Title: Chapter 2 Solar Energy to Earth and the Seasons
1Chapter 2Solar Energy to Earth and the Seasons
Robert W. Christopherson Charlie Thomsen
2(No Transcript)
3Solar Energy to Earth and the Seasons
- The Solar System, Sun, and Earth
- Solar Energy From Sun to Earth
- The Seasons
4The Solar System, Sun, and Earth
- Solar System formation and structure
- Gravity
- Planetesimal hypothesis
- Dimensions and distances
- Speed of light
- Earths orbit
5Solar System Formation and Structure
- Gravity
- Mutual attracting force exerted by mass on all
other objects - Planetesimal hypothesis
- Suns condense from nebular clouds
6Dimensions and Distances
- Speed of light
- 299,792 kmps (186,282 mps)
- Milky Way Galaxy 100,000 ly across
- Our Solar System 11 light-hours across
- Moon is 1.28 light-seconds away
7Milky Way Galaxy
Figure 2.1
8Dimensions and Distances
- Earths orbit
- Average distance from Earth to the Sun is
150,000,000 km (93,000,000 mi) - Perihelion closest at January 3
- 147,255,000 km (91,500,000 mi)
- Aphelion farthest at July 4
- 152,083,000 km (94,500,000 mi)
- Earth is 8 minutes 20 seconds from the Sun
- Plane of Earths orbit is the plane of the
9Our Solar System
Figure 2.1
10Solar Energy From Sun to Earth
- Solar activity and solar wind
- Electromagnetic spectrum of radiant energy
- Intercepted energy at the top of the atmosphere
11Solar Activity and Solar Wind
- Solar wind is clouds of electrically charged
particles - Sunspots are caused by magnetic storms
- Sunspots have activity cycle of 11 years
Figure 2.2
12Aurora Borealis
Figure 2.4
13The Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Sun radiates shortwave energy
- Shorter wavelengths have higher energy
- Earth radiates longwave energy
14Wavelength and Frequency
Figure 2.5
15The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Figure 2.6
16Solar and Terrestrial Energy
Figure 2.7
17Earths Energy Budget
Figure 2.8
18Distribution of Insolation
- Tropics receive more concentrated insolation due
to Earths curvature - Tropics receive 2.5 more than poles
19Figure 2.9
20The Seasons
- Seasonality
- Reasons for seasons
- Annual march of the seasons
21Insolation at Top of Atmosphere
Figure 2.10
- Seasonal changes
- Suns altitude angle above horizon
- Declination location of the subsolar point
- Daylength
23Daily Net Radiation
Figure 2.11
24Reasons for Seasons
- Revolution
- Rotation
- Tilt of Earths axis
- Axial parallelism
- Sphericity
25Reasons for Seasons
- Revolution
- Earth revolves around the Sun
- Voyage takes one year
- Earths speed is 107,280 kmph (66,660 mph)
- Rotation
- Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours
- Rotational velocity at equator is 1674 kmph (1041
26Revolution and Rotation
Figure 2.13
27Reasons for Seasons
- Tilt of Earths axis
- Axis is tilted 23.5 from plane of ecliptic
- Axial parallelism
- Axis maintains alignment during orbit around the
Sun - North pole points toward the North Star (Polaris)
- Sphericity
28Axial Tilt and Parallelism
Figure 2.14
29Annual March of the Seasons
- Winter solstice December 21 or 22
- Subsolar point Tropic of Capricorn
- Spring equinox March 20 or 21
- Subsolar point Equator
- Summer solstice June 20 or 21
- Subsolar point Tropic of Cancer
- Fall equinox September 22 or 23
- Subsolar point Equator
30Annual March of the Seasons
Figure 2.15
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321130 P.M. in the Antarctic
Figure 2.16
33Midnight Sun
Figure 2.17
34Seasonal Observations
Figure 2.18
35End of Chapter 2
- Geosystems 7e
- An Introduction to Physical Geography