Title: Climate Change with Agriculture and Natural Resources (Biodiversity)
1Climate Change with Agriculture and Natural
Resources (Biodiversity)
A presentation to KZN Pre-COP 17 Summit
Caiphus Ernest Khumalo Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife
26 September 2011, ICC - Durban
2Presentation Outline
- CC impact on agriculture
- Contribution of agriculture to CC
- Impact on biodiversity
- Impact on marine ecosystems
- Impact on inland water ecosystems
- Ezemvelo mitigations to CC
- Linkages of sub-themes
- Summary
3Impacts on Agricultural Ecosystems
- 1/3 of worlds land area used for agriculture
- Climate change impacts badly on these areas
- gt 7 000 plant species cultivated for food
- Now only about 15 plants 8 animals
- Most lost adaptability over time
- ÂĽ wild potatoes to die out in 50 years
- Continued heat stress drier soils will reduce
yield heat tolerance
4Agriculture Contributes to Climate Change!!!!!!!!!
- Land use change
- Flooding for rice sugarcane
- Burning crops residues/remnants
- Raising ruminant animals
- Nitrogen fertilizers
Global agriculture accounts for 20 anthropogenic
emission of greenhouse gases
5Managing Impact Reduce emissions of greenhouse
- Through
- - better management of agricultural soils
- - improve efficiency of fertilizer use
- - restore degraded agricultural lands
- - improve rice farming to reduce methane emissions
6Impact to Biodiversity
Global warming
- Changes species distribution
- Increases extinction rates
- Changes the reproduction timings
- Changes length of growing seasons for plant
7Climate Change Drives Species to Extinction
- Some first know victims of climate change
- Golden toad
- Monteverde harlequin frog
- Many more predicted to follow suite due to
current rate of temperature increase
8Linkages Biodiversity Climate Change
Biodiversity is affected by Climate
Change whereas Proper management of biodiversity
significantly reduces impacts of climate
change Climate change will never be excluded
from our system, but can be mitigated/reduced
9Marine Biodiversity
Elevated sea temperature causes coral bleaching
El Nino event in 1998 was a wake up call for
scientists and decision makers - 16 of worlds
corals died - 46 of corals in Western Indian
Ocean Whereas in 2000 - 12 corals died in
Sodwana Bay
10Climate Change Inland Water Ecosystems
- gt 20 of freshwater fish species - extinct
- Continuing to decline faster than terrestrial
- Drier conditions increase water demands thereby
causing a loss of ecosystem services
11Mitigation Options
- Avoid
- wetlands degradation/transformation
- draining peatlands and swamps
- potential emission of greenhouse gases
- inland water habitat fragmentations
- overexploitation of aquatic resources
12KZN Provincial CC Mitigations
- Altitudinal gradient
- Ecological processes
- C-Plan allow other land use
- Biogeographic
Greening strategies and guidelines
13Linkages of sub-themes
- Reduce activities causing greenhouse gases
emissions - Practice agriculture that doesnt promote global
warming - Create connectivity to allow species migration
- Limit anthropogenic climate change
- Ensure biodiversity conservation and sustainable
utilization of natural resources - Develop greening strategies implementation
plans - Plant commercial forestations/crops on designated
agricultural land avoid prime conservation
sites - Encourage green economy renewable energy
- No to pollution, resource depletion etc.
15Thank You