Title: Classical Perspective (1900 )
1Classical Perspective (1900)
- Emphasized a rational, scientific approach to
study of management and sought to make workers
and organizations like efficiently operating
2Classic. Perspective Categories
- Scientific Management
- Bureaucratic Organizations (rational)
- Administrative Principles (rational)
3Summary of Classical Management
Scientific Bureaucratic
Focus Whole organization
Focus Workers
Focus Managers
Emphases Rules Rationality
Emphases Management functions Chain of Command
Emphases Training routines Financial motivation
Benefits Clear structure Guiding
Principles Efficiency
Benefits Fairness Efficiency
Benefits Productivity Efficiency
Drawbacks Rigidity Slowness
Drawbacks Overlooks social needs
Drawbacks Oversimplified, doesnt consider
4Shift in Management Thinking Following the
Hawthorne Studies
Classical Management
Human Relations/Resources
- Rationality - Efficiency - Standardization
Recognition of importance of workers Social
5Human Relations Movement
- Emphasized satisfaction of employees
social/psychological needs as the key to
increased worker productivity. - Implication Be nice to employees.
6Human Resources Perspective
- Jobs should be designed to allow workers to use
their full potential - People will accept responsibility
- People have intellect that can be applied to
reaching organizational goals - Implication allow active participation
7Other General Viewpoints in OB
- Systems Theory
- How the parts fit together
- How the org. interacts with its environment
- Contingency View
- Integrates many of the other viewpoints
- No one best way to manage - the best way depends
on the situation
8Scientific Approach
- Seeking information in a
- systematic and
- unbiased manner
9Scientific Approach
- Goals
- Explanation (Understand)
- Prediction
- Control (Influence)
10Scientific Approach
- General Methods of Behavioral Research---A
Continuum - Natural
- Observat. Field
Laboratory - (Case) Survey Exper.
Experiment - ?-------------------------------------------------
- -The higher the control of the Independent
Variable(s). - -The higher the precision in measuring the
Dependent Variable(s). - -The lower the realism.
11What, No Lecture?
- Students in a basic Economics course were
randomly assigned to one of the following class
sections - Live Lecture
- Videotaped Lecture
- Text Only
12What, No Lecture?
- Ranking on Tests
- Text
- Lecture
- Videotape
- The differences were NOT statistically
significant. - The study is a good example of a Field Experiment.
13Laboratory Experiment
- Impressions of Organizational Responses to
Whistleblower Accusations Decker Calo - Dependent Variables
- 1) Respondents ratings of Firm
- 2) Respondents ratings of Whistleblower
- Independent Variables
- 1) Customer Individuals vs. Govt. Agencies
- 2) Company Product Tires vs. Paint
- 3) Firm Admits Guilt vs. Firm Denies
- 4) Whistleblower is Fired vs. Not Fired
14Laboratory Experiment
- Results Ratings of the Firm
- 1) Customer Individuals vs. Govt. Agencies
- Difference Not Significant
- 2) Product Tires vs. Paint
- Paint company rated higher
- 3) Firm Admits Guilt vs. Firm Denies
- 4) Whistleblower is Fired vs. Not Fired
- Variables 3 and 4 Interacted (effect of one
depends - on the level of the other)
- ---Firm rated highest when Admitting Guilt AND
- not firing the Whistleblower (Equally low with
the other 3 combinations)
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