Title: Meningitis:
1- Meningitis
- The climate controls
- and potential for
- prediction
- Andy Morse Ph.D.
- Department of Geography
- University of Liverpool
- A.P.Morse_at_liv.ac.uk
- To many too numerous to mention but special
thanks to - Meningitis Anna Molesworth, HPA Madeleine
Thomson, IRI, NY - Malaria Moshe Hoshen, Physics, University of
Liverpool Anne Jones, Geography and Physics,
University of Liverpool. - Seasonal Forecasting ECMWF, The Met. Office and
Mark Cresswell.
31.0 Background
Meningococcal Meningitis
- Bacterial meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis)
causes epidemics - 12 serotypes are know only 4 cause epidemics A,
B, C and W135 - Group A generally causes epidemics in Africa
although cases due to serogroups C, X and W135
are found. - B and C are more common in the U.K.
- Vaccines exist for A, C, X, Y and W135
41.1 Background
Meningococcal Meningitis
- Transmitted person to person (sneezing, coughing,
kissing) (military recruits, students) - Average period of incubation 4 days ( 2 to
10days) - Estimated 10 to 25 carry the bacterial but can
increase in epidemics - U.K. matter of education and seeking treatment
51.2 Background
Meningococcal Meningitis in Africa
- Meningitis epidemic disease, highly seasonal -
later half dry season - Epidemics every 5 to 10 years kills young
adults as well as children - Climatic connections are not proven - low
humidity (vapour pressure) and dust important
factors - Epidemics cease with the onset of the rains
Figure from Cheesbrough,JS, Morse AP, Green
SDR. Meningococcal meningitis and carriage in
western Zaire a hypoendemic zone related to
climate? Epidemiology and Infection 1995 114
61.3 Background
West African Climate
- Area dominated by seasonal rains produced by a
monsoonal system - Strong latitudinal gradient in wetness and thus
climates and vegetation - Monsoon system is complex and not well understood
- Leads to large interannual climate
71.4 Background
West Africa Atlas
81.5 Background
West African Climate
- Monsoon System and AMMA experiments
91.6 Background
West African Climate
NDVI February
NDVI August
From MARA eshaw website http//www.mara.org.za/esh
101.7 Background
West African Climate
Animation from University of Liverpool
Understanding Epidemics Website http//www.liv.ac.
.htm Data from CLIVAR VACS Africa Climate Atlas
at University of Oxford
111.10 Background
Epidemic Cycles
- Many infectious diseases, in the tropics, have a
strong seasonal cycle related to the seasonal
climatic cycles - Climatically anomalous years can lead to
epidemics - Time between trigger threshold to epidemic peak
often too short to take effective intervention
need for skilful and timely seasonal climate
12 132.0 Linking climate to disease
Spatial Distribution Meningitis Epidemics
1841-1999 (n c.425) 1
Example for meningitis in Africa
- Extensive literature search was undertaken to
identify reported epidemics - Published and grey literature were consulted
1 Molesworth A.M., Thomson M.C., Connor S.J.,
Cresswell M.P., Morse A.P., Shears P., Hart C.A.,
Cuevas L.E. (2002) Where is the Meningitis Belt?,
Transactions of the Royal Society of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, 96, 242-249.
142.1 Linking climate to disease
Example for meningitis in Africa
- Statistical Model to produce a map of risk
- Epidemiological data and climatic and
environmental variables - Risk factors
- Land cover type and seasonal absolute humidity
profile - Seasonal dust profile, Population density, Soil
type - Significant but not included
- in final model
- Human factors not included
Molesworth, A.M., Cuevas,L.E., Connor, S.J.,
Morse A.P., Thomson, M.C. (2003). Environmental
risk and meningitis epidemics in Africa, Emerging
Infectious Diseases, 9 (10), 1287-1293.
152.2 Linking climate to disease
Example for meningitis in Africa
- Cluster analysis to define areas with common
seasonal cycle - Absolute humidity values
- Used to produce
- risk map shown above
Molesworth, A.M., Cuevas,L.E., Connor, S.J.,
Morse A.P., Thomson, M.C. (2003). Environmental
risk and meningitis epidemics in Africa, Emerging
Infectious Diseases, 9 (10), 1287-1293.
162.4 Linking climate to disease
Values to give an absolute humidity of about 10
T (temperature celsius) T dew (celsius) e (vapour pressure hPa)
40 12.5 14.5
30 12 14
30 11.5 13.6
10 11 13.1
172.5 Linking climate to disease
T dew variability
- Interannual variability in rainfall
- Results in interannual variability in seasonal
- T dew cycles
182.6 Linking climate to disease
Example for meningitis in Africa
- Disease is complex and dry air and dust are not
the only factors - Many human ones immunity, nutrition and
co-infection - However the environmental variables may lead to
the population becoming more susceptible - The environmental variables may be predictable
months in advance.
193.0 Potential of Seasonal Forecasting
Background and applications
- Probabilistic forecasts are made routinely
- Statistical models more established more
regionally and single variable orientated
cannot work outside their training data can
work well e.g. spring SST to summer rains (West
Africa) - Dynamic models Ensemble Prediction Systems
experimental also operational too - Loaded dice example loading and hence
predictability changes with time and location
203.1 Potential of Seasonal Forecasting
Dynamic EPS products
from ECMWF
213.2 Potential of Seasonal Forecasting
Dynamic EPS products
from ECMWF Probabilistic Seasonal 2 to 4 month
lead time
223.3 Potential of Seasonal Forecasting
Combined products
International Research Institute for Climate
Prediction (IRI), Columbia University, New
York Seasonal Forecast 2 to 4 month lead time
233.4 Potential of Seasonal Forecasting
Dynamic EPS issues for users and producers
- Tailored verification
- Verification of user parameters
- Scale downscaling
- Bias correction
- Weighting
- Application model and method development run
with EPS - Product derived time scale cut off medium,
monthly, seasonal and beyond - Interdisciplinary nature of research
- Taking of academic risk
243.5 Potential of Seasonal Forecasting
Product Verification
yellow through red - increasing predictive
skillwhite through dark blue - little or no
better than guesswork Units Gerrity skill
Met. Office Seasonal Forecast Precip. AMJ 2 to
4 month lead time
253.8 Potential of Seasonal Forecasting
Liverpool Malaria Model LMM
- Dynamic model
- Daily time step
- Driven by temperature and precipitation
- Observations, reanalysis, ensemble prediction
systems - Developed within a probabilistic forecasting
system DEMETER - Continuing in EMSEMBLES
- Model details Hoshen, M.B.and Morse, A.P. (2004)
A weather-driven model of malaria transmission,
Malaria Journal, 332 (6th September 2004)
doi10.1186/1475-2875-3-32 (14 pages) - Applied in an EPS in Morse, A.P., Doblas-Reyes,
F., Hoshen, M.B., Hagedorn, R. and Palmer,
T.N.(2005). A forecast quality assessment of an
end-to-end probabilistic multi-model seasonal
forecast system using a malaria model, Tellus A,
57 (3), 464-475
264.0 Summary
The Forecasting Triangle
Dissemination Feedback
Training Product Guidance and Development
Developers with users and providers
274.1 Summary
- Probabilistic (and deterministic) forecasts are
routinely produced operationally leads times days
to seasons - This potential resource is under utilised by
application user communities- - gaps in knowledge and awareness
- issues with forecast skill and guidance in
products - lack of user application know how and
appropriate user application models
284.3 Summary
Current and recent research projects
- Addressing development and application of
ensemble prediction systems -
- West African monsoon observations, modelling
295.0 Conclusions
Infectious diseases must be modelled to allow use
within emerging long range forecast
technologies. Much has been done to bridge gaps
between forecaster and health user but still many
gaps Work is on going and a new epimeteorology
community is emerging
30 Websites
- WHO meningitis site http//www.who.int/mediacent
re/factsheets/fs141/en/ - Meningitis Research Foundation
http//www.meningitis.org/ - EU and NERC funded AMMA improve ability to
predict the West African Monsoon and its impacts
on intra-seasonal to decadal timescales.
http//www.amma-eu.org/ and http//amma.mediasfran
ce.org/ - EU funded ENSEMBLES probabilistic forecasts of
climate variability and climate change over
timescales of seasons to centuries and the
application and potential impacts of these
predictions. http//www.ensembles-eu.org/ - Washington, R., Harrison, M, Conway, D., Black,
E., Challinor, A., Grimes, D., Jones, R., Morse,
A. and Todd, M (2004). African Climate Report - A
report commissioned by the UK Government to
review African climate science, policy and
options for action, DFID/DEFRA, London, December
2004, pp45 http//www.defra.gov.uk/environment/cli