Title: World War I Propaganda Posters
1World War I Propaganda Posters
- Drawn mainly from the Collection of
- The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Documenting the American South
- http//docsouth.unc.edu/wwi/posters.html
2Grosse, J. L.Help Crush the Menace of the Seas
Buy Liberty Bonds Buy Quickly, Buy FreelyNew
York? Rainbow Division, Special Liberty Loan
Committee, Poster contributed by Cloak, Suit
and Skirt Industry Committee, between 1914 and
1918 (New York O'Connor-Fyffe Adv.).
3PorterA Call to Service Your Country Calls
You! Your Church Calls You! Christ Calls
You!United States Council of Women for Home
Missions, between 1914 and 1918 (New York
Palmer Oliver). 1
4CrispMotherless, Fatherless, Starving How Much
to Save These Little Lives? War Fund Week One
Hundred Million Dollars May 20th-27thUnited
States Red Cross, between 1914 and 1918.
5Treidler, Adolph, b. 1886Help Stop This Buy
W.S.S. Keep Him Out of AmericaUnited States
National War Savings Committee contributed by
L.E. Waterman Co., between 1914 and 1918 (New
York W.F. Powers Co.).
6No AuthorCivilization vs. Barbarism for
Humanity's Sake Save a Life Red Cross Week
June 18th to 25th.United States Red Cross?,
between 1914 and 1918 (s.l. Harris Printing
7No AuthorTeufel Hunden, German Nickname for U.S.
Marines Devil Dog Recruiting Station, 628 South
State Street.United States U.S. Marines,
between 1914 and 1918.
8Grant, Gordon, 1875-1962Jobs for Fighters If
You Need a Job, If You Need a Man, Inform the
Official Central Agency the Service Is Free
the United States Employment Service Bureau for
Returning Soldiers and Sailors.United States
United States Department of Labor United States
Employment Service, 1918? (Baltimore New York
Thomsen-Ellis Co.).
9Strothmann, F. (Frederick), b. 1872Beat Back the
Hun With Liberty BondsUnited States s. n.,
10"1914 Publ. Albert Ebner Münchenhttp//www
11H.R. Hopps. Destroy This Mad Brute. No
12Image of a British World War One recruiting
poster, courtesy of the Australian War Memorial.