RAINFOREST REPORTS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RAINFOREST REPORTS SUGARCREEK INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL RAINFOREST REPORTS Works Cited Wexo ,Jonh . Orangutans. San Diego {CA}: Creative Edncation Inc. Orangutan. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Anaconda The Anaconda is one of the worlds
largest snakes. It can get to be 30 feet long in
size. Scientists said that they can get up to
140 feet long but hasnt been proven yet. The
Anaconda is olive yellowish-green in color and
has circular black dots. It is not poisonous.
The anaconda has a large head, thick neck, and
its eyes are on its head. It is found in the
south Amazon Rainforest. It likes slow water and
prefers to live alone.
An anaconda eats large rodents and capybaras.
It likes to prey on jaguars. When the anaconda
eats, it coils up using its strong teeth to
swallow its prey whole. The Anaconda takes
several days to digest the food that it ate. Then
they dont eat for two months. They mature at 3
to 4 years old. They eat mice, rats and chicks.
Females leave
off scent in the water to attract a mate. The
babies are bare when born. They carry their
babies for six months. They can get to be 2 feet
long when born. They can have 20 to 40
babies. People are hunting snakes to make things
out of them and this affects the rainforests
population of snakes. The more Anacondas that
die affects the population of snakes and
increases the amount of animals that they kill.
Works Cited Burton, Dr Maurice and Robert
Burton. Wildlife Encyclopedia. New York Funk and
Wagnalls 1974. Corwin, Jeff. Anaconda. 20
January, 2005. http//www.animal.discovery.com/fa
nsites/ JeffCorwin/carnival/slithering/anaconda.ht
Aye-aye The aye- aye is one of the most
endangering mammals on earth. Because it only
has one baby a year it only lives on Madagascar
off the east coast. The aye- aye is related to
monkeys and humans. An aye aye gets its name
from the sound it makes. The aye-aye has short
blackish-white and some brown fuzzy fur.
Ayeayes are 14 to 17 inches long.
The ayeaye uses its nails on humans when
threatened. It lives in hollow trees. The
ayeayes diet is fruit, insects, and grubs. They
use their long boney fingers to tap tree braches
to hear to grubs. They bite in to the tree and
pick them out with their fingers. The aye aye
is part of a symbiotic relasonship with trees.
An ayeaye gets a home from a hollow tree and the
tree gets a termite free life.
Works Cited AyeAye.www.americanzoo.com.
2-9-05. Aye-Aye Wild Life Encyclopedia. New
York Funk and Wagnalls, 1974. .
Bush Dog   Do you know what kind of dog can swim
under water? A bush dog spends a lot of time
around water. The name bush dog means true cave
hunter. The bush dog is reddish-brown with a
darker brown tail. It often has a lighter patch
under its throat. It has small round ears, a
small tail, and small legs. It weighs 11 to 15
pounds. Its shoulder height is 12 inches (30
cm). The bush dogs head and body is 24 inches
(60cm). Its tail length is 5 to 6 inches (12 to
15cm). The bush dog eats soft fruit. It also
eats meat like agouti, capybara, pacas, and even
rheas, which can be much bigger then a bush dog
They live in woodlands and grassy plains of
South America where the soil is sandy. Also,
they occupy deserted armadillo burrows. They
sleep in dense or hollow tree trunks. They are
also considered night hunters. The female bush
dog can have 1 to 6 cubs. The male helps the
female take
care of the babies. Hardly anything is know
about how bush dog bread. The bush dog has a
symbiotic relationship with other plants and
animals in the rainforest. It eats flesh, dead
or alive.
It occupies the deserted armadillo burrows to
keep other animals away. It eats the rodents,
(Paca). The paca can hurt plants, and other
fruits, and seeds in the rain forest. So the
bush dog protects these plants. This helps to
clean up the rainforest.
Works Cited   Burton, Dr. Maurice and Robert
Burton. Wildlife Encyclopedia. New York
Funk and Wagnalls, Inc., 1974.
Cougar   The cougar has four names and they are
Puma, Cougar, Panther, and Mountain Lion. The
name Puma is used in Britain. In U.S.A., Canada,
and in South America it is called Cougar,
Panther, and Mountain Lion. The weight of the
cougar is 135-220 lbs, and the length is 3.25/6.5
ft. It can leap up to 16.5ft. into the air.
When they get older, their color changes into
yellowish-red. The cougar lives up to 10 or 20
It can have up to six babies every two years.
The cubs color is yellowish-brown with dots on
it and a ring on its tail. It lives up with its
mom for two years and after two years, they live
on their own. The cougar hunts at night and it
kills and feeds on elk, deer, sheep, beavers,
raccoons, and, hares. When it kills them, they
drag them t their home and eats them for many
The cougar lives in Western South America and
also lives in caves and thickets with their
family. Caves are big rocks with a tunnel in it
and a thicket is brush and sticks all tight
together. Some cougar's species are endangered
in South America. The cougars enemies are
people that hunt them in the morning. The males
spend all day marking their territory like the
ground, trees, rocks, thicket, sticks, and a lot
of other things. The female has less
territory then the male does. It sometimes
overlaps with the male's territory. They mark on
the ground, trees, rocks, thickets, sticks, and a
lot of other things just like the male does.
The cougar depends on the ecosystem of the
rainforest because the rainforest helps provides
a place for it to live in like caves and
thickets. In turn, the cougar hunts a variety of
animals so that none becomes extinct.
Work Cited   Burton, Dr. Maurice, and Robert
Burton. Puma. Wildlife Encyclopedia. New York
Funk and Wagnalls Inc., 1974. Jackson, Tom. The
Complete Book of Animals. London Annes
Publisher Ltd., 2004. Puma, Cougar, Panther,
Mountain Lion. 31 January, 2005.
http//www.americazoo.com. World Book, 2000.
Eagles Did you know that the eagle is
important? It is our National bird and the symbol
of freedom and power. It is also a very important
bird found in the Tropical Rainforest.
The eagle has a scientific name and it is
Haliaeetus Leucocephalus. It has a snow-white
head and also has dark brown feathers all over
the rest of its body. Eagles get their white
feathers when they are seven years old. Their
eyes are dark brown like their bodies. Eagle's
eyes make them look straight in front of them.
Eagles beaks are short and yellow, and their
feet are also yellow. The eagles wings are 6.5
8 feet long and their body is usually 31 37
inches. They weigh 7 12 pounds and some are
even 20 pounds. They eat fish, snakes, sloths,
rabbits, and monkeys. They mate for life and
stay near the nest. They usually have two eggs
and they are white and blue. The eggs are 2/3
inches long. The babies are usually born in 35
42 days. The babies are called eaglets, eyasses,
or fledge. The adult eagles go find food for the
They live in the tallest tree at the very very
top of it. The tree is normally near open water.
Eagles also build their nest on top of the
tallest tree out of branches and leaves. The
eagle doesnt have any enemies other than man.
The eagles have made a comeback because there are
20,000 eagles in the United States and 85,000
eagles in Canada and Alaska. Bald eagles are off
of the endangered list but they are still
The eagle has a symbiotic relationship with the
animals and plants in the rainforest. The eagle
is the bird of prey. It provides a balance of
animals in the rainforest because it eats
whatever flesh is easiest to get including
carcasses from dead animals. Eagles also depend
on sticks from the trees and fresh leaves to make
their nest.
Works Cited Barton, Dr. Maurice, and Robert
Barton. Eagle World Book Encyclopedia
1974 www.whozoo.org/students/raymur/Eagle
page.htm Grier, James W. Eagles Chicago World
Book, Inc 2000 Kalman ,Bobbie Rainforest Birds
New York Crabtree Publishing Company 1998
Flying Dragon Did you know the Flying Dragon
really just glides? All it does is spreads its
wings and the fold of skin over its ribs helps it
glide. The size of a Flying Dragon is 8 inches
(20 cm). The Dragon has colorful wings. Its a
part of the lizard family. The male Dragon
spreads colorful wings to attract the female.
The female Dragon lays about 5 eggs that she
buries. When they hatch,
they climb back up into the trees. It lives in
Southern Asia and the East Indies. The Flying
Dragon lives its whole life in trees. They live
to about 8 years. The Flying Dragon is really a
Flying Lizard and it belongs to the reptile
family. It glides from tree to tree to avoid its
enemies. They eat ants and small Insects. The
Flying Dragon is one of the unique animals that
live in the rainforest.
Works Cited Colvin, Leslie and Emma Speare.
Living World Encyclopedia. New York
Scholastic Inc., 1997. Huey, Raymond B. Flying
Dragon. Chicago World Book, Inc.,
2000. Jackson, Tom. The Complete Book of
Animals. London Hermes House, Inc., 2004.
The Iguana Have you herd of the Iguana? Did
you know the Iguana can grow bigger than the
Komodo dragon? The size of the Iguana is
amazing. They can grow up to six to seven feet
long. Also the color of an Iguana is bright
green. The color dulls with age. Their tail is
cool, like the color.
If an Iguanas tail were to fall off it would
grow back. The Iguana has five toes on each of
its four feet. Their toes are tipped with
claws. The Green Iguana eats manly fruit like
apples, bananas, grapes also flowers and leaves.
The plane Iguana eats insects like ants, spiders,
and other small insects.
The Iguana lays eggs in a nest witch are three to
six feet long and two feet deep. In about a
three mouth period the Iguana lays up twenty to
forty-five eggs. Do you know the Iguana can live
up to thirty years and some dont? The Iguana
manly lives in trees near water. The Iguana is
also a reptile found in manly Central and South
America. The population isnt big because the
Iguana is captured for a pet that is why they are
in danger of extinction in many areas. Some of
the Iguana worst enemies are a man and pets. Two
more are the Hawks and also snakes. There are
some interesting facts heres one. The Iguana is
active during the day and they sleep at night.
We are the same way. We sleep at night and we
are active during the day. Thats all I got
about the Iguanas.
Work Cited Iguana. Animals. New York. Norbert.
2001. Iguana. Word Book 2000. Chicago.
2000. Iguana. 2/09/05. lthttp//www.belizezoo.or
ggt. Iguana. 2/09/05. lthttp//www.whozoo.orggt.
Jaguar The jaguar does not have enemies because
its the toughest animal in the rainforest. The
jaguars weight is 150 to 300 pounds, but deep in
the rainforest they weigh 70 to 120 pounds. Its
length is 5 feet to 8 feet long. Jaguars are
golden or brownish-yellow
with many spots, but far into the rainforest they
are black to blend in with the woods. A jaguars
running speed is very fast. They run up to 60 to
65 MPH. They live in Central and South America.
Their shelter is the forest floor. When they
have babies, they have up to 2 to 4 babies at
once. The adult and babies eat food such as
this deer, fish, cattle, horses,
turtles, and wild pigs. They kill their prey and
drag the body to the undergrowth. They go out to
eat at all times except when people are
around. Jaguars are becoming rare. There are
only 1,500 jaguars that exist in the wild. So
people shouldnt trap them, kill them, or force
them out of their habitat.
Works Cited Garman, Andrew. Jaguar. 1997.
http//dialspace.dral.pipex.com/agarmon/j aguar.h
tm. Jaguar. World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago.
Kinkajou Kinkajous are amazing animals because
they can climb trees with their tails. They
mainly live in trees that are hollow. They live
in the upper forest canopy and its a nocturnal
animal. The color of a Kinkajou is a honey,
olive-brown to reddish, and a
yellow-brown color. It usually weighs between 4
to 10 pounds. The size is usually between 1ft. to
3ft. A Kinkajou eats fruit, vegetables, bread,
raw or cooked meat, cooked or raw eggs, bone
meal, cod liver oil, condensed milk, ice cream,
but no honey. It would hurt a human if the human
attacked them. It would hunt at night to get
most of its food.
The name comes from the Ojibway word quingwage
meaning wolverine. The animal usually will
have one young and its related to pandas. It
hangs its tail on the tree then it climbs its
tail and it also doses acrobatics. People call
its tail a fifth foot because it helps them climb
The Kinkajou has a symbiotic relationship with
trees. The Kinkajou helps the tree because it
eats the termites in the tree. The tree gives
the kinkajou shelter for them to live and have
Works Cited Burton, Dr. Maurice, and Robert
Burton. Wildlife Encyclopedia 10. New York, New
York B.P.C. Publishing Ltd., 1969.
Kinkajou. 8 February, 2005. www.americanzoo.com.
Kinkajou. 7 February, 2005. http//www.belivezoo
.org/zoo/zoo/mammals/ kin/kink.html.
Works Cited Kinkajou. world book 2003. Chicago
World book Inc. 2003 Kinkajou. 10 February,
2005. http//www.sandiegozoo.org/kid- questions-k
Manatee Did you know the manatee, or Sea Cow is
in the rainforest? The manatee lives in rivers,
estuaries and costal waters. The waters that they
live in are around 15 feet deep. They have to
live in warm waters.
The manatee is big actually its 12to15feet long
and weighs 3500-1000 pounds. People say its tail
looks like a paddle. Its skin looks like an
elephant skin. The manatee has small eye on its
face. There are small little whiskers on its
nose and on its big plump body are two flippers
with 3-4 nails .Manatee is really cool! It can
hold its breath for 20 minutes.
There are different kinds of manatees. Theres
the Dugong (Dewgone) Amaznian, West Indian, and
African manatee. The Dugong has a tail like a
fish tail. All of the kinds of manatee are all
mammals. The manatee eats sand, waterplants,
aquatic invertebrates and sea grasses. It eats
sand to brake up the grasses and aquatic
invertebrates. It eats for 6-7 hours and close
to 100 pounds ever day.
All manatees are endangered. They are dieing
because boats cut them with their motors. In
Florida, they block off lakes for manatees. The
manatee shows a symbiotic relationship in the
rainforest waters by eating aquatic
invertebrates. Inturn, it protects the sea
grasses that the invertebrates and manatee eat.
Work Cited Cleave, Andrew. Curious Creatures.
New York City Smith Mark, .1995. Hare, Tony.
Animals Fact File. Times Editions,. 1999.
Jackson, Tom. The Complete Book of Animals.
London Hermes Homes. Staub, Frank. Manatees.
Lerner Publications. 1998
Work Cited West Indian Manatee.
ltwww.//animal.discovey.com/guides /mammals/habita
t/marine/westmanat ee.htmgt World Book
Encyclopedia. World Book Inc. 2000
The Orangutan Imagine seeing a hairy old man
with a red hairy cape in the rainforest! Dont
be surprised if this describes one of the animals
in the rainforest, the orangutan. The orangutan
looks like it is wearing a red cape. The coat
is long and soft to
help it stay warm. It has small ears, a small
nose, and no tail. The orangutan weighs about
160lbs -165lbs. The male orangutan weight is
200lbs. The orangutan height is about four and
one half feet tall 55 inches. Its height helps
it gather food from treetops in the canopy. In
the canopy, the orangutan finds fruit,
flowers, nuts, leaves, and insects to eat. When
the orangutan is eating fruit, nuts, and flowers,
the seeds fall to the forest floor and it reseeds
the forest floor. After a gestation period of
more than 9 months, the female gives birth to a
single young. Orangutans dont
multiply quickly. The population is getting
smaller. The orangutan might become extinct in
the wild! The orangutan lives in Sumatra and
Borneo, in the canopy. It is related to Gorillas
and Chimpanzees. The orangutan got the name
Person of the Forest and Wild Man from the
Malay Language of Indonesia.
Works Cited Orangutan. 2/23/05.
ltwww.americzoo.com/orangutan.gt Orangutan.
2/24/05. lt www.newett.norfolk.sch.uk/curric/New g
eog/Habitaas/orang.htmgt. Pringle Laurence.
Scholastic Encyclopedia of Animals. 2001 ed.
Works Cited Wexo ,Jonh . Orangutans. San
Diego CA Creative Edncation Inc. Orangutan.
2/25/05. ltwww.yahooligan.yahoo.com/conten t/ani
Piranha Can you believe that a pack of
Piranhas can eat a person to the bone in 40
seconds? A Piranha is a meat eater that is most
often found in parts of South America and in a
few rainforests. The Piranha has a colorful
belly. Some of its colors are olive- green,
bluish black, and reddish-orange. The rest of
the piranhas colors are green, blue, brown,
reddish, and black colors. The Piranhas weight
is 3 to 5 pounds. There are 25 species of
piranha. It has razor sharp teeth. It looks
like a mini shark. A Piranhas size is 1 foot to
2 feet long.
Piranhas mostly live in South American swamp
waters. Its most likely found in sea weedy
waters. Piranhas swim in the winter because
there is little snow in tropical regions. The
Piranha lays several thousands of eggs at a time
in March and August. Piranhas are important
because they are endangered and almost extinct.
They are rare for some places.
Works Cited Piranha. The World Book
Encyclopedia. 2003 ed. Pringle, Laurence.
Piranha Scholastic Encyclopedia of Animals.
2001 ed.
Red Eyed Tree Frog Did you ever here of red
eyed tree frogs? They communicate by peeping to
one another. The red eyed tree frogs also change
color to blend in. My red eyed tree frog looks
like it has red eyes and has a green body. It
has a third eye lid to protect its sensitive
eyes. It can range to a 1fourth to about 3in.
The frog has suckers at the
bottom of its feet for clinging. My frog eats
insects, tadpoles, frog lets, and crickets. It
lives in the lowland tropical forest, arboreal,
and sometimes in the country. Also some live in
trees or water most of their time. They also
travel in groups because it better. The red eyed
tree frog breeds from October-March. They
fertilize the 30-50 pale
eggs. Females lay them standing over water. 5
days tadpoles wiggle. It takes them 75-80 to
develop into a frog. Then it will spend most of
its life in the rainforest. Red eyed tree frogs
are important to the ecosystem of the rainforest.
They eat large numbers of insects which could
damage trees and plants in the rainforest. It
turn, the trees and plants provide a home for the
red-eyed tree frog.
Works Cited Burton, Dr. Maurice, and Burton,
Robert. Wildlife Encyclopedia. 1974. Red Eyed
Tree Frog. www.belizezoo.org/zoo/herps/fro/htm
Red Eyed Tree Frog. www.billybear4kids.com
The Red Panda Do you know anything about the
red panda? Do you even know that it is real?
Well, if you know nothing about the red panda,
youre in luck! I will tell you everything I
know. The red panda is called more than just one
name. It has three known names. One
of the names is Hun-Ho, which meanfire fox from
the native name. Another one is Ailurus-fulgens.
That name is its scientific name. The red panda
has very beautiful features. Red pandas have a
white face, dark under belly its back is rusty
brown, short legs, sharp claws, a short snout,
and white bands around its tail. Its fur is long
and soft. It also looks like a fox. Its size is
20-25 and its weight is 6.5-13 lbs. The red
panda has special season when it breeds. Its in
spring. The mother has its young in hollow trees
or in rock crevices. Mother red panda have one
to four young per year. The young stay with its
mother for one year or until the mother has more
Red pandas live in a Beautiful habitat. They
live in southern China and Nepal. The life span
is 14 years. The red panda lives in the under
story of the bamboo rain forest. Red pandas eat
lots of different types of food like bamboo
leaves, berries, mushrooms, birds egg, baby
birds, even acorn and lichens. The red panda
have a weird
protection. If its threatened, it snorts or
hisses sharply. The red panda likes to live in
lush bamboo forests. Most of the time the red
pandas live in pairs or some times they live by
themselves. It climbs fast though forest with it
sharp claws. All red pandas are out at dawn or
dusk. The red panda is cat-like because of the
way it cleans itself. When the red panda drinks,
it plunges its paw into the water and then laps
off its paw. The red panda has been on earth for
as long as the dinosaurs! That is 4.5 million
years! The red panda is endangering meaning at a
low risk. Scientists think that the red panda
has at least three families groups. One family
is the raccoon family. Another one is the bear
family and some scientists think that the red
panda has a family of it own.
Red pandas are threatened by a few things. One
the is mankind because people are cutting down
trees. Another threat is jungle cats because
they eat anything alright to eat. The red pandas
have a symbiotic relationship with the ecosystem
because mother red panda have their young in
hollow trees. The red pandas eat mushroom which
break down dead plant mater. So, the red panda
protects its home from being destroyed.
Works Cited Panda. 18 January, 2005.
lthttpwww.americanzoo.com.htmlgt Jackson, Tom.
The Complete Book of Animals. London Anness
Publishing, 2004. Maynard, Thane. Endangered
Animals. New York The Zoological Society.
Tapir Did you know that the Tapir is known as
the mountain cow? Its classification is
Mammalian or Mamma land. The Tapirs scientific
family is Tapirur or Terrestris. It has three
toes on its back foot and two its front. It eats
twigs fruit mostly leaves and grass.
It lives in a rainforest in the country South
America Columbia Venezuela. The area it is in or
around is South Brazil and Paraguay. Its habitat
is in the rainforest by water or swamps. The
female Tapir is gives birth to a stripped single
spotted baby. The gestation is from 300 to 400
hundred days. It has no matting session.
It has no matting session. The Tapir is one of
the rare animals only found in the rainforest.
This means it can only be found in the rainforest
not any were else in the world
Work Cited Brazilian Tapir. World Book
Encyclopedia. 2000 ed. Brazilian Tapir.
2/10/05. www.hewett,norfolk.sch. Brazilian
Tapir. 2/12/05. www.Belizezoo.com.
Xenosaurus Do you think the xenosaurus is a
dinosaur? Well no, its not. Its a type of
lizard. The xenosaurus is a flat headed
lizard. It eats insects like winged termites and
ants. It lives beneath tree roots or in rocky
crevices. The xenosaurus has a symbiotic
relationship with trees by killing
the termites. The tree provides a shelter for the
xenosaurus. The xenosaurus is only out at night
so that makes it nocternil. It gives birth to
fully formed young, unlike most reptiles. If an
animal comes after it, it opens its mouth so wide
you can see the black on the roof of its mouth.
Since there are so few of them we should try to
keep them safe.
Works Cited Tropical Rain Forest Animals.
1/5/04. lthttp/asterix.ednet.isu.edu/ed
tech/rainforest/xeno/xenosaur.htm/w owgt. www.hew
ett.norfolk.sch.uk/cupric/newGeo g/Habitats/index
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