Title: Social Influence PYB2, Section A, Question2
1Social Influence(PYB2, Section A, Question2)
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- Lets begin by looking at some key definitions-
- Social psychology is an attempt to understand
explain how the thoughts, feelings behaviours
of individuals are influenced by the actual,
imagined or implied presence of others (Allport,
2Copy this slide
- Social influence refers to the way a persons
thoughts or behaviours are changed as a result of
either active or passive influence from other
people. - According to Baron Byrne (2000), Social
Influence is - efforts by one or more individuals to change
the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions or behaviours
of one or more others
3Copy this slide
- A Social norm is a way of thinking or behaving
that is considered appropriate and proper within
a particular society, and that most members of
that society adhere to. - Social norms, therefore differ from one society
to another. - Group norms / cultural norms are norms that vary
from group to group / culture to culture.
4Copy this slide
5See the handout
- yielding to group pressures, Crutchfield
(1962) - a change in a persons behaviour or
opinion as a result of real or imagined pressure
from a person or group of people, Aronson (1976)
6- Baron Byrne(2000) . . .
- Use your textbooks to find this definition in the
chapter on Social Influence. - The Group - three or more people of roughly equal
status, may be friends (or other stable group) or
complete strangers. - Conformity - you CHOOSE to do something , no-one
in the group makes you do it.
7- Types of CONFORMITY (Kelman,1985)
- Supporting the group by appearing to agree
(going along with other people), but not in fact
changing your views or opinions. - 2. IDENTIFICATION
- Establishing a link between an individual and
another person (or group of people) who is
important to the individual. The individual
absorbs characteristics of the person (or group)
into their own behaviour, although this may be
short lived.
- The individual agrees with the group both
publicly and privately, making the groups
beliefs, values, attitude and behaviour their own.
9- Empirical Studies of Conformity
- Jenness (1932) Beans in a jar study
- Aim to show that group norms are formed and
that they influence individual behaviour. - Method Jar of beans, individual estimates,
group estimate and then individual estimate
again. - Results Individuals made shift towards the
group estimate on their second estimate.
10- Conclusion Individuals are influenced by the
group norm. - Evaluation
- First empirical study of conformity.
- Very simple study
11- Muzafer Sherif (1935)
- He used a visual illusion called the AUTOKINETIC
EFFECT. - A visual illusion in which a stationary spot
of light appears to move when shown in a
completely dark room. - Aim To demonstrate the development of a group
norm and its influence on individual behaviour.
12- Method
- He told participants that he was going to move
the spot of light and asked them to estimate how
far he had moved it. Participants were tested
individually, Participants were then tested in
small groups and tested again individually - Findings
- a) Participants tested individually - estimates
varied between participants to a large degree.
13- b) Participants tested in small groups (usually
three) - the estimates of each group member
gradually got closer and closer until a group
norm was established.(note there was no
discussion among group members about the
estimate). - c) When tested again individually the
participants estimates remained close to the
group norm rather than their original estimates.
(But would claim not to have been influenced by
14- What does this study tell us?
- According to Brown (19 85) , in western cultures
at least, to be in agreement with others
satisfies an important psychological need,
especially in situations where people are
uncertain or the situation is ambiguous. -
- Through a social comparison process a common
social reality is established and validated. (But
people are relatively unaware of being influenced
by others).
15- Solomon Asch (1951)
- Aim
- He wanted to look at situations that did not
involve any ambiguity or uncertainty. - He wanted to see how likely people were to go
against the group norm (i.e. not to conform) when
there was no uncertainty.
16- Method
- In a series of experiments, Asch gave
participants the simple visual task of matching
one line (drawn on card and called the standard
line or test line) with another line ( one of
three comparison lines drawn on another card A,
B or C). - Participants had to say which line matched the
standard line - A, B or C. - Participants were tested in groups of 7 to 9,
one participant was placed in one group the rest
of the participants being confederates.
17- The participant was in the last or next to the
last position to give his answer. - Six of the trials were neutral trials and twelve
were critical trials - NOTE. Asch checked the task for ambiguity-
- There were 36 control participants (tested
alone) who made only 3 mistakes out of a total of
720 trials, this showed that the task was simple
and the answer was obvious.
18- A confederate is someone who appears to be a
genuine participant but who is actually part of
the experiment. - In this study the confederate were instructed to
give the same incorrect answer on a certain
number of the trials (know as the critical
trials) and the correct answer on the other
trials (Neutral trials) - The participants were told that the study was an
experiment on visual perception and that the
confederates were other participants like
19- Findings
- The average rate of conformity was approx.32
- approx. 25 of subjects showed no conformity at
all. - approx. 75 conformed on at least one trial
- approx. 5 conformed on all of the critical
trials. - Conclusion
- People will conform to a majority view even when
it is obvious that the majority is incorrect.
20- When debriefed interviewed, the participants
were aware of being influenced by the group
opinion (knowing that the answer they had given
was not what they privately believed to be the
right answer ) and gave more specific reasons for
conforming, eg. not wanting to upset the
experimenter, not wanting to be different, or
inferior. - What type of conformity is this?
21- However some participants actually believed the
majority decision was actually correct, and that
perhaps they were suffering from eye strain or
that they were sitting in a compromising
position. - What type of conformity is this?
- Many participants experienced a good deal of
stress as a result of the conflicts during the
22- Evaluation of Aschs studies
- Artificiality lacks ecological validity in
everyday situation could just keep quiet if do
not agree with the group. - Individual differences the 32 conformity rate
covers up the wide range of individual
differences, 75 conformed at least once, 25 not
at all. - Unrepresentative sample. Male, from same small
town in America, paid to take part, 1950s so may
not reflect todays society. Therefore can not
easily generalise findings to the general
23- Demand characteristics. - Some ps said that they
did not want to spoil the experiment,
suggesting that they may have worked out the aim
of the research and altered their behaviour
accordingly. - Time consuming and uneconomical ( see Crutchfield
below.) One participant tested at a time.
24- Can you think of any ethical issues rising from
this study ? - Was there any way round these issues or were they
necessary for the purpose of the study? - Assuming that there was no way round these issues
what do you think the researcher would have done
at the end of the study?
25- Factors that effect conformity levels as
investigated by Asch - Variations on Aschs basic study and the effect
on conformity. - Group size can effect the likelihood of an
individual conforming to the opinions of others. - Individual 1 other person 0 conformity
- Individual 2 others 14 conformity
- Individual 3 (or more than 3) 32
26- 2. Uncertainty where the situation is more
ambiguous or difficult and the individual feels
less certain this increases conformity levels. - Line lengths similar higher of conformity
- Line lengths more dissimilar lower
- 3. Support of another If one of the
confederates gave the correct answer when the
others all gave the wrong answer this lowered
conformity to 5. - 4. However, When the supporter went back to
agreeing with the rest of the group this
increased conformity rates back to 32 -
27- 5. Status having high status group members
(e.g. introduced as Professor so and so )
increased conformity rates in individuals of a
lower status and vice versa. - 6. Privacy when the individual was allowed to
write down their answer instead of saying it out
loud conformity rates dropped. See also the
findings from Crutchfields study below.
28- Richard Crutchfield (1954)
- Aim
- to investigate conformity to the implied
presence of others. - Method
- He tested several participants at a time in open
booths with an array of lights and buttons in
front of them, he used army personnel and tested
over 600 participants. - He presented a variety of tasks for the
participants to give an answer to.
29- Method continued
- The lights were supposed to indicate the answers
of the other participants being tested at the
same time. - Each participant had to give their answer by
pressing one of the buttons in front of them.
30- Findings
- In general he found that conformity was low.
- He found that conformity to the wrong answer
varied with the type of task, but he did find
similar rates of conformity to Asch to the Asch
type tasks. - He also found a wide difference in conformity
between individual participants, some were very
conforming and others very independent
(suggesting that some people are more likely to
conform than others).
31- Conclusion
- Social pressure (the actual presence of others)
has an effect on behaviour, increasing the
likelihood of conformity. Whereas when the
pressure is implied, we are less likely to
- Have a go at listing the factors that increase
and decrease the rate of conformity in the table
on the handout, based on the work of Asch and
33Other factors that influence conformity-
Copy this slide onto the back of the handout.
- Cultural differences
- Cultural factors (Aschs studies in America
reflect the culture of conformist America in
1950s). - Cross-cultural studies of the Asch study have
revealed cultural differences e.g. - 58 conformity in Indian teachers in Fiji, 14
conformity in Belgian students. - Collectivist vs. individualistic cultures (China
vs. UK) emphasise different levels of
responsibility towards the group.
34Copy this slide onto the back of the handout.
- Historical Differences Attempts to repeat
Aschs work have found that levels of conformity
have declined steadily since Asch carried out his
studies (Smith Bond,1993). - Deindividuation loss of sense of personal
identity (as in Zimbardo study see later)
uniforms can produce this effect. Conformity to
the role portrayed by uniform. e.g. Ku Kluz Klan
nurses outfits used in Milgram type study
35Why do people conform? (Theories of conformity)
Copy these slides.
- Crutchfield (1955) suggests that some people have
a CONFORMING PERSONALITY. - If a person has a conforming personality, then
they should show conformity in a variety of
situations. McGuire (1968) has found people to
be inconsistent in conformity across different
Gerard, 1955) - When we are in uncertain situations we look to
others for information about how to react. This
often leads to internalisation (change in private
opinion in line with the rest of the group)
demonstrated in the Sherif study.
- (Deutsch Gerard, 1955)
- When an individual needs to accepted by the
other members of the group. For example if you
are in a potentially embarrassing situation of
disagreeing with the majority, you are faced with
the conflict between you own views and those of
the group compliance is often the result of
normative influence.
38The difference between Informational Social
Influence and Normative Social Influence
- Need for acceptance of others
- Others have power to reward or punish
- Conflict between own and others opinions
- Private disagreement but Public agreement
- Need for certainty
- Subjective uncertainty
- Need for information to reduce uncertainty
- Comparison with others
- Private Public acceptance
- Philip Zimbardos study demonstrates this very
well. - Behaving in a way that is expected of you given
the role/part you are playing at the time. Eg.
Friend, mother, doctor, teacher and so on. - See video clip handout.
- (Turner, 1991)
- People have a tendency to categorise themselves
as members of different groups (social identity
theory) and are most likely to conform to the
norm of those groups that they belong to
- Ingratiation is the term for trying to win
someones favour and getting them to like you by
trying to please or flatter them. - Many people conform to the behaviour of others
to try to please and flatter them, this is done
to be liked and accepted by the group. -
42Quick Test- part 1
- Put your name n the piece of paper you have been
given. - You have 5 minutes to answer this 3 mark exam
question. - Apart from yielding to group pressure (normative
conformity), explain one other reason why people
conform within a group. Illustrate you answer
with an example.
- When someone does not conform but instead holds
and expresses opinions that are different to the
rest of the group. That is they go against the
norm. - The factors that decrease the likelihood of
conformity, increase the likelihood of dissent. - E.g. Conformity Dissent
- small group size, support of another, higher
status of individual than group members.
44Quick Test- part 2
- The second question is a 10 mark exam essay
question. You have 20 minutes to answer it. - Discuss two factors that might affect the level
of conformity. Refer to evidence in your answer.
45- The Importance of conformity
- Why is conformity important for the
group/society? - For a group /society to function and run
smoothly, there has to be a degree of conformity
by the members of the group. Imagine shopping at
Christmas in a shop where people did not conform
to the social norms of queuing!! There would be
fights over the latest kids toy (there has been
in the past Tellytubbies).
46- The dangers of conformity
- A society where no one questions the majority
view point can be equally dangerous. - The owning of slaves and slave trade was the
accepted majority view of the 19th century. This
was only changed as a result of minority group
pressure. - The suffragettes are another example of a
minority group whose influence brought about
social change. - Had these people conformed to the majority view,
these changes would not have happened.
47Minority Group Influence
- Majority influence (conformity) reduces conflict
between individuals. But . . . - If all social influence is seen as serving the
need to adapt to the status quo for the sake of
stability within a society (or group), where
would change and new ideas come from?
48- Without active minorities, social change and
scientific innovations would not come about.
(e.g. abolition of slave trade, womens votes
etc). - So, although conformity is important for the
stability of the group/society, minority
influence, in the shape of resisting conformity
to the group/society is important.
49How do minorities exert an influence?
- Moscovici argued than minority groups can
influence a groups behaviour and views. - He said that majority group influence often
results in compliance, whereas minority group
influence often results in conversion. - He suggested that individuals may often comply
(compliance) with the majority (for safety) but
privately agree with the minority. As the
minority opinion becomes more widespread
individuals feel safer about expressing their
opinions and going against the majority.
50Processes that are supposed to account for
minority influence are status, power, behavioural
style and style of thinking.
- Status and power
- Individuals occupying positions of high status or
who are able to exert some sort of power over
other people may use these resources to make
his/her (initially) minority view a majority one.
51- Status- One way in which a person can achieve
status, is by initially conforming to the groups
norms, thereby building up idiosyncrasy credits
(Hollander, 1958). As these credits accumulate,
the person will be allowed a degree of
non-conformity and be allowed to suggest
deviations from group standards. Conforming at
the outset can lead to opportunities to innovate
later. i.e. the right to bring about change has
to be earned
52- Power- A number of different kinds of power
have been distinguished. According to French
Raven (1959) there are five main types - Legitimate power formal power invested in
particular roles e.g. senior staff in school - Reward power control over valuable resources,
e.g. salary, food, respect, love parents,
employers, close friends - Coercive power control over feared consequences
e.g. withdrawal of resources, loss of love,
dismissal. - Expert power possession of special knowledge
skills e.g. plumber, doctor etc. - Referent power personal qualities, such as
charm magnetism personality characteristics.
53Behavioural style
- Freud was the object of rejection by the
Victorian scientific community when he first put
forward his theory of childhood sexuality. He did
not yield however, to the majority view but
persisted in developing his theory he was
consistent. - According to Moscovici (1974, 1976, 1980),
minority influence is most likely when the
minority adopts a consistent behavioural style
and is firm and uncompromising, but not
necessarily rigid. A committed minority will
exert more influence than an uncommitted minority.
54Evidence for Moscovicis ideas about behavioural
style comes from a study he carried out in 1969.
- Using your text book summarise the study by
Moscovici found on page 166 167 - Title Studies of Minority Influence.
- Use the headings Aim, Method, Findings,
Conclusion, Evaluation.
55- Copy this down also.
- Further evidence for the behavioural style needed
for a minority to influence a majority is given
by - Nemeth et al. (1974)
- Aim-
- A variation of Moscovicis study, to demonstrate
that for minority influence, consistency is
important but not always sufficient to influence
a majority.
56- Method-
- The same set up as Moscovicis study was used,
but ps allowed to respond with a complex colour,
also there were three conditions - confederates said green on half of trials and
green-blue on other half, in a random
order.(inconsistent, complex colour) - confederates said green in response to brighter
slides, and green-blue to the dimmer slides, or
vice versa.(consistent, complex colour) - confederates said green on every
trial.(consistent, simple colour).
57- Findings-
- No influence in condition 1
- 21 of majority responses were influenced in
condition 2. - No influence in condition 3
- Conclusions-
- The minority had no influence in condition 1
because it responded in an inconsistent way. - The minority had no influence in condition 3
because although it did respond in a consistent
way, its refusal to use more complex colour
descriptions of the stimuli made its behaviour
seem rigid and unrealistic.
58- The influence in condition 2 was as a result of a
consistent and flexible behavioural style. - Evaluation
- A laboratory experiment therefore we can be
fairly confident about a cause effect
relationship. - It may lack ecological validity because it is a
laboratory experiment, so we may need to be
careful when generalising the findings to
everyday life.
59- Other research has shown that
- Minorities are more efficient if they-
- Are seen to have made personal/material
sacrifices (investment). - Are perceived as acting out of principle rather
than ulterior motives (autonomy). - Display a balance between being dogmatic
(rigid) and inconsistent (flexible) - Are seen as being similar to the majority in
terms of age, gender and social category.
60- Style of thinking
- It is also important that there is enough time
for the minoritys position to be fully debated
and considered. - The View itself will also affect the level of
influence the minority will have on the majority
in the group there is an advantage if the
minority takes a position that is in the same
direction as the general norms are moving
Relevance of minority view.
61- Research suggests that if the minority can get
the majority to think about the issue (Smith et
al , 1996) and even better to discuss and debate
the arguments surrounding the issue (Nemeth,
1995) then the minority has a good chance of
influencing the majority. This is known as - Systematic thinking where you think more deeply
about the views of others. - When little thought is given it is known as
Superficial thought.
62- Use your textbook to summarise the study by
Zdaniuk Levine (1996) - Title - Evidence to support the importance of
Systematic Thinking in minority influence. - Use the headings Aim, Method, Findings,
Conclusion, Evaluation
63You are a team of psychologists. You have been
approached by two social workers for help, Mr
Brown Mrs Smith.
They want to introduce some significant changes
into the team of social workers they are a part
of. They strongly believe that these changes
will have long term benefits to the efficiency of
the team. The problem is that the rest of the
team (6 others) are very reluctant to have to
face any more changes, they feel that the
governmental initiatives over the past 5 years
have generated more than enough changes already.
They have change fatigue if such a term exists!
64They have asked you for some advice on how to go
about trying to win over the rest of the team to
their way of thinking about the changes. It is
your job to write a letter to the two social
workers, in which you give them some sound advice
on how they as a minority, can influence the
majority. You will need to back up what you say
in your report with psychological evidence. In
your group discuss this situation and make your
own notes on what you should put in the letter.
Each team member will then write up a letter
based on those notes for homework.
65Compliance (to a request) copy this down
- Agreeing to carry out a request
- Cialdini (1994) suggested 6 reasons why we are
likely to comply with a request. - Consistency/commitment
- Reciprocity
- Authority
- Social Validation
- Friendship/liking
- Scarcity
66- Look at page 153 in the text book and copy the
diagram that explains each reason. - Copy this down
- A number of researchers have studied compliance
and the different techniques used to get people
to comply. - Bickman looked at Authority in a classic study.
67 Bickman (1974) copy this Aim- To see if
people would comply with a request in a natural
setting and to see whether the dress of the
person making the request influenced the level of
compliance. Method- Participants 153 people
(passers by) on streets of New York Sampling
method - opportunity Procedure- Male
experimenter dressed as either milkman,police
officer (guards uniform) or a normal person -
68He gave one of three orders to the passers
by- pick up this bag for me (pointing to a
bag) this fellow is overparked but doesnt have
any change, give him a dime (pointing to a
confederate) dont you know that you have to
stand on the other side of this pole, this sign
says no standing (participant at a bus stop)
69Results- 80 compliance when experimenter
dressed in guards uniform, compared to only 40
when dressed as a civilian. The milkmans uniform
also did not produce a high level of
compliance. Conclusion- Participants were
willing to comply to a request in a natural
setting and, the perceived level of authority of
the person making the request (suggested by the
experimenters dress) affects the degree of
compliance to the request. Evaluation- ve
high ecological validity field experiment. -ve
may have had researcher bias in selection of Ps
70- Copy this down
- Other research can be found on the handout and in
the textbook - - handout Freedman Fraser(1966), Cialdini (1975
1970) - textbook Rind Bordia (1966)
- Look at the handout and do the exercises on page
1 and fill in the table on page 2
71Obedience(copy onto reverse of Obedience handout)
- When a person or group of follow the direct
commands, orders or missives of authority
(another person or institution) - Much of the time obedience is benign
constructive. For example society demands a
degree of obedience for it to function. - Blind Obedience occurs when a person obeys an
order without thinking about it (the implications
of it, the motives behind it etc.).
72- Blind Obedience is often dangerous and
destructive. There are several examples of blind
obedience in history. Common to such events is
that people low in hierarchy followed the orders
of their superiors. Why? - It is this question that stimulated much of the
research into obedience. - Two important studies on Obedience were carried
out by Milgram and Hofling.
73- Milgram
- in the 1960s investigated obedience to
authority in what is probably the most
controversial experiment in psychology. - See your handout textbook for details.
74- examined obedience in a real life social
setting - a hospital.
See your handout textbook for details.
75- The study carried out by Bickman (see notes on
compliance) also illustrated obedience to an
authority figure in an everyday real life setting.
76Factors That Affect Obedience(copy down)
- The variations carried out by Milgram on his
basic study give some insight into the factors
affecting obedience. - Have a go at listing some of these factors,
indicating whether obedience is more or less
likely to happen. Refer to Milgrams study.
77Exam Question
- Copy down this question. Allow 20 minutes to
answer it. - When Ruths parents go to parents evening they
are surprised to hear how well behaved their
daughter is in class. They wonder how it can be
that Ruth is so obedient at school with the
teacher and yet so disobedient at home. - Discuss TWO factors with reference to Milgrams
work, that may be affecting Ruths behaviour. (10
78Reasons for obedience.(or, So why do people
obey orders?)
- Trust in the authority figure giving the order
assuming that they are seen as a legitimate
(legal, not fake) authority figure. (Milgram
experimenter in lab coat, Hofling doctor) - Trust in the legitimate system
- (Milgram Yale university,
Hofling doctor/nurse relationship) - We live in a society where we are brought up to
trust and obey those in authority over us e.g.
parents, teachers, the law.
- Being bound / the foot-in-the door phenomenon.
Once an initial request/order has been carried
out people find it difficult to then back out
when further orders are given, especially if the
next order is not much bigger than the last.
(Milgram each request to increase the voltage
of the electric shock was a small step up from
the previous level)
80- Milgrams Agency theory. Milgram suggested that
the person enters what he called an agentic
state when faced with an order from a legitimate
authority figure. - In an organised society, individuals must give
up responsibility to those of a higher status in
order to ensure the smooth running of the
society. - The participants in Milgrams study may have
entered this agentic state. Rather than acting
as an individual the participants may have become
the agent of the experimenter. The lab. Coat
may have acted as a prompt for this behaviour.
81- According to Milgram, agency involves a
cognitive shift in view point that results in a
person switching from their normal autonomous
state (feeling responsible for and in control of
own actions), to the agentic state (they regard
themselves as the instrument for carrying out
someone elses wishes). - Agency is the result of socialisation from the
moment we are born we are encouraged to submit to
82Disobedience(or Resisting Authority Figures)
- This final section of the topic of social
influence is addressed on the handout on
Resisting Authority. - There are also some tasks for you to do on the