Title: 5-1. Diabetes education: 18 years 67%
1Focus Area 5 Midcourse Status Diabetes
Moved away from target Moved toward
target Met target
5-1. Diabetes education 18 years
67 (1998, 1999) 5-2. New cases of
diabetes 18-64 -112
years (1997-99, 2003-2005) 5-3.
Overall cases of diabetes
-93 (1997, 2005) 5-4.
Diagnosed diabetes 20 years
(1988-94, 2001-2004) 5-5. Diabetes-related
-3 (1999, 2003)
5-6. Diabetes-related deaths persons
120 with diabetes (1999,
2003) 5-7. Cardiovascular deaths
215 with
diabetes (1999, 2003) 5-10. Lower extremity
60 189
persons with diabetes (1997-99,
2002-04) 5-11. Annual urinary microalbumin
600 measurement 65
years with diabetes (2000, 2004)
-100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50
75 100
Percent of targeted change achieved
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See notes at end of chart.
2Focus Area 5 Midcourse Status Diabetes
Moved away from target Moved toward
target Met target
5-12. A1C Test at least 2 times a year
100 18 years with diabetes
(2000, 2004) 5-13. Annual dilated
eye examination
33 18 years with
diabetes (1998, 2003) 5-14. Annual
foot examination 18 years
-4 with diabetes (1998,
2004) 5-15. Annual dental
13 2 years
with diabetes (1997, 2005) 5-17.
Daily self-blood-glucose-monitoring
18 years with diabetes (1998, 2004)
-100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50
75 100
Percent of targeted change achieved
NOTES Tracking data for Objective 5-16 are
unavailable. Objectives 5-8 and 5-9 were
deleted at midcourse.
Years in parentheses represent the baseline data
year and the most recent data
year used to compute the percent of Healthy
People 2010 target achieved.
Most recent value baseline value
Year 2010 target baseline value
Percent of targeted change achieved
X 100
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