Title: Diabetic Centre in vashi (1)
1Sweet Clinics
Care You Can Trust
2About Sweet Clinics
Navi Mumbai's Most Comprehensive Diabetes Clinic
and Lifestyle Management Center Sweet Clinics
has been begun by diabetologists who have worked
for over ten years at All India Institute of
Diabetes, Mumbai. Sweet Clinics is a Complete
Diabetes Management focus having every one of the
offices and administrations under one rooftop
with the plan to enable diabetics to control
their diabetes and keep any genuine diabetic
difficulty that may emerge because of
uncontrolled diabetes.
3Sweet Clinics Offer Diabetes Care Services
- Diabetes Educator Nutritionist Services
- Diabetes Pathology Pharmacy
4Diabetes Management
- Consultation by Qualified Diabetologist through
the day - Diabetes Prevention Program
- Juvenile Diabetes Care Centre Special
counseling and treatment for Diabetic Kids
5Diabetic Foot Treatment
Complete foot assessment for early detection and
prevention of Diabetic Foot Complications.
Consultation by Foot Surgeon with prior
6Eyecare in Diabetes
Periodic Eyetest using a Fundus Camera Latest
upgraded Digital Retina Camera or Digital Fundus
Camera is used to capture images of the interior
surface of the eye. Tiny vessel changes or bleed
can be detected with the help of this camera.
These images are key in the identification and
care of various eye diseases like Diabetic
7Heart Care in Diabetes
Diabetes cardiomyopathy affects heart muscles
leading to weakness of muscles and pumping
deformities. Enlargement of heart chambers is
very common in diabetic cardiomyopathy. Long
standing diabetes patients do not get pain
sensation hence conditions like heart attack can
be missed and remain untreated. It may prove
fatal . This is the main reason, every diabetic
person needs to undergo cardiac check up every
8Diabetes Pathology Pharmacy
All pathology tests are performed under guidance
of qualified pathologist. One step solution for
all pathology needs. Sample collection from home
can also be arranged
9Super Specialty Clinics
Diabetes often leads to many other bodily
complications like high blood pressure, kidney
ailments, ED in men etc. At Sweet clinics we
have empaneled super specialists who are
available on call whenever our diabetologist
diagnose that the patient is exhibiting
corresponding symptoms.
10Contact Us
213, Arenja Corner, Palm Beach Rd, Sector 17,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400703 Call
Us 9167 444 888 Email info_at_sweetclinics.com