Title: Linear molecule Rotational Transitions:
1Linear molecule Rotational Transitions
2Linear molecule Rotational Spectrum
- Intensity J 4?3
- J 1?0
2B - Absorption Frequencies ?
3Effects of mass and molecular siZe
- The slide that follows gives B values for a
number of diatomic molecules with different
reduced masses and bond distances. What is the
physical significance of the very different B
values seen for H35Cl and D35Cl? All data are
taken from the NIST site. - http//www.nist.gov/pml/data/molspec.cfm
4 Reduced Masses and Bond Distances
Molecule Bond Distance (Å) B Value (MHz)
H35Cl 1.275 312989.3
H37Cl 1.275 312519.1
D35Cl 1.275 161656.2
H79Br 1.414 250360.8
H81Br 1.414 250282.9
D79Br 1.414 127358.1
24Mg16O 1.748 17149.4
107Ag35Cl 2.281 3678.04
5 Real Life Working Backwards?
- In the real world spectroscopic experiments
provide frequency (and intensity) data. It is
necessary to assign quantum numbers for the
transitions before molecular (chemically useful)
information can be determined. Sometimes all of
the data are not available!
6 Spectrum to Molecular StructurE
- Class Example A scan of the microwave
(millimeter wave!) spectrum of 6LiF over the
range 350 ? 550 GHz shows lines at 358856.2 MHz,
448491.1 MHz and 538072.7 MHz. Assign rotational
quantum numbers for these transitions. Determine
a B value and the bond distance for 6LiF. Are the
lines identically spaced?
7 Higher order energy terms
- The slightly unequal spacing of lines in the 6LiF
spectrum occurs because very rapidly rotating
diatomic molecules distort. A higher order
energy expression accounts for this effect - EJ hBJ(J1) hDJJ2(J1)2
- DJ is the (quartic) centrifugal distortion
8Higher order frequency expression
- The energy expression on the previous slide can
be used with the selection rule ?J 1 (for
absorption) and ?E h? to give - ? 2B(J1) - 4DJ(J1)3
- This expression will be used in the lab (HCl/DCl
spectrum). A typical frequency calculation is
shown on the next slide.
9 Non-Rigid rotor calculation, 7LiF
- Here B 40,026.883 MHz DJ 0.3505 MHz
Transition 2B(J1) 4DJ(J1)3 Freq. Calc. Freq. Obs.
J1?0 80053.766 1.402 80052.36 No Data
J2?1 160107.53 11.216 160096.32 160096.33
J3?2 240161.30 37.854 240123.45 240123.47
J4?3 320215.07 89.728 320125.34 320125.36
J5?4 400268.83 175.25 40093.58 400093.62
J6?5 480322.60 302.83 480019.77 480019.73
10 Non-Rigid Molecules
- Aside Every spectroscopic constant tells us
something. A small DJ value suggests that a
molecule does not distort easily. Comparisons can
be made for inertially similar molecules.
Molecule B (GHz) DJ (kHz)
6LiF 45.23 443
13C18O 52.36 151
11 Spectra of Nonlinear molecules
- With the particle in the box energy expressions
grew more complex as we moved from one to three
dimensions. - PIAB one dimension Energy (eigenvalues!)
expression has one term and one quantum number. - PIAB three dimensions Energy expression has (up
to!) three terms and three quantum numbers.
12Rotations in three dimensions
- For nonlinear molecules the number of quantum
numbers and rotational constant needed to
describe rotational energies is greater than one.
We also have more than one I value. In general,
we have a (3x3) matrix (moment of inertia tensor)
that cane be diagonalized to simplify the
13 Nonlinear rigid rotors
- After diagonalization the moment of inertia
tensor has three elements with Ia Ib Ic. - Types of Rotors
- 1. Spherical tops Ia Ib Ic. We need just one
quantum number (J again) to describe rotational
energies. Examples CH4, SF6 and C60.
14 Nonlinear rigid rotors
- 2. Symmetric tops Ia Ib Ic (oblate top) and
Ia Ib Ic (prolate top). Examples - Oblate top CHF3, HSi79Br3.
- Prolate top CH3F, CH3-CN.
- For symmetric tops we need two quantum numbers, J
and K, to describe rotational energies.
15 Nonlinear rigid rotors
16 Degeneracy
- In organic chemistry courses you have discussed
NMR spectra and removal of spin degeneracy
using a magnetic field. For the spin case, I ½,
there is a two-fold energy degeneracy in the
absence of a magnetic field. In rotational
spectroscopy there is, similarly, a (2J1) fold
17 Dipoles and Electric Fields.
- From physics, the energy of a linear rod with an
electric dipole moment (µ) placed in an electric
field can be found as µEcos?. Similar to NMR, the
degeneracy of rotational energy levels can be
removed by applying an electric filed to a gas.
This enables the size of a molecules dipole
moment to be determined.
18 Degeneracy and Dipole moments
- We will not use the degeneracy of rotational
levels for several weeks. It will be useful in
calculating the relative intensities of spectral
lines (after Boltzmann!). By experiment, it is
found that a molecule must have a permanent
non-zero electric dipole moment to have a pure
rotational spectrum.
19Molecular structure/dipole moments
- From first year chemistry courses you should be
able to take a simple molecular formula and (a)
draw a Lewis structure for the molecule, (b)
determine a molecules shape and (c) predict
whether a molecule has net polarity. Review
examples on the next slide.
20 Molecular shapes and Polarity
Molecular Formula Electrically Polar Pure Rotational Spectrum?
CHFCHF (cis)
CHFCHF (trans)
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