Positive Psychology and Character Strengths ?????????? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Positive Psychology and Character Strengths ??????????


Dr Mark Williams Ph.D. Professor of Positive Psychology Shenzhen University Mobile: (0011 86 755) 13480129331 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Positive Psychology and Character Strengths ??????????

Dr Mark Williams Ph.D.Professor of Positive
PsychologyShenzhen University     Mobile (0011
86 755) 13480129331email markw.szu_at_gmail.comwe
b www.aappi.net
  • Positive Psychology and Character

Questions for this Lecture ?????????
  • What is Subjective Well Being (SWB) in Seligmans
    positive psychology system? ?Seligmans???????????
  • What are virtues and character strengths and why
    are they important? ??????????,????????
  • How do you find out which are your top character
    strengths? ??????????????????
  • How can you use your character strengths to raise
    your baseline level of happiness?

Seligmans Positive Psychology SystemSWB
Pleasure Engagement MP
  • Subjective Well Being (SWB) is the technical term
    for happiness ?????(SWB)????????
  • Subjective Well Being (Life Satisfaction
    Happiness) ?????(????????) Pleasure ?? (10)
    Engagement in life ??????? ( 40) Meaningful
    Purpose ?????? (50)
  • Baseline levels of SWB happiness can be raised by
    using you major character strengths in new

Seligmans Positive Psychology SystemSWB
Pleasure Engagement MP
Pleasure 10
Meaningful Purpose 50
Engagement in Life 40
What determines happiness ???????? ?
(Lyubomirsky, Sheldon, Shkade, 2005)
Life circumstances ???? 10
Genetic Set Point ??? 50
Intentional Activities ????? 40
Joke Time!
  • Psychologist Weve had several sessions now. Do
    you have any questions? ???????????????????????
  • Patient Yes doc, whats wrong with me? ??
  • Psychologist "Well, you're crazy. ?????,???.
  • Patient angrilyI am not, I want another
    opinion ??????,?????????.
  • OK... Youre also ugly. ?...?????.

How do you feel right now? ????????
  • Write the words that best describe how you feel
    right now, at this very moment.1. Excited
    enthusiastic interested uninterested
    bored?? - ?? ??? - ???? - ??2. Joyous
    happy - so-so sad - depressed?? - ?? - ???? -
    ?? - ??3. Peaceful relaxed unrelaxed
    agitated jealous - angry ? ?- ?? ?? ?? -
    ?? - ?? 4. Powerful confident ok timid -
    scared?? - ?? - ? - ?? - ???5. Lively
    energetic listless lazy - tired - exhausted
    ?? - ???? ???? - ?? ?-????6. Uplifted
    elevated clear unclear - confused ?? ?? -
    ?? - ??? ??

Daily Happiness Measure?????
1 extremely unhappy ?????2 very unhappy
?????3 quite unhappy ????4 a little unhappy
?????5 Neutral ??,????????6 a little happy
???? 7 quite happy ??? 8 very happy ???? 9
extremely happy ????
  • Today, Ive generally been feeling
    ???????,?????? ______
  • The main reason is because ???????

Weekly Happiness Measure?????
1 extremely unhappy ?????2 very unhappy
?????3 quite unhappy ????4 a little unhappy
?????5 Neutral ??,????????6 a little happy
???? 7 quite happy ??? 8 very happy ???? 9
extremely happy ????
  • During the last week, Ive generally been
    feeling ???????,?????? ______
  • The main reason is because ???????

Yearly Happiness Measure?????
1 extremely unhappy ?????2 very unhappy
?????3 quite unhappy ????4 a little unhappy
?????5 Neutral ??,????????6 a little happy
???? 7 quite happy ??? 8 very happy ???? 9
extremely happy ????
  • During the last year, Ive generally been
    feeling ???????,?????? ______
  • The main reason is because ???????

Ed Dieners Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)
7 Strongly agree???? 6 Agree?? 5 Slightly
agree??? 4 Neither agree nor
disagree???????? 3 Slightly disagree????? 2
Disagree??? 1 Strongly disagree?????
  • In most ways my life is close to ideal.
    ???????????????? _____
  • The conditions of my life are excellent.
    ?????????? _____
  • I am satisfied with my life. ????????? _____
  • So far I have gotten the important things I want
    in my life. ?????,?????????????????????? _____
  • If I could have my life over again, I would
    change almost nothing. ????????????,??????????

Scoring Dieners SWLS
  • Add results and write down your score. 31-35
    Extremely satisfied ??????? 26-30 Satisfied
    ????? 21-25 Slightly satisfied ???? 20
    Neutral ??,???????? 15-19 Slightly
    dissatisfied ???????? 10-14 Dissatisfied
    ?????? 5-9  Extremely dissatisfied
  • You might want to do this questionnaire at
    regular intervals of your life to see if the
    results change.??????,?????????.??????????????????

My Positive Yoga ?????? Gratitude Deep
Breaths ?????
  • Come into Yoga Namaste Pose and twist your back
    and neck - feel lucky that you have a healthy
    young body. ??????????????,????????,????????????
  • Sit straight, close your eyes, and start to
    smile. ??,????,?????? .
  • Deep breath in and move the smile up to your
    nose, eyes, forehead, think a funny thought and
    then squeeze the smile into your brain.
    ?????,?????????,?????, ????????,?????????.
  • Open your eyes and feel grateful for 3 things you
    can see or remember ????,????????????3??

New Research ????
C. R. Snyder Shane C. Lopez
  • Psychologists from several disciplines are now
    asking an intriguing question What strengths
    does a person employ to deal effectively with
    life? ?????????????????? ??????????????????????
  • Leading positive psychologists set a research
    agenda for the scientific study of human
    strengths. ???????????????????????????

Lisa G. Aspinwall, Ursula M. Staudinger
Virtues and Character Strengths???????
  • A large American public survey (1999) found that
    the most important problem facing youth are not
    learning values. ????????(1999?)??,?????????????
  • Values education is needed in public schools.
  • What is good character? ????????
  • Can it be learned, developed? (????)????,????
  • What roles do parents, citizens and schools have
    in developing good character through values
    education? ??????,?????????,??,??????????????

What are good values and character strengths
?????????????? ?
  • Martin Seligman, Christopher Peterson, Ed Deiner,
    Mike Csikszentmihalyi, Kathleen Jamieson, George
    Valliant - the positive psychology steering
    committee to classify basic virtues and character
    strengths ???????????,?????????????
  • They examined historical models of virtues and
    good character, instituted and surveyed current
    research, and developed selection criteria for a
    classification scheme?????????????????,??????????,

Peterson, C. Seligman, M.E.P. (2004). Character
Strengths and Virtues A Handbook and
Classification. Oxford University Press
6 Human Virtues and 24 Strengths 6??????24???
  • Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman - led a
    3 year study to determine human strengths and
    virtues agreed on over time and
    culture.????????,?????????????????????????? .
  • They came up 24 Character Strengths grouped into
    6 Virtues ?????24????????6??? Transcendence ??
    ,Temperance ??, Humanity ??, Wisdom ??, Justice
    ??, and Courage?? .

Peterson, C., Seligman, M.E.P.
(2004). Character Strengths and Virtues A
Handbook and Classification. Oxford University
These Virtues and Strengths ???????
  • Contribute to personal and community fulfillment
  • Valued in their own right by individuals and
    groups ???????????????????
  • Celebrated when present and mourned if lost
  • Taught by parents and institutions as good things
  • Subject of parables, religious and morality tales
  • We all have our own unique mix of them
  • Able to be learned, taught and developed
  • Prompt joyful response from others when expressed

6 Human Virtues ??
  • Core human characteristics valued by all moral
    philosophies and religions??????????????????
  • Universal to all peoples ???????
  • Survival value to communities ????????
  • All needed to be an individual of good character

24 Character Strengths Test?????24?????
  • For next week, all students MUST do the free
    Brief Strengths Test at English-Chinese website
    as.upenn.edu (middle of the home page scroll
    down click ???? - ???????).
  • You also MUST do the free test at the Chinese
    Enneagram website (www.cnenn.cn ) ???????????

Talk with your friends ???????
  • This week I want you to talk with your friends,
    telling them what character strengths you have
  • They will tell you whether you are right or wrong
  • Sometimes our friends know us better than we know
    ourselves ???????????????

6 Human Virtues ??
  • Core human characteristics valued by all moral
    philosophies and religions???????????????????
  • Universal to all peoples ????
  • Survival value to communities ??????
  • All needed to be an individual of good character

The 6 Virtues 6??
  • 1. Wisdom and knowledge ?????
  • 2. Courage ??
  • 3. Humanity??
  • 4. Justice ??
  • 5. Temperance ??
  • 6. Transcendence ??

Character Strengths ????
  • Psychological ingredients that define the virtues
  • Ways of expressing one of the virtues. (e.g.
    virtue of justice displayed by strength of
  • Person may have only 1 or 2 strengths within a
    virtue ?????????????????
  • Rarely display them all ????????

Wisdom ??
  • Wisdom and knowledge cognitive strengths that
    entail the acquisition and use of knowledge
  • Creativity originality, ingenuity ??????,???
  • Curiosity interest, novelty-seeking, openness to
    experience ?????,????,??????
  • Open-mindedness judgment, critical thinking
  • Love of learning ???
  • Perspective wisdom ??

Courage ??
  • 2. Courage emotional strengths that involve the
    exercise of will to accomplish goals in the face
    of opposition, external or internal.
  • Bravery valor ????
  • Vitality zest, enthusiasm, vigor, energy
    ????,??,????,?? Persistence perseverance,
    industriousness ????,??
  • Integrity authenticity, honesty ?????,??

  • 3. Humanityinterpersonal strengths that involve
    tending and befriending others ???????,??????????,
  • Social intelligence emotional intelligence,
    personal intelligence ????????,????
  • Kindness generosity, nurturance, care,
    compassion, altruistic love, niceness
  • Love ?

Justice ??
  • 4. Justice civic strengths that underlie healthy
    community life. ????????????
  • Citizenship social responsibility, loyalty,
    teamwork ????????,??,????
  • Fairness??
  • Leadership??

Temperance ??
  • 5. Temperancestrengths that protect against
    excess ?? ????,??
  • Self-regulation self-control ????????
  • Forgiveness and mercy ?????
  • Humility / Modesty ??/??
  • Prudence ??

Transcendence ??
  • 6. Transcendence strengths that forge
    connections to the larger universe and provide
    meaning. ?? ??????????
  • Appreciation of beauty and excellence awe,
    wonder, elevation ??????????,??,??
  • Hope optimism, future-mindedness, future
    orientation ????,??,????
  • Spirituality religiousness, faith, purpose
  • Humor playfulness ????
  • Gratitude ??

Traditional Psychology ?????
Positive Psychology ?????
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders ???????????
Character Strengths and Virtues (Peterson
Seligman, 2004) ???????
Integrity, authenticity, honesty
Perspective, Wisdom
Open-mindedness critical thinking
Fairness, Justice
Forgiveness, mercy
Self regulation, Self Control
Bravery, Valor
Kindness, generosity, nurturance, compassion
The 6 Human Virtues and 24 Strengths
Humor, Playfulness
Social, Emotional, Personal Intelligence
Vitality, zest, Enthusiasm, Vigor, Energy
Persistence, Perseverance, Industriousness
Humility, Modesty, Prudence
Hope, Future Mindedness
Appreciation of beauty and excellence
Love of Learning
Spirituality, Awe, Wonder, Elevation
Creativity, Originality, Ingenuity
(No Transcript)
Signature Strengths for Individual and Tribal
Survival and Flourishing
Integrity, authenticity, honesty
Perspective, Wisdom
Open-mindedness critical thinking
Fairness, Justice
Forgiveness and mercy
Self regulation, Self Control
9. Think clearly, negotiate, make peace from
Bravery, Valor
1. do the correct thing at the right time from
Kindness, generosity, nurturance, compassion
8. challenge, fight, be strong from lust, to
Humor, Playfulness
Individual and Tribal Survival and Flourishing
2. help, care, interpersonal Interaction from
7. Seek adventure, acquire new skills from
Social, Emotional, Personal Intelligence
Vitality, zest, Enthusiasm, Vigor, Energy
Persistence, Perseverance, Industriousness
3. win, maintain image, achieve from deceit
6. questioning to be loyal from fearfulness
Humility, Modesty, Prudence
4. be dramatic, sensitive to surroundings from
5. observe and investigate from hoarding
Hope, Future Mindedness
Appreciation of beauty and excellence
Love of Learning
Spirituality, Awe, Wonder, Elevation
Creativity, Originality, Ingenuity
(No Transcript)
24 Character Strengths Test?????24?????
  • For next week, all students MUST do the free
    Brief Strengths Test at English-Chinese website
    ??,?????????????????? www.authentichappiness.sas.u
    penn.edu (middle of the home page scroll down
    click ???? - ???????).
  • You also MUST do the free test at the Chinese
    Enneagram website (www.cnenn.cn ) ?????????????.

Use your strengths to change your life!
Use your strengths to change you life! ????
Our signature strengths can be nurtured
throughout our lives, with benefits to our well
being, health, relationships, and careers. For
example, a woman hated her job of putting goods
into bags at the supermarket. She used her main
signature strength of social intelligence to
change her job to talk with the customer to make
that encounter the highlight of their day.
? ????????????????????(???)??????????????????,????
Talk with your friends ?????
  • This week I want you to talk with your friends,
    telling them what character strengths you have
  • They will tell you whether you are right or wrong
  • Sometimes our friends know us better than we know
    ourselves ???????????????

Recent Important Research on Happiness
  • A widely-publicized study (Fowler Christakas,
    2009), British Medical Journal, reported that
    happiness in social networks may spread from
    person to person. ????????????,(Fowler
    Christakas, 2009?)?????????????????????,????????
  • Researchers followed nearly 5000 individuals for
    20 years in the long-standing Framingham Heart
    Study and found clusters of happiness and
    unhappiness that spread up to 3 degrees of
    separation (i.e. your friends friends friends).
    ???????? Framingham?????,20??????5000?,??????????

Happiness experiment ???? Fowler Christakas,
  • Happiness tended to spread through close
    relationships like friends, siblings, spouses,
    and next-door neighbors. ?????????????????????????
  • The researchers reported that happiness spread
    more consistently than unhappiness through the
    network. ??????,?????,????????????
  • Moreover, the structure of the social network
    appeared to have an impact on happiness.

  • People who were very central (with many friends
    and friends of friends) were significantly more
    likely to be happy than those on the periphery of
    the network. ????????????????????????????????????
  • Overall, the results suggest that the more social
    you are the more happy you are and that happiness
    might spread through a population like a virus.

James H. Fowler and Nicholas A. Christakis
(2009). "Dynamic Spread of Happiness in a Large
Social Network Longitudinal Analysis Over 20
Years in the Framingham Heart Study" (PDF).
British Medical Journal 338 (768)
  • Ben-Shahar, Tal. (2007). Happier Learn the
    Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting
  • Fulfilment. McGraw-Hill New York
  • Chan, Wing-tsit (1963). A Source Book in Chinese
    Philosophy. Princeton, NJ, US Princeton
    University Press.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy. (2010, April 6). In
    Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved
    1223, April 8, 2010, from
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow The psychology
    of optimal experience. New
  • York Harper Row.
  • Fredrickson, B. L. (1998). What good are positive
    emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2(3),
    300 - 319.
  • Fredrickson, B. L., Levenson, R. W. (1998).
    Positive emotions speed recovery
  • from cardiovascular sequelae of negative
    emotions. Cognitions and Emotion,
  • 12, 191220.
  • Fredrickson, B., Mancuso, R., Branigan, C.,
    Tugade, M. M. (2000). The
  • undoing effect of positive emotions.
    Motivation and Emotion, 24(4), 237
  • 258.
  • Happiness. (2010, June 21). In Wikipedia, The
    Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 0154, June 22,
    2010, from http//en.wikipedia.org/w/index.p
  • Levine, Marvin (2000). The Positive Psychology of
    Buddhism and Yoga  Paths to a Mature
    Happiness. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Seligman, M. E. (2002). Authentic Happiness. New
    York Free Press.
  • Seligman, M., Steen, T., Park T., Peterson C.
    (2005). Positive psychology progress. Empirical
    validations of interventions. American
    Psychologist. American Psychologist Association
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