Title: Social Influence Obedience to Authority
1Social Influence Obedience to Authority
Evaluation of Stanley Milgrams Experiment
- Lesson Objectives
- 1) To look at variations of the obedience
experiment - 2) To evaluate the key study of obedience
- Stanley Milgram (1963)
- Methodological considerations
- Ethical Considerations
2Conformity Vs Obedience
- Starter
- Read through the statements and sort them.
- They will either be conformity or obedience
- Create two columns
3RecapStanley Milgram (1963)Obedience to
Working around the room, each say one piece of
information about the aim, procedure, findings,
conclusions of the study. Why did Milgram want
to research this? How was the sample
selected? Who were involved? (confederates) Where
did it take place? Who had the authority? What
equipment was used?
4Variations (to test different factors)
- In the original study
- 100 of participants went to 300 volts
- 65 went to the full 450 volts
- The experiment has been carried out with
variations to test different factors on obeying
authority. - You will find out about one variation (pages
157-158) and report the impact that it had to the
rest of the group.
5Variations - feedback
Location moved to a run down office
(48) Experimenter gives orders over the phone
Proximity of the Victim Proximity of the authority Figure Presence of allies
Increasing the participants discretion Gender Differences Cultural Differences
6EvaluationMethodological Issues
- 1) Why was the sample used unrepresentative?
- 2) What are the problems with using a lab exp?
- Validity
- Experimental Realism
- Demand characteristics
- Orne and Holland claim that participants were
role playing - Mundane Realism
- Unique context not a real environment
- Bickman (1974)
- Pedestrians in New York
- Asked to pick up a bag from the floor
- Guard/milkman/ wearing a sports jacket
Holfing et al. (1966) Nurses obeying a doctor
These studies are in a real environment
7EvaluationEthical Issues
Informed Consent
Right to Withdraw
Protection from physical psychological harm
Confidentiality Privacy
- On the sheet consider the ethical issues and
write down why these were a problem in Milgrams
research. - Extension
- Complete a cost-benefit analysis of this research
- We have considered many of the criticisms of this
study. - On a post-it note, write down one thing
- What can we learn about people from this
experiment? - What does it tell us about obedience?
- How has psychology benefitted from this study?
- What factors make people obey?
9HOMEWORK due Wed 24th Feb
- Practice exam paper (Social Psychology)
- Complete questions 5 (a), (b), 6 and 7
- For question 7 you will need to use pg 155 to
help you