Title: Atomic Model, Quarks and Masses
1Atomic Model, Quarks and Masses
- Monroe, December 18, 2007
2Democrituss Uncuttable Atom (atomos)
He said the atom was a piece of matter so small
that it could not be cut up any more.
3John Thomson said the atom was a small particle,
that had very small, electrically charged,
particles embedded in it.
4Rutherford said atom was a positive nucleus,
surrounded by small electrical charges. Did not
think about fixed positions.
5Bohr figured out that there were electrons in
fixed orbits surrounding the positive charges in
the nucleus
6Max Planck, came up with theories of quantum,
that says that the electrons are in cloud
(everywhere at once), with very specific energy
levels. This IS the modern theory.
7But What Are Protons and Neutrons Made Of?
8Quarks are the particles that make up the protons
and neutrons. This was discovered by Murray
Gell-Mann and George Zweig (1964)
9Flavor Electric Charge u up 2/3 d down
-1/3 c charm 2/3 s strange -1/3 t
top 2/3 b bottom -1/3
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