Title: Welcome to HS-Copmposite ApS Management System
1Welcome to HS-Copmposite ApSManagement System
Environmental management
Work environment
Information about the management system
Audit of environmental management
2Company Profile
HS-Composite ApS ... Specializing in serial
production and specific fibre glass assignments.
The majority of our work is serial
productions. We also take part in development and
production of new products in close cooperation
with our customers. Introduction Svendsen
Glasfiber ApS was founded in 1977 and is
specializing in fibre glass assignments. We
operate on the domestic market as well as on the
international market. The name of our company is
HS-Composite ApS. HS-Composite ApS is known as
the problem solver, when new ideas and solutions
need to be found, and it often allows us to
participate in the development process, when
documentation is only a sketch. Repair and
service is also a major part of our work load.
HS-Composite ApS mainly works as a
subcontractor for our customers. This includes
companies in various industries in the public as
well as in the private sector. The experience
we have gained and the special education within
fibre glass work, has made us the specialists, we
are today. Therefore we are a reliable partner
for our customers.
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3Information about HS-Composite ApS Management
HS-Composite ApS management system is created as
a process oriented management system, that
complies with the environmental management
DS-EN/ISO 14001, Work environment OHSAS and
announcement no. 87, January 31st. 2005 appendix
1. The management system includes activities,
carried out by HS-Composite ApS. The statistic
documentation exits only electronically. Registra
tions are available in hard copy.. This document
exists signed in original form at our office.
Henrik Svendsen
Korsør, March 1st 2010
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- It is HS-Composites policy, that co-operating
with contractors will keep us on top of progress
concerning the external environment as well as
the work environment. - When a contractor supplies personnel on behalf
of, HS-Composite, their qualifications will be
evaluated seperately concerning environmental
management and work environment. The result will
be noted in the contractors evaluation sheet. - CUSTOMERS
- It is HS-Composites policy to deliver
environmental products in close colaboration with
our customers. - When the customers demand specific environmental
standards when working on their property,
HS-Composite will examine the demands with the
customer, and they will be included into the
- It is HS-Composites policy to ensure that the
employees have the best means of protection, and
that they are trained to carry out the
assignments that the company undertakes.
- Ongoing improvements
- It is the policy of HS-Composite to constantly
improve the effect on the work environment and
the external environment - Laws announcements
- HS-Composite is keeping a register of relevant
laws and announcements concerning environment
and work environment. HS-Composite is also
obliged to comply with these laws and
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- Environmental management
- HS-Composite ApS is aiming at reducing
- the environmental strain in connection with the
- calgulation of the environmental strain of
- considerable significance.
Work Environment HS-Composite ApS is aiming at
reducing the frequency of accidents to a minimum
of 0,5. Below method of calculation was
used HS-Composite is also aiming at reducing
the quantity of styrene steam in the production
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- Environmental management
- It was decided to find an alternative way of
- reducing the use of heating oil.
- It was decided to start a new production method
- which reduces discharge to air from the
- production
Work environment HS-Composite ApS is aiming at 0
accidents causing lost working hours. Register
the number of insidents. It was decided to
introduce a new method to reduce the quantity
of styrene in the production premises.
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7Environmental Mamagement Flow
Environmental Effects
Environmental Survey
Waste Handling
Plan of Action
Risk Analysis
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8Waste Handling
Waste in the form of oil and chemical waste, such
as - Non tempered glue and polyester
scraps, - thinner-, styrene residues.
chemical and serigraphy colours not needed
anymore, accumulated waste. - rags
contaminated by chemicals and polyester
packaging not scraped. This kind of wate is
acccumulated, kept and and removed as stated in
regulations appendix no.5 for regulations for
industrial waste in the municipality of Korsør,
January 2002. Scrap is removed and sent to a
scrap dealer or a certified removal company.
Paper, cardboard, flamingo and plastic film
will be recycled. Other non-recycled waste, must
be sent to a supervised place of discharge or
removed in another way agreed by the City
Council. All waste is handled i accordance with
Regulations for industrial waste in the
municipality of Korsør, January 2002.
Solid Waste
Solid Dangerous Waste
Liquid Dangerous Waste
Go to Environmental Flow
9Risk Analysis
Ultimo 2003 the insurance company Codan made a
risk evaluation of Svendsen Glasfiber ApS. We
have complied with the result of the
evaluation. HS-Composite ApS is not subject the
municipally laws and under no obligation to give
notice, as the total production does not exceed
approx. 10,000 kg. per year HS-Composite ApS is
not subject to fire regulations and inspection
cf. Technical regulations for inflammable liquids
regulation no. 1054 af 23/12/1992, as it is
contained under 800 OE.
Go to Environmental Flow
10Environmental Survey
- The environmental survey is containing the
following aspects - Historical evaluation
- Laws and announcements
- Description of the processes
- Flow to den surrounding air
- Resource usage
- Water
- Electricity
- Heat
- Raw material
- Each year a survey is made.
- If significant changes have been made within the
production/work environment, the environment
survey will be altered.
Go til Environmental Flow
11Elaborating Plan Of Action
- Plans of action concerning environmental
management as well as work environment are
created electronically using the computer
programme IPL.
Go to Environmental Flow
12Environmental Impact
In general It is important that HS-Composite ApS
identifies and evaluates those environmental
impacts on the external environment, that are a
direct result of the production. The evaluation
process is made on all HS-Composite ApS
activities. Process The evaluation process of
the environmental impact is covering all
production situations. The process is divided
Discharge to air
Discharge to water
Discharge to soil
Solid and liquid waste
Energy and water
Raw material End product
Indirect Env. impact
Env. impact of considerable significance
Go to Environmental Flow
13Discharge To Air
- The ventilation system in the production area
has an injection as well as exhaust at 15,000 m3
air per hour. - In 2005 the total usage of styrene subdued
polyester was 4,275 kg. equivalent to polyester
usage of 2,850 m2. - The styrene discharge of styrene subdued
polyester is approx. . - 10 grams per. m2.
- In general 13.3 m2 (2850215) is produced on a
daily basis equivalent to a styrene discharge of
133 grams. - Gelcoat also produces styrene subdue. In 2005
1,058 kg. was used. Our suppliers have informed
us that the emission is 7 , equivalent to 74.1
kg styrene discharge. A daily discharge of
(74,1215) 345 grams - These calculations state that the emmision is 478
gram and that styrene is alocated in 120,000 m3
air. - Other procudcts are also used, and they also
discharge to air. Those are - pure styrene, acetone and hardener.
Go to Environmental Impact
14Discharge To Water
- At HS-Composite ApS the production is
- not using any processes that
- involve water
- Therefore is it only sanitary water that is
- discharged from the company.
- Yearly water usage is 86 m3.
Go to Environmental Effects
15Discharge To Soil
- In addition to the calculated discharge to air of
133 grams per day, that is expected to land on
soil, the production does not discharge further
discharge to soil. (Emmission) - There might be a risk of discharging to soil in
connection with accidents while transporting raw
materials on the outside premises.
Go to Environmental Effects
16Solid And Liquid Waste
- The production at HS-Composite ApS
- generates following waste fractions
- Solid waste in the form of packaging
- Solid waste in the form of fibre glass
- Liquid waste in connection with empty packaging
- All waste products are handled i accordance with
the - regulative laws of Korsør Authorities, January
Go to Environmental Effects
17Energy And Water
The survey of energy at HS-Composite has come up
with the following result Electricity 22,350
kWh Heating oil approx. 12,000 Gas
None Central heating None Petrol Diesel oil
for company cars heating device 2003 4236.90
Litres 92 oct. 132.5 Litres 95 oct. 105.36 Litres
Diesel oil 2004 (stated October 13th
2004) 2964.36 Litres 92 oct. 25.76 Litres 95
oct. 246.15 Litres Diesel oil 2005 4460.43
Litres 92 oct. 67.26 Litres 95 oct. 1009.81
Litres Diesel oil
Go to Environmental Effects
- Outdoor production involves grinding
- machines of various kinds.
- The noice does not exceed the limit
- values of the environmental
- approval of June 20th 1995
Go to Environmental Effects
- These chemicals are used in the procuction
- Styrene
- Acetone
- Polyester
- These chemicals have specific odors
- The emission of
- Styrene does not exceed 2 kg./hour
- Acetone does not exceed 6,25 kg./hour
- See max. calculation under Discharge to air
Go to Environmental Effects
- Working oudoors, spot suction is used in
- connection with grinding.
- Dust is being gathered from spot suction.
Go to Environmental Effects
21Raw Materials
- HS-Composite is using the following raw
- A detailed registration of the components is made
within the companys - financial system C5.
- The total amount of raw materials used does not
exceed the amount granted - by the Environmental Approval of June 20th 1995.
Go to Environmental Effects
22Indirect Environmental Impacts
- End Products.
- All HS-Composite ApS end products are tempered
and they will no cause indirect environmental
impacts to the customers. - Repair work at the customer will cause a small
environmental strain in the form of evaporation
from - Styrene
- Acetone
- Polyester
- Repair Work.
- When required, small repair work is made at the
customer. These repair works will cause a smaller
evaporation from the - raw materials.
- Disposal.
- Disposal of the chemicals will cause an indirect
environmental effect, if the customer does not
dispose og it in a controlled - manner. HS-Composite ApS offers guidance in
connection with disposal.
Go to Environmental Effects
23Environmental Impact Of Considerable Significance
Air Water Soil Waste Solid Liquid Energy and water Noise Odor Dust Raw Mat. End Product
Styrene X X X X X
Acetone X X X X X
Polyester X X X X X
Ordinary waste X
Dangerous waste X X X
Liquid waste X X X
Energy X X X
If an environmental effect is to be characterized
as significant to HS-Composite ApS, there has to
be at least 3 ticks in the sheet above. Styrene,
Acetone and Polyester are the basic essence of
the raw material usage at HS-Composite ApS.
HS-Composite ApS is working on more environmental
alternatives, and improving the production
processes. Oil is used for heating the premises
and this is considered an environmental impact of
considerable significance.
Go to Environmental Effects
24HS-Composite ApS Audits Of Integrated Management
Audit 1. HS-Composites integrated management
system Audit 1, is the first audit, which is
handed in, in connection with certifying the
management system.
Audit 2. Following is added Slides 49 to 57.
Audit 3. Process flow-up with relevant text
Audit 4. Environment data up-dated and new
targets are introduced. An evaluation sheet
concerning our suppliers has been added.
Audit 5. Up-dated in connection with
comments/deviations at the FDC additional
audit. New procedures introduced to evaluate
outdoor work stations.
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26Procedures And Instructions
Evaluation of outdoor work place Environment
Work Environment
Internal audit
Process flow
Registration of deviations, Adjusting
Training of new employees
Emergency Plan
Registration of data
Evaluation of suppliers
Laws and announcements
Management evaluation
Management evaluation
Tilbage til første side
27Internal Audit
Audit sheet
The computer programme IPL is basis in connection
with internal audit, and all other suryes of work
environment at HS-Composite.
Go to survey
28Registration Of Deviation and Adjusting
All accidents and any signs of accidents must be
registered in a deviation report. Environmental
accidents must also be registered in the devation
report. Each deviation will be evaluated in
reference to initiate any adjustments.
The first year (2005) all incidents, accidents,
signs of accidents will be registered as a
deviation. The management evaluation in 2006
will decide weather or not to state new deviation
criterias and adjusting initiatives.
Deviation Report
Go to survey
29Reading And Registration Of Consumption
Go to survey
Go to survey
31Audit Plan
Go Back
32Deviation Sheet
Go back
All registrations concerning the environment are
kept for at least 3 years. Alle registrations
concerning work environment are kept as long as
the company exists.
Go to survey
Go to survey
Work environment in general
Maskin og sikkerheds Instruktioner
Evaluation of the work place
The extensive Work environment
Emergency Plan
Plan of action within the Work Environment
Security Group
Go to page 1
36The Extensive Work Environment Health
Encouragement In The Workplace
- The extensive work environment Workplace Job
Market - HS-Composite ApS is, within the limits of its
primary business area, going to participate in
complying with societys expectations of an
extensive job market. - HS-Composite ApS, is going to be positive towards
people who are not able to work full time, and
towards people with a different ethnic
background. -
- Employing people who are not able to work full
time will be a part of an integrated process, in
which the employees are involved in the decision
making and integrating their new colleagues. -
- Health encouragement in the workplace
- HS-Composite ApS will be working at encouraging
good health in the workplace. - Input will be
- Reported deviations
- Result from internal/external audits.
- New technology
- HS-Composite ApS has carried out health check of
their employees.
Go to Work Environment Flow
37Composition Of MSIs
Go To Work Environment Flow
38Workplace Evaluation - WPE
- Safety- health inspection is initiated in
connection with audit. - WPE issues are examined at the safety meetings.
- Every 3 years the WPE is carried out through the
entire company..
Relevant work environment guides were the basis,
when intiating the WPE. 2 cross-reference lists
are made, where the most important work
environment issues and processes are identified.
Most important Work environment issues
Most important Processes
Go to Work Environment Flow
39Emergency Plan
Emergency pollution due to a production accident
must be notified to the authorities in Korsør
immediately. Technical Administration phone
no. 53 57 08 00, Environmental Department
about limiting the effect of the damages and to
register the effect during the companys self
inspection. Outside the authorities opening
hours please contact Falck on phone no. 1
1 2 (Emergency Centre) Or County Environmental
Guard also through the Emergency
Centre HS-Composite ApS will always inform the
authorities in Korsør, Technical Administrationon
the first coming workday.
Go to Work Environment Flow
40Security Group
- The security group is as follows
- Head of Security
- Production Worker
Go to Work Environment Flow
41Plan Of Action Within The Work Environment
Plans of action within the work environment are
generated automatically by the computer
programme IPL. These plans of action are often
reviewed by the management and the security group
at Svendsen Glasfiber.
Go to Work Environment Flow
42Safety Instructions
- New employees will be introduced to all safety
instructions. -
- Respiratory Protection.
- Respiratory protection is necessary at
HS-Composite ApS. We are working with procucts
that produce steam that requires respiratory
protection. -
- HS-Composite ApS uses the best respiratory
protection available on the market. -
- All employees at HS-Composite ApS must comply
with following rules - Sufficient exhaust is required concerning
fibre glass assignments. - Additionally it is necessary to use to the
type of respiratory protection required in
connection to the MAL Code. See Information in
the folder - workplace instructions, or on the posters.
- Gloves.
- Always wear latex gloves while working with fibre
glass. Latex gloves protect the skin from
chemical rash. -
- All employees at HS-Composite ApS must comply
with following rules - Gloves are used while working with all kinds of
chemicals and fibre glass mats. - Gloves must be changed when type of chemical
is changed. - After 2 hours of work, the employee must
change work task where gloves are not required.
This will allow the skin to breathe
Go to survey
43Environment Work Environment Evaluation Of
Outdoor Workplaces
Document 1 is an evaluation sheet, that is going
to be filled-in prior to initiating the work. On
the back of the sheet you can find the
explanation on how to find the statement that
complies with the work situation. Matters that
have more than 30 points must be resolved prior
to initiating the work.
Go to survey
44Process Flow
On the following pages the process of manually
handling fibre glass is described and illustrated
step by step. Each text box is surrounded by a
frame, which colours are eather blue, red or
The blue frame indicates circumstances that
influence product quality.
The red frame indicates circumstances that
influence work environment
The green frame indicates environmental
Go to next page
45Process Flow
Blue Process Red Work Environment Green
Environmental Management
Tools for manually handling of fibre glass mats
are cleaned with acetone.
Working with acetone requires respiratory
protection with glass filter A2 (brown). The risk
of direct skin contact requires gloves and safety
Discarded tools are put in a container for
inflammable waste. Discarded acetone is sent to
be recycled.
Adjust the number of mats through pattern or the
template. The mats must be very acurate.
Work gloves must be used.
Mats for recycling are to be put in a box.
Discarded mats are put in a container for
inflammable waste.
Go to next page
46Process Flow
Blue Process Red Work Environment Green
Environmental Management
Innitially the gelcoat is applied to the prepared
Air-supplied respiratory protection, eye
protection, overalls and gloves must be worn.
Surplus gelcoat is hardened, and put in a
container for inflammable waste.
Now the first fibre glass mat can be put in
Respiratory protection with glass filter A2
(brown) is used at high levels in the air,
air-supplied respiratory protection is used, eye
protection, overalls and gloves must be worn.
Go to next page
Previous page
47Process Flow
Blue Process Red Work Environment Green
Environmental Management
A layer of polyester is applied. Make sure that
all air bubbles are unroled.
Respiratory protection with glass filter A2
(brown) is used at high levels in the air,
fresh air-supplied respiratory mask is used, eye
protection, overalls and gloves must be worn.
Surplus polyester is used in connection with
applying the next layer of polyester.
The next layer is applied to the wet polyester
and bubbles are unrolled.
Respiratory protection with glass filter A2
(brown) is used at high levels in the air,
fresh air-supplied respiratory mask is used, eye
protection, overalls and gloves must be worn.
Go to next page
Previous page
48Process Flow
Blue Process Red Work Environment Green
Environmental Management
After 20-30 seconds, the fibre glass work can be
moulded into whatever shape is needed.
Respiratory protection with glass filter A2
(brown) is used at high levels in the air,
fresh air-supplied respiratory mask is used, eye
protection, overalls and gloves must be worn.
The fibre glass mats can overlap. Hpwever, do not
let the pieces collide.
Respiratory protection with glass filter A2
(brown) is used at high levels in the air,
fresh air-supplied respiratory mask is used, eye
protection, overalls and gloves must be worn.
Go to next page
Previous page
49Process Flow
Blue Process Red Work Environment Green
Environmental Management
Ensure that there is plenty of polyester. Mats
must be soaked in polyester. Surplus polyester is
absorbed into the next layer fibre glass. Each
mat must be unrolled evenly without air bubbles.
Respiratory protection with glass filter A2
(brown) is used at high levels in the air,
fresh air-supplied respiratory mask is used, eye
protection, overalls and gloves must be worn.
Surplus mats that can be used again are placed
into a box. Discarded mats are put into a
container for inflammable waste.
Now the extra layer of fibre glass is
applied. The process is repeated until the
wanted number of layers is obtained.
Respiratory protection with glass filter A2
(brown) is used at high levels in the air,
fresh air-supplied respiratory mask is used, eye
protection, overalls and gloves must be worn.
Surplus polyester is hardened, and put in a
container for inflammable waste.
Go to next page
Previous page
50Laws And Announcements
- All laws and announcements, that have effect on
the work environment and the environmental
management are gathered into two groups - Work Environment
- Environmental Management
- In connection with the quarterly follow-ups and
the yearly internal audit, those two organisers
will be reviewed in accordance with the laws
being altered and new laws and announcements
being published. - To insure the foundation of the above and to be
able to act immediately upon a new law, the
company has signed up for the newsletters from
The Danish Working Environment Authority and from
The Dansih Ministry Of The Environment. - Head of the environment and the manager of
security are responsible for both folders being
updated. -
- Changing and initiating new activities will be
followed up by reviewing laws concerning the
Go to isurvey
51Work Environment In General
The computer programme IPL is used in all
matters concerning work environment at
HS-Composite. IPL is used within Work Place
Evaluation (WPE), and in connection with work
environment improvements. The employees are
involved in the Work Place Evaluation. Each
issue concerning work environment will recieve at
plan of action, and each plan of action will be
involved in the over all plan for the work
environment. The procedure using the IPL is
integrated into the programme.
Go to survey
52Emergency Plan
Go to survey
53Control Sheet For Environmental Impact
Go back
54Main Work Environmental Issues
Go to survey
55Main Processes
Go to survey
56Management Evaluation
- The managements evaluation is made in connection
with follow-ups og internal audits, and must
insure that - the integrated Management system is working as it
is intended, and insure that laws and
announcements are - complied with..
- The evaluation must include
- Follow-up on latest management evaluation.
- Results from internal audits.
- Evaluation of compliance of statutory
requirements. - Comments from external stake holders, and
complaints. - The company environmental presentation, - ratio.
- Evaluation of aim and targets.
- Status on deviation and altered actions
- Recommendations on improvements.
Go to introduction
- Suppliers at HS-Composite ApS are divided into
two categories - Suppliers who deliver materials and services that
are included in the primary production. - Suppliers in category 1 will be evaluated on
their ability to - Deliver products that comply with the quality
standard of HS-Composite ApS. - Deliver services that comply with HS Composites
obligations to the external environment. - Deliver services that comply with HS Composites
obligations to the work environment. - A specific evaluation sheet has been made for
suppliers in category 1. The evaluation is being
reviewed each year in connection with the
management evaluation. - Suppliers who deliver materials and services that
are not included in the primary production. -
- Suppliers in category 2 will be informed about
HS-Composite ApS obligations to the external-
environment and work environment.
- No supplier must impair HS-Composite ApS
certification basis concerning - Quality
- Impact on the external environment
- Work environment
All suppliers are registered in HS-Composite ApS
Evaluation sheet
Go to introduction
58Evaluation Sheet
Go to Evaluation of suppliers