Mathematical Ideas that Shaped the World - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mathematical Ideas that Shaped the World


Mathematical Ideas that Shaped the World Symmetry * See the multiplication table before the red and blue blocks are distinct. * If we wrote down a massive ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mathematical Ideas that Shaped the World

Mathematical Ideas that Shaped the World
  • Symmetry

Plan for this class
  • To learn about the tragic lives of Niels Abel and
    Evariste Galois
  • What is symmetry? How do mathematicians think
    about symmetry?
  • What has a dodecahedron got to do with finding
    solutions of equations?
  • Why has the mathematics of symmetry been so
    important in modern day life?

Solving equations
  • A polynomial equation has the form
  • 2x 5x2 3x 1 0
  • The highest power of x is called the degree of
    the equation.
  • A degree 2 polynomial is called quadratic.
  • A degree 3 polynomial is called cubic.
  • A degree 4 polynomial is called quartic.
  • A degree 5 polynomial is called quintic.

  • The solution of quadratics was found 4000 years
    ago by the Babylonians.
  • The solution of cubics and quartics were found
    450 years ago by Cardano, Tartaglia and Ferrari.
  • By 1800, there was still no general formula to
    solve the quintic. It was one of the greatest
    unsolved problems of the time.

Our heros
  • At the beginning of the 19th century, two men
    were born whose quest for the solution of the
    quintic changed mathematics forever

Niels Abel
Evariste Galois
Niels Abel (1802 )
  • Born in south-east Norway during troubled
    economic and political times.
  • Wasnt inspired by maths until his school got a
    new teacher, Holmboë, who told him about the big
    unsolved maths problems.
  • In 1820 his father died in disgrace, leaving no
    money and 5 children for Abel to look after.

Career beginnings
  • Holmboë pays for Abel to finish his schooling and
    go to university.
  • Abel starts work on finding a quintic formula,
    and thinks he has a solution!
  • Corresponds with Degen, the leading Nordic
    mathematician. Finds a mistake in his solution,
    but is invited to Copenhagen to work further with

A promise
  • In 1824, Abel falls in love with Christine Kemp,
    but has no money to afford marriage. Promises to
    find a professorship and come back for her
  • The same year, he finds a solution for the
    quintic. Has to write it down in 6 pages, since
    that was all the paper he could afford.
  • Sends the paper to Cauchy

Evariste Galois (1811 - )
  • Born in Bourg-la-Reine, on the outskirts of
    Paris, also during turbulent times.
  • Age 12, goes to the Lycée Louis-la-Grand, a
    prison-like school.
  • Age 14 reads a maths book in 2 days, though it
    would normally take 2 years to teach.

Galoiss dream
  • Age 16, he takes the entrance exam for the École
    Polytechnique, the most prestigious institution
    for mathematics in France.
  • He fails.
  • Begins to work on the quintic formula and sends
    his first ideas to Cauchy in the hope of winning
    a place at the École

  • What do you think symmetry is?
  • Which of these objects do you think is more

The mathematicians view
  • A symmetry is an action that can be performed on
    an object to leave it looking the same as before.

Symmetries of an equilateral triangle
  • How do we write down all the symmetries of a

Rotations Reflections
N A,B,C F1 A,C,B
R1 C,A,B F2 C,B,A
R2 B,C,A F3 B,A,C
Symmetries of a square
  • Can you find all the symmetries of a square?

Symmetries of a square
Rotations Reflections
N A,B,C,D F1 B,A,D,C
R1 D,A,B,C F2 D,C,B,A
R2 C,D,A,B F3 A,D,C,B
R3 B,C,D,A F4 C,B,A,D
  • Are these all the symmetries of 4 objects?

Rules of symmetries
  • A group is a mathematicians word for a
    collection of symmetries.
  • A collection of symmetries must follow these
  • There is a symmetry which is do nothing.
  • Every symmetry can be undone by another symmetry.
  • Doing one symmetry followed by another is the
    same as doing one of the other symmetries.

Combining triangle symmetries
  • What happens if we take our triangle and do a
    rotation followed by a reflection? Is this one of
    the other symmetries?

Rotation R1 C,A,B followed
by Reflection F1 A,C,B gives
C,B,A F2!
Multiplication table of symmetry
  • To get a full picture of the triangle symmetries,
    we write down a multiplication table of how the
    symmetries interact.
  • Notice that it matters what order we do the

N R1 R2 F1 F2 F3
N N R1 R2 F1 F2 F3
R1 R1 R2 N F2 F3 F1
R2 R2 N R1 F3 F1 F2
F1 F1 F3 F2 N R2 R1
F2 F2 F1 F3 R1 N R2
F3 F3 F2 F1 R2 R1 N
  • Find the multiplication table for the square!

The integers as a group
  • What are the symmetries of the number line?
  • Answer translations left and right!
  • Each number is itself an action. E.g. 2 means
    shift right by 2 units.
  • The do nothing symmetry is
  • The undo symmetry is
  • Doing one symmetry followed by another is

Symmetry is the key!
  • Abel and Galoiss massive breakthrough (which
    they had independently) was that the symmetries
    of the solutions of an equation were the key to
    writing down a formula.
  • And that it all came down to the symmetries of a

Symmetries tell you the formula
  • A polynomial of degree n always has n solutions
    (although some of them may be imaginary/complex).
  • We can write down all the equations that describe
    the solutions.
  • We then see which symmetries of the solutions
    still make these equations true.
  • Lets do an example!

  • Consider the equation
  • (x2 - 5)2 - 24 0
  • The roots are

  • Some equations are
  • A D 0
  • B C 0
  • (AB)2 8
  • The symmetries preserving these equations are
    A,B,C,D, B,A,D,C, C,D,A,B, D,C,B,A.
  • These are reflection symmetries.

From symmetries to formulae
  • If you do a reflection twice, its the same as
    doing nothing. The fact that we get reflections
    in the last example means that square roots will
    appear in the solution of the polynomial.
  • If there had been some rotational symmetry, we
    would have found we need some 4th roots to get
    the solution.

  • If the symmetries of the solutions can be broken
    down into rotations and reflections, then there
    is a formula for the solutions.

Breaking down groups - cubics
  • The symmetries of 3 objects are all the
    symmetries of a triangle.
  • These can always be broken down into reflections
    and rotations.

Breaking down groups - quartics
  • The symmetries of 4 objects are the symmetries of
    a tetrahedron. (Not always a square!)
  • These can be broken down
  • into rotations of triangles,
  • rotations of squares, and
  • reflections.

Breaking down groups - quintics
  • The symmetries of 5 objects break down into
    reflections and the 60 symmetries of a
  • Abel proved that the dodecahedron symmetries do
    not break down into anything smaller.

This means that some quintics have no formula!
Abels journey
  • From 1825 - 1827 Abel was travelling around
    Europe telling everyone about his wonderful
  • But he was a shy, modest man and needed some
    influential friends.
  • When he got to Paris, he hoped for a warm welcome
    from Cauchy, who had received his paper

No joy
  • Unfortunately, Cauchy had neglected to present
    Abels paper to the Academy, and hadnt even read
    it himself.
  • A second paper is also ignored by Cauchy.
  • Dejected and poor, Abel returns to Norway with no
    money and no job.

A tragic end
  • In December 1828 Abel spends Christmas with his
    fiancée, but has no money for warm clothes. After
    a romantic sleigh ride he falls ill.
  • His friends notice his plight and plead with the
    King of Sweden to get him a position.
  • On 8th April he is offered a job at the
    University of Berlin
  • but the letter arrives a day too late.

  • In 2003 the Abel prize was set up by the
    Norwegian Academy. Its like a Nobel prize for
    mathematicians, worth 500,000.
  • The term abelian is also named after Abel.

Back to Galois
  • In 1828, the young Galois is also waiting for a
    reply from Cauchy.
  • Meanwhile, in 1829, Galoiss father commits
    suicide and political violence breaks out at the
  • 2 days later, Galois retakes the exam to get into
    the École Polytechnique but fails again, even
    throwing a board rubber at the examiners!

Cauchy fails again
  • Forced to attend a lesser institution, Galoiss
    hopes are all on Cauchy now
  • Cauchy loses the manuscript.
  • Galois re-submits a new one, hoping to win the
    Grand Prix prize in mathematics.
  • His new referee, Fourier, dies before reading the
    manuscript and Galois is never considered for the

Political turmoil
  • In 1830 Paris revolted against Charles X.
  • Galois was forced to stay inside his school
    despite aching to join the fighting.

Third time lucky?
  • After accusing the headmaster of treason, Galois
    is expelled.
  • He joins 2 militant Republican group, both of
    which become outlawed.
  • To earn money, he gives public lectures about his
    work. The famous mathematician Poisson invites
    Galois to submit his manuscript a third time.
  • Several months pass and still nothing

Finally, a reply!
  • At a banquet of one of his secret societies,
    Galois holds a dagger and raises a toast to the
    new king Louis Philippe.
  • He is arrested and tried, but acquitted of
    plotting to kill the King.
  • His friends blame Poisson for his actions.
  • Poisson retaliates by condemning the paper as
    unclear and incomplete.

Prison life
  • In his despair, Galois turns to politics again. A
    week later he is arrested and sentenced to 9
    months in prison.
  • Re-writes much of his manuscript and makes the
    first definition of a group.
  • In Spring 1832 he is moved to a new prison
    because of a cholera epidemic. A month later he
    is free, and meets the daughter of the local

Love lost and found
  • Stéphanie is initially taken with Galois, but he
    is inept at building a relationship.
  • Eventually his advances are rebuffed.
  • He is again distraught and starts attending
    secret political meetings.

More tragedy
  • On 30 May 1832, Galois is found lying in a field
    with a single gunshot wound to his stomach. He
    dies the next day.
  • In a letter to a friend, he wrote
  • I beg patriots, my friends, not to reproach me
    for dying otherwise than for my country. I die
    the victim of an infamous coquette and her two
    dupes. It is in a miserable piece of slander that
    I end my life. Oh! Why die for something so
    little, so contemptible?

The night before
  • The night before the duel, Galois wrote up the
    last of his mathematical ideas and asked his
    friend Chevalier to send his papers to the best
    mathematicians across Europe.

  • In 1843 Galoiss papers were finally read and
    published. His work laid the foundations of
    modern Group Theory, and spawned a whole new
    branch of mathematics which is now called Galois
  • All before the age of 21.

Wallpaper groups
  • The theory of symmetry had far-reaching
    consequences for science.
  • One branch of mathematics looked at the
    symmetries of wallpaper.

17 types of wallpaper
  • You might think there are endless designs of
    wallpaper to choose from, but actually there are
    only really 17!
  • The result was proved in 1891 by Evgraf Fedorov,
    a Russian mathematician and crystallographer.
  • All 17 designs were discovered by the ancient
    Egyptians and Muslims go visit the Alhambra
    palace in Granada, Spain!

(No Transcript)
The next dimension
  • How many symmetric structures are there in 3
  • Answer There are 230, and they are known to
    chemists as crystals!
  • We can often see the atomic crystal symmetry by
    looking at the macroscopic shape of the crystal.

Sodium chloride (salt)
Pyrite (iron sulphide)
Quartz (silicon dioxide)
Make a crystal win a Nobel prize!
  • Scientists use crystal structures to engineer new
    materials with special properties.
  • For example, the creation of graphene won the
    Nobel prize in 2010. It is a hexagonal lattice of
    atoms which is the strongest substance ever
  • It was quasicrystals which won the Chemistry
    Nobel Prize in 2011 too

Penrose tilings
  • A quasicrystal is unlike normal crystals. It is
    made of 2 different shapes rather than one.
  • The pattern of these two shapes may never repeat.
    The phenomenon was first discovered by
    mathematicians in the 1970s.
  • They were called Penrose tiles.

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Where else are groups?
  • Group theory is now found in all aspects of our
    modern lives, including
  • Cryptography in credit cards and banking
  • Getting a brain scan
  • Listening to digital music (and video)
  • Bar codes
  • Puzzles like the Rubiks cube
  • Analysing viruses like HIV and herpes

What did we learn?
  • That the solutions to seemingly useless
    mathematical problems can have far-reaching
  • That Cauchy was not a very nice person and
    inadvertently caused the premature deaths of two
    brilliant young mathematicians.
  • That the mathematical notion of symmetry is
    integral to modern physics, chemistry, wallpaper
    design and technology.
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