MATHEWS v. ELDRIDGE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reversal Rate According to the Amicus Brief filed on behalf of ... The Supreme Court Decision Fundamental requirement of due process is opportunity to be heard at ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • government interests v. private interests

Social Security Administration
  • Established in 1935 during the Great Depression
    under President Franklin Roosevelt in an effort
    to promote greater economic security for the
  • social insurance, to those who paid into the
    system, instead of social welfare
  • pay retired workers age 65 or older a continuing
    income after retirement

Soup kitchen during Great Depression
Depression-era family
President Roosevelt upon signing Social Security
  • "We can never insure one hundred percent of the
    population against one hundred percent of the
    hazards and vicissitudes of life, but we have
    tried to frame a law which will give some measure
    of protection to the average citizen and to his
    family against the loss of a job and against
    poverty-ridden old age."

  • Disability insurance added to the Social Security
    program in 1954
  • Pays benefits to workers who are unable to work
    due to a medical condition, either physical or
  • To qualify for benefits, the worker must have
    worked in jobs covered by Social Security and
    must have a medical condition that meets Social
    Security's definition of disability.

Disability cont.
  • SSs definition of disability an individual
    must be unable to engage in any "Substantial
    Gainful Activity" (SGA) due to any medically
    determinable physical or mental impairment(s)
    which can be expected to result in death or which
    has lasted or can be expected to last for a
    continuous period of not less than 12 months. In
    addition to being unable to perform his or her
    previous work, the person cannot, considering
    age, education, and work experience, engage in
    any other kind of SGA that exists in the national
    economy .
  • Eligibility for monthly disability benefits
    begins five months after SS determines the onset
    of disability.
  • Disability benefits stop if SS decides that the
    recipients medical condition has improved to the
    point that the recipient is no longer disabled.

Reconsideration/appeals procedure
  • After an individual files a Social Security
    disability claim, the case is sent to a
    disability examiner at the Disability
    Determination agency in the individuals state.
  • The examiner, working with a doctor, makes the
    initial decision on the claim. If the claim is
    denied and the individual requests
    reconsideration, the case is then sent to another
    disability examiner at the Disability
    Determination agency, where it goes through much
    the same process.
  • If a claim is denied at reconsideration, the
    claimant may then request a hearing. At this
    point, the case is sent to an Administrative Law
    Judge who works for Social Security.
  • The Administrative Law Judge makes an independent
    decision upon the claim.
  • An appeal of the ALJs decision goes to the
    Appeals Council.
  • After being denied by the Appeals Council, the
    claimant can file a civil action in the United
    States District Court, requesting review of
    Social Security's decision.

In United States law, adopted from English Law,
due process (more fully due process of law) is
the principle that the government must respect
all of a person's legal rights instead of just
some or most of those legal rights when the
government deprives a person of life, liberty, or
What is Due Process?
  • Due process has also been frequently interpreted
    as placing limitations on laws and legal
    proceedings, in order for judges instead of
    legislators to guarantee fundamental fairness,
    justice, and liberty. The latter interpretation
    is analogous to the concepts of natural justice
    and procedural justice used in various other

MATTEWS v. ELDRIDGE424 U.S. 319 (1976)
  • R esolution of the issue whether the
    administrative procedures provided here are
    constitutionally sufficient requires analysis of
    the governmental and private interests that are
    affected. 424 U.S. at 334

GOLDBERG v. KELLY 424 U.S. 254 (1970)
  • Goldberg was decided 6 years prior to Matthews.
  • In Goldberg, the situation was similar to that in
    Mathews except that the benefits at issue were
    welfare instead of disability
  • The Court in Goldberg held that the extent to
    which procedural due process must be afforded to
    the recipient is influenced by the extent to
    which he may be condemned to suffer grievous
    loss. 397 U.S. at 262-263

Goldberg holding
  • Because of the individuals overpowering need in
    this unique situation not to be wrongly deprived
    of assistance, the court found that to satisfy
    due process the recipient was entitled to a full
    evidentiary hearing prior to termination of

Shift on Supreme Court
  • Goldberg 1970
  • Majority Brennan, Douglas, Harlan, White,
  • Minority Burger, Stewart, Black
  • Mathews 1976
  • Majority Powell, Burger, Stewart, White,
    Blackmun, Rehnquist
  • Minority Brennan, Marshall

Mathews FACTS
  • George Eldridge was first awarded disability
    benefits following an evidentiary hearing in June
    of 1968.
  • He was found permanently disabled due to chronic
    anxiety and back strain, and was subsequently
    diagnosed with diabetes.
  • He was advised that the award of disability
    benefits would be reviewed in June 1969
  • In February 1970, it was determined that his
    disability had ceased and his benefits were

FACTS continued...
  • Eldridge requested a reconsideration hearing in
    April 1970.
  • In August 1970, through his lawyer Donald Earls,
    he filed suit in district court seeking a hearing
    before termination of benefits.
  • The district court ordered that payment of
    disability benefits be continued during the
    pendency of his claim.
  • In March 1971 he was granted an evidentiary
    hearing. The hearing officer determined that his
    disability had not ceased and ordered his
    benefits continued.
  • Time elapsed between the decision that no longer
    disabled and the evidentiary hearing? 18 months.

FACTS continued...
  • In March 1972, the state again reviewed Mr.
    Eldridges eligibility in the form of a mailed
  • Mr. Eldridge indicated on the questionnaire that
    his disability had not ceased provided medical
    sources in corroboration.
  • The state obtained medical reports from his
    physicians and psychiatrist. Based on that, the
    state again determined that his disability had
    ceased as of May 72.
  • Notification of the decision was sent to Mr.
  • He was advised of the agencys reasoning, and
    given an opportunity to submit any additional

  • the legal criterion for Title II disability
    benefits is whether the beneficiary continues to
    be unable to engage in substantial gainful
    activity . . . and to cut off payments
    erroneously may create a loss as grievous as that
    which concerned the Supreme Court in the cases of
    welfare and old age beneficiaries.
  • In light of a prior hearing being required in
    cases of interests which are seemingly less
    substantial than receiving disability benefits
    this court can find no basis for considering
    disability payments such an unusual situation as
    to require a lesser due process standard.

FACTS continued...
  • Mr. Eldridge replied to the agency indicating
    that they already had enough evidence to find
    that his condition was the same.
  • The state agency then made the FINAL
    determination that he ceased to be disabled in
    May 1972.
  • The Social Security Administration notified him
    in July 1972 that his disability benefits would
    stop at the end of July.
  • The notification advised him that he could seek
    reconsideration of the determination within six
  • Mr. Eldridge filed suit against the Secretary of
    Health, Education and Welfare, which oversees the
    Social Security Administration, challenging the
    constitutionality of its administrative

  • Mr. Eldridge was a widower with dependant
  • Carl E. McAfee, Attorney for Mr. Eldridge the
    hardships that Mr. Eldridge and his family
    suffered without his benefits were very evident.
  • Mr. Eldridges house was foreclosed and all of
    his furniture was repossessed.

Supreme Court
  • In Mathews, the Supreme Court expanded the
    balancing test it used in Goldberg v. Kelly to
    include three factors.

Supreme Court
  • 1) The private interest that will be affected by
    the governments action
  • 2) The risk of an erroneous deprivation of such
    interest through the procedures used and the
    probable value, if any, of additional or
    substitute procedural safeguards
  • 3) The governments interest, including the
    function involved and the fiscal and
    administrative burdens that the additional or
    substitute procedural requirement would entail

Distinguished from Goldberg
  • The Court in Eldridge distinguished the facts
    from Goldberg on the basis that a determination
    on disability is an objective medical decision
    made by a team consisting of a physician and
    non-medical person specifically trained in
    disability evaluation, and based on unbiased
    medical reports. 424 U.S. at 344. Whereas a
    determination of need for welfare is not as
    sharply focused and easily documented.

  • But the Court itself recognized that the
    decision is not purely a question of the accuracy
    of a medical diagnosis since the ultimate issue
    which the state agency must resolve is whether in
    light of the particular workers age, education,
    and work experience he cannot engage in any
    substantial gainful work which exists in the
    national economy...

Written Presentation Enough?
  • The court reconciles this contradiction by
    stating that these characteristics are
    amendable to effective written presentation.
  • But even just considering objective medical
    evidence can be cumbersome. The American Medical
    Association labeled disability an elusive
    concept. Amicus Br. 12.

Distinguished from Goldberg II
  • The Court also distinguished welfare benefits
    from disability benefits. It found that
    eligibility for disability benefits, in contrast
    to welfare benefits, is not based on financial
    need. Because of this, the Court found that the
    disabled workers need is likely to be less than
    that of a welfare recipient. The Court also
    suggested that because a person whose disability
    benefits have been cut off could still go on
    welfare, the need for a pre-hearing is not as

  • Mr. Eldridges case emphasized the
    non-reliability of the termination procedures.
  • Mr. Eldridges case had already been reversed
    multiple times.
  • Even after the Supreme Courts decision, Mr.
    Eldridges benefits WERE eventually restored. The
    difference was that he was forced to live without
    the benefits during the pendency of his case.

Reversal Rate
  • According to the Amicus Brief filed on behalf of
    the Plaintiff, in 1973 58.6 of all appealed
    decisions terminating Social Security disability
    benefits were reversed following evidentiary
  • According to Respondents Brief, appealed
    reconsideration decisions were reversed at a rate
    of 3.3.

58.6? OR 3.3?
  • Bare statistics rarely provide a satisfactory
    measure of the fairness of a decisionmaking
    process. Their adequacy is especially suspect
    here since the administrative review system is
    operated on an open file basis.
  • In this context the value of reversal rate
    statistics as one means of evaluating the
    adequacy of the pretermination process is
    diminished. Thus, although we view such
    information as relevant, it is certainly not
    controlling in this case.

The Court reversed the lower court, because
procedures in place were sufficient to satisfy
due process, and the state of persons receiving
disability benefits was typically not as serious
as that of welfare recipients.
Mathews v. Eldridge was a landmark decision that
established the analytical framework for
procedural due process issues.
  • Justice Powell delivered the Opinion.
  • Justice Stevens took no part in the consideration
    or decision of this case.
  • Justice Brennan delivered the dissenting opinion
    with whom Justice Marshall concurs.

The Supreme Court Decision
  • Fundamental requirement of due process is
    opportunity to be heard at meaningful time and in
    meaningful manner. 
  • Evidentiary hearing is not required prior to
    termination of social security disability
    benefits - present administrative procedures
    terminations fully comport with due process.
  • Degree of potential deprivation.
  • Financial cost alone- is not controlling weight
    in determining whether due process requires
    particular procedural safeguard prior to some
    administrative decision.
  • Government's interest-is factor which must be
  • The nature of the hearing must be commensurate
    with the interest affected, taking into account
    the states administrative needs All courts must
    now employ the Mathews balancing test to
    determine the type of procedures that are
    required by due process when a governmental
    action would deprive an individual of a
    constitutionally protected liberty or property

       What is the balancing test?
  • The Court in Mathews, noting that due process was
    flexible and called for such procedural
    protections as the particular situation demands,
    set forth a three-part test for analyzing
    procedural due process issues like the
    constitutional sufficiency of administrative
    procedures prior to the initial termination of
    benefits and pending review.

  • Formulation
  • If XYgtZ
  • which means the current protection for the due
    process is not enough
  • If XYltZ
  • Which means just the contrary

X private interest that will be affected by
official action
Y the risk of erroneous deprivation of such
interest through the procedures used and the
probable value, if any, of additional or
substitute procedural safeguards
Z government's interest, including function
involved and fiscal and administrative burdens
that additional or substitute procedural
requirements would entail
- That is As property may probably be infringed
upon by the inappropriate action of the
government, which is not providing a hearing
before the termination of his interests.  -
Suppose that the loss of interests of A will
probably be about 5,000,000, because no hearing
is provided. That means the percentage of the
government to make mistakes on such issues will
grow 2 percentages higher. Meanwhile, if the
government offers the prior hearing for everyone
which will cost them more than 100,000 per
person, in this circumstance, the process of
prior hearing does not meet the satisfaction of
the due process of law which is written in the
Formulation cont.
Comments on the balancing test
It seems to me that the Court has tried, through
the balancing test in Mathews, to help create a
more predictable environment for plaintiffs to
evaluate their chances of success in litigation.
The Court has created a set of criteria to
consider and to balance one against the other in
a fact-based approach to problem solving case by
case. This is the heart of the common law method,
and a balancing test is uniquely well suited to
calibrate and reconcile competing interests. The
words due process alone do not provide
sufficient guidance for adjudication of claims
relating to entitlements or other matters. If for
some reason the balancing test is challenged as
no longer suited to the conditions facing
society, and if that challenge is supported by
sufficient empirical data, I am certain the Court
would reconsider the test.
Lydia Lazar
  • the facts just were what they were, and you
    cant change those facts, but for some reason the
    Supreme Court decided the way they did, maybe
    they saw the process independent of the facts, I
    dont know . . . .
  • the hardships that Mr. Eldridge and his family
    suffered without his benefits were very evident,
    and the fact that every time he WAS given an
    opportunity to be heard his benefits were
    reinstated . . . it just reinforced his argument.

Justice Brennans dissenting opinion
For the reasons stated in my dissenting opinion
in Richardson v. Wright, I agree with the
District Court and the Court of Appeals that,
prior to termination of benefits, Eldridge must
be afforded an evidentiary hearing of the type
required for welfare beneficiaries under Title IV
of the Social Security Act. I would add that the
Court's consideration that a discontinuance of
disability benefits may cause the recipient to
suffer only a limited deprivation is no argument.
It is speculative. Moreover, the very legislative
determination to provide disability benefits,
without any prerequisite determination of need in
fact, presumes a need by the recipient which is
not this Court's function to denigrate. It is
also no argument that a worker, who has been
placed in the untenable position of having been
denied disability benefits, may still seek other
forms of public assistance.
  • The due process of law
  • The phrase due process of law has been
    mentioned twice in the constitution, in the Fifth
    and Fourteenth Amendments.  These two Amendments
    can be said to be the vital ones of the Bill of
  • A long history
  • Significant position

No unanimous opinion
  • And theres no definite rules which can be
    appropriately apply to the cases that are
    concerned about the due process of law. 

Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution
  • No person shall be held to answer for a
    capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a
    presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except
    in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or
    in the Militia, when in actual service in time of
    War or public danger nor shall any person be
    subject for the same offense to be twice put in
    jeopardy of life or limb nor shall be compelled
    in any criminal case to be a witness against
    himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or
    property, without due process of law nor shall
    private property be taken for public use, without
    just compensation.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in
the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United
States and of the State wherein they reside. No
State shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens
of the United States nor shall any State deprive
any person of life, liberty, or property, without
due process of law nor deny to any person within
its jurisdiction the equal protection of the
Fourteenth Amendment to the United States
The Court has kept using the balancing test
established in Mathews v. Eldridge
  • Lassister v. Department of Social Service,452 U.
  • Schweker v. Mc Clure, 456 U. S. 188(1982)
  • Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill, 470 
    U. S. 532(1985)
  • Wallkers v. National Association of Radiation Su
    rvioes. 473 U. S. 305(1985)

In the 1990s, the Supreme Court in the Doehrs
case articulated the balancing test which made it
quite tenable.
  • The contexts are different. Mathews is about
    Social Security benefits. Doehrs is about the
    possibility of private damage. In the former
    case, the actor of the relinquishment is the
    executive branch, while in the later one, its
    the court.
  • In Mathews, the Court denied the need of a
    prior hearing by using the balancing test, while
    in Doehr, the Court held that it is
    unconstitutional to not provide a prior hearing
    according to the balancing test.

The positive value of the balancing test
Application of Mathews v. Eldridge
  • In California v. Sanders (1977) the Supreme Court
    noted that a decision denying judicial
    jurisdiction in Eldridge would effectively have
    closed the federal forum to the adjudication of
    reasonable constitutional claims. Thus Eldridge
    merely adhered to the well-established principle
    that when constitutional questions are in issue,
    the availability of judicial review is presumed.
  • Objective and transparent
  • A reflection of change
  • Critics and Suspicion of the balancing test
  • 1. The suspicion of the balancing test.
  • 2. The uncertainty of the application of it.
  • 3. Possible challenge poses on the nature of the

Comparative Cases
Wilkinson v. Austin, 545 U.S.209
Where a new prison policy provided notice to an
inmate of the basis for the inmates
consideration for Supermax placement and a fair
opportunity for rebuttal without witnesses, with
multiple levels of review during which the inmate
could object and review 30days after placement,
the policy satisfied the Fourteenth Amendment Due
Process Clause.
 Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 542 U.S.507              
Although the Government was authorized to detain
a citizen-detainee who was allegedly an enemy
combatant, he was entitled to a meaningful
opportunity to contest the factual basis for that
detention before a neutral decision maker.
City of Los Angeles v. David 538 U.S. 715
A 30day delay in holding a towing fee
payment-recovery hearing did not violate due
process because it was unlikely to spawn
significant factual errors, and it reflected no
more than a routine delay substantially required
by administrative needs.
Comparative Cases Cont.
Am.Mfrs.Mut.Ins.Co v. Sullivan, 526
U.S.40,60 Workers compensation procedure
allowing insures to withhold payment of medical
expenses pending review to determine if they were
reasonable and necessary did not violate
Fourteenth Amendment because insurers were not
state actors. Medina v. California, 505 U.S.
437, 443 The Due Process Clause required only the
most basic procedural safeguards, and the States
procedural was constitutionally adequate to
prevent an incompetent defendant from standing
trial. Santo sky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745,767 A
statutes preponderance of evidence standard for
terminating petitioners parental rights was
found to be unconstitutional, and a clear and
convincing standard was necessary to protect
petitioners due process rights.   Corey v. Dept
of Land Conservation Dev., 212 Ore. App.
536 Oregon is free, by statute, to require more
than the minimum procedural safeguards that a
government agency must provide.
  • Happy Turkey Day!
  • Thats all folks!
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