European Structural Funds in Wales Post-2013 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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European Structural Funds in Wales Post-2013


Title: European Programmes 2014-2020: policy context Author: smithsont Last modified by: sianwilton Created Date: 9/21/2011 1:09:32 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: European Structural Funds in Wales Post-2013

European Structural Funds in Wales Post-2013
  • Paul Smith
  • Welsh European Funding Office
  • 8 March 2012

What well cover
  • How WEFO is planning for the new EU programmes
  • Timetables to 2014
  • European Context
  • Highlights from the Regulations

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Europe and Wales Investing in your future
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Europe Wales Investing in your future
WEFO Team and Partners
  • Dedicated post-2013 Policy Team
  • Analysis of regulations
  • Preparation of Operational Programmes
  • Working with UK on EU level negotiations
  • Partnership stakeholder engagement
  • Partnership Engagement
  • EPPF
  • Specialist Workstreams
  • Reflection Exercise (December 11 January 12)
  • Draft OPs - full public consultation (Autumn

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Europe Wales Investing in your future

Whats happening now?
  • Draft Regulations published 6 October 2011
    analysing and highlighting key issues for
  • Feeding into Negotiations with EU via UK
  • Lessons learned exercise
  • Reflection exercise seeking views on high level
    strategy and vision

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Europe Wales Investing in your future
Future European Programmes
  • Closer working with agricultural / fisheries
  • Structural Funds
  • Assumption that Wales will qualify for future
    funds impact of recession on Wales GDP.
  • West Wales and Valleys Less Developed region
    (lt75 EU27 Average GDP)
  • East Wales More Developed region (gt90 EU27
    Average GDP)

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Europe Wales Investing in your future
Europe 2020 Targets
  • Smart
  • 75 of EU population (20-64) in employment
  • 3 of EU GDP invested in RD / innovation
  • Sustainable
  • 20/20/20 climate/energy targets to be met.
  • Inclusive
  • Young people exiting school early to be less than
    10 and 40 of 30-34 year olds to have a
    tertiary degree
  • 20 million fewer people to be at risk of poverty

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Thematic Objectives
  • strengthening research, technological development
    and innovation
  • enhancing access to, and use and quality of,
    information communication technologies
  • enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs, the
    agricultural sector (EAFRD) and the fisheries /
    aquaculture sector (EMFF)
  • supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy
    in all sectors
  • promoting climate change adaptation, risk
    prevention and management
  • protecting the environment and promoting resource
  • promoting sustainable transport and removing
    bottlenecks in key network infrastructures
  • promoting employment and supporting labour
  • promoting social inclusion and combating poverty
  • investing in education, skills and lifelong
  • enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient
    public administration

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Commission Proposals (1)
  • To achieve Europe 2020 goals Commission is
  • Closer integration of funds (ERDF, ESF, EAFRD,
  • New, more directive, architecture
  • Common Strategic Framework
  • Partnership Contract
  • Operational Programmes.
  • Stronger focus on performance/results Use of
    stronger contractual conditions / incentives.

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Europe Wales Investing in your future
Commission Proposals (2)
  • Commission also proposing
  • Greater concentration - more money but on fewer
  • Increased use of Financial Engineering
  • Simplifications e.g., simplified cost
    approaches, e- cohesion policy.

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Europe Wales Investing in your future
Investment Focus ESF (1)
  • ESF draft regulations focus on Europe 2020 goals
  • Promoting employment and supporting labour
  • Investing in education, skills and life-long
  • Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty
    min. 20 of ESF
  • Enhancing institutional capacity and efficient
    public administration
  • Greater emphasis on fighting youth unemployment
  • Strengthened provision for transnational
    co-operation, social innovation, gender equality
    and equal opportunities.

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Europe Wales Investing in your future
Investment Focus ESF (2)
  • Minimum ESF budget in 2014 2020 84 billion
    (7.5 increase on 2007-13)
  • Out of Structural Funds support (ERDF ESF) ESF
    minimum share will be
  • 25 in less developed regions (West Wales
  • 40 in transition regions
  • 52 in more developed regions (East Wales)

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Investment Focus ERDF (1)
  • The Commissions draft regulations put a clear
    focus on
  • Research and Innovation
  • Low Carbon Economy (Energy Efficiency Renewable
  • SME Competitiveness
  • Concentration on the above themes will be
  • 80 in More Developed / Transition regions (Low
    Carbon min. 20)
  • 50 in Less Developed regions (Low Carbon min.

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Europe Wales Investing in your future
Investment Focus ERDF (2)
  • The draft regulations also focus on
  • Sustainable Urban Development (at least 5 of the
    national ERDF allocation)
  • Member States (UK Government) would be expected
    to draw up a list of cities where Sustainable
    Urban Development will be implemented, together
    with indicative annual allocations.

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Europe Wales Investing in your future
What does it mean for West Wales the Valleys?
  • At least 25 of SF funding will need to be used
    for ESF measures (but the Welsh programme already
    commits a 40 share).
  • 50 of ERDF funding would need to be applied to
    Research Innovation Energy efficiency
    Renewable Energy SME Competitiveness.
  • A minimum of 5 to be used for Sustainable Urban
  • Distribution of remaining funds across other
    priorities chosen from Commission menu

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Europe Wales Investing in your future
What does it mean for East Wales?
  • At least 52 of SF funding will need to be used
    for ESF measures.
  • 80 of ERDF funding would need to be applied to
    Research Innovation Energy efficiency
    Renewable Energy SME Competitiveness.
  • A minimum of 5 to be used for Sustainable Urban
  • Leaves limited scope for other interventions.

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Thematic Choices
  • Seeking flexibility to fund things in future that
    we are currently funding
  • Ministerial decision on priorities informed by
    engagement with Stakeholders (EPPF, Reflection
  • Alignment to WG policies and delivering Europe

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Europe Wales Investing in your future
Timetable (EU level)
6 Oct 11 Publication of draft regulations
End 2011 early 2012 Draft Common Strategic Framework public consultation
End 2012 Agreement of MFF(2014-2020)?
Spring 2013 Agreement of Regulations?
Summer 2013 Agreement of Common Strategic Framework covering Structural Funds?
During 2013 Negotiate and agree UK Partnership Contract, and Wales programmes
1 January 2014 Earliest Wales programmes can be approved to start
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Europe Wales Investing in your future
Timetable (Wales)
Early 2012 DM will set out the Governments planned vision and direction for future EU programmes in Wales
Early 2012 Autumn 2012 Detailed development of the programmes with partners (workstreams Operational Programmes, Delivery and Compliance, Evaluation Advisory Group and Territorial Co-operation Group)
Autumn 2012 early 2013 Public consultation on draft Operational Programmes
Spring 2013 Autumn 2013 Submission and negotiation of programming documents with EC
2014 Launch and delivery of EU programmes 20142020 in Wales
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Our priorities
  • Aiming to hit the ground running in 2014, ideally
    with a number of high level strategic projects
    ready to go.
  • Harnessing expertise and knowledge to build on
    what works in practice both from our external
    partners and from within WEFO.
  • Options for programme integration
  • Working with Whitehall colleagues on the EU level
  • Ensuring we continue our focus on successfully
    delivering the 2007-2013 programmes.

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Finding out more
  • WEFO Website http//
  • Twitter or
  • Contact the Post-2013 team

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Thank you Any Questions?
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