Title: Vibrational Spectroscopy
1Vibrational Spectroscopy
- Physical Biochemistry, November 2006
- Dr Ardan Patwardhan, a.patwardhan_at_imperial.ac.uk,
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College
2Molecular motion
In general, molecules can undergo three types of
Translation, i.e., displacement of the whole
All three types of motion have associated
energies, but only rotational and vibrational
motion have quantized energies
Under certain circumstances, the rotational and
vibrational motion of a molecule can exchange
(absorb or emit) energy with EMR this is the
basis for rotational and vibrational
3Born-Oppenheimer approximation
- The time-scale for rotations(10-11s) is several
orders of magnitude longer than the time-scale
for vibrations (10-13s), which in turn is several
orders of magnitude longer than electronic
transitions(10-15s) - The influence of each of these phenomena can
therefore be viewed separately, and the energy
levels are simply the sum of the energy
contributions from the three phenomena
4Combining the electronic, vibrational and
rotational energy levels
- The energy differences between rotational energy
levels is smaller than the differences between
the vibrational levels, which in turn are smaller
than the differences in energy between electronic
levels - To describe a molecules energy state, simply add
the three contributions together - Combine the vibrational energy levels with each
of the electronic energy levels, and then combine
the rotational energy levels with every
combination of these
5Molecular rotation
- Can be probed with microwave radiation in the
case of molecules with electric dipole moments,
e.g. heteronuclear diatomic molecules - Can be used to determine bond lengths in small
6Vibrating diatomic molecule Simple harmonic
7Simple harmonic oscillator
- Note that E0 ? 0 ? molecule is always vibrating
and never completely still ! Manifestation of
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
8The anharmonic oscillator
- In reality, stretching and compressing a bond are
not energetically equivalent - The spacing between energy levels decreases with
increasing u
9Normal modes
Symmetric stretch3652 cm-1
Antisymmetric stretch3756 cm-1
Symmetric bend1595 cm-1
- Normal modes have energy levels that are
independent of each other and can interact with
EMR independently - Any molecular vibration can be described as a
linear combination of the normal modes
10Polyatomic molecules
- A varying electric dipole is necessary for a
normal mode of vibration to produce a spectra - The symmetric stretch in the above example will
not produce a vibrational spectra
11Regions of the spectrum
- Fingerprint region600-1500cm-1- Complex, can be
used to identify compound - Functional groups have typical absorptions in
1000-4000cm-1 region
IR spectrum of 1-hexene
12Functional groups
- Groups with light atoms have a higher frequency
than groups with heavier atoms - Stretching modes usually have higher frequencies
that bending modes - The stronger the bond the higher the frequency
(triple bond gt double bond gt single bond)
13Important characteristic vibrations
- N-H One or two sharper peaks between
3500-3300cm-1 - O-H Broad peak between 3650-3200cm-1
- CO Strong and sharp peak between 1820-1660cm-1
14Basic IR spectrometer
- Measurement is alternated between sample and
no-sample to minimize influence of background
radiation and environmental effects - If the sample is in a solvent, then a reference
cell containing only solvent can be used to
cancel the solvent absorption spectrum
15Sample Handling
- Solvents water and alcohol are seldom used as
they absorb strongly and attack cell window
materials. No solvent is transparent through-out
the entire mid-IR region. CCl4 and chloroform are
common solvents - Liquid samples are often analyzed neat for this
reason and cell thicknesses can be very small
ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 mm - Cells NaCl and KBr often used as a transparent
material sample holder. Both glass and quartz
are opaque in the IR region
16Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) Infrared
- If the refractive index of the block is higher
than the sample, given certain constraint on the
angle of the incident beam, it will be reflected
at the block sample interface - For each reflection, the beam only penetrates
1-10um into the sample, and will be attenuated
depending on what is in this thin layer of the
sample - Multiple reflections helps amplify the signal
- Excellent technique for IR spectroscopy of thin
layered samples such as membranes
17Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
More specifically, the interference imposes a
cosine modulation on the spectrum, which has a
periodicity that is depended on the path
This encoding is known as the Fourier transform
To reconstruct the absorption spectrum we need to
decode the signal recorded as a function of
path difference
This decoding is performed computationally by
imposing cosine modulations onto the detected
signal and is known as the inverse Fourier
transform (IFT)
The sample is irradiated by the full spectrum of
the source
- Due to interference between the two split beams,
for a given path difference, some wavelengths
will interfere constructively, others
destructively, and the rest somewhere in the
18Effect of interference on the spectrum
- The frequency of the modulation imposed on the
spectrum increases with the path difference dx
19FTIR Advantages
- Spectrum over entire frequency range obtained at
once - For a given recording time, FTIR is less noisy
a 10 min recording with conventional techniques
takes only 10s - Uniform resolution over entire spectrum
20Case Study
- Isotope editing modifying the isotope of an atom
in a functional group is a method for
specifically shifting the absorption frequency of
a targeted group - By examining the difference spectra between
edited and unedited specimens, very precise
information about specific groups can be obtained - In the example, the amide I band of a-crystallin
has been labelled (12C to 13C) leading to a shift
in absorption from 1632cm-1 to 1591cm-1
21Main Points
- Molecular vibrations can be probed using IR
radiation - Only normal modes that represent varying electric
dipoles will interact with EMR - The FTIR technique provides speed and resolution
in acquiring spectra - Isotope editing allows one to study specific
functional groups in a complicated spectrum