Title: Is Passive Investing in Commercial Property a Smart Strategy
1Is Passive Investing in Commercial Property a
Smart Strategy
2If you are opting for passive investing, you can
invest through commercial real estate related
mutual funds or through real estate investment
3Furthermore, people with huge investment
potential can join real estate syndicate that
accepts private placements or can join a real
estate private equity group.
4One of the biggest advantages of passive
investing is that someone else will be managing
the commercial property on your behalf.
5When you are a passive investor, the only control
you are going to exercise is buying and selling
of the investment you are not going to be
concerned about anything else related to the
6 Here are some benefits of passive investing in
commercial property.
- Estate value interdependent on NOI
7Estate value interdependent on NOI
8People usually prefer passive investing over
active investing because in passive investing the
value of the commercial real estate is directly
proportional to its net operating income.
9This is the sole reason which makes commercial
properties radically different from residential
10When the value of the commercial real estate is
directly proportional to its NOI, the condition
of the market will not have any effect on the
gain or loss of your investment.
11Opportunity to co-invest
12 If you want to invest in commercial properties
but are in search of partners, then passive
investing is the best solution for you.
13 The basic principle of passive investing is that
you get the opportunity to invest in commercial
properties with other peoples.
14 Here the cost of investing is borne by the
investors and you can get assistance from
experienced professionals who have years of
experience in commercial property investment.
15 The best part of passive investing is that as
you are being assisted by experienced
professionals and you will be able to steer clear
of all the risks associated with commercial
property investment.
17 Having diversification in any asset is a great
thing and if it is available in commercial
properties, then it will offer you many
18As you passively invest through property
managers, the investors will be able to freely
select the type of commercial property and
investment plan.
19Moreover, in passive investing there is no
constraint on the amount you want to invest and
the location for your investment.
21The term rationality in commercial properties
encompasses everything from the property's
location to maintenance cost, returns on
investments, property size.
22These things are very complicated to deal with.
But with passive investing a professional will
handle all these things.
24Going through the above facts, the advantages of
passive investing in commercial properties must
be clear to you.
25Moreover, with passive investing, you are never
going to be bothered about the day-to-day hassles
of the commercial properties.