Title: WS-Policy
2Whats the Problem?
- To use a web service a client needs more
information than is provided in WSDL file.
Examples - Does service support WS-Security? If so
- What encryption algorithm does it expect (or
prefer)? - Must messages be signed?
- What character encoding is used?
- What version of SOAP is supported?
- A policy is a set of conditions expected by a
service. - WS-Policy provides an XML based declarative
mechanism for expressing a policy that can be - integrated with WSDL or attached as a tModel in
UDDI - enforced by web services infrastructure
3Policy Expression
- A policy expression is a set of policy assertions
- A policy assertion expresses a specific
characteristic of a service - Standard sets of assertions are defined (as
schemas) - Others will be developed
- A policy subject is the resource described by a
policy assertion - A policy attachment binds an expression to a
subject - Separate standard WS-PolicyAttachment
- Defines how to reference WS-Policy expressions
from XML documents (e.g., WSDL, UDDI)
4Policy Expression
ltwspPolicy xmlnswsppolicy ns
xmlnswsuutility ns wsuIdURI
Namelocal_name targetNamespacetar
get gt lt! policy assertions go here
--gt lt/wspPolicygt
expression can be referred to with URI or
as targetlocal_name
5Policy Assertion
attributes defined in WS-Policy
ltAssertion wspUsage wspPreference/gt
tag from a particular (presumably standard)
assertion namespace
- possible values
- Required
- Rejected
- Optional
- Others
if several alternatives are allowed, then
preference is expressed as a number between 0 and
Extensibility Policies in different areas
will be standardized and introduced through
unique namespaces
standard for security policy is WS-SecurityPolicy
ltwspPolicy xmlnswspwspolicy ns
xmlnswssesecurityPolicy ns gt
ltwsseSecurityToken wspUsagewspRequired
gt ltwsseTokenTypegt wsseKerberosv5ST
lt/wsseTokenType gt lt/wsseSecurityTokengt
ltwsseIntegrity wspUsagewspOptional gt
ltwsseAlgorithm TypewsseAlgSignature
URI /gt lt/wsseIntegritygt lt/wspPolicygt
operators All ExactlyOne OneOrMore (nesting
ltwspPolicy xmlnswspwspolicy ns
xmlnswssesecurityPolicy ns gt
ltwspExactlyOne wspUsageRequiredgt
ltwsseSecurityToken wspPreference10gt
ltwsseTokenTypegt wsseKerberosv5ST
lt/wsseTokenType gt lt/wsseSecurityTokengt
ltwsseSecurityToken wspPreference1gt
ltwsseTokenType TypewsseUserNameToken /gt
lt/wsseSecurityTokengt lt/wspExactlyOnegt lt/wsp
- Standard for general policy assertions
- Character encoding
- Natural language
- Specification version
- Constraint on message structure
- Default is Xpath expression
one security header block
ltwspMessagePredicategt count(wspGetHeader(.)/
wsseSecurity) 1 lt/wspMessagePredicategt ltwspMe
ssagePredicategt count(wspGetBody(.)/)
1 lt/wspMessagePredicategt
body has 1 child