Title: Diapositiva 1
1 Estimating buildings, other structures and land
in the perspective of compiling balance sheets by
institutional sector
- Giuseppe Cinquegrana
- Researcher
- National Accounts directorate
- Istat
OECD Working Party - Paris, 15 October 2008
2- Assets (ESA1995)
- Buildings
- Dwellings (AN1111)
- Non-residential buildings (AN11121)
- Other structures (AN11122)
- Machinery and equipment (AN1113)
- Land (AN211)
- Underlying buildings and structures
(AN2111) - Underlying under cultivation
(AN2112) - Consumer durables
3- Dwellings
- Dwellings (AN1111) (DW)
- Gross Fixed Capital Formation series
in DW (GFCF DW) - net of the value of the underlying land
- Perpetual Inventory Method (P.I.M.)
- Gross Fixed Capital Stock in DW (GFCS
DW) -
4New methodology to estimate the stock of
Dwellings Main
sources ISTAT 14th Population and Dwellings
Census, 2001 OMI Observatory of the Real
Estate Market CRESME Centre for Social
and Economic Research on Construction and
5- New methodology to estimate
- the Stock of Dwellings
- Years 2005-2006
- Stock of Dwellings
- DW x AS x PRICE (per m2)
- DW number of Dwellings
- AS Average Surface (m2)
- market price
- it includes the value of the
- land underlying dwellings
6- Number of dwellings DW
- DW t DW t-1 NC t
- DW t-1 number of dwellings for year t-1
- NC t number of new dwellings for year t
(CRESME). - Starting point
- DW 2001
- source 14th Population and Dwellings Census
ISTAT, 2001
- total gross surfaces (or commercial surfaces )
(m2) of dwellings by region - (source OMI, year 2005-2006)
- It includes
- The inside surface of the rooms,
- the homogenised surface of the accessory areas
8- PRICE per m2
- the purchase price of a building per m2 in the
relevant period by region - (source OMI, year 2005-2006)
- It includes the cost of construction, the profit
margin and the value of land underlying
dwellings. -
9- Stock value of dwellings and accessory areas,
Italy. Years 2005-2006 -
10- Value of land underlying the dwellings
11- Value of Dwellings by institutional sector
- OMI statistics provide
- The shares of the total surface of dwellings
owned by PP (individuals) and NPP (others). - PP are assigned to S14
12- Value of Dwellings by institutional sector
- The stock of dwellings for S12 has been estimated
from balance sheets data and has been detracted
from NPP - The remaining stock of NPP has been assigned to
S11. No dwellings have been assigned to the
market producers in S14 ( very small enterprises) - Data do not include dwellings owned by General
Government, which are estimated independently, by
P.I.M., within the framework of GG accounts
13- Value of Dwellings by institutional sector
14Value of Non-residential buildings by
institutional sector
15- Other structures by institutional sector
- starting from GFCF series
- (valued net of the value of underlying land)
- Stock in Other Structures (OS) estimated by
P.I.M for - General Government (S13)
- Non-financial Corporations (S11).
16 Value of Other structures by institutional
17- Land under cultivation (AN2112)
- Main sources
- Census of agricultural holdings, year 2000
(CAH 2000). - Structure and productions of the agricultural
enterprises (SPA), years 2005-2003, - INEA
- National Institute of Agricultural
Economics - Survey on the land market 2006
18- Land under cultivation (AN2112)
- Years 2003-2006
- Methodology
- Value of the land under cultivation
- UAA in ha X market price per ha
- UAA utilized agricultural area
- market prices by region (Source INEA)
19- Land under cultivation (AN2112)
- utilized agricultural area (UAA)
- arable land
- permanent meadow and pasture
- land under permanent crops.
- total agricultural area (TAA)
- it is given by the UAA plus
- wooded area
- other land.
20Value of Land under cultivation (AN2112)
VALUE AN2112 a
21Utilized Agricultural Area by legal form of the
22Value of Land under cultivation (AN2112) by
institutional sector Millions euros.
23- Consumer durables
- Application of P.I.M. to estimate consumer
durables stock - (accumulating past purchase of assets over
their service life) - Necessary elements to apply P.I.M.
- retirement model (truncated bell-shaped model)
- depreciation function (straight-line
depreciation) - average service life
24Categories of durable goods years
Furniture 15
Big household appliances 8
Medical equipment 4
Personal transport equipment 9
Non mobile telephones and telefax equipments 5
Mobile telephones 3
Personal computers 5
Tv, radio,hi-fi, photographic equipment 7
Jewellery 39
Other durables goods 3
25- Results
- 1990-2007 time series of gross and net
stock, retirements and consumption of the stock
at current replacement cost and as chain-linked
values (reference year 2000) - Gross stock of consumer durables (current
replacement costs). Millions euros -
Categories of durables 2005 2006 2007
Furniture 386,017 392,508 399,713
Big household appliances 52,109 54,095 56,697
Medical equipment 6,347 6,273 6,238
Personal transport equipment 507,107 529,323 551,383
Non mobile telephones and telefax equipment 4,572 4,567 4,581
Mobile telephones 10,541 11,107 11,215
Personal computers 14,939 13,853 13,611
Tv, radio, hi-fi, photographic equipment 25,560 26,295 26,548
Jewellery 139,187 145,713 152,287
Other durable goods 12,460 13,826 14,456
Total durable goods 1,158,839 1,197,560 1,236,729
26Gross stock of consumer durables (chained-linked
values). Millions euros
Categories of durables 2005 2006 2007
Furniture 346,406 345,611 344,113
Big household appliances 50,881 52,719 54,884
Medical equipment 5,923 5,803 5,705
Personal transport equipment 454,828 463,729 472,020
Non mobile telephones and telefax equipment 8,340 9,831 11,623
Mobile telephones 19,319 24,047 28,649
Personal computers 26,930 28,648 30,638
Tv, radio, hi-fi, photographic equipment 27,985 29,971 31,801
Jewellery 126,046 129,768 133,566
Other durable goods 10,632 10,384 10,047
Total durable goods 1,077,290 1,100,510 1,123,046