.
  • 2) move somewhere quickly
  • eg. The sports car tore down the street and
    through the intersection.
  • He went tearing along the road after the

internal (line 91)
  • internal existing or happening inside
  • eg The parent company ???so far has refused to
    involve itself in a dispute which it regards as
    being internal to its subsidiary???.
  • He died later in hospital because the
    bullet has passed through several internal organs.

shelter (line 102)
  • shelter (from) protect
  • eg The trees sheltered the pedestrians from the
    sudden rain.
  • The disabled couple struggled to shelter
    their child from any trouble.
  • She was accused of sheltering a murderer. (T)
  • ?????????

Thinking about it
  • Anthony is sure a courageous person in this
    article, however being brave is not enough in
    times of emergency. What other qualities are
    necessary for a person to have in such a
  • Mark Twain said , Courage is resistance to fear,
    mastery of fear, not absence of fear. How do you
    see this statement?
  • ????????,??????,?????

Writing assignment
  • The Hero in My Mind
  • Your composition should be in no less than 150
  • You should cover the following aspects
  • Who is the hero in your mind?
  • Why do he/she becomes your hero? What do they do
    in times of emergency?
  • What influence does he/she have on you?
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