video worksheet I. Definition of
communism Communism is an economic system where
wealth is ____________________ to
everybody. Commuism is the ___________ of
capitalism, where everyone ________________to
make money. In a pure communist society, there
would be___________________, and everyone would
be __________ in wealth and social status. II.
Description of communist countries The reality
is that communist countries tend to be
______________, concentrating power in the hands
of _________ people or even one dictator. Most
communist societies have ended up benefiting
__________, at the expense of ____________________
_. Communist states like ___________ and
________________are examples of those tendencies.
2- III. Brief history of communism
- Communism was the creation of ___________
and_________________, two German philosophers.
In the late 19th century, they published a short
political pamphlet called The Communist
Manifesto. - Marx and Engels thought that capitalism had
created a society of _____________________ the
proletariat and the bourgeoisie - Proletariat gt the____________________, which
made up the majority of society - Bourgeoisie gt the___________________, who owned
____________(factories, buildings, property,
3- By the early 20th century, some governments were
being replaced with communist ones first
in___________, then in _____________. But in
both of these countries, the communist leaders
quickly established _______________ governments,
putting most of the power in the hand of
a___________________. - IV. Results of communism
- Communist societies have a _________________
economy, meaning just about everything is
controlled by the_______________. That puts a
lot of power into very few peoples hands. - Most communist countries havent had very
successful economies - The _________________ (which included communist
Russia) collapsed in the early 1990s. - _____________has begun to switch back to a market
economy capitalism - Cuba and North Korea both _______________________
from other countries to survive. - Some say that communism has a built-in problem
no matter how hard you work, you still get the
________________. There is a lot less of a reason
for people to put in their best effort. - TURN OVER FOR QUESTIONS
- Contrast capitalism and communism in four
different ways - Capitalism Communism
- 1. 1.
- 2. 2.
- 3. 3.
- 4. 4.
- 2. Why have countries with a communist economy
not been historically successful? - 3. Would you want to live and work in a communist
economy? Why or why not? -