GM foods explained - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GM foods explained


GM foods explained Presented by MADGE Mothers are Demystifying Genetic Engineering Who is MADGE? A network of mothers concerned about the introduction of GM foods and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GM foods explained

GM foods explained
  • Presented by MADGE
  • Mothers are Demystifying Genetic Engineering

Who is MADGE?
  • A network of mothers concerned about the
    introduction of GM foods and crops
  • We want to be confident about the safety of our
  • We believe we have the right to know what is in
    our food

Getting to know you
  • Hands up if
  • You are a mother
  • You are a farmer
  • You are a councillor
  • You feel like you already know a lot about GM
  • You feel like you dont know much about GM at all

GM on our plates in our fields
  • The Victorian government lifted the moratorium on
    growing GM crops in 2008
  • Farmers can now grow GM canola
  • Whats the situation?
  • Where are GM foods on our plates?
  • Where are GM crops in our fields?

GM Crops in Australia
Non GM canola
GM canola
  • Can you tell the difference?
  • Neither can we and thats the problem!

The supermarket challenge
  • Are any of these foods GM?

Most GM foods arent labelled
  • You may have heard that GM foods are labelled,
  • Most GM foods dont need to be labelled, because
    of exemptions to labelling laws
  • Food from restaurants and food outlets
  • Meat, dairy and eggs from animals fed GM
  • Highly refined foods like sugars, starches
  • Additives, processing aids flavours
  • Accidental GM contamination up to 1 of

DNA, Genes Proteins
  • DNA - the instructions for life
  • Genes thought of as sections of DNA with
    instructions for making particular proteins
  • Proteins are large organic compounds that perform
    essential jobs and participate in every process
    within cells.

Genetic modification is not the same as
traditional selective breeding
  • Traditional selective breeding involves the union
    of 2 complete sets of whole chromosomes DNA and
    all its binding proteins packed together
  • Idea of GM take a gene with a specific
    characteristic from one species and insert it
    into a host plant to give it that
  • Like moving lego blocks around simple!

Selecting and Inserting the genes
  • Genes, or pieces of DNA code, may be from a wide
    variety of life forms, or may be synthetic, or
  • They are chosen for a specific purpose or need
  • There are two methods of inserting DNA
  • The Agrobacterium Method
  • The Gene Gun Method
  • Lets demonstrate

Is it really that simple?
  • Last year, 300 scientists from 4-year research
    project called ENCODE found that
  • The idea of one gene - one protein is wrong
  • Genes can combine in different ways to make
    different proteins
  • Every part of the DNA is used
  • we remain too ignorant of how the genome works
    to anticipate all the consequences, subtle or
    obvious, immediate or long-term, of those
  • Professor David Suzuki, 2007 (Geneticist, Author,

Are GM foods safe to eat?
  • We dont know because
  • Our government regulatory authorities dont
    independently test GM crops for health impacts
    before approval
  • They make safety assessments by reviewing test
    data submitted by biotechnology companies
  • There is no monitoring of the effects of GM food
    on public health

GM Crop Food Approvals - Australia
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
Genetically Modified Foods Their Approval
Status, http//
Hospital admission rates for anaphylaxis in
Australia have increased dramatically
  • Hospital admission rates for anaphylaxis -
    financial years 1993-94 to 2004-05

Rate per million population Paediatric food
allergy trends in a community-based specialist
allergy practice, 1995-2006, Raymond J Mullins,
MJA Vol. 186 No. 12 pp 618-621
Anaphylaxis Admissions vs GM Crop Approvals
  • Is there a link between allergy increases and the
    introduction of GM foods?

Is there evidence of possible harm from GM foods?
  • There are only a small number of independent
    safety studies of GM foods, but they have shown
    adverse effects
  • Dr Judy Carman, nutritional biologist and
  • Effects have been found on the liver, kidney,
    pancreas, testes, digestive system, respiratory
    system, immune function (including allergy) and

Many scientists are concerned
  • Governments should never have allowed these
    products into the food chain without insisting on
    rigorous testing for effects on health
  • Editorial, The Lancet, 29 May 1999
  • There have been no studies into whether any of
    the millions of people who have been hospitalized
    or died since GM crops were introduced got ill
    due to eating these crops
  • Dr Judy Carman, Canberra Times, 28 July 2008

World Scientists Statement
  • Scientists are extremely concerned about the
    hazards of GMOs to biodiversity, food safety,
    human and animal health, and demand a moratorium
    on environmental releases in accordance with the
    precautionary principle.
  • The statement has been signed by 828 scientists
    from 84 different countries, including
  • Dr. David Bellamy, Biologist and Broadcaster,
    London, UK
  • Prof. Liebe Cavalieri, Mathematical Ecologist,
    Univ. Minnesota, USA
  • Dr. Thomas S. Cox, Geneticist, US Dept. of
    Agriculture (retired), India
  • Dr. Tewolde Egziabher, Spokesperson for African
    Region, Ethiopia
  • Dr. David Ehrenfeld, Biologist/Ecologist, Rutgers
    University, USA
  • Dr. David Suzuki, Geneticist, David Suzuki
    Foundation, Univ. British Columbia, Canada
  • Dr. Vandana Shiva, Theoretical Physicist and
    Ecologist, India

Questions we are entitled to ask
  • Why havent studies showing adverse health
    effects of GM foods in animals been repeated?
  • Why dont our Government authorities carry out
    independent animal feeding studies before
    introducing GM crops into our food system?
  • Why arent all GM foods labelled to facilitate
    traceability in the food system and monitoring of
    public health effects?

Crop and seed contamination
  • Occurs through wind insect pollination
  • Canola seeds are the size of 100s and 1000s -
    contamination can occur during harvesting,
    storage and transport
  • In Canada, 32 of 33 certified non-GM canola seed
    stocks were contaminated
  • Agronomy Journal 95, 2003
  • 216 cases of GM contamination have been recorded
    in 57 countries worldwide

Chaos on the ground
  • Liability insurance - who pays?
  • Only VIC NSW have lifted GM canola bans
  • Non-GM farmers have concerns about the plan
    for segregating GM from non-GM crops
  • Harvesters are concerned because it takes a week
    to decontaminate a harvesting machine
  • Beekeepers need to certify what their bees have
    fed on
  • How can farmers certify crops as non-GM if they
    dont know where GM crops are growing?

Who owns our food? Seeds patents
  • Farmers gardeners have developed saved
    swapped seeds for 1000s of years
  • Now domestic international laws grant patents
    to corporations to own seeds
  • Farmers cant save patented seeds
  • In the 1970s there were 1000s of seed
    companies, now 10 companies own 57 of world
    trade in seed

Being a food detective
First the good news
  • We have lots of wonderful food in Australia that
    isnt GM
  • Fruit vegetables
  • Pasture-fed meats dairy
  • Australian-grown cereal crops (except canola
    from November)
  • Foods labelled Product of Australia
  • But ingredients like additives enzymes may be
    imported may be GM
  • Cottonseed could be GM canola from November
  • Many producers have GM-free policies look
    for the labels or call the information lines
  • Organic foods are GM-free

What foods might be GM?
  • Australian cottonseed oil, vegetable oil
    (from November) canola oil
  • Find out what your chips are cooked in
  • All other GM will be imported, mostly from the
  • The main international GM crops are soy, corn,
    canola and cotton
  • Look out for soy lecithin/protein, corn/maize
    syrup/starch think laterally!
  • A handful of soy lecithin is thrown into almost
    everything processed
  • Food additives processing enzymes

How can I avoid GM foods?
  • Eat unprocessed foods
  • make your own out of lovely Australian
  • Except for cottonseed oil and soon canola
  • Use the Greenpeace True Food Guide
  • Look for products labelled GM-free
  • Buy from local farmers markets
  • Buy organic
  • Ring information numbers on food packaging
  • Be a food detective!

If youre concerned, what else can you do?
  • Be informed - sign up to the MADGE newsletter
  • Go through your cupboards, and contact food
    manufacturers to find out whether your foods
    contain GM ingredients
  • Tell MADGE what you find out, so we can let
    others know
  • Tell food manufacturers and retailers how you
    feel about GM foods
  • Tell food manufacturers and retailers how you
    feel about GM foods
  • Right now, Australian food companies are deciding
    whether to use GM canola in their products
  • Tell your State and Federal politicians your
  • Sign the Greenpeace GM Food - Our Right to Know

GM Food - Our Right to Know
  • At the very least it is imperative that any GM
    produce be labelled
  • Stephanie Alexander
  • People have a right to know what they are eating
  • Margaret Fulton
  • If we are to get GM canola, it should be
    labelled, and if it is not labelled, we should
    all ask why
  • Dr Rosemary Stanton, Nutritionist

Its our food, we need to act
  • Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
    committed citizens can change the world
  • Margaret Mead
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