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CHURCH AND STATE Babylon s Fall not Yet complete But the second angels message did not reach its complete fulfilment in 1844. The churches experienced a moral fall ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Rev 148 And their followed another angel saying
Babylon is fallen is fallen, that great city
because she has made all nations drink of the
wine of the wrath of her fornication.
Babylons Fall not Yet complete
  • But the second angels message did not reach its
    complete fulfilment in 1844. The churches
    experienced a moral fall, in consequence of their
    refusal of the light of the advent message but
    the fall was not complete. As they have continued
    to reject the special truth for this time they
    have fallen lower and lower. Not yet, however can
    it be said that Babylon is fallen because she
    has made all nations drink of the wine of her
    fornication. She has not yet made all nations do
    this. The spirit of world-conforming and
    indifference to the testing truths for our time
    exists and has been gaining ground in churches of
    the Protestant faith in all the countries of
    Christendom and these churches are included in
    the solemn and terrible denunciation of the
    second angel. But the work of apostasy has not
    yet reached its culmination
  • GC 389

And there came one of the seven angels which had
seven vials, and talked with me saying unto me,
Come hither I will show unto thee the judgement
of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters
With whom the Kings of the earth have committed
fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth
have been made drunk with the wine of her
Fornication. Rev 171-2
Matthew 2215-21 Then went the Pharisees, and
took counsel how they might entangle him in his
talk. And they sent out unto him their disciples
with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that
thou art true, and teachest the way of God in
truth, neither carest thou for any man for thou
regardest not the person of men. Tell us
therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to
give tribute unto Caesar, or not? But Jesus
perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt
ye me, ye hypocrites? Shew me the tribute money.
And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith
unto them, Whose is this image and
superscription? They say unto him, Caesar's.
Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto
Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto
God the things that are God's.
Deut 413 The Covenant And he declared unto you
his covenant, which he commanded you to perform,
even ten commandments and he wrote them upon two
tables of stone.
Here, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord And
thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
might. Deut 64-5
Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge
against the children of thy people, but thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thy self. I am the
Lord. Lev 1918
Jesus opened them, and I saw the ten
commandments written on them with the finger of
God. On one table were four, and on the other
six. The four on the first table shone brighter
than the other six. But the fourth, the Sabbath
commandment, shone above them all EW p33
Then one of them which was a lawyer asked him a
question, tempting him and saying, Master which
is the great commandment of the law? Jesus said
unto him. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thine heart and with all thy soul and with
all thy mind. This is the first and great
commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two
commandments hang all the law and the
prophets. Matt 2235-40
When the Chief priests and officers saw him, they
cried out saying, Crucify him, crucify him.
Pilate saith unto them, take ye him and crucify
him for I find no fault in him. The Jews
answered him, We have a law, and by our law he
ought to die, because he made himself the Son of
God John 196-7
Pilate then went out unto them, and said what
accusations bring ye against this man? They
answered and said unto him, if he were not a
malefactor, we would not have delivered him unto
thee. Then said Pilate unto them, Take ye him and
judge him according to your law. The Jews
therefore said unto him, it is not lawful for us
to put any man to death. John 1830-31
I Find no Fault in Him
Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he
had said this, he went out again unto the Jews,
and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at
all. John 1838
Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto
them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye
may no I find no fault in him John 194
When the Chief priests therefore and officers saw
him, they cried out saying, Crucify him, crucify
him. Pilate saith unto him, take ye him and
crucify him for I find no fault in him. John
And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release
him but the Jews cried out, saying if thou let
this man go, thou art not Caesars friend
whosoever maketh himself a King speaketh against
Caesar. John 1912
They shall put you out of Synagogues yea the
time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think
that he doeth Gods service. John 162
(No Transcript)
Rom 131-13 Let every soul be subject unto the
higher powers. For there is no power but of God
the powers that are ordained of God. Whosoever
therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the
ordinance of God and they that resist shall
receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are
not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt
thou then not be afraid of the power? do that
which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the
same For he is the minister of God to thee for
good. But if thou do that which is evil, be
afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for
he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute
wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye
must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but
also for conscience sake. For this cause pay ye
tribute also for they are God's ministers,
attending continually upon this very thing.
Render therefore to all their dues tribute to
whom tribute is due custom to whom custom fear
to whom fear honour to whom honour. Owe no man
any thing, but to love one another for he that
loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this,
Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not
kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear
false witness, Thou shalt not covet and if there
be any other commandment, it is briefly
comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt
love thy neighbour as thyself. Love worketh no
ill to his neighbour therefore love is the
fulfilling of the law.
Jer 276-8
And now I have given all these lands into the
hand of Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon my
servant and the beasts of the field have I given
him also to serve him. And all nations shall
serve him, and his son, and his sons son, until
the very time of his land come and then many
nations and great kings shall serve themselves in
him. And it shall come to pass, that the nation
and the Kingdom which will not serve the same
Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon, and that will
not put their neck under the yoke of the King of
Babylon, that nation will I punish, saith the
Lord, with the sword and with the famine and with
the pestilence, until I have consumed them by his
Daniel 317-18
If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to
deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he
will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But
if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we
will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden
image which thou hast set up.
Dan 610-13 Now when Daniel knew that the writing
was signed, he went into his house and his
windows being open in his chamber toward
Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times
a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his
God, as he did aforetime. Then these men
assembled, and found Daniel praying and making
supplication before his God. Then they came
near, and spake before the king concerning the
king's decree Hast thou not signed a decree,
that every man that shall ask a petition of any
God or man within thirty days, save of thee, O
king, shall be cast into the den of lions? The
king answered and said, The thing is true,
according to the law of the Medes and Persians,
which altereth not. Then answered they and said
before the king, That Daniel, which is of the
children of the captivity of Judah, regardeth not
thee, O king, nor the decree that thou hast
signed, but maketh his petition three times a
Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom
of speech, or of the press or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
Government for a redress of grievances.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees
liberty of Conscience. Nothing is more dearer or
fundamental. GC 564
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the
earth and he had two horns like a lamb, and he
spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the
power of the first beast before him, and causeth
the earth and them which dwell therein to worship
the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh
fire come down from heaven on the earth in the
sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on
the earth by the means of those miracles which he
had power to do in the sight of the beast
saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they
should make an image to the beast, which had the
wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power
to give life unto the image of the beast, that
the image of the beast should both speak, and
cause that as many as would not worship the image
of the beast should be killed. Revelation
But what is the "image to the beast"? and how is
it to be formed? The image is made by the
two-horned beast, and is an image to the beast.
It is also called an image of the beast. Then to
learn what the image is like and how it is to be
formed we must study the characteristics of the
beast itself--the papacy. GC 443.1
Past Histories Will Be Repeated
Study Revelation in connection with Daniel for
history will be repeated Mar 304
The Lord has shown me clearly that the image of
the beast will be formed before probation closes
for it is to be the great test for the people of
God, by which their eternal destiny will be
decided. . . . Rev. 1311-17 quoted. This is
the test that the people of God must have before
they are sealed. All who proved their loyalty to
God by observing His law, and refusing to accept
a spurious sabbath, will rank under the banner of
the Lord God Jehovah, and will receive the seal
of the living God. Those who yield the truth of
heavenly origin and accept the Sunday sabbath,
will receive the mark of the beast (Letter 11,
1890). 7BC 976.3

Character Preparation Mar 240.4-6 Not one of
us will ever receive the seal of God while our
characters have one spot or stain upon them. It
is left with us to remedy the defects in our
characters, to cleanse the soul temple of every
defilement. Then the latter rain will fall upon
us as the early rain fell upon the disciples. . .
. What are you doing, brethren, in the great work
of preparation? Those who are uniting with the
world are receiving the worldly mold and
preparing for the mark of the beast. Those who
are distrustful of self, who are humbling
themselves before God and purifying their souls
by obeying the truth--these are receiving the
heavenly mold and preparing for the seal of God
in their foreheads. When the decree goes forth
and the stamp is impressed, their character will
remain pure and spotless for eternity. Now is the
time to prepare. The seal of God will never be
placed upon the forehead of an impure man or
woman. It will never be placed upon the forehead
of the ambitious, world-loving man or woman. It
will never be placed upon the forehead of men or
women of false tongues or deceitful hearts. All
who receive the seal must be without spot before
God--candidates for heaven.
Lamb Like Beast
I believe in an America where the separation of
church and state is absolute--where no Catholic
prelate would tell the President (should he be
Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant minister
would tell his parishioners for whom to
vote--where no church or church school is granted
any public funds or political preference--and
where no man is denied public office merely
because his religion differs from the President
who might appoint him or the people who might
elect him. September 12th 1960
To the Dragon
"One of his earliest goals as President, Reagan
says, was to recognize the Vatican as a state
'and make them an ally'" emphasis added.
God has revealed what is to take place in the
last days, that His people may be prepared to
stand against the tempest of opposition and
wrath. Those who have been warned of the events
before them are not to sit in calm expectation of
the coming storm, comforting themselves that the
Lord will shelter His faithful ones in the day of
trouble. We are to be as men waiting for their
Lord, not in idle expectancy, but in earnest
work, with unwavering faith. It is no time now to
allow our minds to be engrossed with things of
minor importance. While men are sleeping, Satan
is actively arranging matters so that the Lord's
people may not have mercy or justice. The Sunday
movement is now making its way in darkness. The
leaders are concealing the true issue, and many
who unite in the movement do not themselves see
whither the undercurrent is tending. Its
professions are mild and apparently Christian,
but when it shall speak it will reveal the spirit
of the dragon. It is our duty to do all in our
power to avert the threatened danger. We should
endeavor to disarm prejudice by placing ourselves
in a proper light before the people. We should
bring before them the real question at issue,
thus interposing the most effectual protest
against measures to restrict liberty of
conscience. We should search the Scriptures and
be able to give the reason for our faith. Says
the prophet "The wicked shall do wickedly and
none of the wicked shall understand but the wise
shall understand." 5T 452.1
Catholicism Top Faith in congress
Catholic 155 Baptist 67 Methodist 61
Presbyterian 44 Jewish 43 Episcopal 37
Protestant nondenominational 26 Christian
nondenominational 18 Lutheran 17 Mormon 15
United Church of Christ 7 (Jan 3 2007)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Pope Sunday Worship a Necessity For All
Sine dominico non possumus! Without Sunday
worship we cannot live! Pope Benedict XVI
declared during a mass on September 9 at St.
Stephens Cathedral in Vienna. Give the soul
its Sunday, give Sunday its soul, he chanted
before a rain-soaked crowd of 40,000
pope has been very vocal about Europes
Christianor Catholicroots, and is pushing to
have them included in the European Constitution.
Sunday worship, he warned, was not just a
precept to be casually adhered to, but a
necessity for all people. September 17,
2007 From
German Roman Catholics Back Popes Sacred Sunday
The pope recently called Sunday a critical day of
worship. German Christians have immediately taken
on the popes battle cry for Sunday observance,
launching a campaign against shopping on the
first day of the week. Pope Benedict XVI chanted
for Christians to give the soul its Sunday, give
Sunday its soul in his mass on September 9
during a visit to Austria. Three days later,
Christian churches in Germany started their
campaign with the slogan Thank God we have
Sunday. The campaign, which prepared posters
and brochures for parishes and launched its own
website, highlighted the meaning of Sunday for
the spiritual life of Christians. The drives
Catholic organizers have also collected 365,000
signatures on a petition to stop Sunday shopping.
The popes call for faithful Sunday worship was
not only answered by Germanys Catholic masses,
but was even embraced by some German Protestant
September 18, 2007 From
World's future hinges on peace between faiths,
Islamic scholars tell Pope
The future of the world depends on peace between
Muslims and Christianity, Islamic scholars told
pope today. 138 prominent Muslims scholars said
that finding common ground between the worlds
biggest two religions was not simply a matter of
polite ecumenical dialogue Guardian Thursday
October 11th 2007
To reach such a lofty goal, the letter compares
certain Bible verses with similar passages in the
Koran in an attempt to show the similarities
between the two religions. United Press
international October 13
Ten Commandment Commission
The Ten Commandments Commission was formed in the
spring of 2005. The main purpose behind the
organization is to create of a global think tank
with the worlds leaders who have already
recognized the power behind the TCC. We are a
grass root movement joined by some of the
nation's largest ministries.
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The Impending Conflict 5T 711
A great crisis awaits the people of God. A
crisis awaits the world. The most momentous
struggle of all the ages is just before us.
Events which for more than forty years we have
upon the authority of the prophetic word declared
to be impending are now taking place before our
eyes. Already the question of an amendment to the
Constitution restricting liberty of conscience
has been urged upon the legislators of the
nation. The question of enforcing Sunday
observance has become one of national interest
and importance. We well know what the result of
this movement will be. But are we ready for the
issue? Have we faithfully discharged the duty
which God has committed to us of giving the
people warning of the danger before them? There
are many, even of those engaged in this movement
for Sunday enforcement, who are blinded to the
results which will follow this action. They do
not see that they are striking directly against
religious liberty. There are many who have never
understood the claims of the Bible Sabbath and
the false foundation upon which the Sunday
institution rests. Any movement in favor of
religious legislation is really an act of
concession to the papacy, which for so many ages
has steadily warred against liberty of
conscience. Sunday observance owes its existence
as a so-called Christian institution to "the
mystery of iniquity" and its enforcement will be
a virtual recognition of the principles which are
the very cornerstone of Romanism. When our nation
shall so abjure the principles of its government
as to enact a Sunday law, Protestantism will in
this act join hands with popery it will be
nothing else than giving life to the tyranny
which has long been eagerly watching its
opportunity to spring again into active
We as a people have not accomplished the work
which God has committed to us. We are not ready
for the issue to which the enforcement of the
Sunday law will bring us. It is our duty, as we
see the signs of approaching peril, to arouse to
action. Let none sit in calm expectation of the
evil, comforting themselves with the belief that
this work must go on because prophecy has
foretold it, and that the Lord will shelter His
people. We are not doing the will of God if we
sit in quietude, doing nothing to preserve
liberty of conscience. Fervent, effectual prayer
should be ascending to heaven that this calamity
may be deferred until we can accomplish the work
which has so long been neglected. Let there be
most earnest prayer, and then let us work in
harmony with our prayers. It may appear that
Satan is triumphant and that truth is overborne
with falsehood and error the people over whom
God has spread His shield, and the country which
has been an asylum for the conscience-oppressed
servants of God and defenders of His truth, may
be placed in jeopardy. But God would have us
recall His dealings with His people in the past
to save them from their enemies. He has always
chosen extremities, when there seemed no possible
chance for deliverance from Satan's workings, for
the manifestation of His power. Man's necessity
is God's opportunity. It may be that a respite
may yet be granted for God's people to awake and
let their light shine. If the presence of ten
righteous persons would have saved the wicked
cities of the plain, is it not possible that God
will yet, in answer to the prayers of His people,
hold in check the workings of those who are
making void His law? Shall we not humble our
hearts greatly before God, flee to the mercy
seat, and plead with Him to reveal His mighty
If our people continue in the listless attitude
in which they have been, God cannot pour upon
them His Spirit. They are unprepared to
co-operate with Him. They are not awake to the
situation and do not realize the threatened
danger. They should feel now, as never before,
their need of vigilance and concerted action.
The peculiar work of the third angel has not been
seen in its importance. God meant that His people
should be far in advance of the position which
they occupy today. But now, when the time has
come for them to spring into action, they have
the preparation to make. When the National
Reformers began to urge measures to restrict
religious liberty, our leading men should have
been alive to the situation and should have
labored earnestly to counteract these efforts. It
is not in the order of God that light has been
kept from our people--the very present truth
which they needed for this time. Not all our
ministers who are giving the third angel's
message really understand what constitutes that
message. The National Reform movement has been
regarded by some as of so little importance that
they have not thought it necessary to give much
attention to it and have even felt that in so
doing they would be giving time to questions
distinct from the third angel's message. May the
Lord forgive our brethren for thus interpreting
the very message for this time. The people need
to be aroused in regard to the dangers of the
present time. The watchmen are asleep. We are
years behind. Let the chief watchmen feel the
urgent necessity of taking heed to themselves,
lest they lose the opportunities given them to
see the dangers.
We have been looking many years for a Sunday law
to be enacted in our land and, now that the
movement is right upon us, we ask Will our
people do their duty in the matter? Can we not
assist in lifting the standard and in calling to
the front those who have a regard for their
religious rights and privileges? The time is fast
approaching when those who choose to obey God
rather than man will be made to feel the hand of
oppression. Shall we then dishonor God by keeping
silent while His holy commandments are trodden
underfoot? While the Protestant world is by her
attitude making concessions to Rome, let us
arouse to comprehend the situation and view the
contest before us in its true bearings. Let the
watchmen now lift up their voice and give the
message which is present truth for this time. Let
us show the people where we are in prophetic
history and seek to arouse the spirit of true
Protestantism, awaking the world to a sense of
the value of the privileges of religious liberty
so long enjoyed. God calls upon us to
awake, for the end is near. Every passing hour is
one of activity in the heavenly courts to make
ready a people upon the earth to act a part in
the great scenes that are soon to open upon us.
These passing moments, that seem of so little
value to us, are weighty with eternal interests.
They are molding the destiny of souls for
everlasting life or eternal death. The words we
utter today in the ears of the people, the works
we are doing, the spirit of the message we are
bearing, will be a savor of life unto life or of
death unto death. My brethren, do you realize
that your own salvation, as well as the destiny
of other souls, depends upon the preparation you
now make for the trial before us? Have you that
intensity of zeal, that piety and devotion, which
will enable you to stand when opposition shall be
brought against you?
It does not seem possible to us now that any
should have to stand alone, but if God has ever
spoken by me, the time will come when we shall be
brought before councils and before thousands for
His name's sake, and each one will have to give
the reason of his faith. Then will come the
severest criticism upon every position that has
been taken for the truth. We need, then, to study
the Word of God, that we may know why we believe
the doctrines we advocate.--RH Dec. 18, 1888.
LDE 209.1
Many will have to stand in the legislative
courts some will have to stand before kings and
before the learned of the earth to answer for
their faith. Those who have only a superficial
understanding of truth will not be able clearly
to expound the Scriptures and give definite
reasons for their faith. They will become
confused and will not be workmen that need not to
be ashamed. Let no one imagine that he has no
need to study because he is not to preach in the
sacred desk. You know not what God may require of
you. LDE 209.2
(No Transcript)
In connection with a recent consultative meeting
of secretaries of World Confessional Families
held in Rome, B Bert Beach, secretary of the
Northern Europe-West Africa Division, one of the
15 participants and the only Adventist in the
group, presented a book and a medallion to Pope
Paul VI on May 18.
"We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen
Babylon, of allowing our churches to become
corrupted, and filled with every foul spirit, and
cage of every unclean and hateful bird." Letter
51, 9/6/1886
"I saw the nominal church and nominal Adventists,
like Judas, would betray us to the Catholics to
obtain their influence to come against the truth.
The saints then will be an obscure people, little
known to the Catholics but the churches and
nominal Adventists who know of our faith and
customs (for they hated us on account of the
Sabbath, for they could not refute it) will
betray the saints and report them to the
Catholics as those who disregard the institutions
of the people that is, that they keep the
Sabbath and disregard Sunday. E.G. White,
Spalding--Magan Unpublished Testimonies, p. 1.
As the storm approaches, a large class who have
professed faith in the third angel's message, but
have not been sanctified through obedience to the
truth, abandon their position and join the ranks
of the opposition. By uniting with the world and
partaking of its spirit, they have come to view
matters in nearly the same light and when the
test is brought, they are prepared to choose the
easy, popular side. Men of talent and pleasing
address, who once rejoiced in the truth, employ
their powers to deceive and mislead souls. They
become the most bitter enemies of their former
brethren. When Sabbath keepers are brought before
the courts to answer for their faith, these
apostates are the most efficient agents of Satan
to misrepresent and accuse them, and by false
reports and insinuations to stir up the rulers
against them. GC 608.2
5T 81. In the last solemn work few great men
will be engaged. They are self-sufficient,
independent of God, and He cannot use them. The
Lord has faithful servants, who in the shaking,
testing time will be disclosed to view. There
are precious ones now hidden who have not bowed
the knee to Baal. They have not had the light
which has been shining in a concentrated blaze
upon you. But it may be under a rough and
uninviting exterior the pure brightness of a
genuine Christian character will be revealed. In
the day time we look toward heaven but do not see
the stars. They are there, fixed in the
firmament, but the eye cannot distinguish them.
In the night we behold their genuine luster. The
time is not far distant when the test will come
to every soul. The mark of the beast will be
urged upon us. Those who have step by step
yielded to worldly demands and conformed to
worldly customs will not find it a hard matter to
yield to the powers that be, rather than subject
themselves to derision, insult, threatened
imprisonment, and death. The contest is between
the commandments of God and the commandments of
men. In this time the gold will be separated from
the dross in the church. True godliness will be
clearly distinguished from the appearance and
tinsel of it. Many a star that we have admired
for its brilliancy will then go out in darkness.
Chaff like a cloud will be borne away on the
wind, even from places where we see only floors
of rich wheat. All who assume the ornaments of
the sanctuary, but are not clothed with Christ's
righteousness, will appear in the shame of their
own nakedness.
When trees without fruit are cut down as
cumberers of the ground, when multitudes of false
brethren are distinguished from the true, then
the hidden ones will be revealed to view, and
with hosannas range under the banner of Christ.
Those who have been timid and self-distrustful
will declare themselves openly for Christ and His
truth. The most weak and hesitating in the church
will be as David--willing to do and dare. The
deeper the night for God's people, the more
brilliant the stars. Satan will sorely harass the
faithful but, in the name of Jesus, they will
come off more than conquerors. Then will the
church of Christ appear "fair as the moon, clear
as the sun, and terrible as an army with
banners." 5T 81.2
(No Transcript)
Of those who boast of their light, and yet fail
to walk in it, Christ says, "But I say unto you,
It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at
the day of judgment, than for you. And thou,
Capernaum Seventh-day Adventists, who have had
great light, which art exalted unto heaven in
point of privilege, shalt be brought down to
hell for if the mighty works, which have been
done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would
have remained until this day. But I say unto you,
That it shall be more tolerable for the land of
Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee." At
that time Jesus answered and said, "I thank thee,
O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou
hast hid these things from the wise and prudent
in their own estimation, and hast revealed them
unto babes." "And now, because ye have done all
these works, saith the Lord, and I spake unto
you, rising up early and speaking, but ye heard
not and I called you, but ye answered not
therefore will I do unto this house, which is
called by my name, wherein ye trust, and unto the
place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as
I have done to Shiloh. And I will cast you out of
my sight, as I have cast out all your brethren,
even the whole seed of Ephraim.
Will not those to whom have been committed the
treasures of truth, consider the superior
advantages of light and privilege that have been
purchased for us by the sacrifice of the Son of
God on Calvary's cross? We are to be judged by
the light that has been given us, and we can find
no excuse by which to extenuate our course. The
Way, the Truth, and the Life has been set before
us. Many seek to excuse themselves by saying,
"You must not judge me by some weak trait of
character, but consider my character as a whole."
We always feel deep pain at heart when the sinner
seeks to apologize for his sin, to smooth it
over, and fails to realize the danger of
cherishing one un-Christlike attribute of
character. We are to place our will on the side
of the Lord's will, and firmly determine that by
his grace we will be free from sin. Sin is the
transgression of the law, and it is not the
magnitude of the action in iniquity that stamps
it as sin. Adam and Eve were prohibited from
eating of the tree of good and evil. The test was
a slight one, but the act of disobedience to God
was the transgression of his law. The little sins
that men think are of so trivial a character that
on their account they will not be brought into
condemnation, are very offensive in the sight of
God. Says one, "You are too severe, a man must be
allowed these little defects of character." Let
us hear the words of Christ. He says, "Whosoever
shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one
point, he is guilty of all." People venture to
commit sins that are grievous in the sight of
God, and think that they are not to be called to
task for them, because they say they are due to
nervousness, to a peculiar temperament but this
is simply soothing the conscience, and crying,
"Peace, peace, when there is no peace." Sin is
sin, and it is the delusion of Satan to look upon
it in any other light than that it is grievous.
We may flatter ourselves that we are free from
many things of which others are guilty but if we
have some strong points of character, and but one
weak point, there is yet a communion between sin
and the soul. The heart is divided in its
service, and says, "Some of self and some of
thee." The child of God must search out the sin
which he has petted and indulged himself in, and
permit God to cut it out of his heart. He must
overcome that one sin for it is not a trifling
matter in the sight of God. One says, "I am not
the least jealous, but then I do get provoked and
say mean things, although I am always sorry after
giving way to temper." Another says, "I have this
fault or that, but then I just despise such and
such meanness as is manifested by a certain
person of my acquaintance." The Lord has not
given us a list of graded sins, so that we may
reckon some as of little consequence, and say
that they will do but little harm, while others
are of greater magnitude and will do much harm. A
chain is no stronger than is its weakest link. We
might pronounce such a chain good on the whole,
but if one link is weak, the chain cannot be
depended on. The work of overcoming is to be the
study of every soul who enters the kingdom of
God. That impatient word quivering on your lips
must be left unspoken. That thought that your
character is not rightly estimated must be put
from you for it weakens your influence, and
works out the sure result, making you of light
estimation in the minds of others. You should
overcome the idea that you are a martyr, and lay
claim to the promise of Christ, who says, "My
grace is sufficient for thee." RH, AUGUST 1, 1893
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