Investing Opportunity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Investing Opportunity


Investing Opportunity An open invitation to the To join one of the fastest travel consortium of its kind to Invest with Arion Arion Tour &Travels Pvt Ltd – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Investing Opportunity

Investing Opportunity
  • An open invitation to the
  • To join one of the fastest travel consortium of
    its kind
  • to
  • Invest with Arion

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Invited By
Arion Club
  • K.C Dogra
  • Managing Director
  • Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
  • I represent Arion Tour Travels, one of the
    fastest growing, multi-disciplined travel
    consortiums of its kind incorporated with the
    main object to promote tourism in the region
    under Companies act 1956,
  • Since the inception, we have been promoting
    adventure activities, thus developing the
    spirit of endurance, learn to react in the
    challenging situations, building teamwork.
  • We are committed to offer programmes, which
    develops a positive character and leadership
    traits besides providing fun and excitement.   
  • Our programmes are custom designed, using a
    combination of outdoor and adventure activities,
    to meet the needs of various age groups and

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Our Believes , Principal Strength
  • Our Believes
  • We believes that business is prompted by
    mutuality, fostered by strategic alliance, and
    further realized through Mutual trust. 
  • Our Principal
  • We work on a very simple Principle that is
    multiplying our resources, sharing and building
    onto each other's strengths drive out the
    maximum benefits, which could be difficult if
  • Our Strength
  • To provide a quality in Service to deal our
    guests with a great deal of pride in the services
    ,facilities the highest standards possible, to
    ensure that they choose to return time and again

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Our Business
  • The idea to develop this web site is
    to not only provide the information on
    destination but is also aimed to sell the tour
    packages , brokerage from e-commerce transactions
    such as earning through to the visitors of this
    web site .
  • You can we a part of our growth , through
    our franchisee there are host of option to join
    us to grow along with the company vision such
  • on-line bookings of hotels
  • Railway ticket,
  • Airlines Ticket ,
  • advertisement
  • Selling of Tour packages and
  • brokerage from e-commerce transactions such as
    earning through on-line selling of Local
    Handicrafts .

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
  • This travel consortiums is being Promoted , by
  • Sh. K.C.Dogra , a Engineer by profession .He is
    the Director of the Company .Adventure and
    outdoor activities have been a part of his life
    since his early childhood .
  • He is having an experience of more than 15 years
    in contract Management , Arbitration, negotiation
    etc , with a strong knowledge of in Export
    procedure documentation ,Knowledge of emerging
    standards in corporate communication
  • He is with a strong analytical skills, creative,
    hardworking and above all a good team player
    having in depth knowledge of Social, political
    cultural aspect of India with a particular region
    Himachal Pradesh Jammu .

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
  • Mrs. Kusum Lata is the Director to this Company
    . a freelance journalist. She is known for her
    expertise in writing travel tourism She
    authored numerous articles and commentaries on
    this issues , recently she has written a book
    Shopping in India. With this book she aims to
    through the light on the various places from
    where you can shop, along with the places of
    tourist interest in India .
  • She is self-motivated, mature, responsible and
    pleasant interpersonal skills having keen
    interest in studying nature, peoples lifestyles,
    customs, and different aspects of culture in
  • Most of the tour is a product of her extensive
    trekking and traveling in for a decade.

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Market Potential
  • Tourism has been one of the biggest
    revenue generators since long. Owing to its rich
    and varied topography, vibrant culture and
    captivating festivities, the India offers
    immense tourism delights to the visitors
  • There is continuous growth in this industry .As
    per report the foreign tourist arrival in India
    crossed the 5.08 million Domestic tourist
    visits in India has crossed more than 527
  • Statistical for the scope of our business for the
    various resources collected , is submitted for
    you ready reference
  • Why India
  • Tourism Potential in India
  • Scope of export potential of Indian Handicrafts
  • Why to invest with Arion The reason being
    simple , we think differently

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
  • There is unlimited scope for to invest grow
    along with Company vision . We need not tell the
    size of Indian Market ,much beyond the political
  • Partner with us
  • To Invest in Vehicle Finance such as our
    associates in providing
  • Car rental service, transporter to our
    Associate are the part of our growth such as
    Railway ticket Booking /Air ticket Reservation /
    Retail Franchisees
  • To develop, Education Training Institute for
    capacity building to meet the quality in Service
    ,facilities the highest standards possible, (
    Arion Institute of Travel Tourism Management at
    Manali Himachal Pradesh )
  • Developing in Camping tented accommodation to
    promote eco- tourism in Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh
    ,Uttrakhand other part of India .

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Short Term Investment
  • If you are looking for Short Term Investment you
    may invest in Publishing special promotional
    material .
  • The promotional Material , shall be in the shape
    of the
  • Guide book on shopping in India along with
    places of Tourist Interest )
  • along with the CD that contain the detail of
  • Detail of Importer exporter
  • Places form Where to Shop
  • Detail of Hotel
  • Special Holidays packages
  • lot of more information, for a traveler to

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Target audience
  • To tap the tourism potential we are particularly
    focusing on the people from middle income group
    those who are looking for holidays at reasonable
    cost in India particularly from the youth
    segment , that constitute one third of there
    population .
  • Our tour packages are being designed keeping of
    there requirements such by promoting adventure
    holidays like Camping trekking activities are
    committed to offer programmes, which develops a
    positive character and leadership traits besides
    providing fun and excitement.
  • Our tour will initially commence from Delhi , one
    of the major Market sector having population for
    more than 21.50 million also one of the major
    gateway to India .

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
  • There is a long list, those who are in the
    business of Travel Tourism, We are much
    interest how they have been doing it, that what
    make us different from our competitor
  • Target audience , most of tour are designed for
    the youth
  • Market sector they have selected
  • Pricing Strategy Our tour being focused on
    middle income group
  • The service area , where they have been
    conducting their tour frequently .
  • Type of activities / they are promoting .

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
What make us Different
  • What makes us different over our Competitors
  • Most of the tour operator have been planning
    there tour for the business travelers , there
    solution are tailor-made, for a particular
    segment , with a list of limited hotels there
    are hardly those who have been Conducting tour
    for the youth group finally they requirement
    also does not match with there need .
  • Centralized Management information system , for
    Integrated web Portal for online booking of hotel
    , railway , airlines car rentals for online
  • Special training to our associate in service
    provider to ensure quality in Service how to
    deal our guests in the services ,facilities the
    standards possible,

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Marketing Strategy
  • The market is segmented in varieties of way such
    as by age, Geography, the tour plan has been
    designed accordingly to meet the requirement of
    each individual group.
  • Special holidays packages, designed particularly
    for the youth group representing one third of our
  • To start with we focusing of major market sector
    that are Delhi Mumbai, Kolkata , Chennai ,
    Bangalore .These are major gateway to India are
    the places where you can penetrate as well
    receive your guest ,from abroad .
  • Initially , the tour has planned to commence from
    Delhi , to the surrounding states , such as
    Rajasthan, Uttaranchal Himachal Pradesh .
  • Accordingly the special packages has been
    designed special promotional material
  • Special Packages
  • Gift packages /Gift Certificate

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Sale Strategy
  • These tour packages the service offered by
    shall be promoted by
  • Special Promotional Material through the
    Promotional tool
  • Cost effective in the long run
  • We need not to spent money in advertising time
    again just like news paper that require repeated
    number of insert to attract the attention of
  • The amount spent will be received back, after
  • This promotion material will have long life
    shall not be thrown away just like news paper,
  • This promotional material shall be distributed
    during the International trade fair thus shall
    have an additional advantage to be sold out to
    the visitor out side India.

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Promotional Tool
  • These tour packages shall be promoted
  • Internet , through strong web presence by
    continuously , chasing the visitor through news
    letters .
  • Online Marketing Campaign , by advertising
    through banner programme, banner exchange
    programme, pay per click programme Google
  • Through our affiliates on commission basis.
  • E-Mail, News Letter as a promotional tool
  • Special promotion marketing Material
  • A compressive Directory guide on Shopping in
  • ( along with guide on the places of tourist
    Interest in India )

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Goal Objectives
  • To integrate computerizations reservation of 
  • Railway
  • airlines
  • Car Rental service provider .
  • Thus to have a revenue model of earning through
    on-line bookings of Railway tickets air lines
    deliver them to home just at a phone call .
  • To develop the portal to have a revenue model of
    earning from selling local handicrafts
  • To develop this web portal to provide
    Comprehensive information , on the special
    packages offered by the hoteliers , our
    associates so as to provide complete information
    to the visitors .

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Return on Investment
  • The return on Investment
  • Short Term Investment for the amount spent on
  • Special Promotional Material
  • The amount spent on Promotional Material can be
    compensated From
  • The key players like airlines, hotels our
    travel partner shall be approached to advertise
    in this Guide (promotional material) shopping
    in India.
  • The amount spent on Promotional Material can be
    compensated , by Inviting advertising from the
    service provider key player like Airlines ,
    hotel travel trade partner those who are the
    end beneficiaries of this advertise campaign .
  • Sale of Promotional material , in the trade fairs
  • Distributed to our affiliate / Agents at
    subsidized rate .
  • Online sale , etc
  • Assured 12.5 return on Investment .

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Resources Requirements-Personal
  • Personnel
  • The staff at present deputed to mobilize our
    resources to built a team along with the
    exploring the feasibility , to built the team
    to attain the object of the Company .
  • The staff can be deputed on the need based with
    the expansion of our business
  • A special short term training is being given to
    the fresher to meet quality standard and service
    to develop professional skill among them, as
    per the requirement demand from our franchisee.

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Resources Requirements-Finance
  • Finance
  • For Effective web presence over the internet , by
    promoting banner advertisement , pay per click
    advertisement through Google absence programme ,
    Yahoo other service provider for this service .
  • For Promotional Material , so as to promote the
    brand through brochures, signage other image
    building programme
  • For Development of team,
  • For Development of Franchisees net work , to book
    Railway ticket
  • The Company is looking after, the like minded
    people , is seeking strategic alliance / joint
    venture/ from the like minded people to grow
    along with the Company vision .

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
High Time
  • The best time to Invest is always when things
    are at rock bottom .
  • Government is pumping more liquidity in to market
    by decreasing cash reserve ratio there for the
    lending rates are coming down.
  • So it is the right time to invest particularly in
    the service sector , where there is
  • We are sure together we can do it, if we have
    common objective desire to derive the mutual
    benefit out of it.
  • This Endeavour will be a success with your
    overall support, so I beseech your active
    participation kindly forward this presentation to
    the other members of the Company, to enable them
    decide to invest with Arion .
  • Its the best time to invest in the right
    opportunities .

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Risk Rewards
  • The company is working as a service provider ,
    is entirely depend upon the trade partner in the
    tourism industry , and working on the terms
    conditions as stipulated with each individual
    service provider , the company is not directly
    liable for any unusual occurrences.
  • The risk of higher volatility ,risk of lower
    liquidity , risk reducing order , risk of rumors,
    risk of new announcements are always there in
    any business .
  • The company is at initial phase, is mobilizing
    their resources to achieve the business objective

Arion Tour Travels Pvt Ltd Visit us at
Kailash Chander Dogra
  • For further information
  • E-mail us at
  • Call us on 09968573401

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