Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation


Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Adapted from a presentation developed by Tri-Valley Developmental Services (TVDS) and shared with KIPBS by Julie Kent from Cohort 6 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation

Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
  • Adapted from a presentation developed by
    Tri-Valley Developmental Services (TVDS) and
    shared with KIPBS by Julie Kent from Cohort 6

A Brief Profile of Abuse
  • 18,000 children a year become disabled as a
    direct result of abuse 1500 per month, 50 a day
  • It is estimated that 25-27 of children with
    disabilities sustained these disabilities as a
    direct result of abuse (Baladarian, 1991)
  • A child with a functional disability has 7 times
    greater risk of being abused (NCCAN Report, 1993)

  • The incidence of maltreatment among children with
    disabilities was 1.7 times higher than for
    children without disabilities (Beach Center,
  • 85-95 of persons with developmental
    disabilities have been abused at some time in
    their lives (Baladarian Duehn,1996)

  • Adults with a developmental disability are one
    and one half times more likely to be abused than
    adults without a developmental disability (D.
  • 98.9 of the time, the victim knows the offender
    (W. Duehn, PhD., University of Texas)

Stress Alarm Signals
  • Minor hassles seem like a big deal
  • Problems are overwhelming
  • Major changes in life promotions, job changes,
    moving, birth of a child, holidays, etc.
  • Options seem few or non-existent
  • Individual feels
  • He/she is alone
  • No one seems to care
  • No one will listen, such as family, friends, work
    colleagues, etc.

What is abuse?
  • Physical Abuse Any act (or failure to act)
    performed intentionally or recklessly that
    causes, or is likely to result in, harm to an
    individual including
  • infliction of physical or mental injury
  • unreasonable use of restraint
  • isolation that harms or is likely to harm the
  • medication that harms or is likely to harm the
    person and
  • unreasonable use of physical or chemical
    restraint (psychotropic meds) or isolation as
    punishment, in direct conflict with a physicians
    orders or in substitution for treatment of more
    concern for adults with disabilities in

  • Sexual Abuse Any sexual act between an adult
    and a minor (under age of 16 in Kansas) or
    between two minors when there is a five-year or
    more age difference between the older perpetrator
    and the minor victim or when anyone over 16 yrs.
    old does not consent or when the perpetrator
    knows or should know that the victim is incapable
    of resisting or declining consent to the sexual
    act due to mental deficiency or disease or due to
    fear of retribution.

  • Verbal Abuse A threat or menacing conduct
    directed towards an individual that results or
    might reasonably be expected to result in fear,
    or emotional or mental distress to the person.
    Verbal abuse refers to any degrading,
    dehumanizing, menacing or threatening
    communication used against an individual.

Neglect is a failure to.
  • Act responsibility as a caregiver/parent
  • Provide proper nutrition, adequate shelter, and
    appropriate clothing
  • Provide and coordinate medical care, oversight of
    medications, health and safety
  • Protect from social and physical danger
  • Provide education, services and supports

Exploitation is.
  • Misappropriation of an individuals property, or
  • Intentionally taking unfair advantage of an
    individuals physical or financial resources for
    another persons financial or personal advantage
    by the use of undue influence, coercion,
    harassment, duress, deception, false
    representation, or false pretense by a caretaker
    or another person.

Who is a mandatory reporter?
  • Professionals-in-training enrolled in KIPBS
  • Doctors
  • Psychologists
  • Social workers
  • Nurses
  • Teachers
  • Staff working in community agencies e.g.
    residential, employment, mental health
  • Law enforcement
  • Case managers
  • Guardians or conservators
  • Bank trust officers
  • Rehab counselors
  • Administrative officers for a medical care
  • Operators of care facilities
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