Title: Southern Association of Schools (SACS) Presentation of the Standards
1Southern Association of Schools (SACS)
Presentation of the Standards
- J. W. Arnold Elementary School
- Our vision is to provide an environment that
empowers students to be ambitious learners and
productive, responsible members of a global
society. - Our mission is preparing students to become
- Successful citizens and lifelong learners.
- Myron Allen, Principal
216 Stockbridge Road Jonesboro, GA 30236
2- 1. What does the school most want the SACS Team
to know about each standard as the team begins
their work?
3Standard 1 Vision and Mission
- Drives Instruction and is Aligned with our School
Improvement Plan (SIP) - Effectively Communicated
- Electronic-based Profile and Data Information
Systems (AS400, Thinkgate, Encore, etc.) - Collaborative Planning, Common Assessment and
Data Analysis - Leadership monitors Teaching and Learning
- Revised when appropriate
4Standard 2 Governance and Leadership
- Policies and Procedures are Implemented,
Monitored and Effectively Communicated - Visionary Instructional Leader
- Teachers are Leaders
- Ongoing Observations and Evaluations
- Ongoing Data Analysis
- Shared-decision Making Process involves all
Stakeholders - Ongoing PD
5Standard 3 Teaching and Learning
- Aligned Curriculum (GPS Framework, Pacing Guides,
Assessment Calendar) - 21st Century Classroom
- Collaborative Planning, Common Assessments,
Data-driven decisions - Ongoing PD
- Media and Support Programs (SPED, EIP,
Counseling, etc.)
6Standard 4 Documenting and Using Results
- Drives SIP
- Collaborative Lesson Planning
- Data Analysis Planning
- Common Assessments
- Response-to-Intervention (RTI)
- Student-Support Team (SST)
- Progress Monitoring
7Standard 5 Resources and Support Systems
- School, district and state aligned recruitment,
evaluation and retention process - Teacher Support Specialist-Mentors
- Ongoing PD
- Analyze Vision, Mission SIP, Data, and Programs
to identify needed resources - Guidance Counseling Services
- Safe and orderly environment
8Standard 6 Stakeholders and Communication
- Open-door Policy
- Surveys
- Better-Seeking/School Council Team
- Learning Communities (Meet-and-Greet, Parent
Education Night, Connect Ed.,etc.) - PTA, RTI/SST, IEP Meetings
- News Letters, Agendas, Conferences, etc.
9Standard 7 Commitment to Continuous Improvement
- Vision, Mission aligned with SIP
- Curriculum Alignment
- Common Planning and Assessments
- Data Analysis
- Ongoing PD
- Instructional Programs (RTI/SST, EIP, etc.)
- Guidance Counseling Program
10- 2. What information about each standard does
the school wish to highlight?
11Standard 1 Vision and Mission
- Aligned with SACS Standards and our SMART Goals
and SIP - Guides Teaching and Learning
- Highly Communicated
- Contributes to overall Success
12Standard 2 Governance and Leadership
- Highly Communicated Policies/Procedures
- Shared-decision Making Process
- 52 certified staff with advanced degree
- Book Studies
13Standard 3 Teaching and Learning
- Resource-rich (abundance of materials)
- Student Survey results reveal
- 92 Teachers encourage and motivate
- Parent/Stakeholders Survey results reveal
- 98 Teachers have high expectations
- Staff Survey reveal
- 98 Parents are provided learning information
14Standard 3 Teaching and Learning
- School-wide 2010- CRCT Met/Exceeded
- 94 Reading (99 1st grade)
- 89 Language Arts
- 82 Math
- 85 Science
- 88 Social Studies
15Standard 3 Teaching and Learning
- G5WA 21010- Met/Exceeded
- 89-exceeded the State by 16 and the County by
23 - Academic Status 2008-2010
- Distinguished Title 1 Targeted Assistance
16Standard 4 Documenting and Using Results
- Variety of Electronic Data Systems
- Data analysis training/support
- Data Conference Room
- ½ day data planning
- Highly communicated to all stakeholders
17Standard 5 Resources and Support Systems
- Resource-rich
- 100 Highly Qualified Staff
- 37 certified staff at Arnold 10 years
- Parent/Stakeholder Survey results reveal
- 98 students have access to a variety of
18Standard 6 Stakeholders and Communication
- Parent/Stakeholder Survey results reveal
- 100 of parents feel welcomed
- 98 receive general information
- 98 Arnold promote communication
- 98 regular parental involvement
- Staff Survey results reveal
- 100 Principal clearly communicates expectations
- 98 Communication is open
19Standard 7Commitment to Continuous Improvement
- Foundation/Focus Vision/Mission, Goals (aligned
with SIP) - Staff Retreat
- Ongoing collaborative planning and data analysis
- Ongoing PD
- Numerous Instructional Programs
20- 3. What artifacts does the school wish to bring
to the teams attention that demonstrate the
schools adherence to one or more standards?
21Standard 1 Vision and Mission
- Highly Communicated
- Posted in corridors
- Documented on letterhead, news letters
- Meetings
22Standard 3 Teaching and Learning
- Posted Schedules, Standard(s)/EQs,
Vision/Mission - Curriculum Framework, Pacing Guides, Lesson
Plans, Common Assessment - Collaborative Planning Minutes
- Assessment results (CRCT, common, etc.)
- Surveys
23Standard 4 Documenting and Using Results
- Data Conference Room
- Data Notebook
- Data posted in corridors
- Collaborative Planning Minutes
- Parent ITBS/CRCT Results Letter
- Agendas (PD, PTA, Meetings, etc.)
24Standard 6 Stakeholders and Communication
- Abundance of parental/stakeholder involvement
activities - Sign-in Sheets (PTA, Volunteer, etc.)
- Surveys
25- 4. What processes and practices does the school
wish to explain that demonstrate how the
school is meeting the standard?
26- Accountability and Commitment
- Alignment (vision/mission, curriculum, etc.)
- Electronic-based Applications (profile/data)
- Collaboration, lesson and data analysis planning,
assessment, progress monitoring - Continuous PD
- Focus-walks, evaluations, etc.
- Effective communication (shared-decision)
27- 5. What does the school want the team to look
for and/or verify with regard to each standard
as it conducts its review?
28Standard 1 Vision and Mission
- Visible Communication (written)
- Electronic-based Applications (profile/data)
- Alignment (Curriculum, SIP)
- Posted
29Standard 2 Governance and Leadership
- Student Handbook/Agendas
- Minutes BST/QCT, School Council, SST, Team
Planning, PTA - Data Notebooks
- Surveys
30Standard 3 Teaching and Learning
- Interactive 21st Century Classroom Activities
- Collaborative Lesson Planning
- Aligned Curriculum, Pacing Guides, Lessons
- Data Notebook/Data Conference Room
- Media and Technology Plan
31Standard 4 Documenting and Using Results
- Electronic-based Applications
- Collaborative Planning
- Data Conference Room/Notebook
- Surveys
- Correspondence (written)
32Standard 5 Resources and Support Systems
- CCPS and Arnolds Website
- Teacher Support Specialist Mentors
- Financial Records
- Visitors/Volunteers Sign-in/Sign-out
- Cleanliness of building
- Counselors Handbook/School-based Guidance Plan
33Standard 6 Stakeholders and Communication
- Minutes (BST/QCT, School Council, PTA)
- List of Parental Involvement Activities
- Student Agendas, Newsletters, Website
- Surveys
34Standard 7 Commitment to Continuous Improvement
- Vision/Mission Statement
- 21st Century Digital Classrooms
- Data Conference Room/Notebook
- Instructional Programs (SPED, EIP, High
Potential, Counseling) - Ongoing PD