Calibration Guidelines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Calibration Guidelines


Infer important hydrologic and hydrogeologic data Prediction scaled sensitivities (pss) with composite scaled sensitivies (css) and parameter correlation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Calibration Guidelines

Calibration Guidelines
Model development
Model testing
9. Evaluate model fit 10. Evaluate optimal
parameter values 11. Identify new data to
improve parameter estimates 12. Identify new data
to improve predictions 13. Use deterministic
methods 14. Use statistical methods
1. Start simple, add complexity carefully 2. Use
a broad range of information 3. Be well-posed
be comprehensive 4. Include diverse observation
data for best fit 5. Use prior information
carefully 6. Assign weights that reflect
observation error 7. Encourage convergence by
making the model more accurate 8. Consider
alternative models
Potential new data
Prediction uncertainty
Guideline 11 Identify New Data to Improve Model
Parameter Estimates and Evaluate Potential for
Additional Estimated Parameters
Here we consider measurements related to
observations because the connection between
hydrologic and hydrogeologic data is direct and
needs no special statistics.
  • Hydrologic and hydrogeologic data
  • Relate to model inputs

Ground-Water Model -- Parameters
  • Dependent variable Observations
  • Relate to model outputs

Prediction uncertainty
Societal decisions
Potential new observations to
improveparameter estimates
  • Goal evaluate worth of the type and location of
    potential observations. No observed value yet, so
    need statistics that dont depend on this value.
    Use fit-independent statistics
  • In the context of reducing parameter uncertainty
    and increasing uniqueness, use the statistics
  • A. Dimensionless scaled sensitivities.
  • B. One-percent scaled sensitivities. Often
    plotted in map form.
  • C. Parameter correlation coefficients
  • D. Leverage statistics
  • E. Influence statistics (not discussed here)
  • A. Dimensionless scaled sensitivities (dss)
  • Can be calculated for any potential observation
    type or location
  • Account for the expected accuracy of the
    measurements because dss include the observation
  • Larger values identify observations that are
    likely to reduce parameter uncertainty.

B. Maps of one-percent scaled sensitivities
  • Conveniently shows spatial relations.
  • One map for each parameter, for each model layer,
    for each time step potentially a huge number of
  • Inconvenient because can not determine the effect
    on the entire set of parameters.
  • Does not reflect the expected accuracy of
    observations in the different locations.

C. Parameter correlation coefficients
Calculate without and with the potential new
data. If correlations with absolute values close
to 1.00 become smaller, the new data will help
attain unique parameter estimates.
Example from Cape Cod (Anderman and others 1996
Anderman and Hill 2001)
  • Clearly illustrates that collecting flow and
    advective transport data can radically reduce the
    extreme parameter correlations that occur when
    only head are used.

D. Leverage Statistics
Indicate potential effect of an observation on a
set of parameter estimates. Do not indicate the
particular parameter(s) to which an observation
is important
Dimensionless scaled sensitivities (dss) for each parameter. Dimensionless scaled sensitivities (dss) for each parameter. Dimensionless scaled sensitivities (dss) for each parameter. Dimensionless scaled sensitivities (dss) for each parameter. Leverage
HK_2 VK_CB K_RB RCH_2 Leverage
Potential head observation -3.5 8.0?10-3 -0.105 54.8 0.988
Potential flow observation -3.2?10-5 1.1?10-6 -0.35?10-5 -4.50 0.491
css for existing observations 3.1 0.22 0.20 25.3
Table 13.1, p. 331
Evaluation of possible additional estimated
What parameters could be supported in more
detail, given the information in the
observations? Use css
Calibration Guidelines
Model development
Model testing
9. Evaluate model fit 10. Evaluate optimal
parameter values 11. Identify new data to
improve parameter estimates 12. Identify new data
to improve predictions 13. Use deterministic
methods 14. Use statistical methods
1. Start simple, add complexity carefully 2. Use
a broad range of information 3. Be well-posed
be comprehensive 4. Include diverse observation
data for best fit 5. Use prior information
carefully 6. Assign weights that reflect
observation error 7. Encourage convergence by
making the model more accurate 8. Consider
alternative models
Potential new data
Prediction uncertainty
Guideline 12 Identify New Data to Improve Model
Two categories of potential new data
Measurements related to observations and
hydrology and hydrogeology
  • Hydrologic and hydrogeologic data
  • Relate to model inputs

Ground-Water Model -- Parameters
  • Dependent variable Observations
  • Relate to model outputs

Prediction uncertainty
Societal decisions
Potential new data to improve predictions
  • What existing or new observations are important
    to predictions?
  • Observation-Prediction Statistic (opr)
  • Which parameters are important to predictions?
    Infer important hydrologic and hydrogeologic data
  • Prediction scaled sensitivities (pss) with
    composite scaled sensitivies (css) and parameter
    correlation coefficients (pcc)
  • Parameter-Prediction Statistic (ppr)

Potential new observations to improve predictions
  • Hydrologic and hydrogeologic data
  • Relate to model inputs

Ground-Water Model -- Parameters
  • Dependent variable Observations
  • Relate to model outputs

Prediction uncertainty
Societal decisions
Approach OPR
Potential new observations to improve
Observation-Prediction (opr) Statistic
  • Which existing observations are important to
  • opr indicates the percent increase in prediction
    uncertainty caused by omitting an existing
  • What new observations would be most valuable to
  • opr indicates the percent decrease in prediction
    uncertainty caused by adding a new observation
  • Advantages
  • Combines dss, css, and pss into one statistic
    that also accounts for parameter correlation
  • is independent of model fit
  • is computationally manageable

Predictions of Interest in the Death Valley Model
  • Resource managers are interested in long-term,
    regional transport from selected sites, including
    all processes advection, dispersion, reactions,
    adsorption and desorption
  • The regional model can be used to address
  • Advective transport considered -- consistent
    with regional-scale model
  • Track movement in 3 coordinate directions here,
    north-south, east-west, and vertical

Which existing observations are important(or
not) to predictions?
  • Use opr(-1) to rank the 501 existing observation
    locations by their importance to predictions
  • Averaged values of opr(-1) for all the
    predictions are used, to obtain a measure
    indicating the importance of a single observation
    to all the predictions of interest.
  • Calculate opr(-100) by removing the 100 least
    important observations
  • opr(-100) mean prediction uncertainty increase

What new observations would be important(or not)
to predictions?
Consider potential new head observations in layer
1. Calculate opr(1) for each cell in the layer.
Potential new data to improve predictions
  • What existing or new observations are important
    to predictions?
  • Observation-Prediction Statistic (opr)
  • Which parameters are important to predictions?
    Infer important hydrologic and hydrogeologic data
  • Prediction scaled sensitivities (pss) with
    composite scaled sensitivies (css) and parameter
    correlation coefficients (pcc)
  • Parameter-Prediction Statistic (ppr)

Potential new system property information to
improve predictions
  • Hydrologic and hydrogeologic data
  • Relate to model inputs

Ground-Water Model -- Parameters
  • Dependent variable Observations
  • Relate to model outputs

Prediction uncertainty
Societal decisions
  • Two approaches
  • Prediction scaled sensitivities (pss) together
    with composite scaled sensitivities (css) and
    parameter correlations (pcc)
  • Parameter-prediction (ppr) statistic

A. Prediction Scaled Sensitivities (pss) What
parameters are important to predictions?
Here, pss are scaled to equal percent change in
prediction caused by 1 change in parameter value
pss- desired model complexity
css supported model complexity
pss desired model complexity
B. Parameter-Prediction (ppr) Statistic
  • Which parameters are important to predictions?
  • ppr indicates percent decrease in prediction
    uncertainty caused by a decrease in parameter
  • The decrease in parameter uncertainty is
    implemented by increasing the weight on prior
    information for the parameter(s).
  • This increase in weight represents the increased
    certainty that would result from collection of
    additional field data about the parameter or
    associated system property.

Predictions of Interest in the Death Valley
Model(simulations from the 3-layer model of
DAgnese , 1998)
  • Apply ppr statistic to one prediction on Yucca

Which individual parameters (and associated
system features) would be most beneficial to
further characterize in the field?
Ppr statistic(percent decrease in prediction
Hydraulic Conductivity
Parameter with Improved Information
Pros and cons of A (pss) and B (ppr)
  • Prediction scaled sensitivities (pss) together
    with composite scaled sensitivities (css) and
    parameter correlations (pcc)
  • PRO pss, css, and pcc are each conceptually easy
    to understand and convey to others
  • PRO independent of model fit and computationally
  • CON Can be cumbersome to evaluate the three
    measures to determine the value of new system
    property data
  • Parameter-prediction (ppr) statistic
  • PRO Combines css, pss, and pcc into one
  • PRO independent of model fit and computationally
  • CON More conceptually difficult to understand
    and explain to others. Best so far -- express in
    terms of percent changes in prediction uncertainty
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