Title: Atomic Absorption and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
1Atomic Absorption and Atomic Fluorescence
- Wang-yingte
- Department of Chemistry
- 2003.9
2- Sample atomization techniques
- Atomic absorption instrumentation
- Interferences in atomic absorption spectroscopy
- Atomic absorption analytical techniques
- Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy
3A Sample Atomization Techniques
- Flame atomization
- Electrothermal aromizarion
- Specialized atomiztion techniques
4A-1 Flame Atomization
- In a flame atomizer, a solution of the sample is
nebulized by a flow of gaseous oxidant, mixed
with a gaseous fuel, and carried into a flame
where atomization occurs. Undoubtedly other
molecules and atoms are also produced in the
flame as a result of interactions of the fuel
with the oxidant and with the various species in
the sample.
5A-2 Electrothermal Atomization
- Electrothermal atomizers offer the advantage of
unusually high sensitivity for small volumes of
sample. Typically, sample volumes between 0.5 and
10 µl are used Under these circumstances,
absolute detection limits typically lie in the
range of 10-10 to 10-13g of analyte.
6A-3 Specialized Atomization Techniques
- By far, the most common sample introduction and
atomization technique for atomic absorption
analyses are flames or electrothemal vaporizers.
Several other atomization methods find occasional
use, however. Two of these are described briefly
in this section. One is cold-vapor atomization
and the other is hydride atomization.
7B Atomic Absorption Instrumentation
- Radiation sources
- Spectrophotometers
8B-1 Hollow Cathode Lamps
- The most common source for atomic absorption
measurements is the hollow cathode lamp. The
efficiency of the hollow cathode lamp depends on
its geometry and the operating potential. High
potentials, and thus high currents, lead to
greater intensities.
9B-2 Single-beam Instruments
- A typical single-beam instrument consists of
several hollow cathode sources, a chopper or a
pulsed power supply, an atomizer, and a simple
grating spectrophotometer with a photomultiplier
transducer. The 100 T adjustment is then made
while a blank is aspirated into the flame, or
ignited in a nonflame atomizer, finally, the
transmittance is obtained with the sample
replacing the blank.
10Double-beam Instruments
- The beam from the hollow cathode source is split
by a mirrored chopper, one half passing through
the flame and the other half around it. The two
beams are then recombined by a half-silvered
mirror and passed into a Czerney-turner grating
monochromator A photomultiplier tube serves as
11C Interferences in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
- Spectral interferences
- Chemical interferences
12C-1 Spectral Interferences
- Spectral interferences arise when the absorption
or emission of an interfering species either
overlaps or lies so close to the analyte
absorption or emission that resolution by the
monochromater becomes impossible.
13C-2 Chemical Interferences
- Chemical interferences are more common than
spectral ones. Their effects can frequently be
minimized by a suitable choice of operating
14D Atomic absorption analytical techniques
- Sample preparation
- Organic solvents
- Calibration curves
- Standard addition method
- Applications of atomic absorption spectrometry
15D-1 Sample Preparation
- Many materials of interest, such as soils, animal
tissues, plants, petroleum products, and minerals
are not directly soluble in common solvents, and
extensive preliminary treatment is often required
to obtain a solution of the analyte in a form
ready for atomization.
16D-2 Organic Solvents
- Leaner fuel/oxidant ratios must be employed with
organic solvents in order to offset the presence
of the added organic material.
17D-3 Calibration Curves
- In theory, atomic absorption should follow beers
law with absorbance being directly proportional
to concentration.
18D-4 Standard Addition Method
- The standard addition method is widely used in
atomic absorption spectroscopy in order to
partially or wholly counteract the chemical and
spectral interferences introduced by the sample
19D-5 Applications of Atomic Absorption
- Atomic absorption spectrometry is a sensitive
means for the quantitative determination of more
than 60 metals or metalloid elements. The
resonance lines for the nonmetallic elements are
generally located below 200 nm, thus preventing
their determination by convenient, nonvacuum
20E Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy
- Instrumentation
- interferences
21E-1 Instrumentation
- Sources
- In the early work on atomic fluorescence,
conventional hollow cathode lamps often served as
excitation sources. In order to enhance the
output intensity without destroying the lamp, it
was necessary to operate the lamp with short
pulses of current that were greater than
detector, of course, was gated to observe the
fluorescent signal only during pulses.
22- Dispersive instruments
- A dispersive system for atomic fluorescence
measurements is made up of a modulated source, an
atomizer, a monochromator or an interference
filter system, a detector, and a signal processor
and readout.
23Nondispersive Instruments
- The advantages of such a system are several
- (1) simplicity an low-cost instrumentation,
- (2) ready adaptability to multielement analysis,
- (3) high-energy throughput and thus high
sensitivity, and - (4) simultaneous collection of energy from
multiple lines, also enhancing sensitivity.
24E-2 Interferences
- Interferences encountered in atomic fluorescence
spectroscopy appear to be of the same type and of
about the same magnitude as those found in atomic
absorption spectroscopy.
25E-3 Applications
- Atomic fluorescence methods have been applied to
the analysis of metals in such materials as
lubricating oils, seawater, biological
substances, graphite, and agricultural samples.