Common Agricultural Policy post 2013 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Common Agricultural Policy post 2013


Europe 2020 EU headline targets ... EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS EU flagship ... of Europe 2020 integrated development strategies National ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Common Agricultural Policy post 2013

Common Agricultural Policy post 2013
Rural Development
  • Edyta Wieczorkiewicz

Common Agricultural Policy 2007 - 2013
  • European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)
  • I pillar of CAP
  • European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
  • (EAFRD)
  • II pillar of CAP

Funds for Poland 2007-2013 (euro)
  • European Development Fund - 35 billion
  • European Social Fund - 10 billion
  • Cohesion Fund - 22 billionEuropean Fisheries Fund
    - 0.7 billion
  • European Agricultural Guarantee Fund - 13.5
  • European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
    - 13.3 billion

Common Agricultural Policy 2007 - 2013
  • European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)
  • I pillar of CAP
  • direct payments
  • market support schemes
  • European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
  • II pillar of CAP
  • rural development
  • (former II pillar plus part of structural policy)

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
  • EAFRD mission is to contribute to sustainable
    rural development throughout the Community, in
    addition to policy support to the markets and
    revenue from the CAP, cohesion policy and common
    fisheries policy.

EU rural development policy 2007-2013
Leader approach 2,5 - 5 of total budget
Community support for rural development by
Member States in 2007-2013 ()
Community support for rural development by
Member States in 2007-2013 (billion euro)
rural development menu of measures
  • Axis 1 Improving the competitiveness of the
    agricultural and forestry sector
  • (a) measures aimed at promoting knowledge and
    improving human potential through
  • (i) vocational training and information actions,
    including diffusion of scientific knowledge and
    innovative practises, for persons engaged in the
    agricultural, food and forestry sectors
  • (ii) setting up of young farmers
  • (iii) early retirement of farmers and farm
  • (iv) use of advisory services by farmers and
    forest holders
  • (v) setting up of farm management, farm relief
    and farm advisory services, as well as of
    forestry advisory services

rural development menu of measures
  • Axis 1 Improving the competitiveness of the
    agricultural and forestry sector
  • (b) measures aimed at restructuring and
    developing physical potential and promoting
    innovation through
  • (i) modernisation of agricultural holdings
  • (ii) improving the economic value of forests
  • (iii) adding value to agricultural and forestry
  • (iv) cooperation for development of new
    products, processes and technologies in the
    agriculture and food sector and in the forestry
  • (v) improving and developing infrastructure
    related to the development and adaptation of
    agriculture and forestry
  • (vi) restoring agricultural production potential
    damaged by natural disasters and introducing
    appropriate prevention actions

rural development menu of measures
  • Axis 1 Improving the competitiveness of the
    agricultural and forestry sector
  • (c) measures aimed at improving the quality of
    agricultural production and products by
  • (i) helping farmers to adapt to demanding
    standards based on Community legislation
  • (ii) supporting farmers who participate in food
    quality schemes
  • (iii) supporting producer groups for information
    and promotion activities for products under food
    quality schemes

rural development menu of measures
  • Axis 1 Improving the competitiveness of the
    agricultural and forestry sector
  • (d) transitional measures for the Czech Republic,
    Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary,
    Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia concerning
  • (i) supporting semi-subsistence agricultural
    holdings undergoing restructuring
  • (ii) supporting setting up of producer groups.

rural development menu of measures
  • Axis 2 Improving the environment and the
  • (a) measures targeting the sustainable use of
    agricultural land through
  • (i) natural handicap payments to farmers in
    mountain areas
  • (ii) payments to farmers in areas with
    handicaps, other than mountain areas
  • (iii) Natura 2000 payments and payments linked
    to Directive 2000/60/EC
  • (iv) agri-environment payments
  • (v) animal welfare payments
  • (vi) support for non-productive investments

rural development menu of measures
  • Axis 2 Improving the environment and the
  • (b) measures targeting the sustainable use of
    forestry land through
  • (i) first afforestation of agricultural land
  • (ii) first establishment of agroforestry systems
    on agricultural land
  • (iii) first afforestation of non-agricultural
  • (iv) Natura 2000 payments
  • (v) forest-environment payments
  • (vi) restoring forestry potential and
    introducing prevention actions
  • (vii) support for non-productive investments.

rural development menu of measures
  • Axis 3 The quality of life in rural areas and
    diversification of the rural economy
  • (a) measures to diversify the rural economy,
  • (i) diversification into non-agricultural
  • (ii) support for the creation and development of
    microenterprises with a view to promoting
    entrepreneurship and developing the economic
  • (iii) encouragement of tourism activities

rural development menu of measures
  • Axis 3 The quality of life in rural areas and
    diversification of the rural economy
  • (b) measures to improve the quality of life in
    the rural areas, comprising
  • (i) basic services for the economy and rural
  • (ii) village renewal and development,
  • (iii) conservation and upgrading of the rural

rural development menu of measures
  • Axis 3 The quality of life in rural areas and
    diversification of the rural economy
  • (c) a training and information measure for
    economic actors operating in the fields covered
    by axis 3
  • (d) a skills-acquisition and animation measure
    with a view to preparing and implementing a local

rural development menu of measures
  • Axis 4 Leader
  • (a) implementing local development strategies as
    referred to in Article 62(1)(a), with a view to
    achieving the objectives of one or more of the
    three other axes defined in Sections 1, 2 and 3
  • (b) implementing cooperation projects involving
    the objectives selected under point (a)
  • (c) running the local action group, acquiring
    skills and
  • animating the territory

Rural Development Programme 2007 - 2013
  • 17,4 bln euro (inc. 13,3 bln euro of
    Community contribution)
  • 22 measures plus technical aid

RDP 2007-2013 budget by axis
axis Public expenditure Public expenditure
axis mln euro
Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector 7 486,2 42,98
Improving the environment and the countryside 5 377,1 30,87
The quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy 3 500,0 20,09
Leader 787,5 4,52
Technical Aid 266,6 1,53
Total 17 417,4
RDP 2007-2013Measures
Measures budget (mln euro) Implementing body
Axis 1 Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector Axis 1 Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector Axis 1 Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector
vocational trainings for persons engaged in the agricultural forestry sectors 40,0 FAPA
setting up of young farmers 420,0 ARMA
early retirement of farmers 2 549,6 ARMA
use of advisory services by farmers and forest holders 218,0 ARMA
modernisation of agricultural holdings 1 849,07 ARMA
adding value to agricultural and forestry products 932,0 ARMA
improving and developing infrastructure related to the development and adaptation of agriculture and forestry 637,5 Regional Self-government
supporting farmers who participate in food quality schemes 80,0 ARMA
Information and promotion activities 30,0 AMA
commitment for supporting semi-subsistence agricultural holdings (2004-2006) 590,0 ARMA
supporting producer groups 140,0 ARMA
RDP 2007-2013Measures
Measure budget (mln euro) Implem. body
Axis 2 Improving the environment and the countryside Axis 2 Improving the environment and the countryside Axis 2 Improving the environment and the countryside
payments to farmers in mountain areas and other than mountain areas 2 448,8 ARMA
agri-environment payments 2 314,8 ARMA
first afforestation of agricultural and non-agricultural land 513,5 ARMA
restoring forestry potential and introducing prevention actions 100,0 ARMA
RDP 2007-2013Measures
Measure budget (mln euro) Implementing body
Axis 3 The quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy Axis 3 The quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy Axis 3 The quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy
diversification into non-agricultural activities 345,6 ARMA
support for the creation and development of microenterprises 1 023,6 ARMA
basic services for the economy and rural population, 1 541,3 Regional Self-government
village renewal and development, 589,6 Regional Self-government
Axis 4 Leader Axis 4 Leader Axis 4 Leader
implementing local development strategies 620,5 Regional Self-government
implementing cooperation projects 15,0 Regional Self-government
running the local action group, acquiring skills and animating the territory 152,0 Regional Self-government
Technical Aid Technical Aid Technical Aid
Technical Aid 266,6 ARMA
vocational trainings for persons engaged in the
agricultural forestry sectors
  • Aim of the measure
  • Further training of farmers and forest owners
    and those planning to undertake agricultural
    activities leading to the restructuring and
    modernization of agriculture, increase
    competitiveness and profitability of agricultural
    or forestry activities and to meet relevant
    national and the EU standards.
  • BeneficiaryInstitutions or the private and
    public entities, leading training activities in
    the Polish territory.

setting up of young farmers
  • Aim of the measure
  • stimulating structural changes in the
    agricultural sector by facilitating the
    acquisition or establishment of farms by young
    people with appropriate professional knowledge
  • support young people taking up the first time
    independent agricultural activity
  • Form and amount of supportA single premium of
    75 thousand zl (It was 50 thousand)

early retirement of farmers
  • Aim of the measure
  • The action aims at improving the country's
    agrarian structure and speeding up the process of
    generational change among agricultural operators
    as well as improving profitability and
    competitiveness of farms by their takeover by the
    younger people, well prepared for the occupation
    of farmer.

use of advisory services by farmers and forest
  • Aim of measure
  • Enable farmers and forest holders to receive
    support through the use of counseling in order
  • adaptation of farm cross-compliance
  • increase competitiveness and profitability in
    agriculture and forestry
  • supporting restructuring, development and
    innovation in agricultural and forestry
  • improve the quality of life in rural areas,
    environmental protection and work safety

modernisation of agricultural holdings
  • Aim of the measure
  • Support for the modernization of agricultural
    holdings in order to increase their efficiency
    through better use of factors of production,
    improve product quality, diversifying
    agricultural activities, as well as to harmonize
    the conditions of agricultural production with
    the requirements for environmental protection,
    hygiene in production and animal welfare.
  • Providing agricultural producers leading dairy
    production ability to adapt to changing
    conditions, in conjunction with the planned
    termination of the milk quota system in 2015Aid
    is granted for investments in modernization or
    expansion of primary production of plant or
    animal, excluding forestry and fisheries.

adding value to agricultural and forestry products
  • Aim of the measure
  • Improving the competitiveness of enterprises in
    the processing and marketing of agricultural
    products subject to higher value added, quality,
    cost reduction and the development of new
    products, processes and production technologies,
    as well as improving production conditions in
    relation to existing or newly launched standards

improving and developing infrastructure related
to the development and adaptation of agriculture
and forestry
  • The measure implemented under two
    schemesScheme I - Land consolidationScheme II
    - Agricultural water resources management

improving and developing infrastructure related
to the development and adaptation of agriculture
and forestry
  • Scheme I
  • improving the structure of farms through the
    execution of land consolidation
  • lay network and the device functional access
    roads to agricultural and forest land, and
    commuting to the farm buildings
  • separation, without an expropriation, the
    necessary land for the purposes of technical and
    social infrastructure in the frames of
    consolidation process
  • Scheme II
  • improve soil quality by adjusting the water
  • increase water retention,
  • improving protection of agricultural land from

restoring agricultural production potential
damaged by natural disasters and introducing
appropriate prevention actions
  • Aim of the measure
  • Restoration of wealth in the farms, destroyed as
    a result of natural disasters such as floods and

supporting farmers who participate in food
quality schemes
  • Aim of the measure
  • Improving the quality of agricultural production
    and products intended for human consumption,
  • Increasing the intake of high-quality food,
  • Support to farmers producing high quality food

Information and promotion activities
  • Aim of the measure
  • increasing demand for agricultural products and
    foodstuffs being subject of quality of food
  • deepen the knowledge of consumers about the
    benefits of the food quality products
  • to strengthen consumers' knowledge about the
    mechanisms of food quality
  • support for producer groups associating entities
    actively involved in food quality

Information and promotion activities
  • Form of aid Producer groups can obtain a
    refund, which will amount to 70 of eligible
    costs of accepted information and promotion

supporting producer groups
  • Aim of the measure
  • Strengthening the institutional structure of the
    primary agricultural sector in order to support
    the functioning of agricultural producers by
    encouraging them to create groups of agricultural
    producers and cooperation, in particular
  • adaptation of production conducted in households
    of members of agricultural producer groups to
    market requirements,
  • jointly placing goods on the market, including
    preparation for sale, the centralization of sales
    and delivery to wholesale customers.

payments to farmers in mountain areas and other
than mountain areas (LFA)
  • This is a special kind of area payments.The aid
    is granted to the area of land situated in areas
    of unfavorable natural conditions for
    agricultural production.
  • Aim of the measure
  • Ensuring the continuity of land use and thus
    maintain the viability of rural areas
  • Preservation of rural landscape
  • Maintaining a balanced manner management, taking
    into account the environmental aspects.

agri-environment payments
  • This is a special kind of payment related to
    the surface of agricultural land or the animals
    in the farmsAim of the measure
  • Conservation of valuable habitats and the
    preservation of biodiversity in rural areas,
  • promotion of sustaiable agriculture management
  • adequate use of land and protection of waters,
  • protection of local breeds of farm animals and
    local varieties of cultivated plants.

first afforestation of agricultural and
non-agricultural land
  • Aim of the measure
  • increase of forest areas through afforestation
  • maintaining and strengthening the ecological
    stability of forest areas by reducing the
    fragmentation of forests and creation of
    ecological corridors
  • increasing the share of forests in global carbon
    and climate mitigation.

restoring forestry potential and introducing
prevention actions
  • Aim of the measure
  • Renewal and maintenance of trees damaged by
    biotic and abiotic factors and the introduction
    of mechanisms to prevent natural disasters, with
    particular attention to fire safety.Aid is
    implemented based on complex projects involving

diversification into non-agricultural activities
  • Aim of the measure
  • Diversification of agricultural activities
    toward creation or developing by farmers,
    households and spouses of farmers,
    non-agricultural or related to agriculture
    activities, which contributes to the creation of
    non-agricultural sources of income and promotion
    of employment outside agriculture in rural areas.
  • BeneficiaryAn individual member of the
    household on the farm, which is insured under the
    Act of 20 December 1990 on social insurance for
    farmers, who is covered by direct payments system

support for the creation and development of
  • Aim of the measure
  • Increase the economic competitiveness of rural
    areas, development of entreprise and the labor
    market, and consequently - increase of employment
    in rural areas

basic services for the economy and rural
  • Aim of the measure
  • improvement of basic services in rural areas,
    including elements of technical infrastructure
  • socio-economic development
  • improving living conditions and economic activity

village renewal and development
  • Aim of the measure
  • improved quality of life in rural areas
  • promotion of rural areas
  • preservation of cultural heritage
  • growth and investment attractiveness of rural

Leader approach tri-sectoral partnership
Aims of Axis 4 LEADER
  • The implementation of Axis 4. Leader, in the long
    term will help to increase jobs and increase
    economic diversity in rural areas.Through the
    LEADER approach will be possible to
  • strengthening social capital in rural areas,
  • improving of self-organization and management at
    the local level.Implementation of the bottom-up
    integrated local strategies will ensure
    sustainable rural development, including the
    preservation of cultural and natural village

Measures of Axis 4 Leader
Design rules for EU aid
  • Programming
  • Concentration of support
  • Consistency support
  • Partnership in designing
  • Prevention of double financing of projects

Europe 2020
  • Brussels, 3.3.2010
  • COM(2010) 2020 final
  • EUROPE 2020
  • A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive

Europe 2020
  • To achieve a sustainable future, we must
    already look beyond the short term. Europe needs
    to get back on track. Then it must stay on track.
    That is the purpose of Europe 2020. It's about
    more jobs and better lives.

Europe 2020
  • The Commission is proposing five measurable EU
    targets for 2020 that will steer the process and
    be translated into national targets for
    employment for research and innovation for
    climate change and energy for education and for
    combating poverty.

Europe 2020
  • We have powerful tools to hand in the shape of
    new economic governance, supported by the
    internal market, our budget, our trade and
    external economic policy and the disciplines and
    support of economic and monetary union.

Europe 2020
  • Europe 2020 puts forward three mutually
    reinforcing priorities
  • Smart growth developing an economy based on
    knowledge and innovation.
  • Sustainable growth promoting a more resource
    efficient, greener and more competitive economy.
  • Inclusive growth fostering a high-employment
    economy delivering social and territorial

Europe 2020
  • EU headline targets
  • 75 of the population aged 20-64 should be
  • 3 of the EU's GDP should be invested in RD.
  • The "20/20/20" climate/energy targets should be
    met (including an increase to 30 of emissions
    reduction if the conditions are right).
  • The share of early school leavers should be under
    10 and at least 40 of the younger generation
    should have a tertiary degree.
  • 20 million less people should be at risk of

Europe 2020
  • The Commission is putting forward seven flagship
    initiatives to catalyse progress under each
    priority theme
  • 1. "Youth on the move"
  • 2. "Innovation Union"
  • 3. "A digital agenda for Europe"
  • 4. "Resource efficient Europe"
  • 5. "An industrial policy for the globalisation
  • 6. "An agenda for new skills and jobs"
  • 7. "European platform against poverty"

Raise the employment rate of the population aged 20-64 from the current 69 to at least 75. Achieve the target of investing 3 of GDP in RD in particular by improving the conditions for RD investment by the private sector, and develop a new indicator to track innovation. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20 compared to 1990 levels or by 30 if the conditions are right, increase the share of renewable energy in our final energy consumption to 20, and achieve a 20 increase in energy efficiency. Reduce the share of early school leavers to 10 from the current 15 and increase the share of the population aged 30-34 having completed tertiary education from 31 to at least 40. Reduce the number of Europeans living below national poverty lines by 25, lifting 20 million people out of poverty. Raise the employment rate of the population aged 20-64 from the current 69 to at least 75. Achieve the target of investing 3 of GDP in RD in particular by improving the conditions for RD investment by the private sector, and develop a new indicator to track innovation. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20 compared to 1990 levels or by 30 if the conditions are right, increase the share of renewable energy in our final energy consumption to 20, and achieve a 20 increase in energy efficiency. Reduce the share of early school leavers to 10 from the current 15 and increase the share of the population aged 30-34 having completed tertiary education from 31 to at least 40. Reduce the number of Europeans living below national poverty lines by 25, lifting 20 million people out of poverty. Raise the employment rate of the population aged 20-64 from the current 69 to at least 75. Achieve the target of investing 3 of GDP in RD in particular by improving the conditions for RD investment by the private sector, and develop a new indicator to track innovation. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20 compared to 1990 levels or by 30 if the conditions are right, increase the share of renewable energy in our final energy consumption to 20, and achieve a 20 increase in energy efficiency. Reduce the share of early school leavers to 10 from the current 15 and increase the share of the population aged 30-34 having completed tertiary education from 31 to at least 40. Reduce the number of Europeans living below national poverty lines by 25, lifting 20 million people out of poverty.
INNOVATION EU flagship initiative "Innovation Union" to improve framework conditions and access to finance for research and innovation so as to strengthen the innovation chain and boost levels of investment throughout the Union. CLIMATE, ENERGY AND MOBILITY EU flagship initiative "Resources efficient Europe" to help decouple economic growth from the use of resources, by decarbonising our economy, increasing the use of renewable sources, modernizing our transport sector and promoting energy efficiency. EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS EU flagship initiative "An agenda for new skills and jobs" to modernise labour markets by facilitating labour mobility and the development of skills throughout the lifecycle with a view to increase labour participation and better match labour supply and demand.
EDUCATION EU flagship initiative "Youth on the move" to enhance the performance of education systems and to reinforce the international attractiveness of Europe's higher education. COMPETITIVENESS EU flagship initiative "An industrial policy for the globalization era" to improve the business environment, especially for SMEs, and to support the development of a strong and sustainable industrial base able to compete globally. FIGHTING POVERTY EU flagship initiative "European platform against poverty" to ensure social and territorial cohesion such that the benefits of growth and jobs are widely shared and people experiencing poverty and social exclusion are enabled to live in dignity and take an active part in society.
DIGITAL SOCIETY EU flagship initiative "A digital agenda for Europe" to speed up the roll-out of high-speed internet and reap the benefits of a digital single market for households and firms. COMPETITIVENESS EU flagship initiative "An industrial policy for the globalization era" to improve the business environment, especially for SMEs, and to support the development of a strong and sustainable industrial base able to compete globally. FIGHTING POVERTY EU flagship initiative "European platform against poverty" to ensure social and territorial cohesion such that the benefits of growth and jobs are widely shared and people experiencing poverty and social exclusion are enabled to live in dignity and take an active part in society.
Europe 2020 and the future of  CAP
  • All EU policies must participate in achieving
    the goals and indicators identified in Europe in
  • CAP has a particularly important role in the
  • Sustainable Growth (project Climate, energy and
  • Intelligent Growth (project Innovation)
  • National Reform Programmes
  • Common Strategic Framework

Polish key strategic documents for the new
financial perspective
  • National Reform Programmes
  • Long-term national development strategy
  • Mid-term national
  • development strategy
  • nine integrated national strategies
  • focus on priority areas for the socio-economic 
    development of Poland
  • implementation of 
  • the objectives of Europe 2020

integrated development strategies
National Strategy for Regional Development
  • specific objectives
  • 1. Supporting the growth of regional
    competitiveness (competitiveness)2. Building on
    territorial cohesion and the prevention of
    marginalization of problem areas (coherence)3.
    Creating the conditions for efficient, effective
    and partner implementation of development
    activities territorially-oriented (efficiency).

National Strategy for Regional Development
National Strategy for Regional Development
  • WHAT?The use of strong potentials,
    proliferationpotential for weaker
  • FOR WHOM?Territories with the greatest capacity
    to creategrowth, smaller urban centers, rural
    areas, functional areas of clear spatial

National Strategy for Regional Development
  • WHAT?
  • Overcoming the difficulties of development,
  • prevent the marginalization of the
    least-developing areas
  • accelerate the restructuring process
  • improving access to public goods and services
  • FOR WHOM?Areas with the weakest indicators in
    the country

National Strategy for Regional Development
  • WHAT?
  • Strengthening the strategic dimension
  • improve the quality of management
  • improving coordination
  • increased cooperation
  • increased activity.

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National Strategy for Regional DevelopmentGENERAL
The strategy for integrated rural development,
agriculture and fisheries
The strategy for integrated rural development,
agriculture and fisheriesspecific objectives
The strategy for integrated rural development,
agriculture and fisheries
  • NOTEonly part of the defined priorities and
    directions for intervention will be implemented
    by the programs for agriculture, fisheries and
    rural development - some are an integral part of
    other development strategies

REGIONSThe CAP towards 2020Meeting the food,
natural resources and territorial challenges of
the future
COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020
    securityEnvironment and Climate
    ChangeTerritorial balance

  • CAP has evolved, however, further changes are
    necessary in order to meet new challenges such
  • response to growing concerns about food security
    both at the EU level and globally,
  • improve the sustainable management of natural
    resources such as water, air, biodiversity and

  • to deal with both the increasing pressure on
    agricultural production conditions caused by
    ongoing climatic changes, as well as the need for
    farmers to reduce their contribution to GHG
    emissions, play an active role in mitigation and
    provide renewable energy,
  • to retain and enhance competitiveness in a world
    characterized by increasing globalisation, and
    rising price volatility while maintaining
    agricultural production across the whole European

  • to make best use of the diversity of EU farm
    structures and production systems, which has
    increased following EU enlargement, while
    maintaining its social, territorial and
    structuring role,
  • to strengthen territorial and social cohesion in
    the rural areas of the European Union, notably
    through the promotion of employment and

  • to make CAP support equitable and balanced
    between Member States and farmers by reducing
    disparities between Member States taking into
    account that a flat rate is not a feasible
    solution, and better targeted to active farmers,
  • to pursue the simplification of the CAP
    implementation procedures and enhance control
    requirements and reduce the administrative burden
    for recipients of funds.

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020
contribution to the strategy "Europe 2020"
  • Smart growth by increasing resource efficiency
    and improving competitiveness through
    technological knowledge and innovation,
    developing high value added and quality products
    developing green technologies and using
    information and communication technology,
    investing in training, providing incentives for
    social innovation in rural areas and improving
    uptake of research

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020
contribution to the strategy "Europe 2020"
  • Sustainable growth by maintaining the food,
    feed and renewable production base, ensuring
    sustainable land management, providing
    environmental public goods, addressing
    biodiversity loss, promoting renewable energies,
    fostering animal and plant health, increasing
    resource efficiency through technological
    development and using results of research,
    further reducing emissions, enhancing carbon
    stocks and fully developing the potential of
    rural areas

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020
contribution to the strategy "Europe 2020"
  • Inclusive growth by unlocking economic
    potential in rural areas, developing local
    markets and jobs, accompanying the restructuring
    of agriculture and supporting farmers' income to
    maintain a sustainable agriculture throughout

The way ahead link with Europe 2020
  • INCLUSIVE growth
  • Unlocking local potential, diversifying rural
    economies and developing local markets and jobs
  • Opening-up alternative opportunities to accompany
    agricultural retructuring
  • SMART growth
  • Supporting innovation and skills, green
    technologies and uptake of research
  • Providing incentives for social innovation

Rural Development
  • SUSTAINABLE growth
  • Increasing resource efficiency and the provision
    of public goods
  • Reducing emissions, enanching carbon
    sequestration and developing bioenergy
  • Ensuring sustainable land management and
    addressing biodiversity loss

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020
Objectives of the future CAP
  • Objective 1 Viable food production
  • Objective 2 Sustainable management of natural
    resources and climate action
  • Objective 3 Balanced territorial development

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020
Objective 2 Sustainable management of natural
resources and climate action
  • to guarantee sustainable production practices and
    secure the enhanced provision of environmental
    public goods as many of the public benefits
    generated through agriculture are not remunerated
    through the normal functioning of markets.
  • to foster green growth through innovation which
    requires adopting new technologies, developing
    new products, changing production processes, and
    supporting new patterns of demand, notably in the
    context of the emerging bioeconomy.

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020
Objective 2 Sustainable management of natural
resources and climate action
  • to pursue climate change mitigation and
    adaptation actions thus enabling agriculture to
    respond to climate change. Because agriculture is
    particularly vulnerable to the impact of climate
    change, enabling the sector to better adapt to
    the effects of extreme weather fluctuations, can
    also reduce the negative effects of climate

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020
Objective 3 Balanced territorial development
  • to support rural employment and maintaining the
    social fabric of rural areas.
  • to improve the rural economy and promote
    diversification to enable local actors to unlock
    their potential and to optimize the use of
    additional local resources.
  • to allow for structural diversity in the farming
    systems, improve the conditions for small farms
    and develop local markets because in Europe,
    heterogeneous farm structures and production
    systems contribute to the attractiveness and
    identity of rural regions.

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 Future
  • Direct payments
  • Market measures
  • Rural Development

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 Rural
  • the competitiveness of agriculture by promoting
    innovation and restructuring and by enabling the
    farm sector to become more resource efficient
  • the sustainable management of natural resources,
    by taking care of the environment and
    agriculture's resilience to climate change and
    the countryside, and maintaining the production
    capacity of the land
  • the balanced territorial development of rural
    areas throughout the EU by empowering people in
    local areas, building capacity and improving
    local conditions and links between rural and
    urban areas.

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 Rural
  • environment, climate change and innovation -
    guiding themes, that steer the policy more than
    ever before
  • strengthening the coherence between rural
    development policy and other EU policies
  • simplifying and cutting the administrative burden
    where possible
  • common strategic framework for EU funds may be

Challenges, objectives and proposals of the future CAP Challenges, objectives and proposals of the future CAP Challenges, objectives and proposals of the future CAP
Challenges Objectives Proposals
Economic (food security, market stability, food chains) 1. Farm income support and limitation of variability 2. Competitiveness and value share enhancement of agricultural sector 3. Compensation in areas with specific natural constraints 1. Redistribution, redesign and better targeting of direct payments 2. Introduction of a risk management toolkit (under the second pillar) 3. Streamline and simplify current market instruments 4. The promotion of innovation, restructuring and resourceefficiency to enhance competitiveness 5. Balance power along the supply chain, increase the transparency of the sector and strengthen contractual relations
Environmental (GHG emissions, soil depletion, water/air quality, habitats and biodiversity) 1. Sustainable production practices and the provision of environmental public goods 2. Green growth through innovation 3. Climate change mitigation and adaptation actions 1. Enhance the provision of public goods via the greening component of direct payments 2. Promote green growth through innovation 3. Pursue climate change mitigation actions
Socio-territorial (vitality of rural areas, diversity of EU agriculture) 1. Support for rural employment 2. Enhance and diversify the rural economy 3. Improve conditions for small farms and develop local markets 1. Support rural employment 2. Improve the rural economy and promote diversification 3. Allow for structural diversity in farming systems
COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 Rural
Development - toolkit
  • () a wide range of tools would remain useful,
    from investments and infrastructure to payments
    for ecosystem services, support for LFA,
    environmental and climate change measures,
    support for innovation, knowledge transfer and
    capacity building, business creation, social and
    institutional development fostering production
    methods with a link to local specificities and
    considering specific needs of Member States to
    increase their economic efficiency. Improvements
    may consist in better linking measures together

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 Rural
Development - toolkit
  • also essential
  • risk management toolkit should be included to
    deal more effectively with income uncertainties
    and market volatility
  • further strengthen and simplify the quality
    (including organic farming) and promotion policies

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 - options
Continuing the reform process through gradual
changes, while correcting the most pressing
problems (such as a more balanced distribution of
Option 1
CAP more balanced (balance between policy
objectives, Member States and farmers) and the
first pillar more flexible and geared to the
protection of the environment
Option 2
CAP focuses on goals related to environmental
protection and climate change through rural
development program (elimination of subsidies and
market instruments)
Option 3
COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 - conclusions
  • The role of rural development in the future CAP
    will be determined by several institutional
  • EU 2020 strategy,
  • the EU Budget Review,
  • the positions already expressed by the Council
    and the Parliament,
  • the end of the transitional period of the CAP for
    the newest Member States,
  • possible future accessions,
  • possible new agricultural agreement under the WTO
    Doha Round and a new protocol on climate change,
    replacing the Kyoto Protocol

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 - conclusions
  • The Communication remains at a high level of
    generality in most cases, though the greening
    of the first pillar seems to be one of the
    greatest innovations in the history of the CAP.
  • At the same time, the role of rural development
    appears to be downgraded in the second pillar
    with the moving of several of its existing
    instruments to the first pillar. The list of
    rural development themes has expanded and new
    emphasis is given to innovation and risk
    management, in line with the EU 2020 strategy.
    These new themes seem to strengthen the current
    priorities of rural development, serving as tools
    to reach the predefined aims.

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 - conclusions
  • Objectives of the future CAP are likely to be
    more specific and are closely related to the
    economic, environmental and social challenges
    facing EU agriculture. However, challenges and
    proposals to meet them are only partially
    consistent as the former are clearly specified,
    while the latter remain unclear in many cases.
  • If challenges defined are to be met, a suitable
    set of policy instruments will be required,
    including a strong and effective rural
    development policy.

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 - conclusions
  • Rural development should aim to promote
    competitiveness, enhance the sustainable
    management of natural resources and create
    balanced development of rural areas in the
    future, echoing aims of the current axes of the
    second pillar.
  • Although no reference is made to rural
    development axes in the Communication, no major
    changes regarding future priorities are expected
    (???). However, the alleviation of significant
    rural poverty should be a future priority, and be
    aimed at decreasing the urban/rural income gap
    which has continuously grown in many areas.

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 - conclusions
  • It seems that the CAP budget can be cut in the
    future, resulting in a restructuring of resources
    within the CAP in line with the new priorities.
  • Rural development should be a major part of the
    CAP with proper budget allocations.

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 - conclusions
  • It appears that the reconfiguration of the two
    pillars will affect their respective budgetary
    allocations, thereby changing the balance of
    expenditure between the pillars and their
    associated funds.
  • Reallocation of rural development resources by
    Member States are highly needed, possibly through
    the use of objective criteria. Such criteria
    should be clear and easily applicable and should
    be connected to priorities. The indicators of
    agricultural areas, NATURA 2000 area and
    GDP/capita might serve as initial proposals to
    be considered.

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 - conclusions
  • Proposals on creating coherence between rural
    development policy and other EU policies are of
    utmost importance (axes 3 and 4).

COMMUNICATION The CAP towards 2020 - conclusions
  • Proposals on creating coherence between rural
    development policy and other EU policies are of
    utmost importance (axes 3 and 4).

II pillar of CAP- future steps
  • legislation
  • analysis of the experience - preparing for the
  • effects of implementation of the RDP -
    continuation or abandonment of the measures?
  • increasing complementarity with Cohesion Policy
  • implementation model - centrally or regionally?

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