1920 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Austin Peay, Governor. ... But the ultimate risk taker was a young man from Minnesota who would fly solo from New York to Paris in a single engine airplane. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 1920

  • The Decade of the Dichotomy

The 1920s start with Warren G. Hardings
proclamation that the country was to Return to
Normalcy. This meant America turning its back
away from European ideas it found hurt the
country. Suspicion of radicalism, especially
Bolshevism, Socialism, Communism and Anarchism
led to deportations and Americas first Red
Scare. The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
illustrated the overzealous nature of the growing
anti-foreign attitude sweeping the
country. Convicted of murdering a paymaster in
Massachusetts, the judge was less than objective
in his handling of the case having to rule on a
motion that he was prejudiced against these men.
Judge Webster Thayer
Sacco and Vanzetti would pay with their lives.
Decades later they would be pardoned by Governor
This anti-foreign feeling would spill over into
other aspects of society. The Ku Klux Klan would
see a renewed interest in their organization as
they proclaimed to be not only anti-black but
also anti-Catholic, anti-Jew, anti-Asian and it
was embracing the virtues of rural-white-conservat
ive America. Membership swelled in the South and
Better Dead than RED!
States like Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin witnessed
meetings in which crosses were burned and fiery
rhetoric induced acts of violence and white
supremacy. The KKK marched openly in
Washington, DC in 1924.
Attacks based on racial hatred happened in many
American cities in response to the overt racism.
Anti-foreign feeling was evident as well with the
Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and finally the
Immigration Act of 1924 that restricted
immigration based on nationality (1890 census
figures). The door was shut and America was
focused on building prosperity for Native Stock.
A face only a mother could love.
Prohibition led to many Americans breaking the
law and the creation of organized crime, bootleg
booze, speakeasies and more. Al Scarface Capone
became the poster child of this gangster
mentality. He is eventually found guilty of Tax
Evasion. The profits from gang activities in this
time period was close to 12 Billion.
The return to conservative values also took aim
at a variety of American institutions. The Scopes
Trial was a showcase of evolution versus
creationism and featured two of Americas best
known legal minds Clarence Darrow and William
Jennings Bryan.
John Scopes Dayton, TN
House Bill No. 185 (By Mr. Butler) AN ACT
prohibiting the teaching of the Evolution Theory
in all the Universities, Normals and all other
public schools of Tennessee, which are supported
in whole or in part by the public school funds of
the State, and to provide penalties for the
violations thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee,
That it shall be unlawful for any teacher in any
of the Universities, Normals and all other public
schools of the State which are supported in whole
or in part by the public school funds of the
State, to teach any theory that denies the story
of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the
Bible, and to teach instead that man has
descended from a lower order of animals. Section
2. Be it further enacted, That any teacher found
guilty of the violation of this Act, Shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction,
shall be fined not less than One Hundred
(100.00) Dollars nor more than Five Hundred (
500.00) Dollars for each offense. Section 3. Be
it further enacted, That this Act take effect
from and after its passage, the public welfare
requiring it. Passed March 13, 1925 W. F.
Barry, Speaker of the House of Representatives
L. D. Hill, Speaker of the Senate Approved
March 21, 1925. Austin Peay, Governor.
Scopes was fined 100 so the case could be
appealed to the Tennessee Supreme Court. It was
and the fine was reversed on a technicality. The
court did not declare the law unconstitutional as
was hoped by those opposed to the law.
Mass production of every day products begins
during this decade. With new tax policies
provided by Secretary Andrew Mellon it was clear,
as Coolidge would say, That the Business of
America is Business!
Henry Fords company was producing a car every
ten seconds. Other products would soon be
available for consumers Radios Sewing
machines Telephones Phonographs Cameras Electric
stoves Sliced Bread
Scene from the hit movie The Slow and the
Consumerism was influenced by advertising. The
airwaves are filled with the sounds of jazz and
ads. Shoppers read magazines that revealed more
than stories.
Early form of martial arts.
What was everything before?
Is she a young fogy?
No guts.
Change is taking place in the 1920s in all
levels of society. In Harlem, African Americans
find the opportunity to showcase their culture
and Harlem becomes the center of entertainment
and artistic expression. It is also the home of
leaders like Marcus Garvey, Langston Hughes and
Marcus Garvey
The night is beautiful,So the faces of my
people,The stars are beautiful,So the eyes of
my people,Beautiful also is the sun,Beautiful
also are the souls of my people. Langston
(No Transcript)
Excitement was also part of this time period.
From movies in Hollywood to the adventures of
Harry Houdini, America was discovering new forms
of entertainment and new thrills.
Hey kids, Dont try this at home!
(No Transcript)
But the ultimate risk taker was a young man from
Minnesota who would fly solo from New York to
Paris in a single engine airplane. Charles
Lindbergh would become the symbol of America and
a man who embodied the Spirit of St. Louis.
Page four of a document certifying Lindberghs
flight. His flight lasted 33 hours 30 minutes and
29.8 seconds. Lindbergh estimates he had not
slept for 55 hours when he lands in Paris May 21,
While women can vote there are attempts to allow
women more choices in reproductive rights led by
Margaret Sanger who champions birth-control.
Women also push for the Equal Rights Amendment to
the Constitution that would give to them the same
protections and privileges that men receive.
The Crash
While prosperity had been the norm for many
Americans in the 1920s there are signs of
impending economic trouble. Inventories by the
Summer of 1929 are at all time highs and workers
are being let go. The Bull Market of the 1920s
seems to have everyone caught up in the get rich
quick mentality as stock prices soar despite the
shaky foundations of many companies. Rampant
speculation combines with EZ credit and poor
lending practices to set up the country for a
major economic catastrophe.
Black Tuesday October 29, 1929
"We in America today are nearer to the final
triumph over poverty than ever before in the
history of any land. The poorhouse is vanishing
from among us." Herbert Hoover 1928 Inaugural
Oops! My bad. Hoover 12/29/29
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