Title: Why Drug Dealers Still Live with Their Moms
1Why Drug Dealers Still Live with Their Moms
Power-Law Distributions
2Experts, Journalists and Conventional Wisdom
- Annual Labor Day statistics on womens earnings
- They are paid only 76 cents to mens dollar for
the same work. - DISCRIMINATION!!!
- Logical follow-up question If an employer has
to pay a man one dollar for the same work a woman
would do for 76 cents, why would anyone hire a
man? -
3Experts, Journalists and Conventional Wisdom
- High pay, as it turns out, is about tradeoffs or
CHOICES made by people responding to different
incentives! - The pay gap, then, is about the different choices
of men and women. - Does this imply that mothers sacrifice careers?
4Experts, Journalists and Conventional Wisdom
- Dont women, though, earn less than men in the
same job? - (Source an unpublished table compiled by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics) - WOMEN MEN
- Sales Engineer -- 89,908 62.660
- Engineering managers -- 82,784 76,752
- Aerospace engineers -- 78.416 70,356
- Financial analysts -- 69,004 58,604
- Radiation therapists -- 59,124 53,300
- Statisticians -- 49,140 36,296
- Tool and die makers -- 46,228 40,144
- Speech pathologists -- 45,136 35,048
- Advertising managers -- 42,068 40,144
- Agricultural scientists -- 41,704 39,156
5Experts, Journalists and Conventional Wisdom
- 1990s Crack cocaine is fostering a very affluent
criminal underclass that could overwhelm police
offers in terms of weapons and resources! - If so, why did most of the crack dealers still
live in the projects with their moms? - The answer, as always, lies in the data.
- Drug dealers are rarely trained in economics, and
economists rarely hang out with crack dealers.
6Experts, Journalists and Conventional Wisdom
- Univ. of Chicago grad. student Sudhir Venkatesh
(Indian) - - What did subsequent data collection efforts
reveal about the gangs crack cocaine operations? - If drug dealers make so much money, why are they
still living with their mothers? - - Answer How much money do they actually make?
- - 2nd Answer What is their chance of being
7Experts, Journalists and Conventional Wisdom
- Rising to the top of drug dealing is not unlike
rising to the very, very top of any profession.
What is it like? - RULES
- You must start
- You must be willing to work
- You must be more than
- Once you realize that you wont make it, you will
... - Crack cocaines devastating effect on the African
American community
8Maximizing, Satisficing Managing Choices
- Lesley Stahl reports on the controversial trend
of - parents allowing teens to drink alcohol in their
- homes in efforts to prevent drunk driving. Â
- (Photo AP)
9Managing Peoples Choice Power-Law Distributions
- - 80/20 rule
- LAPD and bell curves
- extreme concentration of bad officers
- Homeless people
- 80 in and out in 1 day
- 10 episodic users 3 weeks at a time, frequent
drug users - 10 chronic, mentally ill, physically
disabled, MOST expensive - Solving car pollution, bad officers, chronic
homelessness would be cheaper than managing it,
so why dont we do it? - Why does the economic perspective clash with the
moral perspective?