Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry


Chapter 15 Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry Fluorescence - A pathway by which an excited atom or molecule relaxes to its ground ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry

Chapter 15
  • Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry

Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry
  • Fluorescence - A pathway by which an excited atom
    or molecule relaxes to its ground state
    characterized by emission of radiant energy in
    all directions
  • excitation brought about by absorption of photon
  • Phosphorescence - Similar to fluorescence except
    that phosphorescence typically has significantly
    longer lifetimes
  • excitation brought about by absorption of photon
  • involves change in electron spin
  • Chemluminescence - The emission of energy as
    electromagnetic radiation during a chemical
  • excited species is formed during the course of a
    chemical reaction

Molecular Luminescence Spectrometry
  • Advantages over absorption technique
  • higher sensitivity, detection limits often 1-3
    orders of magnitude lower than those encountered
    in absorption techniques
  • large linear concentration ranges
  • more specificity
  • Disadvantages as compared to absorption
  • because of the higher sensitivity quantitative
    methods often are subject to serious interference
    effects from the matrix ??????
  • less widely applicable than absorption techniques
    since many more species absorb UV/Vis than
    exhibit photoluminescence

Theory of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
  • Resonance fluorescence - atomic species
  • Stokes shift - molecular species
  • Electron spin
  • Pauli exclusion principle
  • Singlet/Triplet excited state

change in electron spin
Theory of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
  • Singlet/Triplet Excited State
  • Singlet/triplet transition (or the reverse) is a
    significantly less probable event than the
    corresponding singlet/singlet transition, thus
  • average lifetime of an excited triplet state may
    range from 10-4 to several seconds
  • average lifetime of an excited singlet state
    ranges from 10-5 to 10-8 seconds (fluorescence)
  • Excitation from the ground state to an excited
    triplet state does NOT occur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theory of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence The
Jablonski Diagram
Theory of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
  • Deactivation processes - the favored route is the
    one that minimizes the lifetime of the excited
  • emission of a photon
  • fluorescence - 10-8 to 10-5 seconds
  • phosphorescence - 10-4 to several seconds
  • radiationless processes
  • vibrational relaxation - 10-12 seconds or less
  • internal conversion
  • external conversion
  • intersystem crossing

Compete with fluorescence and phosphorescence
Theory of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
  • Radiationless processes
  • vibrational relaxation
  • because of the short lifetime of vibrational
    relaxation processes compared to fluorescence,
    fluorescence always involves a transition from
    the lowest vibrational level of an excited
    electronic state (one of the reasons for Stokes
  • internal conversion
  • intermolecular process by which a molecule passes
    to a lower energy electronic state without the
    emission of radiation
  • particularly efficient when two electronic energy
    levels are sufficiently close for there to be an
    overlap in vibrational energy
  • may result in predissociation (the electron moves
    from a higher electronic state to an upper
    vibrational level of a lower electronic state in
    which the vibrational energy is sufficient to
    cause bond rupture)
  • (another cause of Stokes shift)

Theory of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
  • Radiationless processes
  • external conversion - collisional quenching
  • interaction and energy transfer between the
    excited molecule and the solvent or other solutes
  • increased solvent viscosity and lower
    temperatures decrease collisional quenching thus
    enhances fluorescence
  • intersystem crossing
  • spin of electron is reversed
  • as with internal conversion, transition is
    enhanced if the vibrational levels of the two
    states overlap
  • most common in atoms containing heavy atoms (the
    heavy atom effect)

Theory of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
  • Variables that Affect Fluorescence and
  • Quantum yield kf / (kf ki kec kic
    kpd kd)
  • kx rate constants of
  • kf fluorescence
  • ki internal conversion
  • kec external conversion
  • kic intersystem crossing
  • kpd predissociation
  • kd dissociation

What Electronic properties lead to absorption of
What Electronic properties lead to absorption of
  • Look at a simple molecule -- Formaldehyde gt
  • Electronic Configuration
  • C -- 1s2 2s2 2py1 2px1 2pz0 -----gt1s2
    (3sp2)3 2pz1
  • O -- 1s2 2s2 2py2 2px1 2pz1
  • C uses 3 sp2 hybrid orbitals to form 3
    s-bonds with O and the 2 H's the
    remaining 2pz orbital forms a p bond with O.
  • O has the 2py atomic orbital which is not
    involved in bonding, and it contains a
    non-bonding pair of electrons.

What Electronic properties lead to absorption of
  • Molecular Orbital Diagram -- only higher energy
    orbitals are shown

What Electronic properties lead to absorption of
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • p ---gt p
  • transition is "allowed" and will occur when the
    electric field is parallel to the x axis
  • n ---gt p
  • transition is "symmetry forbidden" gt
    transition does not induce a dipole change in
    the molecule. This transition does occur
    because of limitations in theory used to predict
    transitions but with very low probability, lt1
    of p ---gt p.

Quantum Efficiency and Transition Type
  • s ---gt s
  • transition is seldom observed - too energetic
  • most fluorescence occurs from p ---gt p (lifetime
    10-7 to 10-9 s) and p ---gt n (lifetime 10-5 to
    10-7 s) with p ---gt p the most common
    transition because of the shorter lifetimes

Fluorescence and Structure
  • Most unsubstituted aromatic compounds fluoresce
    in solution, with the quantum efficiency
    increasing with the number of rings and their
  • Simple heterocyclics such as pyridine,
  • furan, thiopene, and pyrrole do not
  • exhibit fluorescence but fused ring
  • structures do.

Fluorescence and Structure
  • Substitution on the benzene ring causes shifts in
    the wavelength of fluorescence maxima and also
    the fluorescence efficiency

Fluorescence and StructureEffect of pH
  • Increased resonance structures lead to enhanced
  • Relative Fluorescence Intensity
  • (relative to benzene with relative fluorescence
    of benzene 10)
  • 20

Fluorescence and StructureEffect of Structural
  • Lack of rigidity in a molecule probably causes an
    enhanced internal conversion rate and a
    consequent increase in the likelihood for
    radiationless deactivation.
  • Quantum efficiency
  • 1.0

Temperature and Solvent Effects
  • Quantum efficiency of fluorescence in most
    molecules decreases with increasing temperature
    due to in an increase in the number of collisions
  • A decrease in the solvent viscosity has the same
    effect as an increase in temperature for the same
  • The fluorescence of a molecule is also decreased
    by solvents or other solutes containing heavy
    atoms, due to an increase in the rate of triplet

Effect of Dissolved Oxygen
  • May cause photochemically induced oxidation of
    the fluorescing species
  • It also promotes intersystem crossing and and
    conversion of excited molecules to the triplet

Effect of Concentration
  • F Kc
  • F is also related to absorbance A abc, thus at
    low concentrations it is linear, but at A gt 0.05
    start to lose linearity
  • Two other factors responsible for loss of
  • self-quenching -collision between excited
  • self-absorption - wavelength of emission overlaps
    an absorption peak
  • All of these factors are greater at higher

Emission and Excitation Spectra
  • Excitation spectra obtained by measuring
    luminescence intensity at a fixed wavelength
    while the excitation wavelength is varied.
  • Fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra involve
    excitation at a fixed wavelength while recording
    the emission intensity as a function of
  • Phosphorescence generally found at longer
    wavelength than fluorescence. In fact the
    wavelength difference can provide information
    about the energy difference between the triplet
    and singlet state

Emission and Excitation Spectra
  • Fluorescence intensity is dependent on molar
    absorptivity of wavelength of excitation.

  • Sources
  • most common source for filter fluorometers is a
    low pressure mercury vapor lamp. It produces
    useful lines for excitation at 254, 302, 313,
    546, 578, 691, and 773 nm.
  • High pressure xenon arc lamps are normally used
    with spectrofluorometers.
  • Lasers are also used especially for very small
    sample sizes (microbore chromatography) and very
    low concentrations

  • Filters
  • both absorption and interference filters have
    been used in fluorometers
  • Monochromators
  • most spectrofluorometers are equipped with two
    monochromators (excitation and emission)
  • Transducers
  • Photomultipliers are the most common and they are
    usually operated in photon counting mode

  • Many environmental factors exert influences on
    fluorescence properties. The three most common
  • Solvent polarity (solvent in this context
    includes interior regions of cells, proteins,
    membranes and other biomolecular structures)
  • Proximity and concentrations of quenching species
  • pH of the aqueous medium - in a cell for instance

Applications - Solvent Polarity
Fluorescence emission spectra of
2-mercaptoethanol adducts of badan in 1)
toluene 2) chloroform 3) acetonitrile 4)
ethanol 5) methanol 6) water
Applications - pH
  • Inorganic Species
  • Direct method - involves the formation of a
    fluorescing chelate and the measurement of its
  • Indirect method -involves the diminution of
    fluorescence resulting from the quenching action
    of the substance being determined
  • Organic Species
  • Most important applications are in the analysis
    of food products, pharmaceuticals, clinical
    samples, and natural products.

  • Lifetime Measurements
  • Increases the selectivity of the method and
    permits the analysis of mixtures that contain
    more than one luminescent species with different
    decay rates

  • Chemluminescence
  • Generally, no wavelength selector is necessary
    since the only source of radiation is the
    chemical reaction between the analyte and reagent
  • VERY sensitive, because
  • of low noise level
  • Very large dynamic range
  • Have been employed for
  • detection of atmospheric NO,
  • O3, sulfur, phosphorus, etc.
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