Title: Beyond the Standard Model: the clue from charm ...
1Beyond the Standard Modelthe clue from charm
- Precision study of b and c decays
- deviations in expected behaviour of
- b and c quarks evidence for new physics
- will elucidate new physics if found
elsewhere - Rare decays
- Mixing CPV
2- To use the full power of b and c decays,
theoretical calculations of strong interactions
must be used. - The lattice gauge approach promises precision
calculations that must be confronted with data - Precision measurements of the D and Ds decay
constants - Semileptonic charm decay measurements Vcd
and Vcs directly as well as input on hadronic
matrix element
3Direct signatures for new physics in charm
Bigi-Sanda hep-ph/9909479 A priori it is quite
conceivable that qualitatively different
forces drive the decays of up-type and down-type
quarks . More specifically, non-Standard-Model
forces might exhibit a very different pattern for
the two classes of quarks.
Charm decays are the only up-type quarks that
allow to probe this physicsnon-strange light
flavour hadrons do not allow for oscillations and
top-flavoured hadrons do not even form in a
practical way
4Mixing CPV
Motivation suppressed in the charm sector in
the SM. If measured, would suggest SM
BaBar measurement is _at_ 57.1 fb-1
5- New limits expected by BaBar and Belle
- Cleo-c
_at_ 95 C.L. - CP violation
- Direct CP violation in D0 and D
- Indirect CP violation in D0 decays
- CP violation measurements exploiting the quantum
coherence of the D0 D0bar produced pair - y(3770) ? DD JP1-
- CP violation asymmetry sensitivity
- ACPlt0.01 _at_ Cleo-c and Beauty Factories
6Rare decays
Motivation lepton number violation
study investigation of long range effects and SM
FOCUS improved results by a factor of 1.7 14
approaching theoretical predictions for some of
the modes but still far for the majority
CDF Br(D0?mm-)lt2.4 x10-6 _at_ 90 C.L. is the best
limit for this mode (65 pb-1 data)
CDF and D0 can trigger on dimuons ?promising
Cleo-c sensitivity 10-6
7Leptonic decays
Motivations decay constants measurements
Lattice predicts fB/fD fBs/fDs with small errors
8Hadronic and semileptonic decays
- Over constrain the Unitarity Triangle
- Inconsistencies New Physics
semileptonic decays are the easiest way to
determine CKM elementsQCD effects contained in
form factors. Comparison with LGT and quark
model calculations!
9Status of CKM Matrix
Current VCKM From direct Measurements -no
unitarity imposed
CLEO-c will redefine 2nd generation elements And
enable improvements in 3rd generation
10Potential Impact on VCKM
Current VCKM From direct Measurements -no
unitarity imposed
CLEO-c will redefine 2nd generation elements And
enable improvements in 3rd generation
11Summary of reach