Octave Mannoni, colonizer-colonized dialectic in Psychologie de la Colonisation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Octave Mannoni, colonizer-colonized dialectic in Psychologie de la Colonisation


Octave Mannoni, colonizer-colonized dialectic in Psychologie de la Colonisation Prospero and Caliban: Psychology of Colonization: Prospero (inferiority) complex ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Octave Mannoni, colonizer-colonized dialectic in Psychologie de la Colonisation

Octave Mannoni, colonizer-colonized dialectic in
Psychologie de la Colonisation
  • Prospero and Caliban Psychology of Colonization
    Prospero (inferiority) complex / Caliban
    (dependency) complex Prospero as colonizer,
    whose grave lack of sociability combined with a
    pathological urge to dominate induces him to
    leave the competitive society of his home country
    for a colony where he can exercise power over a
    subservient people, whence his reluctance to
    return to his place of origin. Caliban as
    colonized subject, aiming not at independence but
    security in the master-servant bond neither
    inferior nor superior but yet wholly dependent.
  • As in Hegels Master-Slave dialectic, neither
    colonizer nor colonized can exist without the

18 Five pounds
  • New-found, calculated aggressive role 137
  • Authority through violence of humiliation playing
    on victims estimates of themselves own
    enjoyment of cruelty, determination to survive
  • Paid-for sexual relation with J charade
    providing freedom from commitment // freedom from
    emotionally loaded transactions of childhood and
    adulthood, desire for freedom from past final
    return of payment 142

19 Beast and rider
  • Taming of Proctor new perceptions of P through
    smell Ps sense of touch 143-4
  • Change in M Remoteness of memory of wife, child
    and woman-friend 145
  • Music of island 147
  • Reflections on act of giving, possibility of
    dispensing with the object, leaving only the act
    artificial currency of gesture and attitude new
    life for P, 148 ritual with gifts 149
  • New perception of position on island alone on
    alien planet, abandoned by race of motorway
    builder inhabitants bequeathing concrete
    wilderness 149
  • Plan to teach P to read and write 150 see also

  • 20 Naming of the island failure
  • 21 Delirium island and body Ms earlier
    ritual island and mind forgetting day of the
    week 156-7 flying money plan fails 157-9
    underworld crypt prepared for revered saints
    bones 160

  • 22 The pavilion of doors
  • Built by P 162
  • M as mendicant desert chief presiding over his
    barren kingdom present state suspension of
    laws of physiology, the bodys economy of needs
    and responses163
  • apparition of old man no longer terror but
    reassurance 164 I dont want anyone to know Im
    on the island 165
  • 23 The trapeze
  • Looking up at geometries of route signs and
    overhead wires 169
  • Arrival of municipal repair vehicle cables,
    workmens trolley
  • Proctors acrobatics and death

24 Escape
  • J leaves. M dont call for help. Ill leave the
    island, but Ill do it in my own time 174
  • Feeling his way through the grass (// P) to bury
    P in the floor of the crypt. Glad to be alone J
    Ps presence encouraging deviant strains
    irrelevant to task of coming to terms with the
    island. 175
  • No real need to leave confirmed he had
    established his dominion over it. calm and in
    control of his self. When he had eaten (leaving
    offering at Ps grave) it would be time to rest,
    and to plan his escape from the island.

  • Crash barrier as border between different places,
    conditions, states of mind detonating within the
    skull, perceptions of the protagonists self and
    of his world (cfr conjectures as to silence 57,
  • Removes the protagonist from the highway network
    (metaphor for networks of social and
    institutional relations, communication,
    technology, textuality to be replaced by other,
    alternative networks)
  • Crash of car alludes to crash of social
    organization, culture, meaning and
    self-awareness. Linked to pervasive images of
    debris, piles of broken, decaying objects,
    obliterable signs, images also of mortality.
  • Break up, disassembling and reassembling the

  • loss of control (time, pain, body, memory,
  • vs.
  • resumption of control
  • Ms disabling crash and falls (// disabling falls
    of Proctor) vulnerability vs. strength
    disability vs. ability leading to different and
    deeper self awareness
  • Crash as subconsciously desired
  • escape from obligations (70-71), responsibility,
    emotionally overloaded relations,transactions
  • opportunity to see the self differently (13),
    outside the highway network, re-imagine the
    past, review beliefs, memories, expectations,
    values, including deviant strains

  • attempts to escape the island
  • vs.
  • suspensions and deferral
  • development from task of escaping to task of
    coming to terms with/mastering the island (56,
    65), culminating in realization
  • In some ways the task he had set himself was
    meaningless. Already he felt no real need to
    leave the island, and this alone confirmed that
    he had established his dominion over it. He
    felt calm and in control of himself. 176

  • Topography and history of the island ruined
    remains image of shared past or anticipation of
    shared future? Island as body, ocean, pocket of
    time a time capsule // Ms overnight case 44
    time and timelessness, reminders of mortality
  • made of concrete and nature gone wild jungle of
    refuse imagined or dreamt, extension of car 67,
    or of self 69-70.
  • Grass
  • moving and feeling, 13, 68 timeless
  • flow of earth and grass, seething, rising
  • concrete
  • technology, cars, mechanized people (drivers,
    passengers) time-bound
  • traffic flows, streams

  • Anthropomorphic nature of island and its
    vegetation resilience of grass as model of
    behaviour and survival 58
  • timelessness of nature (nettles // gothic
    cathedral towers rocks of mineral forest on
    alien planet of future 70 see also 149 M.
    seeing himself alone on alien planet abandoned by
    race of motorway builders)
  • Ms changing perception of island, motorway,
    city. See also Proctors perception of the island
    through touch and sound (echoes of Caliban The
    isle is full of noises/ Sounds and sweet airs /
    twangling instruments voices TT, 3.2.135-8)
    127-8, 147.

  • Maitland as successful architect, fully
    integrated in the modern, technological world,
    transformed through experience after crash
    removes him the highway network and confronts him
    with the marginal, alternative world of the
    island and with different perceptions of his self
    (e.g. 27, 69-71, 117, 131, 137-9, 142, 163 also
    mirrorings of self 13, 29, 37), inadequacy of
    system of comfortable expectations 43.
  • Mapping of self atlas of wounds,
    identification with island journeying through
    island journeying through self.
  • Regression to infancy, animality
  • Master-slave, colonizer-colonized psychology
    (135-7 repeating 102), sadism
  • Jane Shepherd and Proctor as marginal characters,
    dropouts, castoffs complex relation to
    Maitland, costumes, past

  • Performing, play-acting, make-believe 80-82,
    131, 134 role-playing 135-7 theatrical and
    metatheatrical aspects of Concrete Island,
    Maitlands story as an enactment of a
    confrontation with the self on the stage of a
    separate world.
  • Power relations Maitland developing into
    colonizer figure (cfr Octave Mannoni, Prospero
    and Caliban The Psychology of colonisation, on
    inferiority complex of coloniser, dependency
    complex of colonised, seeking submission to an
    authoritative master.
  • Manipulation of culture and communication
    (reading and writing lesson 151-3)
  • Final, desired isolation on-with the island. 175
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