A General Mathematical model for A Turbo-Machine - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A General Mathematical model for A Turbo-Machine


A General Mathematical model for A Turbo-Machine P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Mathematical Tools for Development !!! The Superiority of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: A General Mathematical model for A Turbo-Machine

A General Mathematical model for A Turbo-Machine
  • P M V Subbarao
  • Professor
  • Mechanical Engineering Department

Mathematical Tools for Development !!!
The Superiority of Vector Parameters
Eulers Work Equation
Euler Theory
Torque exerted by flow on blade row shaft
output torque Rate of change of Angular
momentum of fluid t
Define, L as Angular momentum
Angular momentum is moment of linear momentum of
angular velocity, Vq
The Boeing 747 Cruising at an Altitude of 10 km
Turbo-jet Engine
Even for a steady flow through a turbo-machine
Inlet rate of angular momentum
Exit rate of angular momentum at exit
Change in Rate of angular momentum
Euler Theory
A change in Whirl Velocity of fluid can only
establish Power Exchange between fluid and rotor
in a turbo-machine !
Conservation of Energy
First Law for Steady Flow Steady State Turbo
Avoid heat transfer across surface of a
This is known as Euler Turbo-machinery Equation.
Read Through Euler Turbo-machinery Equation
  • A Change in total enthalpy is proportional to
    change in tangential flow speed or tangential
    engine speed.
  • For engines with little change in mean radius
    (inlet to exit), the change in total enthalpy is
    due to change in tangential flow velocity of the
  • Creates a small change in enthalpy of fluid.
  • For engines with large change in radius, the
    change in enthalpy is to a large degree due to
    the change in radius.
  • The centrifugal/centripetal effect.
  • Creates Large change in enthalpy of fluid.
  • How to select a suitable type of action for a

The Variations Principle of torque Generation
Centrifugal/ Centripetal Impulse Reaction
Power Generating Machines Radial flow turbines Pelton wheel De Laval Turbine Curtis Wheel Steam turbines Gas Turbines Kaplan Turbine
Power Consuming Machines Centrifugal pumps/compressors Axial flow pumps/ compressors
The Variations Direction of Flow
Radial Mixed Axial
Power Generating Machines Turbine of a Turbocharger Francis Turbine Kaplan Turbine
Power Consuming Machines Centrifugal pump/ compressors Pumps fan
MEL346 Syllabus
  • Introduction turbo-machinery / history / types /
  • Euler equation for turbo-machines.
  • Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics of
    turbo-machinery Mass, momentum and energy.
  • Radial equilibrium theory and design of blades
    for a turbo-machine.
  • Design of Hydraulic turbines.
  • Axial flow turbines and compressors theory and
  • Centrifugal compressors Pumps
  • Wind Turbines
  • Micro Turbines

  • Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery
    S.L. Dixon.
  • Principles of Turbomachinery R.K. TURTON.
  • Handbook of Turbomachineryedited by Earl Logan,
    Jr. Ramendra Roy.
  • The Design of High-Efficiency Turbomachinery and
    Gas Turbines David G Wilson T Korakianitis.
  • Principles of Turbomachinery in Air Breathing
    Engines E A Baskharone.
  • Steam Turbines for Modern Fossil-Fuel Power
    Plants Alexander S Leyzerovich.

Attendance Policy
  • Below 80 -- One grade less.
  • Below 70 -- Two grades less.
  • Below 60 -- Three grades less.

No Break Through Just A Natural Evolution
  • Knowledge of turbo-machines has evolved slowly
    over centuries without the benefit of sudden and
    dramatic breakthrough for more than 41500 yrs!
  • Turbo-machines, such as windmills and
    waterwheels, are millenniums old.

An Evolution from Water Wheel to Hydraulic Turbine
  • Waterwheels, which dip their vanes into moving
    water, were employed in ancient Egypt, China, and
  • Waterwheels appeared in Greece in the second
    century B.C. and in the Roman Empire during the
    first century B.C.
  • A seven-ft-diameter waterwheel at Monte Cassino
    was used by the Romans to grind corn at the rate
    of 150 kg of corn per hour,
  • Waterwheels at Arles ground 320 kg of corn per
  • The Doomsday Book, based on a survey ordered by
    William the Conqueror, indicates the there were
    5,624 water mills in England in 1086.
  • Besides the grinding of grain, waterwheels were
    used to drive water pumps and to operate

  • Agricola (14941555) showed by illustrations how
    water wheels were used to pump water from mines
    and to crush metallic ores in the 16th century.
  • The pumps were driven by 14 waterwheels, each 12m
    in diameter, that were turned by the currents of
    the Seine.
  • The undershot waterwheel, which had an efficiency
    of only 30, were used up until the end of the
    18th century.
  • It was replaced in the 19th century by the
    overshot waterwheel with an efficiency of 70 to
  • By 1850, hydraulic turbines began to replace
  • The first hydroelectric power plant was built in
    Germany in 1891 and utilized waterwheels and
    direct-current power generation.
  • However, the waterwheels were soon replaced with
    hydraulic turbines and alternating-current
    electric power.

Evolution of Wind Turbines
  • Although the use of wind power in sailing vessels
    appeared in antiquity, the widespread use of wind
    power for grinding grain and pumping water was
    delayed until
  • the 7th century in Persia,
  • the 12th century in England, and
  • the 15th century in Holland.
  • 17th century, Leibniz proposed using windmills
    and waterwheels together to pump water from mines
    in the Harz Mountains.
  • Dutch settlers brought Dutch mills to America in
    the 18th century.
  • This led to the development of a multiblade wind
    turbine that was used to pump water for
  • Wind turbines were used in Denmark in 1890 to
    generate electric power.
  • Early in the 20th century American farms began to
    use wind turbines to drive electricity generators
    for charging storage batteries.

Discovery of Steam and Gas Turbines
  • In the second century B.C. Hero of Alexandria
    invented rotors driven by steam and by gas, but
    these machines produced insignificant amounts of
  • During the 18th and 19th centuries the
    reciprocating steam engine was developed and
    became the predominant prime mover for
    manufacturing and transportation industries.
  • In 1883 the first steam turbines were constructed
    by de Laval whose turbines achieved speeds of
    26,000 rpm.
  • In 1884 a steam turbine, which ran at 17,000 rpm
    and comprised 15 wheels on the same shaft, was
    designed and built by Charlie Parsons.
  • The gas turbine was conceived by John Barber in
    1791, and the first gas turbine was built and
    tested in 1900 by Stolze .

  • Sanford Moss built a gas turbine in 1902 at
    Cornell University.
  • At Brown Boveri in 1903, Armenguad and Lemale
    combined an axial-flow turbine and centrifugal
    compressor to produce a thermal efficiency of 3
  • In 1905 Holzwarth designed a gas turbine that
    utilized constant-volume combustion.
  • This turbine was manufactured by Boveri and
    Thyssen until the 1930s.
  • In 1911 the turbocharger was built and installed
    in diesel engines by Sulzer Brothers, and in 1918
    the turbocharger was utilized to increase the
    power of military aircraft engines.
  • In 1939 the first combustion gas turbine was
    installed by Brown Boveri in Switzerland.
  • A similar turbine was used in Swiss locomotives
    in 1942.
  • The aircraft gas turbine engine (turbojet) was
    developed by Junkers in Germany around 1940.
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